Sinopec Wins Best Environmental Protection Case at the First Sino-European Corporate ESG Best Practice Conference in Frankfurt

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Sinopec (HKG: 0386) has been awarded the Best Environmental Protection Case at the First Sino-European Corporate ESG Best Practice Conference in Frankfurt, Germany. The event, themed 'Together for the Future', showcased top cases in ten categories, including environmental protection, social responsibility, corporate governance, and technological innovation.

Yongsheng Yu, Managing Director of Sinopec Group Branding Department, emphasized the company's commitment to 'Cleaner Energy, Better Life' and the adoption of ESG principles as a cornerstone of its business strategy. Sinopec, one of the world's top refining companies, has been publishing sustainability reports since 2007 and has been enhancing its ESG governance to address global challenges like climate change and energy security.

The company continues to implement a green and clean development strategy, advancing energy transition while embracing the electrification trend in transportation energy. Sinopec aims to be a key player in creating a clean and beautiful world, a trailblazer in green and low-carbon development, and a protector of the shared planet.

Sinopec (HKG: 0386) ha ricevuto il premio per il miglior caso di protezione ambientale durante la Prima Conferenza sulle Migliori Pratiche ESG Sino-Europea a Francoforte, Germania. L'evento, a tema 'Insieme per il Futuro', ha messo in luce i migliori casi in dieci categorie, tra cui la protezione ambientale, la responsabilità sociale, la governance aziendale e l'innovazione tecnologica.

Yongsheng Yu, Direttore Generale del Dipartimento Branding di Sinopec, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda verso 'Energia più pulita, vita migliore' e l'adozione dei principi ESG come fondamento della sua strategia aziendale. Sinopec, una delle principali aziende di raffinazione al mondo, pubblica rapporti di sostenibilità dal 2007 e sta migliorando la sua governance ESG per affrontare sfide globali come il cambiamento climatico e la sicurezza energetica.

L'azienda continua a implementare una strategia di sviluppo verde e pulito, promuovendo la transizione energetica e abbracciando la tendenza all'elettrificazione nel settore dei trasporti. Sinopec mira a essere un attore chiave nella creazione di un mondo pulito e bello, un pioniere nello sviluppo verde e a basse emissioni di carbonio e un difensore del pianeta condiviso.

Sinopec (HKG: 0386) ha sido galardonada con el Premio al Mejor Caso de Protección Ambiental en la Primera Conferencia de Mejores Prácticas ESG Sino-Europea en Frankfurt, Alemania. El evento, con el lema 'Juntos por el Futuro', mostró los mejores casos en diez categorías, que incluyen la protección ambiental, la responsabilidad social, la gobernanza corporativa y la innovación tecnológica.

Yongsheng Yu, Director General del Departamento de Branding de Sinopec, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa con 'Energía más limpia, vida mejor' y la adopción de los principios ESG como piedra angular de su estrategia empresarial. Sinopec, una de las principales compañías de refinación del mundo, ha estado publicando informes de sostenibilidad desde 2007 y ha estado mejorando su gobernanza ESG para abordar desafíos globales como el cambio climático y la seguridad energética.

La empresa continúa implementando una estrategia de desarrollo verde y limpio, avanzando en la transición energética mientras abraza la tendencia a la electrificación en la energía del transporte. Sinopec aspira a ser un actor clave en la creación de un mundo limpio y hermoso, un pionero en el desarrollo verde y bajo en carbono, y un protector del planeta compartido.

시노펙 (HKG: 0386)는 독일 프랑크푸르트에서 열린 제1회 중유럽 기업 ESG 최우수 사례 국제회의에서 최고 환경 보호 사례로 선정되었습니다. '함께하는 미래'라는 주제로 개최된 이번 행사에서는 환경 보호, 사회적 책임, 기업 거버넌스, 기술 혁신 등 10개 카테고리에서 최고의 사례가 소개되었습니다.

시노펙 그룹 브랜드 부서의 윤정희 전무는 '더 깨끗한 에너지, 더 나은 삶'이라는 회사의 약속과 ESG 원칙의 도입이 비즈니스 전략의 초석이 되고 있음을 강조했습니다. 세계 최고의 정유회사 중 하나인 시노펙은 2007년부터 지속 가능성 보고서를 발간해왔으며, 기후 변화와 에너지 안보와 같은 글로벌 도전 과제를 해결하기 위해 ESG 거버넌스를 강화하고 있습니다.

이 회사는 녹색 및 청정 개발 전략을 지속적으로 실행하며, 에너지 전환을 추진하고 운송 에너지의 전기화 추세를 수용하고 있습니다. 시노펙은 깨끗하고 아름다운 세상을 만드는 데 중요한 역할을 하며, 녹색 및 저탄소 개발의 선구자, 그리고 공유하는 지구의 수호자가 되는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Sinopec (HKG: 0386) a reçu le prix du Meilleur Cas de Protection de l'Environnement lors de la première Conférence des Meilleures Pratiques ESG Sino-Européenne à Francfort, en Allemagne. L'événement, à thème 'Ensemble pour l'Avenir', a présenté les meilleurs cas dans dix catégories, notamment la protection de l'environnement, la responsabilité sociale, la gouvernance d'entreprise et l'innovation technologique.

Yongsheng Yu, Directeur Général du Département du Branding de Sinopec, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise envers 'Énergie plus propre, meilleure vie' et l'adoption des principes ESG comme pierre angulaire de sa stratégie d'affaires. Sinopec, l'une des principales entreprises de raffinage au monde, publie des rapports de durabilité depuis 2007 et améliore sa gouvernance ESG pour faire face à des défis mondiaux tels que le changement climatique et la sécurité énergétique.

L'entreprise continue de mettre en œuvre une stratégie de développement verte et propre, faisant avancer la transition énergétique tout en embrassant la tendance à l'électrification dans le secteur des transports. Sinopec vise à être un acteur clé dans la création d'un monde propre et beau, un pionnier du développement vert et à faible émission de carbone, et un protecteur de la planète partagée.

Sinopec (HKG: 0386) wurde auf der ersten sino-europäischen ESG-Best-Practice-Konferenz in Frankfurt, Deutschland, mit dem Preis für den besten Umweltschutzfall ausgezeichnet. Die Veranstaltung mit dem Thema 'Gemeinsam für die Zukunft' stellte die besten Fälle in zehn Kategorien vor, darunter Umweltschutz, soziale Verantwortung, Unternehmensführung und technologische Innovation.

Yongsheng Yu, Geschäftsführer der Branding-Abteilung von Sinopec, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für 'Saubere Energie, Besseres Leben' und die Annahme von ESG-Prinzipien als Grundpfeiler seiner Geschäftsstrategie. Sinopec, eines der weltweit führenden Raffinerieunternehmen, veröffentlicht seit 2007 Nachhaltigkeitsberichte und verbessert seine ESG-Governance, um globalen Herausforderungen wie dem Klimawandel und der Energiesicherheit zu begegnen.

Das Unternehmen setzt weiterhin eine grüne und saubere Entwicklungsstrategie um, fördert den Energiewandel und nimmt den Trend zur Elektrifizierung im Verkehrssektor an. Sinopec strebt an, ein wichtiger Akteur bei der Schaffung einer sauberen und schönen Welt zu sein, ein Pionier in der grünen und kohlenstoffarmen Entwicklung und ein Beschützer des gemeinsamen Planeten.

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FRANKFURT, Germany, Sept. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec, HKG: 0386) has been honored with the Best Environmental Protection Case award at the First Sino-European Corporate ESG Best Practice Conference in Frankfurt, Germany. The event, held at Congress Center Messe Frankfurt, recognized Sinopec's outstanding contributions to sustainable development.

Themed Together for the Future, the conference showcased top cases in ten categories, including environmental protection, social responsibility, corporate governance, and technological innovation. It aimed to foster dialogue and cooperation on sustainable development between Chinese and European businesses and deepen understanding of China's advancements among German and European industrial communities.

KPMG served as the knowledge partner, providing professional services throughout the selection process. The event was co-organized by several prominent institutions, including the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, China International Publishing Group, Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce, Frankfurt International Auto Parts Exhibition, and the German-Chinese Economic Association.

This recognition not only underscores Sinopec's leadership in environmental stewardship but also reflects its ongoing efforts towards achieving a more sustainable future through innovative practices across all aspects of business operation, from governance to social responsibilities.

Yongsheng Yu, Managing Director of Sinopec Group Branding Department, underscoring the company's dedication to embedding environmental sustainability into its core operations. Emphasizing their commitment to the mantra "Cleaner Energy, Better Life," Sinopec has strategically adopted Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles as a cornerstone of its business strategy.

Sinopec, one of the world's top refining companies and the second-largest chemical product producer and marketer, strives to balance development between its enterprise and societal welfare. Since 2007, with its first sustainability report released for the following 18 consecutive years, the company has been enhancing its ESG governance to address global challenges like climate change and energy security while also adapting to trends such as the electrification of transportation and steadily promoting energy transformation.

In tackling global challenges such as climate change and energy security, Sinopec's Board of Directors has continually improved its ESG governance structure, energetically implemented a green and clean development strategy, and progressively advanced energy transition while embracing the electrification trend in transportation energy. Sinopec will continue to work towards being a key player in the creation of a clean and beautiful world, a trailblazer in green and low-carbon development, and a protector of shared planet.

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What award did Sinopec (SNPTY) win at the Sino-European Corporate ESG Best Practice Conference in 2024?

Sinopec won the Best Environmental Protection Case award at the First Sino-European Corporate ESG Best Practice Conference held in Frankfurt, Germany in September 2024.

How long has Sinopec (SNPTY) been publishing sustainability reports?

Sinopec has been publishing sustainability reports for 18 consecutive years, starting from 2007.

What is Sinopec's (SNPTY) main focus in terms of environmental sustainability?

Sinopec focuses on 'Cleaner Energy, Better Life,' implementing a green and clean development strategy, addressing climate change and energy security, and advancing energy transition while embracing the electrification trend in transportation energy.

Where was the First Sino-European Corporate ESG Best Practice Conference held in 2024?

The First Sino-European Corporate ESG Best Practice Conference was held at Congress Center Messe Frankfurt in Frankfurt, Germany in September 2024.

What is Sinopec's (SNPTY) position in the global refining and chemical product industry?

Sinopec is one of the world's top refining companies and the second-largest chemical product producer and marketer globally.



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