HyBryte™ Treatment Studies Presented at Two Medical Conferences in March
Soligenix (NASDAQ: SNGX) announced upcoming presentations of their HyBryte™ (synthetic hypericin) treatment studies at two major medical conferences in March 2025. The presentations will showcase data from recent supportive trials in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) and psoriasis treatments.
The findings will be presented at the United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium (USCLC) Workshop on March 6 and the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) Annual Meeting from March 7-11 in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Ellen Kim from Penn Cutaneous Lymphoma Program will present results from an ongoing investigator-initiated study on HyBryte™'s long-term CTCL treatment, while Dr. Neal Bhatia will discuss topical and photodynamic therapy considerations at AAD.
The presentations will include findings from recent supportive studies demonstrating longer treatment efficacy, minimal systemic hypericin exposure after topical application, and comparative efficacy against Valchlor®.
Soligenix (NASDAQ: SNGX) ha annunciato le prossime presentazioni dei loro studi sul trattamento HyBryte™ (ipericina sintetica) in due importanti conferenze mediche nel marzo 2025. Le presentazioni mostreranno dati da recenti studi di supporto sui trattamenti per linfoma cutaneo a cellule T (CTCL) e psoriasi.
I risultati saranno presentati durante il Workshop del United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium (USCLC) il 6 marzo e al Meeting Annuale dell'American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) dal 7 all'11 marzo a Orlando, Florida. La Dott.ssa Ellen Kim del Penn Cutaneous Lymphoma Program presenterà i risultati di uno studio in corso avviato da ricercatori sul trattamento a lungo termine del CTCL con HyBryte™, mentre il Dott. Neal Bhatia discuterà le considerazioni sulla terapia topica e fotodinamica all'AAD.
Le presentazioni includeranno i risultati di recenti studi di supporto che dimostrano una maggiore efficacia del trattamento, un'esposizione sistemica minima all'ipericina dopo l'applicazione topica e l'efficacia comparativa rispetto a Valchlor®.
Soligenix (NASDAQ: SNGX) anunció próximas presentaciones de sus estudios sobre el tratamiento HyBryte™ (hipericina sintética) en dos importantes conferencias médicas en marzo de 2025. Las presentaciones mostrarán datos de ensayos de apoyo recientes en tratamientos para linfoma cutáneo de células T (CTCL) y psoriasis.
Los hallazgos se presentarán en el Taller del Consorcio de Linfoma Cutáneo de los Estados Unidos (USCLC) el 6 de marzo y en la Reunión Anual de la Academia Americana de Dermatología (AAD) del 7 al 11 de marzo en Orlando, Florida. La Dra. Ellen Kim del Programa de Linfoma Cutáneo de Penn presentará los resultados de un estudio en curso iniciado por investigadores sobre el tratamiento a largo plazo del CTCL con HyBryte™, mientras que el Dr. Neal Bhatia discutirá consideraciones sobre terapia tópica y fotodinámica en la AAD.
Las presentaciones incluirán hallazgos de estudios de apoyo recientes que demuestran una mayor eficacia del tratamiento, una exposición sistémica mínima a la hipericina después de la aplicación tópica y la eficacia comparativa frente a Valchlor®.
솔리제닉스 (NASDAQ: SNGX)는 2025년 3월에 두 개의 주요 의학 회의에서 HyBryte™ (합성 하이페리신) 치료 연구에 대한 발표를 예정하고 있다고 발표했습니다. 이 발표에서는 피부 T세포 림프종 (CTCL) 및 건선 치료에 대한 최근 지원 시험의 데이터를 선보일 것입니다.
발표는 3월 6일 미국 피부 림프종 컨소시엄 (USCLC) 워크숍에서 이루어지며, 3월 7일부터 11일까지 플로리다주 올랜도에서 열리는 미국 피부과학회 (AAD) 연례 회의에서도 진행됩니다. 펜 피부 림프종 프로그램의 Ellen Kim 박사가 HyBryte™의 장기 CTCL 치료에 대한 진행 중인 연구 결과를 발표하고, Neal Bhatia 박사가 AAD에서 국소 치료 및 광역동 요법에 대한 고려 사항을 논의할 것입니다.
발표에는 최근 지원 연구의 결과가 포함되어 있으며, 이는 치료 효과의 지속 기간이 길고, 국소 적용 후 최소한의 전신 하이페리신 노출이 있으며, Valchlor®와의 비교 효능을 보여줍니다.
Soligenix (NASDAQ: SNGX) a annoncé des présentations à venir de ses études sur le traitement HyBryte™ (hypericine synthétique) lors de deux grandes conférences médicales en mars 2025. Les présentations mettront en avant des données d'essais de soutien récents sur les traitements du lymphome cutané à cellules T (CTCL) et du psoriasis.
Les résultats seront présentés lors du Atelier du Consortium de Lymphome Cutané des États-Unis (USCLC) le 6 mars et lors de la Réunion Annuelle de l'Académie Américaine de Dermatologie (AAD) du 7 au 11 mars à Orlando, en Floride. Dr. Ellen Kim du Programme de Lymphome Cutané de Penn présentera les résultats d'une étude en cours initiée par des chercheurs sur le traitement à long terme du CTCL avec HyBryte™, tandis que Dr. Neal Bhatia discutera des considérations concernant la thérapie topique et photodynamique lors de l'AAD.
Les présentations incluront des résultats d'études de soutien récentes démontrant une plus grande efficacité du traitement, une exposition systémique minimale à l'hypericine après application topique, et une efficacité comparative par rapport à Valchlor®.
Soligenix (NASDAQ: SNGX) kündigte an, dass sie im März 2025 auf zwei wichtigen medizinischen Konferenzen Präsentationen ihrer Studien zur HyBryte™ (synthetische Hypericin) Behandlung halten werden. Die Präsentationen werden Daten aus kürzlich durchgeführten unterstützenden Studien zu kutane T-Zell-Lymphom (CTCL) und Psoriasis-Behandlungen zeigen.
Die Ergebnisse werden am Workshop des United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium (USCLC) am 6. März und auf dem Jahrestreffen der American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) vom 7. bis 11. März in Orlando, Florida, präsentiert. Dr. Ellen Kim vom Penn Cutaneous Lymphoma Program wird Ergebnisse aus einer laufenden, von Forschern initiierten Studie zur Langzeitbehandlung von CTCL mit HyBryte™ vorstellen, während Dr. Neal Bhatia bei der AAD über topische und photodynamische Therapieüberlegungen sprechen wird.
Die Präsentationen werden Ergebnisse aus aktuellen unterstützenden Studien beinhalten, die eine längere Behandlungseffektivität, minimale systemische Hypericin-Exposition nach topischer Anwendung und vergleichende Wirksamkeit gegenüber Valchlor® zeigen.
- Favorable comparative efficacy against existing treatment Valchlor®
- Demonstrated benefits of longer treatment times
- Minimal systemic exposure after topical application showing good safety profile
- None.
Two Presentations Highlight Data Demonstrating Hypericin Photodynamic Therapy Potential with a Preliminary Comparison to Current Therapy
Conference: USCLC Workshop "Cutaneous Lymphomas in Special Populations" March 6,
Presentation Title: Topical hypericin ointment photodynamic therapy for early stage mycosis fungoides/CTCL – a Phase 2 real world investigator-initiated study presented by Dr. Ellen Kim, Director, Penn Cutaneous Lymphoma Program, Vice Chair of Clinical Operations, Dermatology Department, and Professor of Dermatology at the Hospital of the University of
Conference: AAD Annual Meeting, March 7-11,
Presentation Title: What's new this year in Topical therapy? presented by Dr. Neal Bhatia, Director of Clinical Dermatology at Therapeutics Clinical Research and chief medical editor at Practical Dermatology. The official conference program can be found here.
These presentations incorporate the Company's findings in recent supportive studies which have demonstrated the utility of longer treatment times (Study RW-HPN-MF-01; investigator-initiated study), the lack of significant systemic exposure to hypericin after topical application (Study HPN-CTCL-02) and its relative efficacy and tolerability compared to Valchlor® (Study HPN-CTCL-04).
About the USCLC Workshop
The United States Cutaneous Lymphoma Consortium is a multidisciplinary society of physicians which use collaborative research and education to improve the quality of life and prognosis of patients with cutaneous lymphoma. This workshop is held annually to facilitate collaboration. The meeting website is available here.
About the AAD Annual Meeting
The American Academy of Dermatology Association Annual Meeting is one of the largest dermatologic scientific meetings globally and is attended by both researchers and dermatologists. The meeting website is available here.
About HyBryte™ / Synthetic Hypericin
HyBryte™ (research name SGX301 in CTCL, SGX302 in psoriasis) is a novel, first-in-class, photodynamic therapy utilizing safe, visible light for activation. The active ingredient in HyBryte™ is synthetic hypericin, a potent photosensitizer that is topically applied to skin lesions that is taken up by the malignant T-cells, and then activated by safe, visible light approximately 24 hours later. The use of visible light in the red-yellow spectrum has the advantage of penetrating more deeply into the skin (much more so than ultraviolet light) and therefore potentially treating deeper skin disease and thicker plaques and lesions. This treatment approach avoids the risk of secondary malignancies (including melanoma) inherent with the frequently employed DNA-damaging drugs and other phototherapy that are dependent on ultraviolet exposure. Combined with photoactivation, hypericin has demonstrated significant anti-proliferative effects on activated normal human lymphoid cells and inhibited growth of malignant T-cells isolated from CTCL patients. In a published Phase 2 clinical study in CTCL, patients experienced a statistically significant (p=0.04) improvement with topical hypericin treatment whereas the placebo was ineffective. HyBryte™ has received orphan drug and fast track designations from the FDA, as well as orphan designation from the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
The published Phase 3 FLASH trial enrolled a total of 169 patients (166 evaluable) with Stage IA, IB or IIA CTCL. The trial consisted of three treatment cycles. Treatments were administered twice weekly for the first 6 weeks and treatment response was determined at the end of the 8th week of each cycle. In the first double-blind treatment cycle (Cycle 1), 116 patients received HyBryte™ treatment (
In the second open-label treatment cycle (Cycle 2), all patients received HyBryte™ treatment of their index lesions. Evaluation of 155 patients in this cycle (110 receiving 12 weeks of HyBryte™ treatment and 45 receiving 6 weeks of placebo treatment followed by 6 weeks of HyBryte™ treatment), demonstrated that the response rate among the 12-week treatment group was
The third (optional) treatment cycle (Cycle 3) was focused on safety and all patients could elect to receive HyBryte™ treatment of all their lesions. Of note,
Overall safety of HyBryte™ is a critical attribute of this treatment and was monitored throughout the three treatment cycles (Cycles 1, 2 and 3) and the 6-month follow-up period. HyBryte's™ mechanism of action is not associated with DNA damage, making it a safer alternative than currently available therapies, all of which are associated with significant, and sometimes fatal, side effects. Predominantly these include the risk of melanoma and other malignancies, as well as the risk of significant skin damage and premature skin aging. Currently available treatments are only approved in the context of previous treatment failure with other modalities and there is no approved front-line therapy available. Within this landscape, treatment of CTCL is strongly motivated by the safety risk of each product. HyBryte™ potentially represents the safest available efficacious treatment for CTCL. With very limited systemic absorption, a compound that is not mutagenic and a light source that is not carcinogenic, there is no evidence to date of any potential safety issues.
Following the first Phase 3 study of HyBryte™ for the treatment of CTCL, the FDA and the EMA indicated that they would require a second successful Phase 3 trial to support marketing approval. With agreement from the EMA on the key design components, the second, confirmatory study, called FLASH2, the Company initiated enrollment in December 2024. This study is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study that will enroll approximately 80 subjects with early-stage CTCL. The FLASH2 study replicates the double-blind, placebo-controlled design used in the first successful Phase 3 FLASH study that consisted of three 6-week treatment cycles (18 weeks total), with the primary efficacy assessment occurring at the end of the initial 6-week double-blind, placebo-controlled treatment cycle (Cycle 1). However, this second study extends the double-blind, placebo-controlled assessment to 18 weeks of continuous treatment (no "between-Cycle" treatment breaks) with the primary endpoint assessment occurring at the end of the 18-week timepoint. In the first Phase 3 study, a treatment response of
Additional supportive studies have demonstrated the utility of longer treatment times (Study RW-HPN-MF-01), the lack of significant systemic exposure to hypericin after topical application (Study HPN-CTCL-02) and its relative efficacy and tolerability compared to Valchlor® (Study HPN-CTCL-04).
In addition, the FDA awarded an Orphan Products Development grant to support the investigator-initiated study evaluation of HyBryte™ for expanded treatment in patients with early-stage CTCL, including in the home use setting. The grant, totaling
About Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL)
CTCL is a class of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), a type of cancer of the white blood cells that are an integral part of the immune system. Unlike most NHLs which generally involve B-cell lymphocytes (involved in producing antibodies), CTCL is caused by an expansion of malignant T-cell lymphocytes (involved in cell-mediated immunity) normally programmed to migrate to the skin. These malignant cells migrate to the skin where they form various lesions, typically beginning as patches and may progress to raised plaques and tumors. Mortality is related to the stage of CTCL, with median survival generally ranging from about 12 years in the early stages to only 2.5 years when the disease has advanced. There is currently no cure for CTCL. Typically, CTCL lesions are treated and regress but usually return either in the same part of the body or in new areas.
CTCL constitutes a rare group of NHLs, occurring in about
About Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic, non-communicable, itchy and often painful inflammatory skin condition for which there is no cure. Psoriasis has a significantly detrimental impact on patients' quality of life, and is associated with cardiovascular, arthritic, and metabolic diseases, as well as psychological conditions such as anxiety, depression and suicide. Many factors contribute to development of psoriasis including both genetic and environmental factors (e.g., skin trauma, infections, and medications). The lesions develop because of rapidly proliferating skin cells, driven by autoimmune T-cell mediated inflammation. Of the various types of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis is the most common and is characterized by dry, red raised plaques that are covered by silvery-white scales occurring most commonly on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. Approximately
Treatment of psoriasis is based on its severity at the time of presentation with the goal of controlling symptoms. It varies from topical options including PDT to reduce pain and itching, and potentially reduce the inflammation driving plaque formation, to systemic treatments for more severe disease. Most common systemic treatments and even current topical photo/photodynamic therapy such as UV A and B light, carry a risk of increased skin cancer.
Psoriasis is the most common immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Report on Psoriasis 2016, the prevalence of psoriasis is between
About Soligenix, Inc.
Soligenix is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing products to treat rare diseases where there is an unmet medical need. Our Specialized BioTherapeutics business segment is developing and moving toward potential commercialization of HyBryte™ (SGX301 or synthetic hypericin sodium) as a novel photodynamic therapy utilizing safe visible light for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL). With successful completion of the second Phase 3 study, regulatory approvals will be sought to support potential commercialization worldwide. Development programs in this business segment also include expansion of synthetic hypericin (SGX302) into psoriasis, our first-in-class innate defense regulator (IDR) technology, dusquetide (SGX942) for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, including oral mucositis in head and neck cancer, and (SGX945) in Behçet's Disease.
Our Public Health Solutions business segment includes development programs for RiVax®, our ricin toxin vaccine candidate, as well as our vaccine programs targeting filoviruses (such as Marburg and Ebola) and CiVax™, our vaccine candidate for the prevention of COVID-19 (caused by SARS-CoV-2). The development of our vaccine programs incorporates the use of our proprietary heat stabilization platform technology, known as ThermoVax®. To date, this business segment has been supported with government grant and contract funding from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).
For further information regarding Soligenix, Inc., please visit the Company's website at https://www.soligenix.com and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter at @Soligenix_Inc.
This press release may contain forward-looking statements that reflect Soligenix's current expectations about its future results, performance, prospects and opportunities, including but not limited to, potential market sizes, patient populations, clinical trial enrollment, the expected timing for closing the offering described herein and the intended use of proceeds therefrom. Statements that are not historical facts, such as "anticipates," "estimates," "believes," "hopes," "intends," "plans," "expects," "goal," "may," "suggest," "will," "potential," or similar expressions, are forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results in future periods to differ materially from what is expressed in, or implied by, these statements, and include the expected amount and use of proceeds from the offering and the expected closing date of the offering. Soligenix cannot assure you that it will be able to successfully develop, achieve regulatory approval for or commercialize products based on its technologies, particularly in light of the significant uncertainty inherent in developing therapeutics and vaccines against bioterror threats, conducting preclinical and clinical trials of therapeutics and vaccines, obtaining regulatory approvals and manufacturing therapeutics and vaccines, that product development and commercialization efforts will not be reduced or discontinued due to difficulties or delays in clinical trials or due to lack of progress or positive results from research and development efforts, that it will be able to successfully obtain any further funding to support product development and commercialization efforts, including grants and awards, maintain its existing grants which are subject to performance requirements, enter into any biodefense procurement contracts with the
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What new clinical data will be presented for SNGX's HyBryte treatment in March 2025?
Where and when will Soligenix present its HyBryte CTCL treatment findings?
What are the key findings from SNGX's recent supportive studies for HyBryte?