Sanu Gold Provides Update and Announces Additional Drilling Plan, Bantabaye Project, West Africa

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Sanu Gold provided an update on its Bantabaye Project in West Africa, highlighting the progress of drilling at Target 2 and the plans for initial drill testing at Targets 3 and 7. The Company completed 14 holes totaling 1,652m at Target 2, intersecting zones of alteration, quartz veining, and sulfides. A total of 678 samples were dispatched to the laboratory. The structural model for Targets 3 and 7 shows a large footprint with a planned program of 15 holes for 1,500m. Access and drill pad preparations are underway at these targets. The Company is focused on testing the structure down dip and to the south of the main surface gold anomaly. The next steps involve completing Phase 1 drill holes at Target 2 before moving to Targets 3 and 7.
Sanu Gold ha fornito un aggiornamento sul suo Progetto Bantabaye in Africa Occidentale, evidenziando i progressi delle perforazioni nel Target 2 e i piani per i primi test di perforazione nei Target 3 e 7. La società ha completato 14 fori per un totale di 1.652 metri nel Target 2, intersecando zone di alterazione, vene di quarzo e solfuri. Sono stati inviati al laboratorio un totale di 678 campioni. Il modello strutturale per i Target 3 e 7 mostra una grande estensione con un programma pianificato di 15 fori per 1.500 metri. Sono in corso i lavori per l'accesso e la preparazione delle piattaforme di perforazione in questi target. La compagnia è focalizzata sul testare la struttura verso il basso e a sud dell'anomalia aurifera principale in superficie. I prossimi passi prevedono il completamento dei fori della Fase 1 nel Target 2 prima di passare ai Target 3 e 7.
Sanu Gold proporcionó una actualización sobre su Proyecto Bantabaye en África Occidental, destacando el progreso de las perforaciones en el Objetivo 2 y los planes para las primeras pruebas de perforación en los Objetivos 3 y 7. La Compañía completó 14 pozos con un total de 1.652 metros en el Objetivo 2, intersecando zonas de alteración, venas de cuarzo y sulfuros. Se enviaron un total de 678 muestras al laboratorio. El modelo estructural para los Objetivos 3 y 7 muestra una gran extensión con un programa planeado de 15 pozos para 1.500 metros. Los preparativos de acceso y de plataforma de perforación están en marcha en estos objetivos. La Compañía se centra en probar la estructura hacia abajo y al sur de la principal anomalía de oro superficial. Los siguientes pasos involucran completar los pozos de la Fase 1 en el Objetivo 2 antes de pasar a los Objetivos 3 y 7.
Sanu Gold는 서아프리카의 반타바예 프로젝트 업데이트를 제공하여 타겟 2에서의 드릴링 진행 상황과 타겟 3과 7에서의 초기 드릴 테스트 계획을 강조했습니다. 회사는 타겟 2에서 총 1,652m에 달하는 14개의 구멍을 완성하여 변형 지대, 석영맥, 황화물을 교차시켰습니다. 총 678개의 샘플이 실험실로 발송되었습니다. 타겟 3과 7의 구조적 모델은 큰 발자취를 보여주며, 1,500m에 대한 15개의 구멍 프로그램이 계획되어 있습니다. 이러한 타겟에서 접근 및 드릴 패드 준비가 진행 중입니다. 회사는 주요 지표면 금 이상 현상의 아래쪽과 남쪽 구조를 테스트하는 데 집중하고 있습니다. 다음 단계는 타겟 2에서 1단계 드릴 구멍을 완료한 후 타겟 3과 7로 이동하는 것입니다.
Sanu Gold a fourni une mise à jour sur son Projet Bantabaye en Afrique de l'Ouest, soulignant les progrès du forage au Cible 2 et les plans pour les premiers tests de forage aux Cibles 3 et 7. La société a complété 14 trous totalisant 1 652 mètres au Cible 2, intersectant des zones d'altération, des veines de quartz et des sulfures. Un total de 678 échantillons ont été expédiés au laboratoire. Le modèle structurel pour les Cibles 3 et 7 montre une grande empreinte avec un programme planifié de 15 trous pour 1 500 mètres. Les préparations pour l'accès et les plates-formes de forage sont en cours sur ces cibles. La société se concentre sur le test de la structure en profondeur et vers le sud de l'anomalie principale en surface de l'or. Les prochaines étapes impliquent de compléter les trous de la Phase 1 au Cible 2 avant de passer aux Cibles 3 et 7.
Sanu Gold hat ein Update zu seinem Bantabaye Projekt in Westafrika gegeben, welches den Fortschritt der Bohrungen bei Ziel 2 und die Pläne für erste Bohrtests bei den Zielen 3 und 7 hervorhebt. Das Unternehmen hat 14 Bohrungen mit einer Gesamtlänge von 1.652 Metern bei Ziel 2 abgeschlossen, dabei wurden Zonen von Veränderungen, Quarzadern und Sulfiden durchschnitten. Insgesamt wurden 678 Proben ins Labor geschickt. Das strukturelle Modell für die Ziele 3 und 7 zeigt eine große Ausdehnung mit einem geplanten Programm von 15 Bohrungen für 1.500 Meter. Die Vorbereitungen für Zugang und Bohrstände bei diesen Zielen sind im Gange. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich darauf, die Struktur nach unten und südlich der Hauptoberflächengoldanomalie zu testen. Die nächsten Schritte umfassen die Fertigstellung der Phase-1-Bohrungen bei Ziel 2, bevor man zu den Zielen 3 und 7 wechselt.
  • Progress of drilling at Target 2 with 14 holes completed and 1,652m drilled, intersecting alteration, quartz veining, and sulfides.
  • A batch of 678 samples sent to the laboratory for analysis.
  • Structural model for Targets 3 and 7 shows a large footprint with 15 planned holes for 1,500m.
  • Access and drill pad preparations underway at Targets 3 and 7.
  • Focus on testing structure down dip and to the south of the main surface gold anomaly.
  • None.

Initial holes at Targets 3 and 7 to test geophysics below strong gold at surface

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 26, 2024) - Sanu Gold Corporation (CSE: SANU) (OTCQB: SNGCF) ("Sanu Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that drilling is progressing well with 14 holes and 1,652m completed at Target 2 on the Company's flagship Bantabaye Project ("Bantabaye"), located on the prolific western margin of the Siguiri Basin of Guinea, West Africa. The Company has been integrating its latest geophysical data into a structural geology model for Target 3 and Target 7. This model has provided a basis for planning an initial drill test comprised of 15 holes along four lines for an estimated 1,500m.


  • Drilling at Target 2 is progressing well: Fourteen holes for a total of 1,652m have been completed to-date in the priority area of Target 2. Each hole has intersected zones of alteration, quartz veining and sulfides over meters to tens of meters.

  • Initial batch of samples dispatched: A batch of 678 samples from the first seven holes has been sent to the laboratory. A second batch is expected to be sent shortly.

  • Target 3 and 7 structure has a large footprint: The combined strike length of Targets 3 and 7 is 1,500m. The targets are characterized by a chargeability and resistivity response at depth, below the deeply weathered saprolite zone.

  • Initial Drill Testing Planned: The recently completed geophysics shows drilling needs to focus down dip and the to the south of the main surface gold anomaly and artisan workings. The Company has designed a program of 15 priority holes on four lines to drill test the target area, requiring approximately 1,500m of drilling.

Martin Pawlitschek, President, and CEO of Sanu Gold commented:

"We are excited that the drilling program at Bantabaye, currently focused on Target 2, is progressing very well with 14 holes completed. We have also finalized our structural model and plans for initial drill testing of the main structure at Targets 3 and 7. These targets sit on the same contiguous structure that is linked to Target 2. With over 1,500m of strike length to test at Target 3 and 7 this presents a significant size target. The Company has commenced access track and drill pad preparation at these targets."

Program Summary

The initial target test program at Target 3 and Target 7 consists of 15 planned holes for an estimated 1,500m (Figures 1 and 2). The Company has integrated the recent geophysics, 2023 drilling and surface data into the structural model shown in Figure 2. Similar work is in progress for the other targets and will be announced as soon as practical.

The Company interprets the data collected to-date as a 50 to 60 degree south dipping structural contact marked by the same sequence of lithologies as those observed at Target 2, namely an upper package of volcaniclastics, followed by a mafic unit in contact with a felsic unit and a foot wall sequence of sediments. It is the felsic unit and its sheared contact with the hanging wall mafic that form the main target package.

These access and drill pad preparations are underway, and drilling will commence once the priority holes at Target 2 are completed. The program will test the structure on its down dip portion along a 800m trend on lines spaced 100m to 300m apart. The lines are planned so that the structure is intercepted near surface and down dip to a vertical depth of up to 150m. Additionally, more systematic, lines of drilling are likely on receipt of positive results.

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Figure 1: Target 3 to Target 7, Chargeability map, PDPIP survey lines (green), interpreted structures (black dashed lines), previous RC drill collars (blue), Planned holes and traces (solid black lines and dots) and gold geochemical anomalies (yellow outlines).

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Figure 2: Target 2, perspective view towards the northeast. 3D model of the main structure at Target 3 and Target 7, integrating geophysics, surface data and field observations. The grey polygon at surface is the surface trend of the key structure mapped by elevated resistivity and coincident high chargeability.

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Next Steps

Access and drill pad preparations have commenced at Targets 3 and 7. The drill rig is currently completing the Phase 1 drill holes at Target 2, after which it will move to complete drill testing at Target 3 and Target 7.

Quality Assurance / Quality Control ("QA/QC")

Sampling was completed following industry best practices, conducted under the supervision of the Company's project geologists and the chain of custody from the project to the sample preparation facility is continuously monitored. An appropriate number and type of certified reference materials (standards) and blanks totaling 5% of the total number of samples shipped to the laboratory was inserted approximately every 20th sample to ensure an effective QA/QC program was carried out. Data verification of the analytical results includes a statistical analysis of the standards and blanks that must pass certain parameters for acceptance to ensure accurate and verifiable results. All samples were analyzed using Fire Assay FAA505 at the SGS Laboratory in Bamako, Mali ("SGS"). SGS is an internationally recognized and commercially certified laboratory and is independent of Sanu Gold.

The Company is being advised on the IP survey by in3D Geoscience, an independent geophysical consulting firm based in British Columbia. The data collection survey is subject to standard contractors' protocols including:

  • Daily checking of equipment

  • Signal/noise ratio monitoring.

  • Checking of extreme readings

  • Verification of equipment locations

  • Monitoring of measurement cycles

  • Data is checked at the end of each day by a team at the SAGAX Head Office

Sanu's geophysicists and SAGAX regularly review and discuss the progress of the work, program adjustments, data quality and modelling parameters.

Qualified Person

The scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Serigne Dieng, Ph.D., M.Sc., a Member (MAIG) of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), Exploration Manager of the Company and a qualified person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101").

The technical information with respect to the geophysical data contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Todd Ballantyne, P.Geo., a member of Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC), independent geophysical consultant (through in3D Geoscience Inc.) to the Company and a qualified person within the meaning of NI 43-101.

About Sanu

Located within the world class Siguiri Basin, host to several operating mines, Sanu is exploring three high quality gold exploration permits in Guinea, West Africa targeting multi-million-ounce gold discoveries. The Company has defined multi-kilometer scale gold bearing structures on each of the gold exploration permits, with multiple high-value drill targets. Sanu is operated by a highly experienced team with successful records of discovery, resource development and mine permitting.

Martin Pawlitschek
President & CEO, Sanu Gold Corp.

For further information regarding Sanu Gold, please visit the Company's website at or contact:

Anthony Simone
Simone Capital

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" with respect to the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential", "indicates", "opportunity", "possible" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although Sanu believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance, are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results or realities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such material risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the Company's plans for exploration on its properties and ability to execute on plans within the anticipated time frames disclosed, ability to raise sufficient capital to fund its obligations under its property agreements going forward, ability to maintain its material property agreements, mineral tenures and concessions in good standing, to explore and develop its projects; changes in economic conditions or financial markets; the inherent hazards associated with mineral exploration and mining operations, future prices of gold and other metals, changes in general economic conditions and local risks in the jurisdiction (Guinea) in which it operates, accuracy of mineral resource and reserve estimates, the potential for new discoveries, the ability of the Company to obtain the necessary permits and consents required to explore, drill and develop the projects and if obtained, to obtain such permits and consents in a timely fashion relative to the Company's plans and business objectives for the projects; the general ability of the Company to monetize its mineral resources; and changes in environmental and other laws or regulations that could have an impact on the Company's operations, compliance with environmental laws and regulations, dependence on key management personnel and general competition in the mining industry. Forward-looking statements are based on the reasonable beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

grams of gold per tonne (“g/t Au”)
metres (“m”)

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What is the progress of drilling at Target 2 for Sanu Gold ?

Sanu Gold completed 14 holes totaling 1,652m at Target 2, intersecting alteration, quartz veining, and sulfides.

How many samples were dispatched to the laboratory by Sanu Gold?

A total of 678 samples were sent to the laboratory by Sanu Gold for analysis.

What is the planned program for Targets 3 and 7 by Sanu Gold?

Sanu Gold has planned a program of 15 holes for 1,500m at Targets 3 and 7 based on the structural model.

What preparations are currently underway at Targets 3 and 7 for Sanu Gold?

Access and drill pad preparations are currently underway at Targets 3 and 7 for Sanu Gold.

What is the focus of Sanu Gold regarding the structure at Targets 3 and 7?

Sanu Gold is focused on testing the structure down dip and to the south of the main surface gold anomaly at Targets 3 and 7.

Sanu Gold


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