SenesTech Announces Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

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SenesTech (NASDAQ: SNES) reported record financial results for Q2 2024. Key highlights include:

- Record revenues of $874,000 in H1 2024, up 62% year-over-year
- Q2 2024 revenue of $459,000, a 50% increase from Q2 2023
- Gross margin improved to 54% in Q2 2024, reaching 67% in June
- Smallest quarterly adjusted EBITDA loss in company history
- Evolve™ product line contributed ~60% of YTD revenue
- Expanded distribution through key online retailers and pest management distributors
- Launched Evolve Mouse in May 2024
- Implemented growth initiatives expected to drive H2 performance

The company is progressing towards profitability with reduced cash burn and improved operational metrics.

SenesTech (NASDAQ: SNES) ha riportato risultati finanziari record per il Q2 2024. I punti salienti includono:

- Ricavi record di $874.000 nel H1 2024, con un incremento del 62% rispetto all'anno precedente
- Ricavi del Q2 2024 pari a $459.000, con un aumento del 50% rispetto al Q2 2023
- Margine lordo migliorato al 54% nel Q2 2024, raggiungendo il 67% a giugno
- La perdita EBITDA rettificata trimestrale più piccola nella storia dell'azienda
- La linea di prodotti Evolve™ ha contribuito per circa il 60% dei ricavi YTD
- Espansione della distribuzione attraverso importanti rivenditori online e distributori di gestione dei parassiti
- Lancio di Evolve Mouse a maggio 2024
- Implementazione di iniziative di crescita previste per migliorare le prestazioni del H2

L'azienda sta progredendo verso la redditività con una riduzione della combustione di liquidi e metriche operative migliorate.

SenesTech (NASDAQ: SNES) reportó resultados financieros récord para el Q2 2024. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

- Ingresos récord de $874,000 en el H1 2024, un aumento del 62% en comparación con el año anterior
- Ingresos del Q2 2024 de $459,000, un aumento del 50% en comparación con el Q2 2023
- El margen bruto mejoró al 54% en el Q2 2024, alcanzando el 67% en junio
- La menor pérdida de EBITDA ajustado trimestral en la historia de la empresa
- La línea de productos Evolve™ contribuyó con aproximadamente el 60% de los ingresos acumulados hasta la fecha
- Distribución ampliada a través de importantes minoristas en línea y distribuidores de control de plagas
- Lanzamiento de Evolve Mouse en mayo de 2024
- Implementación de iniciativas de crecimiento que se espera impulsen el rendimiento del H2

La empresa avanza hacia la rentabilidad con reducción en la quema de efectivo y métricas operativas mejoradas.

SenesTech (NASDAQ: SNES)는 2024년 2분기 기록적인 재무 실적을 보고했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

- 2024년 상반기 기록적인 수익 $874,000, 전년 대비 62% 증가
- 2024년 2분기 수익 $459,000, 2023년 2분기 대비 50% 증가
- 2024년 2분기 총 마진이 54%로 개선되어 6월에는 67%에 도달
- 회사 역사상 가장 작은 분기 조정 EBITDA 손실
- Evolve™ 제품 라인이 YTD 수익의 약 60%를 기여
- 주요 온라인 소매업체 및 해충 관리 유통업체를 통한 유통 확대
- 2024년 5월 Evolve Mouse 출시
- 하반기 성과를 이끌어낼 성장 이니셔티브 구현

회사는 현금 소모를 줄이고 운영 지표를 개선하면서 수익성으로 나아가고 있습니다.

SenesTech (NASDAQ: SNES) a signalé des résultats financiers record pour le Q2 2024. Les temps forts incluent :

- Chiffre d'affaires record de 874 000 $ au H1 2024, en hausse de 62 % d'une année sur l'autre
- Chiffre d'affaires du Q2 2024 de 459 000 $, soit une augmentation de 50 % par rapport au Q2 2023
- La marge brute s'est améliorée à 54 % au Q2 2024, atteignant 67 % en juin
- La plus petite perte EBITDA ajustée trimestrielle de l'histoire de l'entreprise
- La gamme de produits Evolve™ a contribué à environ 60 % du chiffre d'affaires cumulé
- Expansion de la distribution par l'intermédiaire de détaillants en ligne clés et de distributeurs de gestion des parasites
- Lancement de l'Evolve Mouse en mai 2024
- Mise en œuvre d'initiatives de croissance qui devraient dynamiser les performances du H2

L'entreprise progresse vers la rentabilité avec une réduction de la consommation de liquidités et des indicateurs opérationnels améliorés.

SenesTech (NASDAQ: SNES) hat für das Q2 2024 Rekordfinanzergebnisse gemeldet. Die wichtigsten Punkte umfassen:

- Rekordumsätze von $874.000 im H1 2024, ein Anstieg von 62% im Jahresvergleich
- Q2 2024 Umsatz von $459.000, ein Anstieg von 50% im Vergleich zum Q2 2023
- Bruttomarge verbesserte sich auf 54% im Q2 2024, erreichte im Juni 67%
- Kleinster bereinigter EBITDA-Verlust in der Unternehmensgeschichte
- Die Produktlinie Evolve™ trug mit etwa 60% zu den kumulierten Umsätzen bei
- Erweiterte Distribution über wichtige Online-Händler und Schädlingsbekämpfungsdistributoren
- Einführung von Evolve Mouse im Mai 2024
- Umsetzung von Wachstumsinitiativen, die voraussichtlich die H2-Performance antreiben werden

Das Unternehmen macht Fortschritte in Richtung Rentabilität mit reduziertem Cash-Burn und verbesserten operativen Kennzahlen.

  • Record revenues of $874,000 in H1 2024, up 62% year-over-year
  • Q2 2024 revenue increased 50% to $459,000 compared to Q2 2023
  • Gross margin improved to 54% in Q2 2024, reaching 67% in June
  • Smallest quarterly adjusted EBITDA loss in company history
  • Evolve™ product line contributed ~60% of year-to-date revenue
  • Expanded distribution through key online retailers and pest management distributors
  • Launched Evolve Mouse in May 2024, expanding product portfolio
  • Net loss of $1.6 million in Q2 2024
  • Adjusted EBITDA loss of $1.4 million in Q2 2024
  • Cash balance of $2.0 million at the end of June 2024

SenesTech's Q2 2024 results show promising growth and operational improvements. Revenue increased by 50% year-over-year to $459,000, with year-to-date growth of 62%. The Evolve product line has quickly become their biggest seller, contributing about 60% of YTD revenue.

Notably, gross margin improved to 54% in Q2, up from 47% in Q1, peaking at 67% in June. This improvement, coupled with tight expense control, has led to the smallest quarterly adjusted EBITDA loss in company history. The net loss narrowed to $1.6 million from $2.0 million in Q2 2023.

While progress is evident, SenesTech still faces challenges. Cash on hand of $2.0 million at quarter-end may necessitate additional funding if profitability isn't reached soon. However, potential deals with major retailers could accelerate the path to profitability.

SenesTech's strategic moves are opening up significant market opportunities. The expansion of the Evolve product line into retail distribution channels has unlocked an additional $300 million in obtainable markets. This expansion, coupled with the launch of Evolve Mouse, positions the company to capture a larger share of the rodent control market.

The company's multi-pronged growth strategy is noteworthy:

  • Launching on major e-commerce platforms like Amazon
  • Securing distribution agreements with leading agricultural and pest management distributors
  • Engaging manufacturer's representatives to target retail chains
  • Conducting efficacy trials in diverse settings

These initiatives, combined with increasing environmental concerns about traditional rodenticides, could drive accelerated adoption of SenesTech's fertility control solutions. The potential adoption by major brick-and-mortar retailers could be a game-changer for the company's growth trajectory.

SenesTech's fertility control approach to rodent management represents a significant shift in pest control methodology. Traditional rodenticides often face criticism for their environmental impact and potential harm to non-target species. The company's Rat Birth Control® products offer a more sustainable alternative, aligning with growing environmental concerns.

The ongoing efficacy trials are crucial:

  • Testing in sugar cane operations could open agricultural markets
  • University campus trials may lead to institutional adoption
  • Participation in the California DPR study on sustainable alternatives to rodenticides could influence regulatory perspectives

If these trials demonstrate effectiveness comparable to or better than traditional methods, it could accelerate market acceptance and potentially influence pest control regulations. The reduced plastic usage in new packaging (87% less) also enhances the product's environmental profile, which may appeal to eco-conscious consumers and businesses.

Record Revenue and Margin Performance

PHOENIX, Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SenesTech, Inc. (NASDAQ: SNES, "SenesTech" or the "Company"), the leader in fertility control to manage animal pest populations and the only manufacturer of commercially available, EPA-registered Rat Birth Control® products today announced financial results for the second quarter of 2024.

Recent Highlights

  • Record revenues of $874,000 in the first half of 2024, an increase of 62% compared to the first half of 2023.
  • Gross margin percentages improved to 54% during Q2 2024 compared to 47% in Q1 2024 driven by improvements in manufacturing operations and scale. Gross margin percentage rose to 67% in June which represented the highest gross margins to date.
  • Quarterly adjusted EBITDA loss is the smallest in the Company's history, cutting in half the cash burn, as revenue growth, margin improvement, and tight controls of operating expenses have contributed towards the Company's near-term goal of breaking even.
  • The EvolveTM product line, formulated especially for the proactive control of rodent fertility and launched at the beginning of 2024, has quickly become the Company's biggest-selling product line, contributing approximately 60% of year-to-date revenue.
  • Revenue growth during the quarter was driven primarily by distributor sales growth and direct sales to e-commerce and pest management customers.
  • Key growth initiatives implemented in the first half of 2024 which are expected to drive second-half growth, include:
    • Launch of Evolve with key online retailers, including and
    • Launch of Evolve Mouse in May 2024, a fertility solution to proactively control mouse infestations, utilizing the same revolutionary breakthrough technology as the rat solution.
    • Ramp up of recently secured distribution agreements with leading agricultural and pest management industry distributors.
    • New product packaging introduced to include convenient 1.5 pound, 3 pound, and 6 pound pouches, using 87% less plastic than traditional pails.
    • Expanded sales and marketing efforts by signing agreements with five manufacturer's representative agencies, with more than 50 outside representatives targeting 23 retail, coop and big box chains to inventory Evolve in their stores.
    • Expansion of the Evolve product line targeting retail distribution channels has opened an additional $300 million in obtainable markets.
  • Key third-party efficacy trials under way or initiating include:
    • An east coast agricultural firm is field testing Evolve in a sugar cane operation.
    • A leading pest management professional has implemented Evolve in a housing area on a west coast university campus, collecting data on efficacy.
    • A western university is initiating a laboratory efficacy trial for Evolve Mouse.
    • SenesTech is participating with a leading pest control firm in a California Department of Pesticide Regulation funded study on sustainable alternatives to rodenticide use.

Management Discussion

"The second quarter results highlight yet another quarter of record top line sales.  62% growth year to date versus the same period in 2023, as well as strong operational improvement of numerous key metrics have reduced our cash burn as we look to achieve our near-term objective of profitability," commented Joel Fruendt, President and CEO of SenesTech.

"Importantly, we are ideally positioned to see accelerating growth due to the initiatives we put in place throughout the first half of 2024, including the launch of Evolve for rats with key online retailers; the launch of our new Evolve Mouse solution; the ramp up of recently secured distribution agreements; and new product packing options, " Fruendt continued.

"Also during the quarter, we have significantly progressed our discussions with some of the nation's largest brick-and-mortar retailers towards the potential adoption of Evolve. Placement by one or two of these retailers could result in our immediate transition to profitability," emphasized Fruendt.

"With our Evolve soft bait solution, the game for SenesTech and the rodent control industry has truly changed. We finally have a solution that is demanded by the pest control market due to its improved form factor, economical price point, proven efficacy, and lengthy shelf life. I am extremely pleased with the progress we have made to bring the much-needed fertility control solutions to the rodent control industry and look forward to the future with tremendous optimism," Fruendt concluded.

Q2 2024 Financial Results

  • Revenue during Q2 2024 was $459,000 compared to $305,000 in Q2 2023, an increase of 50%.
  • Net loss during Q2 2024 was $1.6 million, compared with a net loss of $2.0 million for Q2 2023.
  • Adjusted EBITDA loss, which is a non-GAAP measure of operating performance, for Q2 2024 was $1.4 million compared to $1.7 million in Q2 2023.
  • Cash at the end of June 2024 was $2.0 million.

Use of Non-GAAP Measure

Adjusted EBITDA is a non-GAAP measure. However, this measure is not intended to substitute for those financial measures reported in accordance with GAAP. Adjusted EBITDA has been included because management believes that, when considered together with the GAAP figures, it provides meaningful information related to our operating performance and liquidity and can enhance an overall understanding of financial results and trends. Adjusted EBITDA may be calculated by us differently than other companies that disclose measures with the same or similar term. See our attached financials for a reconciliation of this non-GAAP measure to the nearest GAAP measure.

Conference Call Details

Date and Time: Thursday, August 8, 2024, at 5:00 pm ET

Call-in Information: Interested parties can access the conference call by dialing (844) 308-3351 or (412) 317-5407.

Live Webcast Information: Interested parties can access the conference call via a live webcast, which is available in the Investor Relations section of the Company's website at or

Replay: A teleconference replay of the call will be available for seven days at (877) 344-7529 or (412) 317-0088, replay access code 6578863. A webcast replay will be available in the Investor Relations section of the Company's website at for 90 days. 

About SenesTech

We are committed to improving the health of the world by humanely managing animal pest populations through our expertise in fertility control. We invented ContraPest, the only U.S. EPA-registered contraceptive for male and female rats, as well as Evolve and Evolve Mouse, EPA-designated minimum risk contraceptives for rodents, reflecting our mission to provide products that are proactive, safe and sustainable. ContraPest and Evolve fit seamlessly into all integrated pest management programs, significantly improving the overall goal of effective pest management. We strive for clean cities, efficient businesses and happy households – with a product designed to be humane, effective and sustainable. 

For more information visit

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of federal securities laws, and we intend that such forward-looking statements be subject to the safe harbor created thereby. Such forward-looking statements include, among others, our expectation that second half growth will be driven by key growth initiatives implemented in the first half of 2024, to include: (i) the launch of Evolve with key online retailers, including and, (ii) the launch of Evolve Mouse in May 2024, a fertility solution to proactively control mouse infestations, utilizing the same revolutionary breakthrough technology as the rat solution, (iii) the ramp up of recently secured distribution agreements with leading agricultural and pest management industry distributors, (iv) the new product packaging introduced to include convenient 1.5 pound, 3 pound, and 6 pound pouches, using 87% less plastic than traditional pails, (v) the expanded sales and marketing efforts in partnering with five manufacturer's representative agencies, with over 50 representatives targeting 23 retail and industrial accounts, and (vi) the expansion of the Evolve product line into distribution and consumer-friendly channels and verticals has opened an additional $300 million in addressable markets; our belief that we are ideally positioned to see accelerating growth due to the initiatives we put in place throughout the first half of 2024, including (i) the launch of Evolve for rats with key online retailers (ii) the launch of our new Evolve Mouse solution, (iii) the ramp up of recently secured distribution agreements, (iv) new product packing options, and (v) perhaps most important, the potential adoption of Evolve by some of the nation's largest brick-and-mortar retailers with whom we have recently engaged over the past quarter; our belief that placement by one or two of these retailers could result in our immediate transition to profitability; our belief that the accelerating revenue growth, coupled with improving gross margins and disciplined operating expense management, will bring cash flow breakeven within near term quarters; our belief that the game for SenesTech and the rodent control industry has truly changed with our Evolve soft bait solution; our belief that due to the Evolve soft bait solution's improved form factor, economical price point, effective efficacy, and lengthy shelf life, we finally have a solution that is demanded by the professional pest control market and do-it-yourselfers through online and brick-and-mortar retailers; our optimism about the future given the progress we have made to bring the much needed fertility control solutions to the rodent industry.

Forward-looking statements may describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are often, but not always, made through the use of words such as "believe," "may," "future," "plan," "will," "should," "expect," "anticipate," "eventually," "project," "estimate," "continuing," "intend" and similar words or phrases. You are cautioned that such statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, the successful commercialization of our products; market acceptance of our products; our financial performance, including our ability to fund operations; our ability to regain and maintain compliance with Nasdaq's continued listing requirements; regulatory approval and regulation of our products; and other factors and risks identified from time to time in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made and are based on management's assumptions and estimates as of such date. Except as required by law, we do not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of the receipt of new information, the occurrence of future events or otherwise.


Investors: Robert Blum, Lytham Partners, LLC, (602) 889-9700,

Company: Tom Chesterman, Chief Financial Officer, SenesTech, Inc., (928) 779-4143


(In thousands, except share and per share data)

June 30,

December 31,


Current assets:

Cash and cash equivalents

$               1,952

$               5,395

Accounts receivable, net



Prepaid expenses and other current assets



Inventory, net



Total current assets



Right to use assets, operating leases



Property and equipment, net



Other noncurrent assets



Total assets

$               4,037

$               7,293


Current liabilities:

Accounts payable

$                  191

$                  150

Accrued expenses



Current portion of operating lease liability



Current portion of notes payable



Deferred revenue



Total current liabilities



Notes payable, less current portion



Total liabilities



Stockholders' equity:

Common stock



Additional paid-in capital



Accumulated deficit



Total stockholders' equity



Total liabilities and stockholders' equity

$               4,037

$               7,293


(In thousands, except share and per share data)

Three Months Ended
June 30,

Six Months Ended
June 30,





Revenues, net

$              459

$              305

$              874

$              538

Cost of sales





Gross profit





Operating expenses:

Research and development





Selling, general and administrative





Total operating expenses





Loss from operations





Other income, net





Net loss

$         (1,584)

$         (1,993)

$         (3,416)

$         (4,030)

Weighted average shares outstanding — basic and diluted





Loss per share — basic and diluted

$           (3.08)

$         (83.58)

$           (6.64)

$      (196.66)


Itemized Reconciliation Between Net Loss and Adjusted EBITDA (non-GAAP)
(In thousands)

Three Months Ended
June 30,

Six Months Ended
June 30,





Net loss (as reported, GAAP)

$         (1,584)

$         (1,993)

$         (3,416)

$         (4,030)

Non-GAAP adjustments:

Interest income, net





Stock-based compensation expense





Reserve for future severance payments



Depreciation expense





Total non-GAAP adjustments





Adjusted EBITDA loss (non-GAAP)

$         (1,440)

$         (1,678)

$         (3,198)

$         (3,521)


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SOURCE SenesTech, Inc.


What was SenesTech's (SNES) revenue for Q2 2024?

SenesTech's revenue for Q2 2024 was $459,000, representing a 50% increase compared to Q2 2023.

How much did SenesTech's (SNES) gross margin improve in Q2 2024?

SenesTech's gross margin improved to 54% in Q2 2024, compared to 47% in Q1 2024. It reached a record high of 67% in June 2024.

What new product did SenesTech (SNES) launch in May 2024?

SenesTech launched Evolve Mouse in May 2024, a fertility solution to proactively control mouse infestations using the same technology as their rat solution.

How much revenue did SenesTech (SNES) generate in the first half of 2024?

SenesTech reported record revenues of $874,000 in the first half of 2024, representing a 62% increase compared to the first half of 2023.

SenesTech, Inc.


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United States of America