Science 37 Appoints Tyler Van Horn as CEO to Lead Next Era of Patient-Access Innovation
Science 37 has appointed Tyler Van Horn as its new CEO, effective January 14, 2025. Van Horn, previously the Chief Commercial Officer, has played a key role in driving operational excellence and shaping strategic initiatives that prioritize client success, contributing significantly to the company's growth since he joined in 2021.
His tenure has seen the assembly of a team capable of matching or surpassing traditional clinical trial standards, with a focus on patient well-being and safety through at-home services. Van Horn emphasizes the importance of enabling therapies to reach their endpoints faster, gaining approval, and ensuring equitable health outcomes. He aims to support sponsors with world-class research teams and innovative solutions, particularly targeting underserved populations.
Van Horn's elevation to CEO is set to build on past successes while reinforcing the company's commitment to growth, innovation, and enhanced solution delivery. Science 37 continues to lead in patient access, diversity, and safety in clinical research.
Science 37 ha nominato Tyler Van Horn come nuovo CEO, a partire dal 14 gennaio 2025. Van Horn, precedentemente Chief Commercial Officer, ha svolto un ruolo chiave nel promuovere l'eccellenza operativa e nel definire iniziative strategiche focalizzate sul successo dei clienti, contribuendo in modo significativo alla crescita dell'azienda dal suo ingresso nel 2021.
Durante il suo mandato, ha assemblato un team in grado di eguagliare o superare gli standard tradizionali degli studi clinici, con un'attenzione particolare al benessere e alla sicurezza dei pazienti attraverso servizi a domicilio. Van Horn sottolinea l'importanza di consentire alle terapie di raggiungere più rapidamente i loro obiettivi, ottenendo approvazioni e assicurando risultati sanitari equi. Si prefigge di supportare gli sponsor con team di ricerca di livello mondiale e soluzioni innovative, mirando in particolare a popolazioni svantaggiate.
La promozione di Van Horn a CEO è destinata a costruire sui successi passati, consolidando l'impegno dell'azienda nella crescita, nell'innovazione e nel miglioramento della fornitura di soluzioni. Science 37 continua a guidare in accesso ai pazienti, diversità e sicurezza nella ricerca clinica.
Science 37 ha nombrado a Tyler Van Horn como su nuevo CEO, con efecto a partir del 14 de enero de 2025. Van Horn, anteriormente Director Comercial, ha desempeñado un papel clave en la promoción de la excelencia operativa y la formación de iniciativas estratégicas que priorizan el éxito del cliente, contribuyendo significativamente al crecimiento de la empresa desde su incorporación en 2021.
Su mandato ha visto la creación de un equipo capaz de igualar o superar los estándares tradicionales de los ensayos clínicos, centrándose en el bienestar y la seguridad de los pacientes a través de servicios en el hogar. Van Horn enfatiza la importancia de permitir que las terapias alcancen sus objetivos más rápidamente, obtengan aprobación y aseguren resultados de salud equitativos. Su objetivo es apoyar a los patrocinadores con equipos de investigación de clase mundial y soluciones innovadoras, apuntando especialmente a las poblaciones desatendidas.
La promoción de Van Horn a CEO está destinada a construir sobre los éxitos pasados y reforzar el compromiso de la empresa con el crecimiento, la innovación y la mejora en la entrega de soluciones. Science 37 continúa liderando en el acceso a pacientes, diversidad y seguridad en la investigación clínica.
Science 37는 Tyler Van Horn을 2025년 1월 14일부터 새 CEO로 임명했습니다. Van Horn은 이전에 최고 상업 책임자(Chief Commercial Officer)로서 운영 우수성 제고와 고객 성공을 우선시하는 전략적 이니셔티브를 형성하는 데 중요한 역할을 했으며, 2021년 합류 이후 회사의 성장에 크게 기여했습니다.
그의 재임 기간 동안 그는 전통적인 임상 시험 기준에 부합하거나 이를 초과하는 팀을 구성하였고, 환자의 웰빙과 안전을 중시하여 재택 서비스를 제공했습니다. Van Horn은 치료제가 목표를 더 빠르게 달성할 수 있도록 하여 승인을 받고 공정한 건강 결과를 보장하는 것의 중요성을 강조합니다. 그는 세계적 수준의 연구팀과 혁신적인 솔루션으로 후원자들을 지원할 계획이며, 특히 소외된 집단을 겨냥하고 있습니다.
Van Horn의 CEO 승진은 과거의 성공을 기반으로 하여 회사의 성장, 혁신 및 솔루션 제공 강화를 위한 노력을 더욱 강화할 계획입니다. Science 37은 환자의 접근성, 다양성 및 임상 연구의 안전성을 선도하고 있습니다.
Science 37 a nommé Tyler Van Horn comme nouveau CEO, à compter du 14 janvier 2025. Avant cela, Van Horn était le directeur commercial et a joué un rôle clé dans l'amélioration de l'excellence opérationnelle et dans la mise en place d'initiatives stratégiques axées sur la réussite des clients, contribuant de manière significative à la croissance de l'entreprise depuis son arrivée en 2021.
Son mandat a vu la création d'une équipe capable de rivaliser ou de dépasser les normes des essais cliniques traditionnels, en mettant l'accent sur le bien-être et la sécurité des patients grâce à des services à domicile. Van Horn souligne l'importance de permettre aux thérapies d'atteindre leurs objectifs plus rapidement, d'obtenir des approbations et de garantir des résultats de santé équitables. Il vise à soutenir les sponsors avec des équipes de recherche de premier ordre et des solutions innovantes, en ciblant particulièrement les populations mal desservies.
La promotion de Van Horn au poste de CEO devrait s'appuyer sur les succès passés tout en renforçant l'engagement de l'entreprise en matière de croissance, d'innovation et d'amélioration de la fourniture de solutions. Science 37 continue d'être un leader en matière d'accès des patients, de diversité et de sécurité dans la recherche clinique.
Science 37 hat Tyler Van Horn zum neuen CEO ernannt, beginnend am 14. Januar 2025. Van Horn, zuvor Chief Commercial Officer, hat eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Förderung operativer Exzellenz und der Entwicklung strategischer Initiativen gespielt, die den Erfolg der Kunden priorisieren und einen bedeutenden Beitrag zum Wachstum des Unternehmens seit seinem Eintritt im Jahr 2021 leisten.
Während seiner Amtszeit wurde ein Team zusammengestellt, das in der Lage ist, traditionelle Standards klinischer Studien zu erreichen oder zu übertreffen, wobei der Fokus auf dem Wohlbefinden und der Sicherheit der Patienten durch Dienstleistungen zu Hause liegt. Van Horn betont die Bedeutung, Therapien schneller zu ihren Zielen zu bringen, Genehmigungen zu erhalten und gerechte Gesundheitsergebnisse zu gewährleisten. Sein Ziel ist es, Sponsoren mit world-class Forschungsteams und innovativen Lösungen zu unterstützen, insbesondere mit einem Fokus auf unterversorgte Bevölkerungsgruppen.
Van Horns Beförderung zum CEO soll auf vergangenen Erfolgen aufbauen, während das Engagement des Unternehmens für Wachstum, Innovation und verbesserte Lösungsbereitstellung gestärkt wird. Science 37 bleibt führend im Zugang der Patienten, in der Vielfalt und in der Sicherheit in der klinischen Forschung.
- Appointment of Tyler Van Horn as CEO, bringing continuity and proven leadership.
- Van Horn's focus on operational excellence and strategic initiatives that have driven company growth.
- Commitment to patient well-being, safety, and at-home services.
- Emphasis on accelerating therapy endpoints, gaining approvals, and ensuring equitable health outcomes.
- Targeting underserved populations with innovative solutions.
- None.
Seasoned Strategist and Former Chief Commercial Officer Poised to Accelerate Access and Equity in Clinical Research
MORRISVILLE, N.C., Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Science 37, a leader in enhancing patient access to clinical trials, announces the appointment of Tyler Van Horn as Chief Executive Officer. Formerly the company’s Chief Commercial Officer, Van Horn’s appointment follows his pivotal role in driving operational excellence and shaping the company’s strategic direction to better prioritize client success – initiatives credited with driving growth for the company.
Since joining Science 37 in 2021, Van Horn has been a chief architect in assembling and empowering a team capable of matching or surpassing the testing standards and data quality of traditional clinical trial sites. By emphasizing the well-being and safety of patients through the delivery of convenient, at-home services, Van Horn sees Science 37 solving the most acute patient enrollment and study conduct pain points facing its clinical research clients.
“The future of clinical research lies in enabling therapies to reach their endpoints faster, gaining approval, and ensuring equitable, improved health outcomes for all,” said Van Horn. “As CEO, I am dedicated to supporting sponsors with our world-class research teams and innovative solutions. Our commitment to expanding patient access remains at the heart of everything we do, especially as we strive to reach underserved populations and drive meaningful change in healthcare.”
Van Horn’s elevation to CEO positions Science 37 to seamlessly build upon the learning of past successes. It also redoubles the company’s commitment to growth through purposeful innovation and enhanced solution delivery. By prioritizing the patient and study sponsors, Science 37 is leading the way, ushering in a new era of accessibility, diversity, and patient safety in clinical research.
For more information about Science 37 and its unique approach to clinical research, visit
About Science 37
Science 37 accelerates clinical research by expanding patient access to trials, leading to faster approvals and better health outcomes. Our Metasite™ and Patient Recruitment solutions enable life sciences companies to reach beyond traditional means of conducting clinical research. To learn more, visit, or email
To view studies that Science 37 is actively recruiting for, please visit
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Science 37

Who is the new CEO of Science 37?
When did Tyler Van Horn become CEO of Science 37?
What was Tyler Van Horn's role before becoming CEO of Science 37?
How has Tyler Van Horn contributed to Science 37's growth?
What are Tyler Van Horn's priorities as CEO of Science 37?
How does Science 37 plan to expand patient access under the new CEO?