Similarweb Files 2024 Annual Report on Form 20-F
Similarweb (NYSE: SMWB), a leading digital intelligence company, has filed its annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024, with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on February 27, 2025.
The 2024 annual report is accessible through the SEC's website and the company's investor relations website. Shareholders can also request a free hard copy of the complete audited financial statements from the company's Investor Relations department.
Similarweb (NYSE: SMWB), un'azienda leader nell'intelligenza digitale, ha presentato il suo rapporto annuale sul Modulo 20-F per l'anno fiscale conclusosi il 31 dicembre 2024, alla Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) degli Stati Uniti il 27 febbraio 2025.
Il rapporto annuale 2024 è accessibile tramite il sito web della SEC e il sito web delle relazioni con gli investitori dell'azienda. Gli azionisti possono anche richiedere una copia cartacea gratuita dei bilanci finanziari auditati completi dal dipartimento Relazioni con gli Investitori dell'azienda.
Similarweb (NYSE: SMWB), una empresa líder en inteligencia digital, ha presentado su informe anual en el Formulario 20-F para el año fiscal que finalizó el 31 de diciembre de 2024, a la Comisión de Valores y Bolsa de EE. UU. (SEC) el 27 de febrero de 2025.
El informe anual de 2024 está disponible a través del sitio web de la SEC y el sitio web de relaciones con inversores de la empresa. Los accionistas también pueden solicitar una copia impresa gratuita de los estados financieros auditados completos al departamento de Relaciones con Inversores de la empresa.
Similarweb (NYSE: SMWB), 선도적인 디지털 인텔리전스 회사가 2024 회계연도 종료일인 2024년 12월 31일 기준으로 연례 보고서를 미국 증권거래위원회(SEC)에 2025년 2월 27일 제출했습니다.
2024 연례 보고서는 SEC 웹사이트와 회사의 투자자 관계 웹사이트를 통해 접근할 수 있습니다. 주주들은 또한 회사의 투자자 관계 부서에 요청하여 전체 감사 재무제표의 무료 인쇄본을 받을 수 있습니다.
Similarweb (NYSE: SMWB), une entreprise leader en intelligence numérique, a déposé son rapport annuel sur le formulaire 20-F pour l'exercice fiscal clos le 31 décembre 2024 auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) des États-Unis le 27 février 2025.
Le rapport annuel 2024 est accessible via le site web de la SEC et le site web des relations avec les investisseurs de l'entreprise. Les actionnaires peuvent également demander une copie papier gratuite des états financiers audités complets auprès du département des relations avec les investisseurs de l'entreprise.
Similarweb (NYSE: SMWB), ein führendes Unternehmen für digitale Intelligenz, hat am 27. Februar 2025 seinen Jahresbericht auf dem Formular 20-F für das am 31. Dezember 2024 endende Geschäftsjahr bei der U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) eingereicht.
Der Jahresbericht 2024 ist über die Website der SEC und die Website der Investor Relations des Unternehmens zugänglich. Aktionäre können auch eine kostenlose gedruckte Kopie der vollständigen geprüften Finanzberichte beim Investor Relations-Team des Unternehmens anfordern.
- None.
- None.
The 2024 annual report can be accessed by visiting either the SEC’s website at or the company’s investor relations website at In addition, shareholders may receive a hard copy of the company’s complete audited financial statements free of charge, by requesting a copy from Investor Relations.
About Similarweb:
Similarweb powers businesses to win their market with leading Digital Data. Similarweb reveals what is happening online and provides businesses with the essential digital data & analytics needed to build strategy, optimize customer acquisition, and increase monetization. We empower our users to be among the first to discover and capture the best business opportunities and stay alert to react instantly to emerging threats to their business. Similarweb products are easy to use and integrate into users’ workflows, powered by advanced technology, and based on comprehensive digital data.
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David F. Carr
Rami Myerson
Source: Similarweb
When did Similarweb (SMWB) file its 2024 annual report?
Where can investors access Similarweb's (SMWB) 2024 annual report?
How can shareholders obtain a hard copy of Similarweb's (SMWB) 2024 financial statements?