Samsonite International S.A. Announces Change of Corporate Name to Samsonite Group S.A.
Samsonite International S.A. announced that shareholders approved changing the company's name to Samsonite Group S.A. at an extraordinary general meeting on January 23, 2025. The company's stock code on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (1910) remains unchanged.
The new name better reflects the company's portfolio of brands, which includes their core market-leading brands: Samsonite®, the top-ranked global luggage brand; Tumi®, a performance luxury brand with growth opportunities in Asia and Europe; and American Tourister®, offering quality products at accessible price points. The portfolio also includes complementary brands Gregory®, Lipault®, and Hartmann®.
CEO Kyle Gendreau stated that the new name communicates a more defined corporate identity aligned with their goal of becoming the most sustainable lifestyle bag and travel luggage company globally.
Samsonite International S.A. ha annunciato che gli azionisti hanno approvato il cambiamento del nome dell'azienda in Samsonite Group S.A. durante un'assemblea generale straordinaria il 23 gennaio 2025. Il codice azionario dell'azienda alla Borsa di Hong Kong (1910) rimane invariato.
Il nuovo nome riflette meglio il portafoglio di marchi dell'azienda, che include i suoi marchi di punta leader di mercato: Samsonite®, il marchio di valigie globale più quotato; Tumi®, un marchio di lusso performante con opportunità di crescita in Asia e Europa; e American Tourister®, che offre prodotti di qualità a prezzi accessibili. Il portafoglio comprende anche marchi complementari come Gregory®, Lipault® e Hartmann®.
Il CEO Kyle Gendreau ha dichiarato che il nuovo nome comunica un'identità aziendale più definita, allineata con il loro obiettivo di diventare l'azienda di borse per stile di vita e valigeria più sostenibile a livello globale.
Samsonite International S.A. anunció que los accionistas aprobaron el cambio del nombre de la compañía a Samsonite Group S.A. en una reunión extraordinaria de accionistas el 23 de enero de 2025. El código de acciones de la compañía en la Bolsa de Hong Kong (1910) permanece sin cambios.
El nuevo nombre refleja mejor el portafolio de marcas de la compañía, que incluye sus marcas líderes en el mercado: Samsonite®, la marca de equipaje global mejor posicionada; Tumi®, una marca de lujo de alto rendimiento con oportunidades de crecimiento en Asia y Europa; y American Tourister®, que ofrece productos de calidad a precios accesibles. El portafolio también incluye marcas complementarias como Gregory®, Lipault® y Hartmann®.
El CEO Kyle Gendreau declaró que el nuevo nombre comunica una identidad corporativa más definida, alineada con su objetivo de convertirse en la empresa de bolsos de estilo de vida y equipaje de viaje más sostenible a nivel mundial.
샘소나이트 인터내셔널 S.A.는 주주들이 2025년 1월 23일에 열린 임시 주주총회에서 회사 이름을 샘소나이트 그룹 S.A.로 변경하는 것을 승인했다고 발표했습니다. 홍콩 증권 거래소에서의 회사 주식 코드 (1910)는 변경되지 않습니다.
새로운 이름은 회사의 주요 시장 선도 브랜드 포트폴리오를 더 잘 반영합니다: 샘소나이트®, 세계에서 가장 높은 순위를 차지하는 수하물 브랜드; 투미®, 아시아와 유럽에서 성장 기회를 가진 성능 럭셔리 브랜드; 아메리칸 투어리스터®, 접근 가능한 가격대의 품질 제품을 제공합니다. 포트폴리오는 보조 브랜드인 Gregory®, Lipault® 및 Hartmann®도 포함됩니다.
CEO 카일 젠드로는 새로운 이름이 그들의 목표인 세계적으로 가장 지속 가능한 라이프스타일 가방 및 여행 수하물 회사가 되려는 의도와 일치하는 더욱 구체화된 기업 정체성을 전달한다고 밝혔습니다.
Samsonite International S.A. a annoncé que les actionnaires avaient approuvé le changement du nom de l'entreprise en Samsonite Group S.A. lors d'une assemblée générale extraordinaire le 23 janvier 2025. Le code boursier de l'entreprise à la Bourse de Hong Kong (1910) reste inchangé.
Le nouveau nom reflète mieux le portefeuille de marques de l'entreprise, qui comprend ses marques phares leaders du marché : Samsonite®, la marque de bagages la mieux classée au niveau mondial ; Tumi®, une marque de luxe axée sur la performance avec des opportunités de croissance en Asie et en Europe ; et American Tourister®, qui propose des produits de qualité à des prix accessibles. Le portefeuille comprend également des marques complémentaires telles que Gregory®, Lipault® et Hartmann®.
Le PDG Kyle Gendreau a déclaré que le nouveau nom communique une identité d'entreprise plus définie, alignée avec leur objectif de devenir l'entreprise de sacs de style de vie et de bagages de voyage la plus durable au monde.
Samsonite International S.A. gab bekannt, dass die Aktionäre auf einer außerordentlichen Hauptversammlung am 23. Januar 2025 die Änderung des Unternehmensnamens in Samsonite Group S.A. genehmigt haben. Der Aktiencode des Unternehmens an der Hongkonger Börse (1910) bleibt unverändert.
Der neue Name spiegelt besser das Markenportfolio des Unternehmens wider, das seine führenden Kernmarken umfasst: Samsonite®, die weltweit beliebteste Gepäckmarke; Tumi®, eine leistungsstarke Luxusmarke mit Wachstumschancen in Asien und Europa; und American Tourister®, die Qualitätsprodukte zu attraktiven Preisen anbietet. Das Portfolio umfasst auch ergänzende Marken wie Gregory®, Lipault® und Hartmann®.
CEO Kyle Gendreau erklärte, dass der neue Name eine klarere Unternehmensidentität kommuniziert, die mit ihrem Ziel übereinstimmt, das nachhaltigsten Lebensstil- und Reisegepäckunternehmen weltweit zu werden.
- Strong brand portfolio with three market-leading core brands
- Growth potential for Tumi brand in underpenetrated Asian and European markets
- None.
New corporate name better reflects portfolio of customer-centric, iconic brands
"We believe our new name – Samsonite Group – better reflects the Company's portfolio of customer-centric, iconic brands, led by our trio of market-leading core brands Samsonite®, the top-ranked global luggage brand trusted around the world and synonymous with luggage; Tumi®, a performance luxury brand known for its premium quality, technical innovation and exceptional functionality with significant opportunity to grow sales in underpenetrated markets, especially in
"Along with complementary brands, including Gregory®, Lipault® and Hartmann®, all with distinct DNA and serving unique market segments, we are poised to continue meeting the travel and non-travel bag needs of a wide range of customers worldwide. We believe the new name communicates a more defined corporate identity that reflects our progress toward becoming the most sustainable lifestyle bag and travel luggage company in the world as we continue to enhance our leadership position in an attractive and growing industry."
About Samsonite
With a heritage dating back more than 110 years, Samsonite Group S.A. ("Samsonite" or the "Company", together with its consolidated subsidiaries the "Group"), is a leader in the global lifestyle bag industry and is the world's best-known and largest travel luggage company. The Group is principally engaged in the design, manufacture, sourcing and distribution of luggage, business and computer bags, outdoor and casual bags and travel accessories throughout the world, primarily under the Samsonite®, Tumi®, American Tourister®, Gregory®, High Sierra®, Kamiliant®, Lipault® and Hartmann® brand names as well as other owned and licensed brand names. The Company's ordinary shares are listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("SEHK").
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Samsonite Group S.A. Tel: +1 508 851 1586 | Samsonite Group S.A. – Tel: +852 2422 2611 | |
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