Sallie Mae Contributes $200,000 to Support College Access at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

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The Sallie Mae Fund has announced a $200,000 contribution to HBCU Week Foundation to support higher education access at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). As the presenting sponsor, Sallie Mae will support HBCU Week College Fairs in Wilmington, Del. on Sept. 27 and Orlando, Fla. on Oct. 24. These events connect prospective students with schools, scholarships, and on-the-spot college acceptances.

The company will provide free tools and resources, including Scholarship Search by Sallie and a guide for completing the FAFSA. Sallie Mae has also announced a $1 million research endowment to Delaware State University for a three-year 'Persistence and Completion Pilot Program' to study barriers to degree completion. Since 2021, their Completing the Dream Scholarship has eliminated nearly $2 million in unexpected costs for students, 98% of whom attend HBCUs.

Il Sallie Mae Fund ha annunciato un contributo di $200.000 alla HBCU Week Foundation per sostenere l'accesso all'istruzione superiore nelle Università Storicamente Black (HBCU). In qualità di sponsor principale, Sallie Mae supporterà le Fiere Universitarie della HBCU Week che si svolgeranno a Wilmington, Del. il 27 settembre e Orlando, Fla. il 24 ottobre. Questi eventi mettono in contatto studenti potenziali con università, borse di studio e accettazioni universitarie immediate.

La compagnia fornirà strumenti e risorse gratuite, tra cui la Ricerca Borse di Studio di Sallie e una guida per la compilazione del FAFSA. Sallie Mae ha anche annunciato un endowment di ricerca di $1 milione per la Delaware State University per un programma pilota di tre anni sulla 'Persistenza e Completamento' per studiare le barriere al conseguimento del diploma. Dal 2021, la loro borsa di studio Completing the Dream ha eliminato quasi $2 milioni di costi imprevisti per gli studenti, il 98% dei quali frequenta le HBCU.

El Sallie Mae Fund ha anunciado una contribución de $200,000 a la HBCU Week Foundation para apoyar el acceso a la educación superior en las Universidades Históricamente Negras (HBCU). Como patrocinador principal, Sallie Mae apoyará las Ferias Universitarias de la HBCU Week en Wilmington, Del. el 27 de septiembre y Orlando, Fla. el 24 de octubre. Estos eventos conectan a estudiantes interesados con universidades, becas y aceptaciones inmediatas en la universidad.

La empresa proporcionará herramientas y recursos gratuitos, incluyendo la Búsqueda de Becas de Sallie y una guía para completar el FAFSA. Sallie Mae también ha anunciado un donativo de investigación de $1 millón para la Delaware State University para un programa piloto de tres años sobre 'Persistencia y Completación' para estudiar las barreras a la obtención de títulos. Desde 2021, su Beca Completing the Dream ha eliminado casi $2 millones en costos inesperados para los estudiantes, el 98% de los cuales asisten a HBCU.

살리 메이 펀드(Sallie Mae Fund)가 역사적으로 흑인 대학(HBCU)에서 고등 교육 접근성을 지원하기 위해 HBCU 주간 재단에 200,000달러 기부를 발표했습니다. 발표 후원사로서 살리 메이는 9월 27일 델라웨어주 윌밍턴10월 24일 플로리다주 올랜도에서 HBCU 주간 대학 박람회를 지원할 것입니다. 이 행사들은 예비 학생들을 학교, 장학금 및 즉각적인 대학 입학 수락과 연결합니다.

회사는 살리의 장학금 검색 및 FAFSA 작성 가이드를 포함하여 무료 도구와 리소스를 제공할 것입니다. 살리 메이는 또한 학위 취득 장벽을 연구하기 위해 델라웨어 주립대학교에 100만 달러 연구 기부금을 발표했습니다. 2021년 이래로, 그들의 꿈 이행 장학금은 학생들에게 거의 200만 달러의 예기치 않은 비용을 없앴으며, 그 중 98%가 HBCU에 재학 중입니다.

Le Sallie Mae Fund a annoncé une contribution de 200 000 $ à la HBCU Week Foundation pour soutenir l'accès à l'enseignement supérieur dans les Universités Historiquement Noires (HBCU). En tant que sponsor principal, Sallie Mae soutiendra les Foires Universitaires de la HBCU Week à Wilmington, Del. le 27 septembre et Orlando, Fla. le 24 octobre. Ces événements mettent en relation des étudiants potentiels avec des établissements, des bourses et des acceptations immédiates dans des universités.

L'entreprise fournira des outils et des ressources gratuits, y compris la recherche de bourses Sallie et un guide pour remplir le FAFSA. Sallie Mae a également annoncé un fonds de recherche d'un million de dollars pour la Delaware State University dans le cadre d'un programme pilote de trois ans sur la 'Persistance et l'Achèvement' pour étudier les barrières à l'obtention de diplômes. Depuis 2021, leur bourse 'Completing the Dream' a éliminé près de 2 millions de dollars de coûts imprévus pour les étudiants, dont 98% fréquentent les HBCU.

Der Sallie Mae Fund hat einen Beitrag von 200.000 Dollar an die HBCU Week Foundation angekündigt, um den Zugang zur Hochschulbildung an historisch schwarzen Colleges und Universitäten (HBCUs) zu unterstützen. Als Hauptsponsor wird Sallie Mae die HBCU Week Hochschulmessen in Wilmington, Del. am 27. September und Orlando, Fla. am 24. Oktober unterstützen. Diese Veranstaltungen bringen potenzielle Studenten mit Schulen, Stipendien und sofortigen Hochschulzulassungen in Kontakt.

Das Unternehmen wird kostenlose Werkzeuge und Ressourcen bereitstellen, darunter die Stipendiensuche von Sallie und einen Leitfaden zur Ausfüllung des FAFSA. Sallie Mae hat außerdem ein Forschungsstipendium von 1 Million Dollar für die Delaware State University für ein dreijähriges 'Persistenz- und Abschluss-Pilotprogramm' angekündigt, um die Barrieren beim Studienabschluss zu untersuchen. Seit 2021 hat ihr Stipendium 'Completing the Dream' fast 2 Millionen Dollar unerwarteter Kosten für Studenten beseitigt, von denen 98% an HBCUs studieren.

  • Sallie Mae Fund contributing $200,000 to support HBCU Week Foundation
  • Sponsorship of HBCU Week College Fairs in Wilmington and Orlando
  • $1 million research endowment to Delaware State University for student retention study
  • Completing the Dream Scholarship has eliminated nearly $2 million in unexpected costs for students
  • None.

The Sallie Mae Fund Sponsors HBCU Week College Fairs in Wilmington, Del. And Orlando, Fla. Connecting Students to Free Resources and Scholarships

NEWARK, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Sallie Mae Fund, Inc. today announced it is contributing $200,000 to HBCU Week Foundation, Inc. to support higher education access at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The Sallie Mae Fund will again be the presenting sponsor for the HBCU Week College Fair in Wilmington, Del., on Sept. 27 and the national HBCU College Fair in Orlando, Fla., on Oct. 24. These events attract thousands of prospective HBCU students and connect students to schools, scholarships, and on-the-spot college acceptances. The Sallie Mae Fund has contributed $500,000 since 2022 to support HBCU Week Foundation college fairs.

“HBCU Week gives students an inside look at the HBCU experience while connecting them to free tools and resources from our partners like Sallie Mae,” said Ashley Christopher, Founder and CEO of the HBCU Week Foundation. “This continues to be a week that changes lives – it provides opportunities for thousands of students and highlights the pride and promise of attending an HBCU.”

As part of the HBCU Week college fairs, The Sallie Mae Fund will also connect students to free tools and resources to make college more accessible and affordable including Scholarship Search by Sallie, Sallie Mae’s free scholarship resource, and the company’s guide to helping families complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA.) Research from Sallie Mae and Ipsos confirms 88% of HBCU students relied on scholarships and grants to pay for college and average amounts received were 51% higher than families attending other institutions.

“HBCUs reach traditionally underserved and underrepresented students, offering them academic opportunities and a supportive and inclusive environment that nurtures their potential,” said Nic Jafarieh, Executive Vice President, Sallie Mae and Chair of The Sallie Mae Fund. “That’s why events like HBCU Week are so critical and why we must continue to invest in programs that support access and completion at HBCUs.”

In addition to advancing access to HBCUs, Sallie Mae recently announced a $1 million research endowment to leading HBCU - Delaware State University - to support a comprehensive three-year “Persistence and Completion Pilot Program.” The program studies and identifies barriers to degree completion, helps students return to school and complete, and helps advance policy recommendations and best practices to enhance student re-engagement. The company also offers its Completing the Dream Scholarship, which, since 2021, has eliminated nearly $2 million in unexpected costs for students, 98% of whom attend HBCUs.

For more information on Sallie Mae’s free tools, resources, and scholarship programs, visit


Sallie Mae (Nasdaq: SLM) believes education and life-long learning, in all forms, help people achieve great things. As the leader in private student lending, we provide financing and know-how to support access to college and offer products and resources to help customers make new goals and experiences, beyond college, happen. Learn more at Commonly known as Sallie Mae, SLM Corporation and its subsidiaries are not sponsored by or agencies of the United States of America.

Category: Community and Philanthropy

Sabrina Dolgetta


Source: Sallie Mae


How much is Sallie Mae (SLM) contributing to support HBCUs in 2024?

Sallie Mae (SLM) is contributing $200,000 to HBCU Week Foundation to support higher education access at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in 2024.

When and where are the HBCU Week College Fairs sponsored by Sallie Mae (SLM) taking place?

The HBCU Week College Fairs sponsored by Sallie Mae (SLM) are taking place in Wilmington, Del. on September 27 and in Orlando, Fla. on October 24, 2024.

What free resources is Sallie Mae (SLM) providing to students during HBCU Week?

During HBCU Week, Sallie Mae (SLM) is providing free resources including Scholarship Search by Sallie, a free scholarship resource, and a guide to help families complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

How much has Sallie Mae's (SLM) Completing the Dream Scholarship eliminated in unexpected costs for students?

Since 2021, Sallie Mae's (SLM) Completing the Dream Scholarship has eliminated nearly $2 million in unexpected costs for students, 98% of whom attend HBCUs.

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