Sun Life U.S. named a Top Workplace for Remote Work by
Sun Life U.S. has been recognized as a Top Workplace for Remote Work by, based on employee surveys by Energage and information about company programs and benefits. The company maintains a flexible, hybrid culture allowing employees to choose when to work from office.
This recognition adds to Sun Life's multiple Top Workplace awards, including honors in Hartford, Boston, Baltimore, Milwaukee, and nationally. The company encourages in-person connections through regional events, philanthropic activities, and satellite communities in areas with high employee concentrations. Sun Life's U.S. office hubs are located in Wellesley, Hartford, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Kansas City and Portland, with satellite communities in Texas and Florida.
Sun Life U.S. è stata riconosciuta come una delle Top Workplace per il lavoro remoto da, sulla base delle indagini dei dipendenti condotte da Energage e delle informazioni sui programmi e benefici aziendali. L'azienda mantiene una cultura ibrida e flessibile che consente ai dipendenti di scegliere quando lavorare in ufficio.
Questo riconoscimento si aggiunge ai numerosi premi come Top Workplace ricevuti da Sun Life, inclusi riconoscimenti a Hartford, Boston, Baltimora, Milwaukee e a livello nazionale. L'azienda incoraggia le connessioni di persona attraverso eventi regionali, attività filantropiche e comunità satellite nelle aree con alta concentrazione di dipendenti. Gli uffici centrali di Sun Life negli Stati Uniti si trovano a Wellesley, Hartford, Milwaukee, Baltimora, Kansas City e Portland, con comunità satellite in Texas e Florida.
Sun Life U.S. ha sido reconocida como uno de los Mejores Lugares de Trabajo para el Trabajo Remoto por, basado en encuestas de empleados realizadas por Energage y la información sobre los programas y beneficios de la empresa. La compañía mantiene una cultura híbrida y flexible que permite a los empleados elegir cuándo trabajar desde la oficina.
Este reconocimiento se suma a los múltiples premios de Top Workplace que ha recibido Sun Life, incluyendo distinciones en Hartford, Boston, Baltimore, Milwaukee y a nivel nacional. La empresa fomenta las conexiones en persona a través de eventos regionales, actividades filantrópicas y comunidades satélite en áreas con alta concentración de empleados. Las oficinas centrales de Sun Life en EE. UU. están ubicadas en Wellesley, Hartford, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Kansas City y Portland, con comunidades satélites en Texas y Florida.
Sun Life U.S.는 Energage의 직원 설문조사 및 회사 프로그램 및 복지 정보에 기반하여 Monster.com에서 원격 근무를 위한 최고의 직장으로 인정받았습니다. 이 회사는 직원들이 사무실에서 일할 시기를 선택할 수 있는 유연하고 하이브리드한 문화를 유지하고 있습니다.
이 인식은 Hartford, Boston, Baltimore, Milwaukee 및 국가적 차원에서의 여러 Top Workplace 상을 포함하여 Sun Life가 얻은 다양한 Top Workplace 상에 추가됩니다. 이 회사는 지역 이벤트, 자선 활동 및 직원 밀집 지역의 위성 커뮤니티를 통해 대면 연결을 장려합니다. Sun Life의 미국 사무소는 Wellesley, Hartford, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Kansas City 및 Portland에 위치하고 있으며, Texas와 Florida에 위성 커뮤니티가 있습니다.
Sun Life U.S. a été reconnue comme un des Meilleurs Lieux de Travail pour le Télétravail par, sur la base des sondages auprès des employés réalisés par Energage et des informations concernant les programmes et avantages offerts par l’entreprise. L’entreprise entretient une culture hybride et flexible qui permet aux employés de choisir quand travailler depuis le bureau.
Cette reconnaissance s’ajoute aux multiples prix de Meilleur Lieu de Travail reçus par Sun Life, y compris des distinctions à Hartford, Boston, Baltimore, Milwaukee et à l’échelle nationale. L’entreprise encourage les connexions en personne à travers des événements régionaux, des activités philanthropiques et des communautés satellites dans des zones avec une forte concentration d’employés. Les bureaux de Sun Life aux États-Unis sont situés à Wellesley, Hartford, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Kansas City et Portland, avec des communautés satellites au Texas et en Floride.
Sun Life U.S. wurde von als Top-Arbeitgeber für Remote-Arbeit ausgezeichnet, basierend auf Mitarbeiterumfragen von Energage und Informationen zu Unternehmensprogrammen und -leistungen. Das Unternehmen pflegt eine flexible, hybride Kultur, die es den Mitarbeitern ermöglicht, zu wählen, wann sie im Büro arbeiten möchten.
Diese Auszeichnung ergänzt die zahlreichen Top-Arbeitgeber-Preise von Sun Life, einschließlich Auszeichnungen in Hartford, Boston, Baltimore, Milwaukee und auf nationaler Ebene. Das Unternehmen fördert persönliche Verbindungen durch regionale Veranstaltungen, philanthropische Aktivitäten und Satellitengemeinden in Gebieten mit hoher Mitarbeiterkonzentration. Die Hauptbüros von Sun Life in den USA befinden sich in Wellesley, Hartford, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Kansas City und Portland, mit Satellitengemeinden in Texas und Florida.
- None.
- None.
"Although we had several hybrid employees prior to the pandemic, we have really leaned into the hybrid dynamic, helping people stay connected to their colleagues and their jobs," said Tammi Wortham, senior vice president, Human Resources, Sun Life
This award follows several consecutive Top Workplace recognitions for Sun Life
Sun Life employees are encouraged to connect in person when they can, whether off-site or at an office. This includes curating satellite communities where there are large concentrations of employees not near a Sun Life office. All Sun Life employees have access to inclusive programming, including regional events that bring colleagues together, and philanthropic activities that give people the opportunity to gather and give back to their local communities. Sun Life's
About Sun Life
Sun Life is a leading international financial services organization providing asset management, wealth, insurance and health solutions to individual and institutional Clients. Sun Life has operations in a number of markets worldwide, including
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Sun Life
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