Sun Life U.S. adds menopause benefit to growing portfolio of health programs for its employees
Sun Life U.S. has announced the addition of menopause benefits to its employee health programs, provided through Progyny at no cost to employees. The new benefit addresses a significant healthcare gap, as 73% of women don't seek proper treatment for menopause symptoms, which can last 2-8 years.
The program offers personalized support from reproductive health experts, including health coaching and guidance for nutrition, weight management, sleep issues, and mental health. This initiative comes as research shows that over 93% of medical residents feel inadequately prepared to manage menopause, and only 31% of OB/GYN residency programs report having a menopause curriculum.
The benefit complements Sun Life's existing comprehensive benefits package, which includes Progyny's fertility services, paid family and medical leave, sabbaticals, and flexible hybrid work arrangements.
Sun Life U.S. ha annunciato l'aggiunta di benefit per la menopausa ai suoi programmi di salute per i dipendenti, forniti tramite Progyny senza alcun costo per i dipendenti. Questo nuovo beneficio affronta una significativa lacuna nella salute, poiché il 73% delle donne non cerca un trattamento adeguato per i sintomi della menopausa, che possono durare da 2 a 8 anni.
Il programma offre supporto personalizzato da parte di esperti in salute riproduttiva, inclusi coaching sulla salute e orientamenti per la nutrizione, gestione del peso, problemi di sonno e salute mentale. Questa iniziativa arriva mentre le ricerche mostrano che oltre il 93% dei residenti in medicina si sente inadeguatamente preparato a gestire la menopausa, e solo il 31% dei programmi di specializzazione in OB/GYN riporta di avere un curriculum sulla menopausa.
Il beneficio si aggiunge al pacchetto di benefici completo già esistente di Sun Life, che include i servizi di fertilità di Progyny, congedi familiari e medici retribuiti, congedi sabbatici e modalità di lavoro ibride flessibili.
Sun Life U.S. ha anunciado la adición de beneficios para la menopausia a sus programas de salud para empleados, proporcionados a través de Progyny sin costo alguno para los empleados. Este nuevo beneficio aborda una importante brecha en la atención médica, ya que el 73% de las mujeres no busca un tratamiento adecuado para los síntomas de la menopausia, que pueden durar de 2 a 8 años.
El programa ofrece apoyo personalizado de expertos en salud reproductiva, incluyendo coaching de salud y orientación sobre nutrición, manejo del peso, problemas de sueño y salud mental. Esta iniciativa surge mientras las investigaciones muestran que más del 93% de los residentes médicos se sienten inadecuadamente preparados para manejar la menopausia, y solo el 31% de los programas de residencia en OB/GYN informan tener un currículo sobre la menopausia.
El beneficio complementa el paquete de beneficios integral existente de Sun Life, que incluye los servicios de fertilidad de Progyny, licencia familiar y médica pagada, sabáticos y arreglos de trabajo híbrido flexibles.
선 라이프 미국은 직원 건강 프로그램에 갱년기 혜택을 추가했다고 발표했습니다. 이 혜택은 Progyny를 통해 제공되며 직원에게는 비용이 들지 않습니다. 이 새로운 혜택은 73%의 여성들이 갱년기 증상에 대한 적절한 치료를 받지 않고 있다는 점에서 중요한 의료 격차를 해결합니다. 갱년기 증상은 2-8년 동안 지속될 수 있습니다.
이 프로그램은 생식 건강 전문가의 개인 맞춤형 지원을 제공하며, 건강 코칭, 영양, 체중 관리, 수면 문제 및 정신 건강에 대한 안내를 포함합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 93% 이상의 의대 레지던트들이 갱년기 관리에 대해 충분히 준비되지 않았다고 느끼고, OB/GYN 레지던트 프로그램 중 31%만이 갱년기 커리큘럼을 보유하고 있다는 연구 결과에 따라 진행됩니다.
이 혜택은 선 라이프의 기존 포괄적 혜택 패키지를 보완하며, 여기에는 Progyny의 불임 서비스, 유급 가족 및 의료 휴가, 안식년, 유연한 하이브리드 근무 방식이 포함됩니다.
Sun Life U.S. a annoncé l'ajout de prestations pour la ménopause à ses programmes de santé pour les employés, fournis par Progyny sans frais pour les employés. Ce nouveau bénéfice comble une lacune importante dans les soins de santé, car 73% des femmes ne recherchent pas de traitement approprié pour les symptômes de la ménopause, qui peuvent durer de 2 à 8 ans.
Le programme offre un soutien personnalisé de la part d'experts en santé reproductive, y compris du coaching en santé et des conseils sur la nutrition, la gestion du poids, les problèmes de sommeil et la santé mentale. Cette initiative intervient alors que des recherches montrent que plus de 93% des résidents en médecine se sentent mal préparés à gérer la ménopause, et seulement 31% des programmes de résidence en OB/GYN rapportent avoir un curriculum sur la ménopause.
Ce bénéfice complète le package de prestations complet existant de Sun Life, qui comprend les services de fertilité de Progyny, des congés familiaux et médicaux rémunérés, des congés sabbatiques et des arrangements de travail hybrides flexibles.
Sun Life U.S. hat die Hinzufügung von Menopause-Leistungen zu seinen Gesundheitsprogrammen für Mitarbeiter angekündigt, die über Progyny ohne Kosten für die Mitarbeiter bereitgestellt werden. Der neue Vorteil schließt eine bedeutende Lücke im Gesundheitswesen, da 73% der Frauen keine angemessene Behandlung für Menopause-Symptome suchen, die 2-8 Jahre andauern können.
Das Programm bietet personalisierte Unterstützung von Experten für reproduktive Gesundheit, einschließlich Gesundheitscoaching und Anleitung zu Ernährung, Gewichtsmanagement, Schlafproblemen und psychischer Gesundheit. Diese Initiative kommt, da Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass über 93% der Medizinstudenten sich unzureichend vorbereitet fühlen, um die Menopause zu managen, und nur 31% der OB/GYN-Residency-Programme berichten, dass sie einen Lehrplan zur Menopause haben.
Der Vorteil ergänzt das bestehende umfassende Leistungspaket von Sun Life, das die Fruchtbarkeitsdienste von Progyny, bezahlten Familien- und Krankheitsurlaub, Sabbaticals und flexible hybride Arbeitsarrangements umfasst.
- Expansion of employee benefits portfolio at no additional cost to workers
- Strategic positioning in women's healthcare benefits sector
- Enhancement of workplace wellness programs supporting employee retention
- None.
"It's time to normalize menopause in the workplace," said Tammi Wortham, senior vice president, Human Resources, Sun Life
According to research conducted by the National Institute of Health, more than
"Menopause is a significant life stage that has long been overlooked in the workplace, despite its impact on physical health, mental well-being, and professional success," said Dr. Janet Choi, chief medical officer, Progyny. "Sun Life's commitment to supporting employees through this transition is a crucial step toward normalizing menopause and ensuring those experiencing symptoms have access to meaningful care. By providing personalized, clinically guided support, together we can help employees feel empowered and healthier, both at work and in life."
In a 2024 study by CVS Health,
"A flexible culture is key to supporting employees, on top of whatever benefits you provide," added Wortham. "We take pride in the culture we have built, which supports our colleagues' ability to care for themselves, whether they are using our menopause benefits, mental health programs, paid leave to care for a family member, or recovering from an illness or injury."
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