Shimmick Awarded $45.4M Murray Street Bridge Project in Santa Cruz
Shimmick Construction (Nasdaq:SHIM) has been awarded a $45.4 million contract for the Murray Street Bridge project in Santa Cruz. The project involves extensive seismic retrofitting and improvements to enhance the bridge's resilience and accessibility. The scope includes installation of new piles, extended pile caps, new columns, and bent caps. The upgraded bridge will feature wider bike lanes, a new dedicated sidewalk, and see-through barrier rails replacing existing concrete barriers to improve harbor views. Shimmick has previous experience with similar projects including the Caltrans Dumbarton Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Port of San Francisco Illinois Street Intermodal Bridge.
Shimmick Construction (Nasdaq:SHIM) ha ricevuto un contratto di 45,4 milioni di dollari per il progetto del ponte di Murray Street a Santa Cruz. Il progetto prevede ampie opere di rinforzo sismico e miglioramenti per aumentare la resilienza e l'accessibilità del ponte. L'ambito include l'installazione di nuove palificazioni, teste di palo estese, nuove colonne e travi di sostegno. Il ponte aggiornato avrà corsie ciclabili più ampie, un nuovo marciapiede dedicato e barriere trasparenti che sostituiranno le attuali barriere in cemento per migliorare le vedute del porto. Shimmick ha precedenti esperienze in progetti simili, tra cui il rinforzo sismico del ponte Dumbarton di Caltrans e il ponte intermodale Illinois Street nel porto di San Francisco.
Shimmick Construction (Nasdaq:SHIM) ha sido adjudicada un contrato de 45.4 millones de dólares para el proyecto del puente de Murray Street en Santa Cruz. El proyecto implica una extensa modernización sísmica y mejoras para aumentar la resiliencia y accesibilidad del puente. El alcance incluye la instalación de nuevos pilotes, cabezales de pilote extendidos, nuevas columnas y cabezales de soporte. El puente mejorado contará con carriles para bicicletas más anchos, una nueva acera dedicada y barandillas transparentes que reemplazarán las barreras de concreto existentes para mejorar las vistas del puerto. Shimmick tiene experiencia previa con proyectos similares, incluyendo la modernización sísmica del puente Dumbarton de Caltrans y el puente intermodal Illinois Street en el puerto de San Francisco.
Shimmick Construction (Nasdaq:SHIM)는 산타 크루즈의 머레이 스트리트 다리 프로젝트에 대해 4540만 달러 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 다리의 내진 보강 및 접근성 향상을 위한 광범위한 개선 작업을 포함합니다. 범위에는 새로운 파일, 연장된 파일 캡, 새로운 기둥, 그리고 벤트 캡 설치가 포함됩니다. 업그레이드된 다리는 더 넓은 자전거 도로, 새로운 전용 인도 및 기존의 콘크리트 장애물을 대체하는 투명 장애물 난간을 갖추어 항구 전망을 개선할 것입니다. Shimmick는 Caltrans 덤바턴 다리의 내진 보강 및 샌프란시스코 항의 일리노이 스트리트 인터모달 다리와 같은 유사한 프로젝트에 대한 경험이 있습니다.
Shimmick Construction (Nasdaq:SHIM) a obtenu un contrat de 45,4 millions de dollars pour le projet du pont de Murray Street à Santa Cruz. Le projet implique des travaux de renforcement sismique et d'amélioration afin d'accroître la résilience et l'accessibilité du pont. Le périmètre comprend l'installation de nouveaux pieux, de têtes de pieux élargies, de nouvelles colonnes et de supports. Le pont modernisé disposera de pistes cyclables plus larges, d'un nouveau trottoir dédié et de garde-corps transparents remplaçant les barrières en béton existantes pour améliorer la vue sur le port. Shimmick a déjà de l'expérience avec des projets similaires, y compris le renforcement sismique du pont Dumbarton de Caltrans et du pont intermodal Illinois Street dans le port de San Francisco.
Shimmick Construction (Nasdaq:SHIM) wurde ein Vertrag über 45,4 Millionen Dollar für das Projekt der Murray Street Brücke in Santa Cruz zugesprochen. Das Projekt umfasst umfangreiche seismische Nachrüstungen und Verbesserungen zur Erhöhung der Widerstandsfähigkeit und Zugänglichkeit der Brücke. Der Umfang beinhaltet die Installation neuer Pfähle, erweiterter Pfahlköpfe, neuer Säulen und Träger. Die modernisierte Brücke wird breitere Fahrradwege, einen neuen separaten Gehweg und durchsichtige Barrieregeländer bieten, die die vorhandenen Betonbarrieren ersetzen, um die Aussicht auf den Hafen zu verbessern. Shimmick hat bereits Erfahrung mit ähnlichen Projekten, darunter die seismische Nachrüstung der Dumbarton-Brücke von Caltrans und die Illinois Street Intermodal Brücke im Hafen von San Francisco.
- Secured new $45.4M contract for Murray Street Bridge project
- Expands company's infrastructure project portfolio in California
- Builds upon existing expertise in bridge retrofit projects
- None.
The project's comprehensive nature, including structural improvements and accessibility enhancements, positions Shimmick well for similar future contracts. Their track record with comparable projects like the Dumbarton Bridge Seismic Retrofit strengthens their competitive advantage in the infrastructure sector. The contract will provide steady revenue flow and bolster their project pipeline, though investors should monitor execution risks and potential cost overruns common in infrastructure projects.
IRVINE, Calif., Dec. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Shimmick Construction Company, Inc. (“Shimmick”) (Nasdaq:SHIM), a leading water and critical infrastructure builder, today announce that it has been awarded a
"This project exemplifies Shimmick's commitment to delivering critical infrastructure that improves both public safety and connectivity and builds on our legacy of infrastructure improvements that serve communities for generations. We are looking forward to partnering with the City of Santa Cruz to complete this important project," said Ural Yal, CEO of Shimmick.
The comprehensive project includes installation of new piles, extended pile caps, new columns, and bent caps. The upgraded bridge will feature wider bike lanes and a new, dedicated sidewalk along the south side. See-through barrier rails will replace existing concrete barriers, improving harbor and ocean views while maintaining safety.
Shimmick has delivered similar bridge retrofit and replacement projects throughout California, such as the Caltrans Dumbarton Bridge Seismic Retrofit and the Port of San Francisco Illinois Street Intermodal Bridge.
Shimmick (NASDAQ: SHIM) is a leading provider of water and critical infrastructure solutions nationwide. Shimmick has a long history of delivering complex infrastructure projects from the world's largest wastewater recycling and purification system in Orange County California to the iconic Hoover Dam. Shimmick is at the forefront of delivering solutions to meet the nation’s growing demand for water infrastructure. Our self-performing capability ensures better cost control and quality across our diverse project portfolio. According to Engineering News Record, in 2024, Shimmick was nationally ranked as a top ten builder of water supply (#8), dams and reservoirs (#6), and water treatment and desalination plants (#7).
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