Voting Rights and Capital

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Shell plc has announced its total voting rights and capital as of August 30, 2024. The company's capital consists of 6,261,518,191 ordinary shares with a nominal value of €0.07 each. Shell plc currently holds no shares in Treasury. This figure may be used by shareholders as the denominator for calculating whether they need to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, Shell plc under the FCA's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.

The announcement includes shares purchased by Shell plc as part of its share buy-back programme but not yet cancelled. This disclosure is made in conformity with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules and pursuant to rules 5.6.1 and 5.6.1A.

Shell plc ha annunciato i diritti di voto totali e il capitale al 30 agosto 2024. Il capitale della società è composto da 6.261.518.191 azioni ordinarie con un valore nominale di €0,07 ciascuna. Shell plc attualmente non detiene azioni in Tesoreria. Questa cifra può essere utilizzata dagli azionisti come denominatore per calcolare se devono notificare il loro interesse in, o un cambiamento del loro interesse in, Shell plc ai sensi delle Regole di Disclosure e Trasparenza della FCA.

L'annuncio include le azioni acquistate da Shell plc come parte del suo programma di riacquisto azioni ma non ancora cancellate. Questa divulgazione è effettuata in conformità con le Regole di Disclosure e Trasparenza e in virtù delle regole 5.6.1 e 5.6.1A.

Shell plc ha anunciado sus derechos de voto totales y capital a partir del 30 de agosto de 2024. El capital de la compañía consiste en 6.261.518.191 acciones ordinarias con un valor nominal de €0,07 cada una. Shell plc actualmente no posee acciones en Tesorería. Esta cifra puede ser utilizada por los accionistas como el denominador para calcular si necesitan notificar su interés en, o un cambio en su interés en, Shell plc bajo las Reglas de Divulgación y Transparencia de la FCA.

El anuncio incluye acciones compradas por Shell plc como parte de su programa de recompra de acciones pero que aún no han sido canceladas. Esta divulgación se realiza de conformidad con las Reglas de Divulgación y Transparencia y de acuerdo con las reglas 5.6.1 y 5.6.1A.

셸 plc는 2024년 8월 30일 현재의 총 의결권 및 자본에 대해 발표했습니다. 회사의 자본은 6,261,518,191 보통주로 구성되어 있으며, 각 주의 명목 가치는 €0.07입니다. 셸 plc는 현재 자사주를 보유하고 있지 않습니다. 이 수치는 주주들이 FCA의 공시 지침 및 투명성 규정에 따라 셸 plc에 대한 자신의 이익 또는 이익의 변화를 통지해야 하는지를 계산하는 분모로 사용할 수 있습니다.

이번 발표에는 아직 취소되지 않은 자사주 매입 프로그램의 일환으로 셸 plc가 구매한 주식이 포함됩니다. 이 공개는 공시 지침 및 투명성 규정에 따라 이루어지며, 규칙 5.6.1 및 5.6.1A에 따라 진행됩니다.

Shell plc a annoncé ses droits de vote totaux et son capital au 30 août 2024. Le capital de l'entreprise se compose de 6.261.518.191 actions ordinaires d'une valeur nominale de 0,07 € chacune. Shell plc ne détient actuellement aucune action en trésorerie. Ce chiffre peut être utilisé par les actionnaires comme dénominateur pour calculer s'ils doivent notifier leur intérêt dans, ou un changement de leur intérêt dans, Shell plc selon les Règles de Divulgation et de Transparence de la FCA.

L'annonce comprend les actions achetées par Shell plc dans le cadre de son programme de rachat d'actions mais qui n'ont pas encore été annulées. Cette divulgation est faite conformément aux Règles de Divulgation et de Transparence et conformément aux règles 5.6.1 et 5.6.1A.

Shell plc hat seine Gesamtstimmrechte und das Kapital zum 30. August 2024 bekanntgegeben. Das Kapital des Unternehmens besteht aus 6.261.518.191 Stammaktien mit einem Nennwert von jeweils 0,07 €. Shell plc hält derzeit keine eigenen Aktien. Diese Zahl kann von den Aktionären als Nenner zur Berechnung verwendet werden, ob sie ihr Interesse an or eine Änderung ihres Interesses an Shell plc gemäß den Offenlegungsrichtlinien und Transparenzregeln der FCA mitteilen müssen.

Die Bekanntgabe umfasst Aktien, die Shell plc im Rahmen ihres Aktienrückkaufprogramms erworben hat, aber noch nicht annulliert wurden. Diese Offenlegung erfolgt in Übereinstimmung mit den Offenlegungsrichtlinien und Transparenzregeln sowie gemäß den Regeln 5.6.1 und 5.6.1A.

  • Shell plc has a substantial share capital of 6,261,518,191 ordinary shares
  • The company is actively engaged in a share buy-back programme
  • None.

Total Voting Rights

In conformity with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, we hereby notify the market of the following:

Shell plc's capital as at August 30, 2024, consists of 6,261,518,191 ordinary shares of €0.07 each. Shell plc holds no shares in Treasury.

The figure, 6,261,518,191, may be used by shareholders as the denominator for the calculation by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, Shell plc under the FCA's Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules.

Note: This announcement is made pursuant to Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules 5.6.1 and 5.6.1A and as such, the above figure includes shares purchased by Shell plc as part of its share buy-back programme but not yet cancelled.

Shell Media Relations
International, UK, European Press: +44 (0)20 7934 5550

LEI number of Shell plc:  21380068P1DRHMJ8KU70
Classification: Total number of voting rights and capital


What is Shell plc's total number of voting rights as of August 30, 2024?

Shell plc's total number of voting rights as of August 30, 2024, is 6,261,518,191, which corresponds to the number of ordinary shares in its capital.

Does Shell plc (SHEL) hold any shares in Treasury?

No, according to the announcement, Shell plc (SHEL) holds no shares in Treasury as of August 30, 2024.

What is the nominal value of Shell plc's (SHEL) ordinary shares?

The nominal value of Shell plc's (SHEL) ordinary shares is €0.07 each.

Why is Shell plc (SHEL) disclosing this information about voting rights and capital?

Shell plc (SHEL) is disclosing this information in conformity with the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, specifically rules 5.6.1 and 5.6.1A, to provide transparency to shareholders and the market.

Shell plc American Depositary Shares (Each represents two Ordinary shares)


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