Stratus ztC Endurance Fault-Tolerant Platform Extends Connectivity to Enterprise Data Center

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Stratus Technologies, an SGH company (Nasdaq: SGH), has announced new capabilities for its ztC Endurance platform. The improved platform now offers SAN connectivity for enterprise data and OPC-UA interoperability for secure, single-pane-of-glass visibility. Key enhancements include:

1. 32 GB Fibre Channel technology for improved data connectivity
2. OPC-UA support for industrial automation data visibility
3. Seven nines (99.99999%) fault tolerance
4. Streamlined licensing and improved system management
5. Support for VMware vSphere 8.0 update 2

The ztC Endurance platform is available in three models: Model 7100 for large data centers, Model 5100 for medium-sized plants, and Model 3100 for shop floor locations. These enhancements aim to deliver higher compute platform availability and performance across various industries.

Stratus Technologies, una società di SGH (Nasdaq: SGH), ha annunciato nuove funzionalità per la sua piattaforma ztC Endurance. La piattaforma migliorata ora offre connettività SAN per i dati aziendali e interoperabilità OPC-UA per una visibilità sicura e integrata. I principali miglioramenti includono:

1. Tecnologia Fibre Channel da 32 GB per una connettività dati migliorata
2. Supporto per OPC-UA per la visibilità dei dati di automazione industriale
3. Tolleranza ai guasti di sette nove (99.99999%)
4. Licenze semplificate e gestione del sistema migliorata
5. Supporto per VMware vSphere 8.0 aggiornamento 2

La piattaforma ztC Endurance è disponibile in tre modelli: Modello 7100 per grandi data center, Modello 5100 per impianti di medie dimensioni e Modello 3100 per aree di produzione. Questi miglioramenti mirano a offrire una maggiore disponibilità e prestazioni della piattaforma di calcolo in vari settori.

Stratus Technologies, una empresa de SGH (Nasdaq: SGH), ha anunciado nuevas capacidades para su plataforma ztC Endurance. La plataforma mejorada ahora ofrece conectividad SAN para datos empresariales y interoperabilidad OPC-UA para una visibilidad segura y centralizada. Las principales mejoras incluyen:

1. Tecnología de Fibre Channel de 32 GB para una conectividad de datos mejorada
2. Soporte para OPC-UA para la visibilidad de datos de automatización industrial
3. Tolerancia a fallos de siete nueves (99.99999%)
4. Licencias simplificadas y mejor gestión del sistema
5. Soporte para VMware vSphere 8.0 actualización 2

La plataforma ztC Endurance está disponible en tres modelos: Modelo 7100 para grandes centros de datos, Modelo 5100 para plantas de tamaño medio y Modelo 3100 para ubicaciones en el suelo de producción. Estas mejoras tienen como objetivo ofrecer una mayor disponibilidad y rendimiento de la plataforma de computación en diversas industrias.

Stratus Technologies는 SGH(나스닥: SGH)의 회사로서 ztC Endurance 플랫폼에 대한 새로운 기능을 발표했습니다. 이 개선된 플랫폼은 이제 기업 데이터를 위한 SAN 연결성과 안전한 단일 뷰를 위한 OPC-UA 상호 운용성을 제공합니다. 주요 개선사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 데이터 연결성을 개선하는 32GB 페이버 채널 기술
2. 산업 자동화 데이터 가시성을 위한 OPC-UA 지원
3. 99.99999%의 결함 허용
4. 간소화된 라이선스 및 개선된 시스템 관리
5. VMware vSphere 8.0 업데이트 2 지원

ztC Endurance 플랫폼은 큰 데이터 센터를 위한 모델 7100, 중형 공장을 위한 모델 5100, 그리고 현장 위치를 위한 모델 3100으로 제공됩니다. 이러한 개선은 다양한 산업에서 더 높은 컴퓨팅 플랫폼 가용성과 성능을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Stratus Technologies, une entreprise de SGH (Nasdaq: SGH), a annoncé de nouvelles capacités pour sa plateforme ztC Endurance. La plateforme améliorée offre désormais connectivité SAN pour les données d'entreprise et interopérabilité OPC-UA pour une visibilité sécurisée et centralisée. Les principales améliorations comprennent :

1. Technologie Fibre Channel de 32 Go pour une connectivité de données améliorée
2. Support d'OPC-UA pour la visibilité des données d'automatisation industrielle
3. Tolérance aux pannes de sept nines (99.99999%)
4. Licences simplifiées et gestion du système améliorée
5. Support pour VMware vSphere 8.0 mise à jour 2

La plateforme ztC Endurance est disponible en trois modèles : Modèle 7100 pour les grands centres de données, Modèle 5100 pour les usines de taille moyenne et Modèle 3100 pour les zones de production. Ces améliorations visent à offrir une disponibilité et des performances accrues de la plateforme de calcul dans divers secteurs.

Stratus Technologies, ein Unternehmen von SGH (Nasdaq: SGH), hat neue Funktionen für seine ztC Endurance Plattform angekündigt. Die verbesserte Plattform bietet nun SAN-Konnektivität für Unternehmensdaten und OPC-UA-Interoperabilität für sichere, zentrale Sichtbarkeit. Zu den wichtigsten Verbesserungen gehören:

1. 32 GB Fibre Channel-Technologie für verbesserte Datenverbindung
2. OPC-UA-Unterstützung für die Sichtbarkeit von Daten aus der Industrieautomatisierung
3. Sieben Nines (99.99999%) Fehlertoleranz
4. Vereinfachte Lizenzierung und verbesserte Systemverwaltung
5. Unterstützung für VMware vSphere 8.0 Update 2

Die ztC Endurance Plattform ist in drei Modellen erhältlich: Modell 7100 für große Rechenzentren, Modell 5100 für mittelgroße Anlagen und Modell 3100 für Produktionsbereiche. Diese Verbesserungen zielen darauf ab, eine höhere Verfügbarkeit und Leistung der Rechenplattform in verschiedenen Branchen zu gewährleisten.

  • Introduction of 32 GB Fibre Channel technology for improved enterprise data connectivity
  • Addition of OPC-UA support for enhanced industrial automation data visibility
  • Achievement of seven nines (99.99999%) fault tolerance for critical applications
  • Expanded platform offerings with three models to cater to different customer needs
  • Support for VMware vSphere 8.0 update 2, enhancing compatibility
  • None.

The Stratus ztC Endurance platform's new capabilities represent a significant advancement in fault-tolerant computing for both data centers and edge environments. The introduction of 32 GB Fibre Channel technology and OPC-UA support addresses critical needs in enterprise data management and industrial automation.

The enhanced connectivity to Storage Area Networks (SANs) is particularly noteworthy. By supporting high-speed Fibre Channel, Stratus is enabling organizations to achieve 99.99999% (seven nines) fault tolerance, a level of reliability that is important for mission-critical applications. This could be a game-changer for industries where downtime is extremely costly, such as finance, healthcare and manufacturing.

The addition of OPC-UA support is equally important for industrial settings. This standardized protocol allows for seamless integration of data from various industrial devices and systems, facilitating a 'single-pane-of-glass' view of operations. This could significantly improve operational efficiency and decision-making in complex industrial environments.

However, it's important to note that achieving the advertised seven nines availability is contingent on using authorized parts, maintaining an active support contract and performing recommended updates. This underscores the importance of ongoing maintenance and support in achieving optimal performance.

While these enhancements position Stratus competitively in the high-availability computing market, the real test will be in real-world implementations. The success of this platform will depend on how effectively it can deliver on its promises of improved data availability and system reliability in diverse and demanding enterprise environments.

The integration of OPC-UA support in the Stratus ztC Endurance platform marks a significant step forward for industrial automation environments. OPC-UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) is a machine-to-machine communication protocol that has become the de facto standard for industrial interoperability.

By incorporating OPC-UA, Stratus is enabling seamless connectivity between their fault-tolerant platform and a wide array of industrial equipment and software applications. This interoperability is important in modern industrial settings where data from diverse sources needs to be aggregated and analyzed in real-time.

The 'single-pane-of-glass' view facilitated by OPC-UA integration is particularly valuable. It allows operators and managers to have a comprehensive overview of their entire industrial operation, from individual sensors to complex control systems. This consolidated view can significantly enhance operational efficiency, reduce response times to issues and improve overall decision-making processes.

Moreover, the security features inherent in OPC-UA address a critical concern in industrial environments. As industrial systems become more connected, they also become more vulnerable to cyber threats. OPC-UA's built-in security mechanisms provide a robust layer of protection for sensitive industrial data and control systems.

While the benefits are clear, implementation challenges may arise. Industrial organizations will need to ensure their existing systems are compatible with OPC-UA and may require updates or replacements of legacy equipment. Additionally, staff training will be important to fully leverage the capabilities of this enhanced platform.

The enhancements to the Stratus ztC Endurance platform represent a significant leap in data center infrastructure capabilities, particularly in terms of storage connectivity and system reliability. The introduction of 32 GB Fibre Channel technology is a standout feature that addresses the growing demand for high-speed, reliable access to enterprise data stored in Storage Area Networks (SANs).

Fibre Channel, despite being a mature technology, remains the gold standard for SAN connectivity in enterprise environments due to its reliability, low latency and deterministic performance. The upgrade to 32 GB speeds allows for significantly faster data transfer rates, which is important for data-intensive applications and real-time analytics.

The platform's ability to achieve 99.99999% availability is particularly impressive. This level of uptime equates to just 3.15 seconds of downtime per year, which is essential for organizations running mission-critical applications that require constant availability.

The support for VMware vSphere 8.0 update 2 is also noteworthy. This ensures compatibility with the latest virtualization technologies, allowing organizations to leverage advanced features for resource management, security and scalability.

However, it's important to consider the total cost of ownership. Achieving the advertised reliability requires using authorized parts, maintaining an active support contract and performing regular updates. Organizations must factor these ongoing costs and commitments into their infrastructure planning.

Overall, these enhancements position the Stratus ztC Endurance platform as a robust solution for organizations requiring high availability and performance in their data center operations. It's particularly well-suited for industries like finance, healthcare and telecommunications where even minimal downtime can have significant consequences.

Improved platform now offers SAN connectivity for enterprise data and OPC-UA interoperability for secure, single-pane-of-glass visibility

MAYNARD, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Stratus Technologies, Inc. (“Stratus”), an SGH company (Nasdaq: SGH) and a global leader in simplified, protected, and autonomous computing platforms for edge and data center use, today announced new capabilities and features of the Stratus ztC Endurance platform, which delivers highly reliable connectivity to critical production data stored in storage area networks (SANs) and expands visibility into industrial automation (IA) information across the enterprise. New features include improved data connectivity for both enterprise and edge operations, including 32 GB Fibre Channel technology that meets rigorous availability requirements. Users can access enterprise data stored in SANs in the enterprise data center and with OPC-UA support, which provides a single-pane-of-glass view into IA data and other critical edge applications.

Stratus’ ztC Endurance platform has new capabilities and features which deliver highly-reliable connectivity to critical production data stored in storage area networks and it also expands visibility into industrial automation information across the enterprise. (Photo: Business Wire)

Stratus’ ztC Endurance platform has new capabilities and features which deliver highly-reliable connectivity to critical production data stored in storage area networks and it also expands visibility into industrial automation information across the enterprise. (Photo: Business Wire)

“With these enhancements, the Stratus ztC Endurance platform delivers a new level of compute platform availability and performance for customers across every industry,” said Dara Ambrose, vice president, products and solutions, Stratus. “The enhancements announced today comprise a significant update to ztC Endurance’s value for data center and edge applications. The new features ensure ready access to production data stored in enterprise storage area networks with a compute platform that offers the highest levels of availability for critical enterprise applications and delivers greater visibility of industrial equipment for monitor and control purposes.”

Stratus’ ztC Endurance Platform Expands Data Availability Across the Enterprise

Many organizations keep critical enterprise data on SANs, relying on the high level of availability and redundancy that SAN architecture provides to store, protect, and access their most important data. Stratus’ Fibre Channel support on the ztC Endurance platform enhances enterprises’ ability to run mission-critical applications and capture and access production data with the same or greater reliability. With the release of this improved platform, organizations can achieve seven nines fault tolerance with a level of data integrity and enterprise-wide data availability that was not possible previously.

In addition, the Stratus ztC Endurance platform’s OPC-UA server connection for IA environments meet industry standards for interoperability and security for connectivity with digitized sensors, industrial equipment, and industrial software applications. OPC-UA’s ability to collect critical data on the monitoring and control of manufacturing and other IA processes makes possible a single-pane view by allowing organizations to integrate data into existing dashboards and provides additional security to better protect IA equipment.

Additional features include:

  • Streamlined licensing, improved system management, and greater visibility of system resources
  • Support for VMware vSphere 8.0 update 2

Stratus ztC Endurance Models and Use Cases

Stratus ztC Endurance is a family of intelligent, predictive, fault-tolerant computing platforms that protect against downtime and data loss while delivering serviceable and reliable performance for next-generation sustainable operations with 99.99999% system availability. The ztC Endurance platform is available in three models to meet a broad range of customer needs:

  • ztC Endurance Model 7100 for large data centers and larger plants
  • ztC Endurance Model 5100 for remote offices and medium-sized plants
  • ztC Endurance Model 3100 for shop floor locations and smaller plants

The Stratus ztC Endurance platform enables digital transformation of computing infrastructure to modernize operations and deploy advanced software stacks that ensure application availability and data integrity at the edge and in the data center.

Note: Achieving seven nines (99.99999%) availability requires that customers only use parts authorized for the Stratus ztC Endurance platform, that they maintain an active Stratus Support contract, and that they perform recommended system updates.

ztC Endurance is a trademark owned by Stratus Technologies Ireland Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of SMART Global Holdings, Inc. All other logos, trade names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. No claim is made thereto.

About Stratus

For leaders digitally transforming their operations to drive predictable, peak performance with minimal risk, Stratus ensures the continuous availability of business-critical applications by delivering zero-touch Edge Computing platforms that are simple to deploy and maintain, protected from interruptions and threats, and autonomous. For 40 years, we have provided reliable and redundant zero-touch computing, enabling global Fortune 500 companies and small-to-medium sized businesses to securely and remotely turn data into actionable intelligence at the Edge, cloud and data center – driving uptime and efficiency. For more information, please visit or follow on X @StratusAlwaysOn and LinkedIn @StratusTechnologies.

Maureen O’Leary

SGH Corporate Communications

Director, Communications, Penguin Solutions/Stratus

Source: Stratus Technologies, Inc.


What new features does Stratus ztC Endurance platform offer for SGH (Nasdaq: SGH)?

The Stratus ztC Endurance platform now offers SAN connectivity with 32 GB Fibre Channel technology for enterprise data and OPC-UA interoperability for secure, single-pane-of-glass visibility into industrial automation data.

How does the Stratus ztC Endurance platform improve fault tolerance for SGH (Nasdaq: SGH)?

The platform now achieves seven nines (99.99999%) fault tolerance, providing a higher level of data integrity and enterprise-wide data availability for critical applications.

What are the different models of Stratus ztC Endurance platform available for SGH (Nasdaq: SGH)?

Stratus ztC Endurance is available in three models: Model 7100 for large data centers, Model 5100 for medium-sized plants, and Model 3100 for shop floor locations and smaller plants.

What is the latest VMware version supported by Stratus ztC Endurance platform for SGH (Nasdaq: SGH)?

The Stratus ztC Endurance platform now supports VMware vSphere 8.0 update 2, enhancing compatibility with the latest virtualization technology.

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