Stratus Releases Linux-based Virtualization for ftServer Platforms
Stratus Technologies, an SGH company (Nasdaq: SGH), has announced expanded Linux capabilities for its 12th generation ftServer platform. The update includes kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), addressing market needs for flexibility in virtualization while maintaining fault-tolerant computing. This addition allows organizations to consolidate workloads onto a single platform, reducing costs and simplifying management.
The ftServer family now offers five-nines reliability or more when running multiple virtual machines, enabling OT and IT teams to run critical applications with minimal downtime. The platform includes proactive health monitoring and alerts users of potential issues via the Stratus ActiveService Network (ASN). The KVM support is available for ftServer models 2920, 4920, 6920, and 6910 running RHEL 8.8.
Stratus Technologies, un'azienda di SGH (Nasdaq: SGH), ha annunciato l'espansione delle capacità Linux per la sua piattaforma ftServer di 12a generazione. L'aggiornamento include il supporto per macchine virtuali basato su kernel (KVM) per Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), rispondendo alle esigenze di mercato per la flessibilità nella virtualizzazione mantenendo al contempo un computing tollerante ai guasti. Questa aggiunta consente alle organizzazioni di consolidare i carichi di lavoro su una singola piattaforma, riducendo i costi e semplificando la gestione.
La famiglia ftServer offre ora una reliability del cinque-nove o superiore quando esegue più macchine virtuali, permettendo ai team OT e IT di eseguire applicazioni critiche con tempi di inattività minimi. La piattaforma include monitoraggio proattivo della salute e avvisa gli utenti di eventuali problemi tramite il Stratus ActiveService Network (ASN). Il supporto KVM è disponibile per i modelli ftServer 2920, 4920, 6920 e 6910 che eseguono RHEL 8.8.
Stratus Technologies, una empresa de SGH (Nasdaq: SGH), ha anunciado capacidades Linux ampliadas para su plataforma ftServer de 12ª generación. La actualización incluye soporte para máquinas virtuales basado en kernel (KVM) para Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), abordando las necesidades del mercado de flexibilidad en la virtualización mientras se mantiene la computación tolerante a fallos. Esta adición permite a las organizaciones consolidar cargas de trabajo en una sola plataforma, reduciendo costos y simplificando la gestión.
La familia ftServer ahora ofrece fiabilidad de cinco-nueves o más al ejecutar múltiples máquinas virtuales, permitiendo a los equipos de OT e IT ejecutar aplicaciones críticas con un tiempo de inactividad mínimo. La plataforma incluye monitoreo proactivo de la salud y alerta a los usuarios sobre posibles problemas a través de la Stratus ActiveService Network (ASN). El soporte KVM está disponible para los modelos ftServer 2920, 4920, 6920 y 6910 que ejecutan RHEL 8.8.
스트래투스 테크놀로지스(SGH 소속, Nasdaq: SGH)는 12세대 ftServer 플랫폼의 리눅스 기능을 확대했다고 발표했습니다. 이번 업데이트에는 레드햇 엔터프라이즈 리눅스(RHEL)에 대한 커널 기반 가상 머신(KVM) 지원이 포함되어 있으며, 이는 가상화에서의 유연성에 대한 시장의 요구를 충족시키면서도 고가용성을 유지합니다. 이 추가 기능은 조직이 작업 부하를 통합하여 단일 플랫폼에서 운영할 수 있도록 하여 비용을 줄이고 관리의 복잡성을 줄이는 데 도움을 줍니다.
ftServer 제품군은 이제 여러 가상 머신을 실행할 때 99.999%의 신뢰성을 제공하여 OT 및 IT 팀이 최소한의 다운타임으로 핵심 애플리케이션을 실행할 수 있게 합니다. 이 플랫폼에는 사전 건강 모니터링 기능이 포함되어 있으며, Stratus ActiveService Network (ASN)를 통해 잠재적인 문제에 대해 사용자에게 알립니다. KVM 지원은 RHEL 8.8을 실행하는 ftServer 모델 2920, 4920, 6920 및 6910에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
Stratus Technologies, une entreprise de SGH (Nasdaq: SGH), a annoncé des capacités Linux élargies pour sa plateforme ftServer de 12ème génération. La mise à jour inclut le support des machines virtuelles basé sur le noyau (KVM) pour Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), répondant aux besoins du marché en matière de flexibilité dans la virtualisation tout en maintenant une informatique tolérante aux pannes. Cet ajout permet aux organisations de consolider les charges de travail sur une seule plateforme, réduisant les coûts et simplifiant la gestion.
La famille ftServer offre désormais une fiabilité de cinq-neuf ou plus lors de l'exécution de plusieurs machines virtuelles, permettant aux équipes OT et IT d'exécuter des applications critiques avec un temps d'arrêt minimal. La plateforme comprend un suivi proactif de la santé et avertit les utilisateurs des éventuels problèmes via le Stratus ActiveService Network (ASN). Le support KVM est disponible pour les modèles ftServer 2920, 4920, 6920 et 6910 exécutant RHEL 8.8.
Stratus Technologies, ein Unternehmen von SGH (Nasdaq: SGH), hat erweiterte Linux-Funktionen für seine 12. Generation der ftServer-Plattform angekündigt. Das Update umfasst unterstützung für kernelbasierte virtuelle Maschinen (KVM) für Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), was den Marktanforderungen nach Flexibilität in der Virtualisierung gerecht wird und gleichzeitig eine fehlertolerante Berechnung beibehält. Diese Ergänzung ermöglicht es Organisationen, Arbeitslasten auf einer einzigen Plattform zu konsolidieren, wodurch Kosten gesenkt und das Management vereinfacht wird.
Die ftServer-Familie bietet nun Fünf-Neun-Zuverlässigkeit oder mehr beim Betrieb mehrerer virtueller Maschinen, sodass OT- und IT-Teams kritische Anwendungen mit minimalen Ausfallzeiten ausführen können. Die Plattform bietet proaktives Gesundheitsmonitoring und warnt die Benutzer über potenzielle Probleme über das Stratus ActiveService Network (ASN). Der KVM-Support ist für die ftServer-Modelle 2920, 4920, 6920 und 6910 verfügbar, die RHEL 8.8 ausführen.
- Addition of KVM support for RHEL, providing more virtualization options
- Enables workload consolidation, potentially reducing costs and simplifying management
- Maintains five-nines reliability or more when running multiple virtual machines
- Includes proactive health monitoring and alert system
- None.
Stratus' addition of KVM support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on their ftServer platforms is a significant enhancement in the virtualization space. This move addresses the growing demand for flexibility and openness in enterprise computing environments. By offering KVM support, Stratus is expanding its market appeal, particularly to organizations looking to leverage Linux-based solutions while maintaining high reliability.
The integration of KVM with Stratus' fault-tolerant architecture could potentially reduce total cost of ownership for enterprises by allowing for more efficient resource utilization and workload consolidation. This is especially valuable for industries requiring high uptime, such as manufacturing or financial services. However, the real test will be in the performance and stability of this new virtualization option compared to proprietary solutions.
This development aligns with the broader industry trend towards open-source solutions and increased flexibility in IT infrastructure. The move by Stratus could potentially expand their market share, especially among organizations that have been hesitant to adopt proprietary virtualization solutions. It's a strategic response to the growing popularity of Linux in enterprise environments.
However, the impact on Stratus' business may be gradual rather than immediate. While this enhancement makes their offering more attractive, it also puts them in direct competition with established players in the Linux virtualization market. The success of this strategy will depend on Stratus' ability to effectively market the unique combination of open-source flexibility and their renowned fault-tolerance capabilities.
Addition of KVM capabilities delivers flexibility and optionality for OT and IT teams to run concurrent workloads with maximum computing reliability

The latest generation of Stratus’ ftServer platform now offers KVM support for RHEL, addressing a critical market need for optionality and openness in virtualization while continuing to provide industry-leading stability and fault-tolerant compute capabilities. (Photo: Business Wire)
Organizations have taken a renewed interest in Linux and KVM, as they search for flexibility in current solutions. This added support for the ftServer family delivers another Linux-based virtualization option that pairs with the unmatched fault tolerance of its built-in full system redundancy and intelligent system management. Stratus ftServer platform includes proactive health monitoring and alerts users of potential issues before they occur via the Stratus ActiveService™ Network (ASN) or other monitoring tools used by customers.
Stratus ftServer platforms running multiple virtual machines deliver five-nines reliability or more, enabling OT and IT teams to consolidate their critical applications on a single platform and run them with minimal downtime or data loss.
“Virtualization allows organizations to consolidate workloads onto a single platform, which can reduce cost and simplify management, but it is not a one-size-fits all endeavor,” said Dara Ambrose, vice president, products and solutions, Stratus. “With the complexity of operating a modern business, enterprises need to be able to configure systems and have the flexibility to choose the hypervisor that that will meet their specific needs.”
Available now, this release provides KVM hypervisor support on RHEL 8.8 for the 12th generation ftServer models 2920, 4920, 6920, and 6910. Existing ftServer customers who are running RHEL and would like to add support for KVM can log in to the Stratus Service Portal to download the new release of the Automated Uptime Layer (AUL) for RHEL.
Stratus and ftServer are trademarks owned by Stratus Technologies Ireland Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of SMART Global Holdings, Inc. All other logos, trade names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. No claim is made thereto.
About Stratus
For leaders digitally transforming their operations to drive predictable, peak performance with minimal risk, Stratus ensures the continuous availability of business-critical applications by delivering zero-touch Edge Computing platforms that are simple to deploy and maintain, protected from interruptions and threats, and autonomous. For 40 years, we have provided reliable and redundant zero-touch computing, enabling global Fortune 500 companies and small-to-medium sized businesses to securely and remotely turn data into actionable intelligence at the Edge, cloud and data center – driving uptime and efficiency. For more information, please visit or follow on X @StratusAlwaysOn and LinkedIn @StratusTechnologies.
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Maureen O’Leary, Director, Communications
Penguin Solutions / Stratus
Source: Stratus Technologies Inc.
What new feature has Stratus Technologies added to its ftServer platform?
How does the KVM support benefit SGH (Nasdaq: SGH) customers?
What level of reliability does the Stratus ftServer platform offer?