Sezzle Unveils Money IQ: An Interactive Rewards Program Promoting Financial Education
Sezzle (NASDAQ:SEZL) has launched Money IQ, an in-app financial education platform powered by Zogo. This innovative feature offers interactive learning modules based on The National Standards for Personal Finance Education, making Sezzle the first BNPL company to introduce such a program.
The platform offers bite-sized modules covering topics like budgeting, debt repayment, and retirement savings. Non-subscribers can access 10 modules and earn up to $5 in rewards, while subscribers get access to 50 modules and can earn up to $25 in Sezzle Spend. The initiative addresses a critical need, as a November 2024 Sezzle survey revealed only 37% of respondents felt confident about their finances.
The program aims to bridge the financial literacy gap, particularly among Gen Z adults, where 28% report lacking financial knowledge according to a FICO survey. Users earn experience points (XP) for completing modules, which can be redeemed for Sezzle Spend rewards.
Sezzle (NASDAQ:SEZL) ha lanciato Money IQ, una piattaforma di educazione finanziaria integrata nell'app, sviluppata da Zogo. Questa funzionalità innovativa offre moduli di apprendimento interattivo basati sugli Standard Nazionali per l'Educazione Finanziaria Personale, rendendo Sezzle la prima azienda BNPL a introdurre un programma di questo tipo.
La piattaforma offre moduli di dimensioni ridotte che trattano argomenti come budgeting, rimborso dei debiti e risparmi per la pensione. Gli utenti non iscritti possono accedere a 10 moduli e guadagnare fino a $5 in premi, mentre gli abbonati hanno accesso a 50 moduli e possono guadagnare fino a $25 in Sezzle Spend. L'iniziativa risponde a un bisogno critico, poiché un sondaggio di Sezzle condotto a novembre 2024 ha rivelato che solo il 37% degli intervistati si sente sicuro riguardo alle proprie finanze.
Il programma mira a colmare il divario di alfabetizzazione finanziaria, in particolare tra i giovani adulti della Gen Z, dove il 28% riporta di mancare di conoscenze finanziarie, secondo un sondaggio di FICO. Gli utenti guadagnano punti esperienza (XP) per il completamento dei moduli, che possono essere riscattati per premi in Sezzle Spend.
Sezzle (NASDAQ:SEZL) ha lanzado Money IQ, una plataforma de educación financiera dentro de la aplicación, impulsada por Zogo. Esta función innovadora ofrece módulos de aprendizaje interactivo basados en los Estándares Nacionales para la Educación Financiera Personal, lo que convierte a Sezzle en la primera empresa BNPL en introducir un programa de este tipo.
La plataforma ofrece Módulos en porciones pequeñas que cubren temas como el presupuesto, el pago de deudas y el ahorro para la jubilación. Los no suscriptores pueden acceder a 10 módulos y ganar hasta $5 en recompensas, mientras que los suscriptores tienen acceso a 50 módulos y pueden ganar hasta $25 en Sezzle Spend. La iniciativa aborda una necesidad crítica, ya que una encuesta de Sezzle realizada en noviembre de 2024 reveló que solo el 37% de los encuestados se sentía seguro acerca de sus finanzas.
El programa tiene como objetivo cerrar la brecha de alfabetización financiera, particularmente entre los adultos de la Generación Z, donde el 28% informa que carece de conocimientos financieros, según una encuesta de FICO. Los usuarios ganan puntos de experiencia (XP) al completar módulos, que se pueden canjear por recompensas en Sezzle Spend.
세즐 (NASDAQ:SEZL)은 Zogo의 지원으로 개발된 앱 내 재정 교육 플랫폼인 머니 IQ를 출시했습니다. 이 혁신적인 기능은 개인 재정 교육을 위한 국가 기준에 기반한 인터랙티브 학습 모듈을 제공하여, 세즐을 이러한 프로그램을 도입한 최초의 BNPL 회사로 만듭니다.
이 플랫폼은 편리한 모듈을 제공하며, 예산 작성, 채무 상환 및 은퇴 저축과 같은 주제를 다룹니다. 비가입자는 10개 모듈에 접근할 수 있으며 최대 $5의 보상을 받을 수 있고, 가입자는 50개 모듈에 접근할 수 있으며 최대 $25의 Sezzle Spend 보상을 받을 수 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 2024년 11월의 세즐 설문조사에서 응답자의 37%만이 자신의 재정에 대해 자신감을 느낀다는 결과를 반영하고 있습니다.
프로그램은 재정 문해력 격차를 해소하는 것을 목표로 하며, FICO 설문조사에 따르면 Z세대 성인 중 28%가 재정적 지식이 부족하다고 보고하고 있습니다. 사용자는 모듈을 완료함으로써 경험 점수(XP)를 얻고, 이를 Sezzle Spend 보상으로 교환할 수 있습니다.
Sezzle (NASDAQ:SEZL) a lancé Money IQ, une plateforme d'éducation financière intégrée à l'application, alimentée par Zogo. Cette fonctionnalité innovante propose des modules d'apprentissage interactifs basés sur les Normes Nationales pour l'Éducation Financière Personnelle, faisant de Sezzle la première entreprise BNPL à introduire un tel programme.
La plateforme propose des modules en petites portions qui couvrent des sujets tels que la budgétisation, le remboursement des dettes et l'épargne-retraite. Les non-abonnés peuvent accéder à 10 modules et gagner jusqu'à 5 $ en récompenses, tandis que les abonnés ont accès à 50 modules et peuvent gagner jusqu'à 25 $ en Sezzle Spend. L'initiative répond à un besoin critique, car une enquête de Sezzle réalisée en novembre 2024 a révélé que seulement 37 % des répondants se sentaient confiants concernant leurs finances.
Le programme vise à combler le fossé de la littératie financière, en particulier parmi les jeunes adultes de la génération Z, où 28 % déclarent manquer de connaissances financières selon une enquête de FICO. Les utilisateurs gagnent des points d'expérience (XP) pour avoir complété des modules, qui peuvent être échangés contre des récompenses en Sezzle Spend.
Sezzle (NASDAQ:SEZL) hat Money IQ gestartet, eine Finanzbildungsplattform in der App, die von Zogo betrieben wird. Dieses innovative Feature bietet interaktive Lernmodule, die auf den National Standards for Personal Finance Education basieren, und macht Sezzle damit zum ersten BNPL-Unternehmen, das ein solches Programm einführt.
Die Plattform bietet kleine Module, die Themen wie Budgetierung, Schuldenrückzahlung und Altersvorsorge abdecken. Nicht-Abonnenten können auf 10 Module zugreifen und bis zu 5 Dollar an Belohnungen verdienen, während Abonnenten Zugang zu 50 Modulen haben und bis zu 25 Dollar in Sezzle Spend verdienen können. Die Initiative spricht ein kritisches Bedürfnis an, da eine Umfrage von Sezzle im November 2024 ergab, dass nur 37% der Befragten sich in Bezug auf ihre Finanzen sicher fühlten.
Das Programm zielt darauf ab, die Finanzkenntnislücke zu schließen, insbesondere bei Erwachsenen der Generation Z, von denen 28% laut einer Umfrage von FICO angeben, dass sie über unzureichendes Finanzwissen verfügen. Benutzer verdienen Erfahrungspunkte (XP) für den Abschluss von Modulen, die gegen Sezzle Spend-Belohnungen eingelöst werden können.
- First BNPL company to launch an in-app financial education product
- Revenue potential through subscription model for extended module access
- Strategic partnership with Zogo enhances product offering
- Potential for increased user engagement and retention through rewards system
- reward potential for non-subscribers ($5 maximum)
- Significant portion of user base (63%) lacks financial confidence, indicating potential credit risk
This new financial education initiative, while innovative, represents a strategic but modest enhancement to Sezzle's product ecosystem. The integration of Zogo's educational platform addresses a critical market need, particularly among Gen Z users, but the direct revenue impact appears The reward structure (
The low financial confidence reported in their survey (
The launch of Money IQ represents a sophisticated approach to user engagement and lifetime value optimization. By gamifying financial education through experience points (XP) and Sezzle Spend rewards, the company is building a stronger moat against competitors while potentially reducing default risks through better-educated users. The partnership with Zogo and compliance with National Standards for Personal Finance Education adds credibility to the initiative.
The tiered access model (10 modules for free users vs. 50 for subscribers) creates a clear value proposition for subscription conversion. However, the real value lies in potential reduced credit risk and improved user retention rather than direct monetization. This positions Sezzle to differentiate itself in the increasingly competitive BNPL space, though the immediate revenue impact may be modest.
Sezzle leads the industry as the first BNPL to launch an in-app financial education product, designed to reward users for learning
Minneapolis, MN, Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sezzle Inc. (NASDAQ:SEZL) (Sezzle or Company) // - Sezzle, the leading Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) solution, is excited to announce the launch of a custom-built platform designed to educate and reward users. Powered by Zogo, the leader in financial wellness programming, this innovative feature delivers an interactive curriculum tailored for Sezzle's users.
Introducing Money IQ, a fully integrated feature within the Sezzle app, designed to support the financial well-being of Sezzle users. The program offers bite-sized modules covering a range of essential financial topics. Developed under The National Standards for Personal Finance Education, the curriculum features measurable learning goals and outcomes to empower users with practical financial knowledge.
Sezzle users who complete Money IQ’s interactive learning modules earn experience points (XP), which can be redeemed for Sezzle Spend—a tangible reward for building financial knowledge. This initiative ties directly to findings from a November 2024 Sezzle survey, where only
“We are committed to helping our users build a solid foundation for their financial futures,” said Charlie Youakim, CEO and co-founder of Sezzle. “By integrating educational modules into our platform, we empower users to make better financial decisions, which can lead to increased confidence in managing their spending responsibly.”
Key Features of Sezzle’s Financial Education Initiative:
- Interactive Learning Modules: Topics include budgeting techniques, debt repayment strategies, and managing retirement savings. Non-subscribers can access 10 high-impact modules, while subscribers unlock the full catalog of 50, with additional bonus modules planned for release at relevant times throughout the year.
- Reward System: Users who complete Money IQ modules earn Sezzle Spend, which can be redeemed directly in the Sezzle app. Non-subscribers can earn up to
$5 in rewards, while subscribers can earn up to$25. - Seamless Integration and Enhanced User Experience: Zogo’s interactive educational content is integrated directly into Sezzle’s mobile app, making it convenient for users to start their financial education journey.
"At Zogo, our mission is to empower individuals to take control of their financial futures through education and engagement. Partnering with Sezzle aligns perfectly with our vision to make financial literacy more accessible and impactful,” said Chuck Long, GM of Zogo. “Together, we’re excited to offer innovative tools that enable users to build confidence and make informed financial decisions in a rapidly evolving world."
By integrating Zogo’s financial wellness programming directly into its platform, Sezzle addresses a significant gap in financial literacy. According to a recent FICO survey,
Download the Sezzle App on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
About Sezzle Inc.
Sezzle[1] is a forward-thinking fintech company committed to financially empowering the next generation. Through its purpose-driven payment platform, Sezzle enhances consumers' purchasing power by offering access to point-of-sale financing options and digital payment services—connecting millions of customers with its global network of merchants. Centered on transparency, inclusivity, and ease of use, Sezzle empowers consumers to manage spending responsibly, take charge of their finances, and achieve lasting financial independence.
For additional assets and news on Sezzle please visit
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Sezzle US Media Contact:
Erin Foran
Tel: (651) 403-2184
About Zogo
Zogo is a technology company that enables access to financial literacy for all through gamified, short-form content. Its award-winning platform offers bite-sized modules and tangible incentives to make financial literacy and education accessible, fun, and rewarding. The company partners with over 200 institutional partners across the U.S. to help educate, engage, and empower the next generation of financial decision-makers regardless of their background and experience. The platform has garnered over 1.6M users since its creation in 2018.
To learn more, visit and follow on socials (Instagram, LinkedIn)
[1] Pay in 4 and Pay in 2 loans are originated by WebBank except loans in Iowa and Puerto Rico.

What rewards can users earn through Sezzle's (SEZL) Money IQ program?
How many educational modules does Sezzle's (SEZL) Money IQ offer?
What financial topics does Sezzle's (SEZL) Money IQ platform cover?
What percentage of Sezzle (SEZL) users reported feeling confident about their finances in November 2024?