Sandoz to confirm strategic roadmap and highlight pipeline catalysts at 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference

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Sandoz, the global leader in generic and biosimilar medicines, presented its strategic roadmap at the 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference. The company operates in a USD 200 billion market for generics and biosimilars, expected to grow at 7% annually for the next decade.

Key highlights include:

  • An expanded biosimilar pipeline now comprising 28 molecules
  • Three planned US biosimilar launches in 2025
  • Strong market position with Europe representing half of total sales
  • Significant market opportunity with reference medicines worth over USD 400 billion losing exclusivity from 2029-2034

The company reported over 30% sales growth in the first nine months of 2024, with biosimilars as the primary growth driver. Sandoz plans five biosimilar launches in the mid-term, including Pyzchiva®, Tyruko®, Wyost®/Jubbonti®, and Afqlir®. The company also has an ambitious GLP-1 strategy in place, addressing opportunities through internal capabilities and external partnerships.

Sandoz, leader globale nei farmaci generici e biosimilari, ha presentato la sua roadmap strategica alla 43ª Conferenza Annuale J.P. Morgan Healthcare. L'azienda opera in un mercato di 200 miliardi di dollari USA per i generici e i biosimilari, che si prevede crescerà del 7% all'anno nel prossimo decennio.

Tra i punti salienti si evidenziano:

  • Un ampliamento della pipeline di biosimilari che ora comprende 28 molecole
  • Tre lanci previsti di biosimilari negli USA nel 2025
  • Una forte posizione di mercato con l'Europa che rappresenta la metà delle vendite totali
  • Una significativa opportunità di mercato con farmaci di riferimento del valore di oltre 400 miliardi di dollari USA che perderanno l'esclusiva tra il 2029 e il 2034

L'azienda ha riportato una crescita delle vendite di oltre il 30% nei primi nove mesi del 2024, con i biosimilari come principale motore di crescita. Sandoz prevede cinque lanci di biosimilari a medio termine, tra cui Pyzchiva®, Tyruko®, Wyost®/Jubbonti® e Afqlir®. L'azienda ha anche una strategia ambiziosa per il GLP-1, affrontando opportunità attraverso capacità interne e partnership esterne.

Sandoz, líder mundial en medicamentos genéricos y biosimilares, presentó su hoja de ruta estratégica en la 43ª Conferencia Anual de J.P. Morgan Healthcare. La empresa opera en un mercado de 200 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses para genéricos y biosimilares, que se espera que crezca un 7% anualmente durante la próxima década.

Los puntos destacados incluyen:

  • Una ampliada cartera de biosimilares que ahora comprende 28 moléculas
  • Tres lanzamientos de biosimilares planeados en EE.UU. para 2025
  • Una sólida posición en el mercado, con Europa representando la mitad de las ventas totales
  • Una oportunidad de mercado significativa con medicamentos de referencia por un valor de más de 400 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses que perderán exclusividad entre 2029 y 2034

La empresa reportó un crecimiento de ventas de más del 30% en los primeros nueve meses de 2024, con los biosimilares como principal motor de crecimiento. Sandoz planea cinco lanzamientos de biosimilares a medio plazo, incluyendo Pyzchiva®, Tyruko®, Wyost®/Jubbonti® y Afqlir®. La empresa también tiene una ambiciosa estrategia de GLP-1, abordando oportunidades a través de capacidades internas y asociaciones externas.

산도즈는 제네릭 및 바이오시밀러 의약품의 글로벌 리더로서 제43회 JP모건 헬스케어 컨퍼런스에서 전략 로드맵을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 2천억 달러 시장에서 제네릭 및 바이오시밀러를 운영하고 있으며, 향후 10년 동안 연평균 7% 성장할 것으로 예상됩니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 현재 28개 분자로 구성된 확장된 바이오시밀러 파이프라인
  • 2025년 미국에서 계획된 세 가지 바이오시밀러 출시
  • 유럽이 전체 매출의 절반을 차지하는 강력한 시장 위치
  • 2029-2034년 동안 독점권이 만료되는 4천억 달러 이상의 참조 의약품과 관련된 상당한 시장 기회

회사는 2024년 첫 9개월 동안 30% 이상의 매출 증가를 보고했으며, 바이오시밀러가 주요 성장 동력으로 작용했습니다. 산도즈는 Pyzchiva®, Tyruko®, Wyost®/Jubbonti®, Afqlir®를 포함하여 중기적으로 5개의 바이오시밀러 출시를 계획하고 있습니다. 또한, 내부 역량 및 외부 파트너십을 통해 기회를 addressing하는 포부가 있는 GLP-1 전략을 갖추고 있습니다.

Sandoz, leader mondial des médicaments génériques et biosimilaires, a présenté sa feuille de route stratégique lors de la 43ème Conférence Annuelle J.P. Morgan Healthcare. L'entreprise opère dans un marché de 200 milliards de dollars pour les génériques et les biosimilaires, qui devrait croître de 7 % par an au cours de la prochaine décennie.

Les points clés comprennent:

  • Un pipeline de biosimilaires élargi comprenant désormais 28 molécules
  • Trois lancements de biosimilaires prévus aux États-Unis en 2025
  • Une position forte sur le marché, l'Europe représentant la moitié des ventes totales
  • Une opportunité de marché significative avec des médicaments de référence d'une valeur de plus de 400 milliards de dollars perdant leur exclusivité entre 2029 et 2034

L'entreprise a rapporté une croissance des ventes de plus de 30 % au cours des neuf premiers mois de 2024, les biosimilaires étant le principal moteur de croissance. Sandoz prévoit cinq lancements de biosimilaires à moyen terme, notamment Pyzchiva®, Tyruko®, Wyost®/Jubbonti® et Afqlir®. L'entreprise a également une stratégie ambitieuse pour le GLP-1, exploitant les opportunités grâce à ses capacités internes et à des partenariats externes.

Sandoz, der globale Marktführer für Generika und Biosimilars, hat seine strategische Roadmap auf der 43. jährlichen J.P. Morgan Healthcare-Konferenz vorgestellt. Das Unternehmen ist in einem 200 Milliarden USD Markt für Generika und Biosimilars tätig, der in den nächsten zehn Jahren voraussichtlich um 7 % jährlich wachsen wird.

Wichtige Highlights sind:

  • Eine erweiterte Pipeline von Biosimilars, die nun 28 Moleküle umfasst
  • Drei geplante Biosimilar-Einführungen in den USA im Jahr 2025
  • Starke Marktposition, wobei Europa die Hälfte des Gesamtumsatzes ausmacht
  • Signifikante Marktchancen mit Referenzmedikamenten im Wert von über 400 Milliarden USD, die zwischen 2029 und 2034 die Exklusivität verlieren

Das Unternehmen berichtete von über 30 % Umsatzwachstum in den ersten neun Monaten des Jahres 2024, wobei Biosimilars der Hauptwachstumstreiber sind. Sandoz plant fünf Biosimilar-Einführungen im mittelfristigen Zeitraum, darunter Pyzchiva®, Tyruko®, Wyost®/Jubbonti® und Afqlir®. Das Unternehmen hat auch eine ehrgeizige GLP-1-Strategie in Vorbereitung, um Chancen durch interne Fähigkeiten und externe Partnerschaften zu nutzen.

  • Sales growth exceeding 30% in first nine months of 2024
  • Industry-leading pipeline of 28 biosimilar molecules
  • Five planned biosimilar launches in mid-term
  • Strong market position in Europe (50% of total sales)
  • Large market opportunity with USD 400B+ in patent expirations (2029-2034)
  • Strong balance sheet providing investment flexibility
  • Currently ranked #4 in US biosimilars market, behind competitors


  • Strong first year as standalone company; global leader Sandoz uniquely positioned in attractive and growing USD 200 billion market for generics and biosimilars
  • Leading in home market Europe, which represents half of total sales; strategically positioning company to become #1 in biosimilars in US, with three US launches expected in 2025
  • Ambitious GLP-1 strategy in place, addressing each opportunity with mix of internal capabilities and external partnerships
  • Industry-leading pipeline for rapidly-growing biosimilar segment now comprises 28 molecules
  • Strongly positioned to capitalize on unprecedented global market opportunity, with reference medicines worth more than USD 400 billion in sales due to lose exclusivity from 2029 onwards

Basel, January 14, 2025 – Sandoz, the global leader in generic and biosimilar medicines, will confirm its strategic roadmap and highlight pipeline catalysts in a presentation today at the 43rd Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, taking place from January 13 to 16 in San Francisco.

CEO Richard Saynor will highlight several recent additions to the global biosimilar pipeline, which now comprises 28 molecules. He will also reiterate the company’s ambition to become the leader in US biosimilars, with three US launches expected in 2025.

Richard will say: “We are proud of the progress we have made on our spin-off commitments since October 2023. Generics and biosimilars represent 80% of medicines used by patients worldwide, at 30% of the total cost. That means that, when we deliver on our promises, we create value for all. As we enter our second full year as a standalone company, we will continue to execute our purpose-driven strategy.”

Sandoz uniquely positioned to benefit from market fundamentals, aims to lead in US biosimilars
The global generics and biosimilars market is worth more than USD 200 billion in gross sales and expected to grow at an annual compound rate of 7% for the next 10 years. Growth will be driven by aging populations, higher rates of chronic disease, increasing market adoption as healthcare systems and payors seek to reduce the cost of medicines, and a consistent supply of upcoming losses of exclusivity (LoEs) as patents for reference medicines expire.

From 2029 through 2034, reference medicines worth more than USD 400 billion in sales are due to lose exclusivity, significantly more than during any comparable timeframe previously. Nearly half of this opportunity is in the biosimilar segment, while GLP-1 medicines represent by far the single largest opportunity in the generic space.

As the global leader, Sandoz is uniquely positioned to benefit from these attractive market fundamentals, in terms of both geographic and portfolio balance. Europe represents half of its total sales, with half of the remainder coming from North America. The portfolio combines a strong focus on the rapidly-growing biosimilar segment with a leading position in its core generics business. Sandoz also aspires to achieve sustainable leadership in the US biosimilar segment. As Richard will say: “We have become the #1 biosimilars provider on a worldwide basis and now have an industry-leading biosimilars pipeline of 28 molecules. We are leading in Europe. In the US, we rank #4 in biosimilars today and have the ambition to become #1.” Sandoz plans five biosimilar launches in the mid-term, including three this year in the US.

Pipeline progress and new value drivers fueling future growth
Sandoz has made significant progress since spin-off, including successful launches of biosimilar Hyrimoz® (adalimumab) in the US and Tyruko® (natalizumab) in Europe, as well as stabilization of the North American business ahead of key launches. It has also steadily expanded its strong and diverse pipeline, with over 450 generic pipeline products to complement the 28 biosimilars. This progress is underpinned by a strong balance sheet, which offers investment flexibility.

Sandoz has also added multiple new value drivers since its initial Capital Markets Day. These include the launch of biosimilar Pyzchiva® (ustekinumab) in Europe, a private-label agreement to boost uptake of Hyrimoz® in the US, the addition of five new biosimilars to the pipeline, a clear strategy to address the emerging GLP-1 opportunity, and potential additional organic investments to support long-term growth. In 2024, pembrolizumab and nivolumab, two large oncology assets addressing more than USD 40 billion of LoE value, entered late-stage clinical trials.

Biosimilars as single-biggest growth driver
Sandoz sales were up over 30% in the first nine months of 2024 and Saynor will say that biosimilars are now the company’s single-biggest growth driver. Its pipeline of 28 biosimilars is industry-leading in terms of both number of assets and coverage of addressable market value.

Sandoz is on track with its plans for further biosimilar launches, including four in 2025: Pyzchiva® and Tyruko® (natalizumab) in the US, Wyost®/Jubbonti® (denosumab) in the US and Europe, and Afqlir® (aflibercept) in Europe.

These medicines cover the therapy areas of chronic inflammatory diseases (ustekinumab), multiple sclerosis (natalizumab), osteoporosis (denosumab) and various retinal diseases (aflibercept) respectively. By providing these biosimilar alternatives, Sandoz is delivering on its Purpose of pioneering access for patients.

GLP-1s as key LoE growth driver in generics space
Saynor will add: “Since the initial Sandoz Capital Markets Day just 18 months ago, GLP-1s have become the largest LoE opportunity in the industry and the key LoE growth driver in the generics space. Sandoz has a clear and ambitious strategy in place and will address each opportunity with a mix of internal capabilities and external partnerships across development and manufacturing.

“Last year, we mentioned our partnership agreement with Pharmathen focused on diabetes indications. We are currently exploring further partnerships to commercialize future GLP-1 medicines in the US, Europe and other markets for weight-loss indications.”

Committed to delivering superior value for our shareholders and for society in long term
Saynor will conclude: “We are the world leader in a growing market. Our home base is Europe, but we are well positioned in the US and other regions. We have a plan to deliver on our mid-term outlook, in terms of both portfolio and pipeline, bolstered by opportunities to simplify our business.

“We have the internal resources to execute on our pipeline and the scale to develop and attract strong partners to capture high-value, long-term opportunities. Our strong balance sheet gives us optionality for future technologies. And all of this is underpinned by our objective of delivering superior value for our shareholders and for society, by consistently delivering on our Purpose.”

Webcast – Live at 09:45 Pacific Time / 18:45 CET

This Media Release contains forward-looking statements, which offer no guarantee with regard to future performance. These statements are made on the basis of management’s views and assumptions regarding future events and business performance at the time the statements are made. They are subject to risks and uncertainties including, but not confined to, future global economic conditions, exchange rates, legal provisions, market conditions, activities by competitors and other factors outside of the control of Sandoz. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual outcomes may vary materially from those forecasted or expected. Each forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date of the particular statement, and Sandoz undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, except as required by law.

Sandoz (SIX: SDZ; OTCQX: SDZNY) is the global leader in generic and biosimilar medicines, with a growth strategy driven by its Purpose: pioneering access for patients. More than 20,000 people of 100 nationalities work together to ensure 800 million patient treatments are provided by Sandoz, generating substantial global healthcare savings and an even larger social impact. Its leading portfolio of approximately 1,500 products addresses diseases from the common cold to cancer. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Sandoz traces its heritage back to 1886. Its history of breakthroughs includes Calcium Sandoz in 1929, the world’s first oral penicillin in 1951, and the world’s first biosimilar in 2006. In 2023, Sandoz recorded net sales of USD 9.6 billion.

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Joerg E. AllgaeuerLaurent de Weck
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+49 170 574 3200  




What are Sandoz's (SDZNY) planned biosimilar launches for 2025?

Sandoz plans to launch four biosimilars in 2025: Pyzchiva® and Tyruko® in the US, Wyost®/Jubbonti® in US and Europe, and Afqlir® in Europe.

How much did Sandoz (SDZNY) sales grow in the first nine months of 2024?

Sandoz reported sales growth of over 30% in the first nine months of 2024, with biosimilars being the primary growth driver.

What is the size of Sandoz's (SDZNY) biosimilar pipeline in 2025?

Sandoz has an industry-leading biosimilar pipeline comprising 28 molecules.

What is the market opportunity for Sandoz (SDZNY) from 2029 to 2034?

Reference medicines worth more than USD 400 billion in sales are due to lose exclusivity from 2029 through 2034.

What is Sandoz's (SDZNY) current market position in Europe?

Sandoz is a market leader in Europe, with the region representing half of its total sales.

What is Sandoz's (SDZNY) strategy for GLP-1 medications?

Sandoz has implemented a strategy combining internal capabilities and external partnerships, including a partnership with Pharmathen for diabetes indications, and is exploring additional partnerships for weight-loss indications.

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