Open Shareholder Letter & Press Release / March 4th, 2025 / Sidney Resources Corporation (OTC PINK:SDRC)
Sidney Resources (OTCPINK:SDRC) has transformed from an exploration company to a potential leader in critical mineral production, now controlling 95% of the Warren Mining District. The company's strategic timeline from pre-2023 through February 2025 showcases significant developments in mineral discovery and acquisition.
Key milestones include: confirmation of high-grade gold, silver, and platinum group metals (PGMs) through third-party assays; establishment of on-site processing infrastructure; and acquisition of Unity Mining Group, adding 1,645 acres including 168 acres of private patent claims. The company raised $8.5M in institutional investment and expanded with a clean laboratory facility in Emmett, Idaho.
Recent discoveries revealed that historical 'insoluble' ore (37.6%) likely contains valuable PGMs and rare earth elements (REEs) that were previously unrecoverable. The company's strategic decisions include vertical integration of processing operations to maximize value extraction from their complex ore containing eight precious metals, including osmium.
Sidney Resources (OTCPINK:SDRC) si è trasformata da un'azienda di esplorazione a un potenziale leader nella produzione di minerali critici, controllando ora il 95% del Warren Mining District. La timeline strategica dell'azienda, che va dal pre-2023 fino a febbraio 2025, evidenzia sviluppi significativi nella scoperta e acquisizione di minerali.
I principali traguardi includono: la conferma di oro, argento e metalli del gruppo del platino (PGM) di alta qualità attraverso analisi di terze parti; l'istituzione di infrastrutture di lavorazione in loco; e l'acquisizione di Unity Mining Group, che aggiunge 1.645 acri, di cui 168 acri di diritti di brevetto privati. L'azienda ha raccolto 8,5 milioni di dollari in investimenti istituzionali e si è espansa con una struttura di laboratorio pulito a Emmett, Idaho.
Scoperte recenti hanno rivelato che il minerale storico 'insolubile' (37,6%) contiene probabilmente PGM preziosi e elementi delle terre rare (REE) che precedentemente non erano recuperabili. Le decisioni strategiche dell'azienda includono l'integrazione verticale delle operazioni di lavorazione per massimizzare l'estrazione di valore dai loro minerali complessi contenenti otto metalli preziosi, incluso l'osmium.
Sidney Resources (OTCPINK:SDRC) ha pasado de ser una empresa de exploración a un potencial líder en la producción de minerales críticos, controlando ahora el 95% del Distrito Minero Warren. La línea de tiempo estratégica de la empresa, que abarca desde antes de 2023 hasta febrero de 2025, muestra desarrollos significativos en el descubrimiento y adquisición de minerales.
Los hitos clave incluyen: la confirmación de oro, plata y metales del grupo del platino (PGM) de alta ley a través de ensayos de terceros; el establecimiento de infraestructura de procesamiento en el sitio; y la adquisición de Unity Mining Group, que agrega 1,645 acres, incluyendo 168 acres de derechos de patente privados. La empresa recaudó 8.5 millones de dólares en inversión institucional y se expandió con una instalación de laboratorio limpio en Emmett, Idaho.
Descubrimientos recientes revelaron que el mineral 'insoluble' histórico (37.6%) probablemente contiene PGM valiosos y elementos de tierras raras (REE) que antes eran irrecuperables. Las decisiones estratégicas de la empresa incluyen la integración vertical de las operaciones de procesamiento para maximizar la extracción de valor de su mineral complejo que contiene ocho metales preciosos, incluido el osmio.
시드니 리소스 (OTCPINK:SDRC)는 탐사 회사에서 중요한 광물 생산의 잠재적 리더로 변모하였으며, 현재 워렌 광산 지구의 95%를 통제하고 있습니다. 회사의 전략적 타임라인은 2023년 이전부터 2025년 2월까지의 주요 개발 사항을 보여줍니다.
주요 이정표로는 제3자 분석을 통해 고품질 금, 은 및 백금족 금속(PGM)의 확인; 현장 처리 인프라의 구축; 그리고 유니티 마이닝 그룹의 인수로, 1,645에이커, 그 중 168에이커는 개인 특허 청구권을 포함합니다. 회사는 850만 달러의 기관 투자를 유치하고 아이다호주 엠멧에 청정 실험실 시설을 확장했습니다.
최근 발견된 바에 따르면, 역사적인 '불용성' 광석(37.6%)은 이전에는 회수할 수 없었던 귀중한 PGM과 희토류 원소(REE)를 포함하고 있을 가능성이 높습니다. 회사의 전략적 결정에는 복잡한 광석에서 가치를 극대화하기 위한 가공 작업의 수직적 통합이 포함됩니다. 이 광석에는 오스뮴을 포함한 8개의 귀금속이 포함되어 있습니다.
Sidney Resources (OTCPINK:SDRC) s'est transformée d'une entreprise d'exploration en un leader potentiel de la production de minéraux critiques, contrôlant désormais 95 % du district minier de Warren. La chronologie stratégique de l'entreprise, allant de 2023 à février 2025, met en évidence des développements significatifs dans la découverte et l'acquisition de minéraux.
Les jalons clés incluent : la confirmation de l'or, de l'argent et des métaux du groupe du platine (PGM) de haute qualité par le biais d'analyses tierces ; l'établissement d'infrastructures de traitement sur site ; et l'acquisition de Unity Mining Group, ajoutant 1 645 acres, dont 168 acres de revendications de brevets privés. L'entreprise a levé 8,5 millions de dollars en investissements institutionnels et s'est agrandie avec une installation de laboratoire propre à Emmett, dans l'Idaho.
Les découvertes récentes ont révélé que le minerai historique 'insoluble' (37,6 %) contient probablement des PGM précieux et des éléments des terres rares (REE) qui étaient auparavant non récupérables. Les décisions stratégiques de l'entreprise incluent l'intégration verticale des opérations de traitement pour maximiser l'extraction de valeur de leur minerai complexe contenant huit métaux précieux, y compris l'osmium.
Sidney Resources (OTCPINK:SDRC) hat sich von einem Explorationsunternehmen zu einem potenziellen Marktführer in der Produktion kritischer Mineralien gewandelt und kontrolliert nun 95% des Warren Mining District. Der strategische Zeitplan des Unternehmens von vor 2023 bis Februar 2025 zeigt bedeutende Entwicklungen in der Mineralentdeckung und -akquisition.
Wichtige Meilensteine sind: die Bestätigung von Gold, Silber und Edelmetallen der Platingruppe (PGM) in hoher Qualität durch Drittanbieter-Analysen; der Aufbau von Verarbeitungsinfrastruktur vor Ort; und die Akquisition der Unity Mining Group, die 1.645 Acres einschließlich 168 Acres privater Patentansprüche hinzufügt. Das Unternehmen hat 8,5 Millionen Dollar an institutionellen Investitionen gesammelt und sich mit einer sauberen Laboranlage in Emmett, Idaho, erweitert.
Neueste Entdeckungen haben gezeigt, dass das historische 'unlösliche' Erz (37,6%) wahrscheinlich wertvolle PGM und seltene Erden (REE) enthält, die zuvor nicht recycelbar waren. Zu den strategischen Entscheidungen des Unternehmens gehört die vertikale Integration der Verarbeitungsoperationen, um den Wert aus ihrem komplexen Erz, das acht Edelmetalle, einschließlich Osmium, enthält, zu maximieren.
- Secured $8.5M institutional investment
- Controls 95% of Warren Mining District through strategic acquisitions
- Confirmed high-grade minerals: 12-14 oz/ton gold, 35 oz/ton silver, and PGMs
- Acquired 168 acres of private patented claims reducing regulatory hurdles
- Established vertical integration through clean laboratory facility
- High assay costs at $2,800 per super sack vs. industry norm of $100
- Complex ore composition limiting refiner options
- Remote location challenges including power stability and winter conditions
- Processing complexity requiring specialized extraction methods
Sidney Resources Corporation: A Vision of Innovation, Strategy, and Market Transformation
WARREN, ID / ACCESS Newswire / March 4, 2025 / Sidney Resources Corp.
"The stock market is designed to transfer money from the Active to the Patient."
- Warren Buffett
"You should be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
- Jordan Peterson
"The future belongs to those who innovate relentlessly, solve hard problems, and create value where none was recognized before."
- Elon Musk
Pre-2023: Geological & Historical Research Phase
Sidney Resources conducted extensive geological research, historical survey reviews, and academic studies to assess the Warren Mining District's potential.
Completed surface trenching project (2018 under Geologist Richard Morris - see technical reports by WF and reports from USGS and Goldstone - confirming vein length exceeds 9000 feet.
Opened and rehabilitated Original Lucky Ben tunnel.
Completed 6 hole core drill program confirming vein structure and visible gold at depth.
Early-stage findings suggested the presence of high-value metals, prompting a strategic land acquisition plan.
Completed approximately 1000 feet of drift work on lower tunnel and upper tunnel for first intercept and second intercept below first historically stope of the Lucky Ben Tunnel.
Dear Sidney Resources Shareholders & Stakeholders,
We stand at the threshold of a new era-an era where strategic foresight, relentless pursuit of innovation, and unwavering commitment to sustainable resource development define our trajectory. Sidney Resources Corporation (OTCPINK:SDRC) is no longer just an exploration company; we are building the foundation for a leader in critical mineral production.
The Art of Seeing What Others Missed
Visionaries in finance, philosophy, and technology understand that value is created long before the world recognizes it. When Sidney Resources set out to secure land and mineral rights in the Warren Mining District, we did so not based on speculation, but on scientific analysis, historical research, and the conviction that we were unlocking a resource of global significance.
As third-party assays confirmed the presence of multi-ounce per ton gold, silver, our company acted. Later assays confirmed and magnified these results and evidenced platinum group metals, and iridium. Before large institutions took notice, before the market recognized the scale of our opportunity, we acted decisively. Our early decision-making has now positioned Sidney as the force in the Warren Mining District, controlling
What follows is a timeline of our company's strategic actions and movements forward.
Pre-2023: Geological & Historical Research Phase
Sidney Resources conducted extensive geological research, historical survey reviews, and academic studies to assess the Warren Mining District's potential.
Completed surface trenching project (2018 under Geologist Richard Morris - see technical reports by WF and reports from USGS and Goldstone - confirming vein length exceeds 9000 feet.
Opened and rehabilitated Original Lucky Ben tunnel.
Completed 6 hole core drill program confirming vein structure and visible gold at depth.
Early-stage findings suggested the presence of high-value metals, prompting a strategic land acquisition plan.
Completed approximately 1000 feet of drift work on lower tunnel and upper tunnel for first intercept and second intercept below first historically stope of the Lucky Ben Tunnel.
June 2023 - Discovery of additional vein structures
Discovered three additional vein structures between the Little Giant Vein and the Arlise Vein.
Discovered two additional vein structures 300 feet north of the test mill building on the Lucky Ben Extension Patented Claim
August 2023 - Discovery & Initial Land Strategy
Identified an estimated 25,000 tons of high-grade ore stockpiled at the Knott Mine, marking a major untapped resource.
Recognized the potential of the Warren Mining District as a strategic, high-value acquisition target.
September 2023 - Strategic Mineral Claims Acquisition Before Market Awareness
Preemptively secured legal rights to valuable stockpiles and source vein systems by staking and filing six new lode mining claims and one placer claim with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
Realizing the potential value based on independent third-party analysis and assessments, Sidney Resources Corporation took action.
Securing the land before assay results were public ensured favorable acquisition costs.
Geochemical indicators suggested gold, and silver were clearly present, making early claims staking a strategic move.
Demonstrates Sidney's early mover advantage and strategic foresight in locking in assets before their value was publicly known.
October 2023 - Early Assay Confirmation (Gold & Silver)
Florin Labs confirmed high-grade gold and silver concentrations in stockpiled ore.
Estimated ore pile value at the time exceeded corporate value and expectations
Even at this stage, Sidney's land acquisitions were already showing value.
January 2024 - On-Site Processing & Infrastructure Investment
Installed test mill infrastructure, including a crusher, ball mill, and gravity separation table.
Began preliminary on-site processing, validating extraction methods.
Early investment in milling operations provided the testing to discover the true value of the region.
April 2024 - First Metallurgical Proof of High-Value Metals
Produced the first metal buttons, demonstrating exceptional hardness of first dore buttons, resistance to Aqua Regia, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and being paramagnetic. - This demonstrated that we were likely working with an Iridium based alloy or tantalum.
Initial analysis confirmed the presence of elemental iron, nickel, and chromium in concentrates.
This was the first metallurgical validation that Sidney's ore contained high-value transition metals.
May 2024 - Third-Party Lab Submissions Begin
Submitted samples of metal buttons, concentrates, and table feed to PTOE for advanced analysis.
Drilled test samples with diamond tools; results showed extreme durability.
Historical reports and third-party assessments indicated high quantities of gold, and silver. Research at the time might be significantly underreported due to an unknown confounding variable.
Sidney continued third-party verification, providing credibility for institutional and retail investors.
June 2024 - Major Assay Breakthrough: High PGM Concentrations
Dr. DeMenna's laboratory validated multi-ounce per ton concentrations of gold, silver, and PGMs.
Stockpile internal valuation based on 3rd party assay averages updated from exceeding corporate value and expectations to multiples of original value based on data.
The regional potential of the Warren District estimated to be worth Billions and Billions based on known vein system data.
Sidney's early land acquisitions now proved to be a wise decision.
July 2024 - Process Optimization & New Strategic Partnerships
Achieved yield consistency in milling operations, aligning results with lab assays.
Rare Earth Element (REE) analysis confirmed minable levels of REEs.
Initiated negotiations with Unity Mining Group for acquisition.
Began discussions with the University of Alaska Fairbanks to investigate potential meteor impact site verification.
Grind study confirms the ability to float platinum.
Conversations with Geologists suggest the 23 veins in the system are from the same meteor impact site and have been folded via tectonic activity for hundreds of millions of years
Sidney now had both high-value metals and continues to develop relationships with academic institutions.
August 2024 - Attracting High-Profile Investors
Hosted site visits by key stakeholders, including investment funds, international mining leaders.
Notable quote from Dennis Cruz: "This is how we beat China," upon reviewing Sidney's data and progress.
Signed NDA with University of Alaska - Fairbanks (UAF), enabling doctorate students to begin research on the region in 2025.
Institutional interest reiterates the legitimacy of Sidney's assets.
September 2024 - Expansion of Land Holdings & PGM Extraction Success
Secured an additional 1900 acres, increasing Sidney's ownership of the Warren District to ~
Signed Letter of Intent (LOI) to acquire Unity Mining Group, adding 1,645 acres of claims of which includes 168 acres of private patent claims.
Precipitated palladium from solution - confirming extraction viability.
Extracted gold, platinum, silver, and palladium in test lab.
Sidney consolidated land ownership while proving its ability to extract high-value PGMs in a test setting.
October 2024 - More High-Grade Assay Confirmations & Technology Expansion
Recovered 2012 ALS lab data, revealing additional REE deposits. (ALS, discovered in due diligence and re-engaging for redundancy)
Auris Noble confirmed assay results showing:
The presence of Platinum Group Metals (PGM's) mineable confirmed at mineable levels, and, 12-14 oz/ton gold, and up to 35 oz/ton silver.
Ordered a high-temperature smelter capable of reaching 2,100°C for advanced metallurgical processing.
Initiated moving lab from Warren Project site to Gem County Idaho - Recognizing the challenges of operating in the remote Warren District-lack of stable power, extreme winter conditions, and contamination risks from wood heat-we made the strategic decision to relocate our lab to Gem County, Idaho.
This new facility provides stable electrical power, advanced ventilation systems, enhanced security, and a controlled environment necessary for high-quality scientific testing. While the move added costs, extensive review confirmed it as the best path to unlocking complex metallurgical processes for precious metal recovery and driving revenue. Proximity to Boise improves investor access, and despite early snowfall complicating the transition, this move strengthens our capabilities and long-term shareholder value.
New assays further validated Sidney's resources, strengthening its investment case.
November 2024 - Institutional Investment Secured
Commence design of new access road that will support heavy truck and equipment access.
Capital entering at this stage indicated confidence in Sidney's long-term potential.
December 2024 - Major Land Acquisition & Clean Lab Expansion
Signed a binding LOI for Unity Mining Group acquisition, securing 1477 acres of unpatented claims consolidates Sidney Resources' control of approximately
Identified 175,000-200000 tons of mine spoils with geology consistent with other claims.
Began expansion of a clean laboratory facility in Emmett, Idaho, focused on maximizing extraction efficiency.
By vertically integrating processing operations, Sidney Resources eliminates reliance on third-party refiners, ensuring greater control and profitability.
This vertical integration is a strategic decision critical to maximizing shareholder value.
Our ore is uniquely complex, containing eight precious metals, including osmium, making conventional off-take agreements challenging. Many refiners will not accept concentrates with osmium, and those that do often only pay for select metals, such as gold and silver, leaving significant value untapped. Additionally, accurate assays are essential for selling concentrates, but due to the specialized nature of our material, assay costs are approximately
Unlocking efficient metallurgical recovery and precise assays is essential. Without it, selling concentrates could mean forfeiting tens of thousands of dollars per batch.
By maintaining control over processing and working with specialized buyers, we ensure the highest possible returns, rather than rushing to generate immediate but undervalued revenue.
This decision is mission-critical in demonstrating to shareholders why processing in-house is the best long-term strategy for profitability and growth.
January 2025 - Pony Meadows Acquisition & Leadership Expansion
Purchased Pony Meadows Property - 40 acres of private patented claims - Silver Monarch, revealing extensive surface-visible platinum vein systems. Expanding our ownership in the region.
Formally onboarded a Chief Engineer, Chief Geologist, and Chief Mineralogist to strengthen leadership for the next development phase.
Sidney is now fully staffed for full-scale development.
February 2025 - Finalized Unity Mining Group Acquisition (
Key Highlights of the Acquisition:
Private Land Benefits: The 168 acres of private patented claims streamline operations by reducing regulatory hurdles, accelerating project timelines, and granting operational flexibility.
Expansive Claims Portfolio: The 1,477 acres of unpatented claims consolidate Sidney's control of ~
An important insight regarding the historical ore processing data. The original analysis categorized
It is highly likely that a portion of these valuable elements, including platinum, palladium, osmium, iridium, ruthenium, rhodium, and rare earth oxides, ended up in the insoluble fraction because historical processing methods were not designed to recover them. As a result, much of this material was discarded into mine spoils piles, where it remained unrecognized for its economic potential.
With current advancements in metallurgical processing, we now have the ability to reprocess these materials and recover high-value metals that were previously overlooked. Modern extraction technologies, including specialized leaching, flotation, and refining techniques, can efficiently separate and concentrate these elements-presenting a significant opportunity to unlock additional revenue streams from existing materials.
Given the potential value of these historic mine spoils, conducting further testing-already in progress-and evaluating recovery feasibility is clearly worthwhile.
Rich Mine Spoils Resource: Nearly 200,000 tons of surface material, with historical assays up to 14 oz/ton of gold and 35 oz/ton of silver.
Operational Synergy: The contiguous Little Giant vein system optimizes exploration and production, ensuring seamless integration.
Enhanced Infrastructure: Existing infrastructure from Unity Mining accelerates Sidney's development, minimizing startup costs.
Regulatory Committee Formed via Board of Directors resolution to become compliant with SEC reporting requirements - Controller position hired to navigate process to uplist and oversee financial reporting and responsibilities.
Expansion Committee formed via Board of Directors to guide expanded milling and processing facilities. Dual path 15,000 sq.ft. facility chosen with support from Advisor Andrew Prelea. Expansion of current mill facilities to support interim growth and expansion during construction.
Crew housing and equipment selected for expansion.
Sidney now holds over 4500 acres on what may be one of the world's richest PGM & gold mining districts.
Risk Management & Strategic Mitigation
At Sidney Resources Corporation, we recognize that with great opportunity comes inherent risk. As we continue our transformation into a leader in critical mineral production, we remain vigilant in identifying, assessing, and mitigating the key risks that could impact our success.
1. Exploration & Geological Uncertainty
While early assay results have confirmed the presence of high-value metals, the full extent and economic viability of these resources remain subject to further exploration and metallurgical testing. We mitigate this risk by employing experienced geologists, leveraging historical data, and continuously refining our extraction processes.
2. Market & Commodity Price Volatility
Precious metals and PGMs are subject to fluctuations in global market prices, which can impact project economics. To navigate this, Sidney Resources is focused on vertical integration, reducing reliance on third-party refiners and capturing more value per ton processed. Additionally, we actively monitor market trends to position ourselves strategically for long-term profitability.
3. Regulatory & Permitting Challenges
Operating in the resource sector requires compliance with environmental, safety, and mining regulations. Our team proactively works with regulatory agencies to ensure smooth permitting processes, while our strategic land acquisitions of private patented claims help minimize bureaucratic hurdles.
4. Capital & Financial Sustainability
Exploration and project development require ongoing investment. While we have successfully secured
5. Metallurgical Complexity & Processing Risks
Our ore body contains a diverse mix of precious metals, PGMs, and REEs, requiring specialized extraction methods. To address this, we have expanded our clean laboratory facility and are collaborating with industry experts and academic institutions to optimize recovery processes and maximize efficiency.
By maintaining a proactive approach to risk management, Sidney Resources remains committed to building a sustainable, resilient, and high-value mining operation that delivers long-term shareholder returns.
About Sidney Resources Corporation
Sidney Resources Corporation (OTC PINK:SDRC) is a mining and exploration company focused on developing high-grade resource projects. Operating in Idaho's historic mining districts, the company leverages innovative technologies and sustainable practices to extract value responsibly and efficiently.
Why SDRC Matters
Sidney Resources Corporation is more than a mining company. It's a beacon of innovation, balancing environmental stewardship with the urgent demands of modern economies. By harnessing these resources, SDRC aims to address the global need for critical materials while respecting the ecological and ethical principles of mining.
Investor Opportunity
With growing global demand for critical minerals, Sidney Resources is strategically positioned to contribute to North American supply chain security, reducing reliance on foreign sources.
For those with the vision to see beyond today, Sidney Resources Corporation offers a chance to be part of a transformative journey. With the estimated valuation of this 25,000-ton ore stockpile, the future is not just promising; this reserve has the potential to be globally disruptive and will allow the United States of America to compete globally in the critical mineral space.
Recent regional acquisitions have expanded Sidney's influence to over 4,500 acres, with mines spoils that were not mined for PGM's or REE's of approximately 1750,000 tons to 200,000 tons at the former Unity sites.
About Sidney Resources Corporation
Sidney Resources Corporation (OTC PINK:SDRC) is dedicated to the development and commercialization of new technologies that advance resource extraction, sustainability, and value creation. With operations rooted in the rich history of Idaho's mining districts, SDRC is forging a path toward a brighter, greener future.
General Disclaimer
Sidney Resources Corporation ("Sidney" or the "Company") has taken all reasonable care in producing and publishing information contained in this announcement. However, such information is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all matters and developments concerning the Company and the Company cannot guarantee the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information at all times. The information posted on the Company website and contained in this announcement are accurate at the time of posting but may be superseded by subsequent disclosures.
Material in this announcement may still contain technical or other inaccuracies, omissions, or typographical errors, for which Sidney assumes no responsibility. Sidney does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use, validity, accuracy, completeness or reliability of any claims, statements or information. Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall Sidney be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.
For further information, contact:
Dan Hally
COO, Sidney Resources Corporation Phone: 509-552-9858
This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined within Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements relate to future events, including our ability to raise capital, or to our future financial performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause materially different results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which are, in some cases, beyond our control and which could, and likely will, materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. Any forward-looking statement reflects our current views with respect to future events and is subject to these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to our operations, results of operations, growth strategy and liquidity. We assume no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future.
For a discussion of these risks and uncertainties, please see our filings with the OTC Markets Group Inc. Our public filings with the OTC Markets Group Inc are available from commercial document retrieval services and at the website maintained by the OTC Markets at
SOURCE: Sidney Resources Corporation
View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire
What significant mineral discoveries has SDRC made in the Warren Mining District?
How much of the Warren Mining District does SDRC currently control?
What was the value of SDRC's institutional investment raised in November 2024?