SCYNEXIS Reports Full Year 2024 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update

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SCYNEXIS (NASDAQ: SCYX) reported its full year 2024 financial results, highlighting key developments in its antifungal pipeline. The company's Phase 1 trial of SCY-247, initiated in December 2024, is progressing with results expected in Q3 2025. The company reported a net loss of $21.3 million ($0.44 per basic share) for 2024, compared to a net income of $67.0 million in 2023.

Financial highlights include revenue of $3.7 million from the GSK license agreement and a $10 million milestone payment from GSK. R&D expenses decreased by 14.6% to $26.4 million, while SG&A expenses reduced by 30.9% to $14.5 million. The company ended 2024 with cash, cash equivalents and investments of $75.1 million, projecting runway into Q3 2026.

SCYNEXIS anticipates restarting its Phase 3 MARIO study in invasive candidiasis in Q2 2025, pending FDA's lifting of the clinical hold.

SCYNEXIS (NASDAQ: SCYX) ha riportato i risultati finanziari per l'intero anno 2024, evidenziando sviluppi chiave nel suo pipeline antifungino. Il trial di Fase 1 di SCY-247, iniziato a dicembre 2024, sta progredendo con risultati attesi nel Q3 2025. L'azienda ha riportato una perdita netta di 21,3 milioni di dollari (0,44 dollari per azione ordinaria) per il 2024, rispetto a un utile netto di 67,0 milioni di dollari nel 2023.

I punti salienti finanziari includono ricavi di 3,7 milioni di dollari derivanti dall'accordo di licenza con GSK e un pagamento di milestone di 10 milioni di dollari da GSK. Le spese per R&S sono diminuite del 14,6% a 26,4 milioni di dollari, mentre le spese SG&A sono state ridotte del 30,9% a 14,5 milioni di dollari. L'azienda ha chiuso il 2024 con liquidità, equivalenti di liquidità e investimenti pari a 75,1 milioni di dollari, prevedendo una disponibilità fino al Q3 2026.

SCYNEXIS prevede di riavviare il suo studio di Fase 3 MARIO sulla candidiasi invasiva nel Q2 2025, in attesa della revoca del blocco clinico da parte della FDA.

SCYNEXIS (NASDAQ: SCYX) informó sobre sus resultados financieros para el año completo 2024, destacando desarrollos clave en su pipeline antifúngico. El ensayo de Fase 1 de SCY-247, iniciado en diciembre de 2024, está avanzando con resultados esperados para el tercer trimestre de 2025. La compañía reportó una pérdida neta de 21,3 millones de dólares (0,44 dólares por acción básica) para 2024, en comparación con una ganancia neta de 67,0 millones de dólares en 2023.

Los aspectos financieros destacados incluyen ingresos de 3,7 millones de dólares del acuerdo de licencia con GSK y un pago por hitos de 10 millones de dólares de GSK. Los gastos en I+D disminuyeron un 14,6% a 26,4 millones de dólares, mientras que los gastos SG&A se redujeron un 30,9% a 14,5 millones de dólares. La compañía cerró 2024 con efectivo, equivalentes de efectivo e inversiones de 75,1 millones de dólares, proyectando fondos hasta el tercer trimestre de 2026.

SCYNEXIS anticipa reiniciar su estudio de Fase 3 MARIO en candidiasis invasiva en el segundo trimestre de 2025, a la espera de que la FDA levante la suspensión clínica.

SCYNEXIS (NASDAQ: SCYX)는 2024년 전체 재무 결과를 보고하며 항진균 파이프라인의 주요 개발 사항을 강조했습니다. 2024년 12월에 시작된 SCY-247의 1상 시험이 진행 중이며, 결과는 2025년 3분기에 예상됩니다. 회사는 2024년에 2,130만 달러의 순손실을 보고했습니다 (기본 주당 0.44달러), 2023년에는 6,700만 달러의 순이익을 기록했습니다.

재무 하이라이트에는 GSK 라이선스 계약에서 발생한 370만 달러의 수익과 GSK로부터의 1,000만 달러의 이정표 지급이 포함됩니다. 연구개발 비용은 14.6% 감소하여 2,640만 달러가 되었고, SG&A 비용은 30.9% 감소하여 1,450만 달러로 줄었습니다. 회사는 2024년을 7,510만 달러의 현금, 현금성 자산 및 투자로 마감했습니다, 2026년 3분기까지의 자금 조달을 예상하고 있습니다.

SCYNEXIS는 2025년 2분기에 FDA의 임상 보류 해제를 기다리며 침습성 칸디다증에 대한 3상 MARIO 연구를 재개할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

SCYNEXIS (NASDAQ: SCYX) a annoncé ses résultats financiers pour l'année 2024, mettant en avant des développements clés dans son pipeline antifongique. L'essai de Phase 1 de SCY-247, lancé en décembre 2024, progresse avec des résultats attendus au troisième trimestre 2025. L'entreprise a enregistré une perte nette de 21,3 millions de dollars (0,44 dollar par action ordinaire) pour 2024, contre un bénéfice net de 67,0 millions de dollars en 2023.

Les points forts financiers incluent des revenus de 3,7 millions de dollars issus de l'accord de licence avec GSK et un paiement de jalon de 10 millions de dollars de GSK. Les dépenses de R&D ont diminué de 14,6% pour atteindre 26,4 millions de dollars, tandis que les dépenses SG&A ont été réduites de 30,9% à 14,5 millions de dollars. L'entreprise a terminé 2024 avec 75,1 millions de dollars en liquidités, équivalents de liquidités et investissements, prévoyant une trésorerie jusqu'au troisième trimestre 2026.

SCYNEXIS prévoit de redémarrer son étude de Phase 3 MARIO sur la candidose invasive au deuxième trimestre 2025, en attendant la levée de la suspension clinique par la FDA.

SCYNEXIS (NASDAQ: SCYX) hat seine finanziellen Ergebnisse für das gesamte Jahr 2024 veröffentlicht und wichtige Entwicklungen in seiner Antipilz-Pipeline hervorgehoben. Die Phase-1-Studie zu SCY-247, die im Dezember 2024 begonnen wurde, schreitet voran, wobei Ergebnisse im dritten Quartal 2025 erwartet werden. Das Unternehmen berichtete von einem Nettoverlust von 21,3 Millionen Dollar (0,44 Dollar pro Stammaktie) für 2024, verglichen mit einem Nettogewinn von 67,0 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2023.

Zu den finanziellen Höhepunkten gehören Einnahmen von 3,7 Millionen Dollar aus dem Lizenzvertrag mit GSK und eine Meilensteinzahlung von 10 Millionen Dollar von GSK. Die F&E-Ausgaben sanken um 14,6% auf 26,4 Millionen Dollar, während die SG&A-Ausgaben um 30,9% auf 14,5 Millionen Dollar reduziert wurden. Das Unternehmen schloss das Jahr 2024 mit 75,1 Millionen Dollar an Bargeld, liquiden Mitteln und Investitionen ab und plant, bis ins dritte Quartal 2026 finanziell abgesichert zu sein.

SCYNEXIS plant, die Phase-3-Studie MARIO zur invasiven Candidiasis im zweiten Quartal 2025 wieder aufzunehmen, sobald die FDA die klinische Sperre aufhebt.

  • Strong cash position of $75.1M providing runway into Q3 2026
  • Received $10M milestone payment from GSK partnership
  • 14.6% reduction in R&D expenses to $26.4M
  • 30.9% decrease in SG&A expenses to $14.5M
  • Net loss of $21.3M in 2024
  • Revenue declined significantly to $3.7M from $130.1M in 2023
  • Phase 3 MARIO study remains on clinical hold
  • Cash position decreased from $98.0M in 2023 to $75.1M in 2024


SCYNEXIS's 2024 annual results reveal a company focused on clinical advancement with a stable financial foundation. The $21.3 million net loss ($0.44 per share) contrasts with 2023's $67.0 million net income, which was largely attributable to a one-time $130.1 million license payment from GSK. The company's $75.1 million cash position provides a substantial runway into Q3 2026, covering upcoming milestones including the expected Phase 1 results of SCY-247.

Cash burn appears well-managed, with R&D expenses reduced by 14.6% to $26.4 million and SG&A costs cut by 30.9% to $14.5 million. The $10 million milestone payment from GSK in 2024 demonstrates continued partnership value, though regular revenue remains at $3.7 million.

The FDA clinical hold on the Phase 3 MARIO study for ibrexafungerp represents a key regulatory hurdle, though management's projection for resolution in Q2 2025 suggests confidence in addressing regulatory concerns. With approximately 15 months of operational runway following the expected SCY-247 Phase 1 results, SCYNEXIS has sufficient financial flexibility to navigate near-term clinical development without immediate financing pressure.

SCYNEXIS's antifungal pipeline is progressing along two strategic paths. SCY-247, their second-generation triterpenoid antifungal, has initiated dosing in Phase 1 trials with results expected in Q3 2025. The compound's preclinical data, presented at multiple scientific conferences throughout 2024, demonstrated promising activity against resistant fungal pathogens - a critical unmet need in infectious disease treatment.

The ongoing clinical hold for the Phase 3 MARIO study represents a temporary setback, though management's projection for FDA resolution in Q2 2025 suggests the company has made progress in addressing regulatory concerns. This timing indicates confidence in resuming this pivotal trial for ibrexafungerp in invasive candidiasis within months.

The acceptance of four SCY-247 presentations at the upcoming ESCMID Global congress reflects continued scientific interest in the compound's mechanism and potential. The development of novel antifungals is particularly significant given the rising incidence of drug-resistant fungal infections and the pipeline of new therapeutic options industrywide.

The completed FURI and CARES studies for ibrexafungerp, with data to be presented at ESCMID, should provide additional insights into the compound's efficacy profile. Resolving the clinical hold will be critical for advancing the company's lead asset toward potential commercialization in the invasive candidiasis indication.

  • The Phase 1 trial of the second-generation triterpenoid antifungal SCY-247, initiated in December of 2024, continues and results are expected in Q3 of 2025.
  • Four presentations for SCY-247 were accepted by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID Global) congress, April 11-15, 2025 in Vienna, Austria.
  • SCYNEXIS continues to make progress towards the restart of the Phase 3 MARIO study in invasive candidiasis. The Company anticipates the restart, pending the FDA’s lifting of the clinical hold, in the second quarter of 2025.
  • SCYNEXIS ended 2024 with cash, cash equivalents and investments of $75.1 million, and projects a cash runway into Q3 2026.

JERSEY CITY, N.J., March 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SCYNEXIS, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCYX), a biotechnology company pioneering innovative medicines to overcome and prevent difficult-to-treat and drug-resistant infections, today reported financial results for the year ended December 31, 2024.

“In 2024, we achieved a key milestone with the initiation of a Phase 1 trial of our second-generation fungerp, SCY-247,” said David Angulo, M.D., President and Chief Executive Officer. “In preclinical studies, SCY-247 has consistently demonstrated highly encouraging results in a broad range of invasive fungal infections, highlighting its potential for clinical success. We believe SCY-247 has significant potential to become the next therapeutic to fight resistant fungal pathogens and look forward to completion of the trial later this year. We are also making progress towards restarting the MARIO trial, pending the lift of the clinical hold issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), anticipated in the second quarter of this year.”

SCY-247 Development Program

  • Dosing was initiated in a Phase 1 single and multiple ascending dose study of SCY-247, the Company’s second-generation triterpenoid antifungal in development for the treatment of severe invasive fungal infections. The company expects to release single ascending and multiple ascending dose data in Q3 of 2025.
  • Preclinical data from studies of SCY-247 were presented at multiple medical meetings throughout 2024, including at IDWeek, the Mycoses Study Group Education & Research Consortium (MSGERC) Biennial Meeting, the Congress of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) and the 11th Advances Against Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis (AAAM) Conference. Presentations highlighted encouraging preclinical efficacy and pharmacokinetic data of SCY-247 in multiple models of invasive fungal infections.
  • Four presentations are planned for this year’s European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID Global) congress, April 11-15 2025 in Vienna, Austria.

Ibrexafungerp Clinical Updates

  • The final activities to restart the Phase 3 MARIO study in invasive candidiasis are underway. SCYNEXIS anticipates the FDA’s clinical hold to be lifted in the second quarter of 2025.
  • SCYNEXIS received a $10 million milestone payment from partner GSK in 2024, triggered by the delivery of final study reports from the completed FURI, CARES and NATURE studies. The data from FURI and CARES will be presented at the ESCMID Global congress, April 11-15 2025 in Vienna, Austria. For more information on the trials, please visit (CARES: NCT03363841; FURI: NCT03059992).

Full Year 2024 Financial Results

For the full year ended December 31, 2024, revenue primarily consisted of $3.7 million in license agreement revenue associated with the GSK license agreement. For the year ended December 31, 2023, revenue primarily consisted of the $130.1 million recognized upon the transfer of the license associated with the GSK License Agreement in May 2023.

Research and development expense for the full year ended December 31, 2024 decreased to $26.4 million compared to $30.9 million for the same period in 2023. The decrease of $4.5 million, or 14.6%, was primarily driven by a decrease of $7.4 million in clinical expense, a decrease of $1.3 million in salary expense primarily associated with medical affairs, and a net decrease in other research and development expense of $0.4 million, offset in part by an increase of $3.9 million in chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC) expense, and an increase of $0.7 million in preclinical expense.

SG&A expense for the full year ended December 31, 2024 decreased to $14.5 million from $20.9 million for the same period in 2023. The decrease of $6.5 million, or 30.9%, was primarily driven by a decrease of $5.8 million in professional fees and a decrease of $0.9 million in commercial expense due to the costs incurred in the prior period associated with BREXAFEMME, offset by a net increase of $0.2 million in other selling, general, and administrative expense.

Total other income was $16.0 million for the full year ended December 31, 2024, versus total other expense of $5.5 million for the same period in 2023. The variance is mainly due to the fair value adjustment related to the warrant liabilities. For the years ended December 31, 2024 and 2023, we recognized a gain of $13.8 million and a loss of $3.2 million, respectively, for the fair value adjustment for warrant liabilities primarily due to the decrease and increase in our stock price during the periods, respectively.

Net loss for the full year ended December 31, 2024, was $21.3 million, or $0.44 basic loss per share, compared to a net income of $67.0 million, or $1.40 basic earnings per share and $1.39 diluted earnings per share for the same period in 2023.

Cash Balance

Cash, cash equivalents and investments totaled $75.1 million on December 31, 2024, compared to $98.0 million on December 31, 2023. Based upon the company’s current operating plan, SCYNEXIS believes that its existing cash, cash equivalents and investments provide a cash runway into Q3 2026.

About Triterpenoid Antifungals

Triterpenoid antifungals (also known as “fungerps”) are a novel class of structurally distinct glucan synthase inhibitors that combine the well-established activity of glucan synthase inhibitors with the potential flexibility of having oral and intravenous (IV) formulations. They have demonstrated broad-spectrum antifungal activity against multidrug-resistant pathogens, including azole- and echinocandin-resistant strains. Ibrexafungerp is the first representative of this novel class of antifungal agents. Ibrexafungerp, formerly known as SCY-078, is currently approved in the U.S. for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis and is in late-stage of development for invasive candidiasis and other indications. SCY-247 is a next generation fungerp in pre-clinical development for the treatment of life-threatening and often multi-drug-resistant fungal diseases including Candida auris infections.


SCYNEXIS, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCYX) is a biotechnology company pioneering innovative medicines to help millions of patients worldwide overcome and prevent difficult-to-treat infections that are becoming increasingly drug-resistant. SCYNEXIS is developing the company’s proprietary antifungal platform “fungerps.” Ibrexafungerp, the first representative of this novel class, has been licensed to GSK. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved BREXAFEMME® (ibrexafungerp tablets) in June 2021, for its first indication in vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), followed by a second indication in November 2022, for reduction in the incidence of recurrent VVC. Late-stage clinical investigation of ibrexafungerp for the treatment of life-threatening invasive fungal infections in hospitalized patients is ongoing. Additional antifungal assets from this novel class are currently in clinical, pre- clinical and discovery phases, including the compound SCY-247. For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements contained in this press release regarding expected future events or results are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including but not limited to statements regarding: SCYNEXIS’s expectation that it will have a cash runway into Q3 2026; the expectation to release single ascending and multiple ascending dose data from the SCY-247 Phase 1 study in Q3 of 2025; the clinical and commercial potential for SCY-247; and the anticipated lifting of the clinical hold of the Phase 3 MARIO study in Q2 of 2025. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, risks inherent in regulatory and other costs in developing products. These and other risks are described more fully in SCYNEXIS' filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including without limitation, its most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on March 12, 2025, including under the caption "Risk Factors." All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made. SCYNEXIS undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made.

Investor Relations
Irina Koffler
LifeSci Advisors
Tel: (646) 970-4681

(in thousands, except share and per share data)
  Years Ended December 31, 
  2024  2023 
Product revenue, net $  $1,044 
License agreement revenue  3,746   139,097 
Total revenue  3,746   140,141 
Operating expenses:      
Cost of product revenue     15,624 
Research and development  26,405   30,928 
Selling, general and administrative  14,458   20,920 
Total operating expenses  40,863   67,472 
(Loss) income from operations  (37,117)  72,669 
Other expense (income):      
Amortization of debt issuance costs and discount  1,726   2,994 
Interest income  (4,291)  (3,954)
Interest expense  828   3,130 
Other income  (235)   
Warrant liabilities fair value adjustment  (13,812)  3,166 
Derivative liability fair value adjustment  (196)  154 
Total other (income) expense  (15,980)  5,490 
(Loss) income before taxes  (21,137)  67,179 
Income tax (expense)  (151)  (138)
Net (loss) income $(21,288) $67,041 
Net (loss) income per share attributable to common stockholders – basic      
Net (loss) income per share – basic $(0.44) $1.40 
Net (loss) income per share attributable to common stockholders – diluted      
Net (loss) income per share – diluted $(0.44) $1.39 
Weighted average common shares outstanding – basic and diluted      
Basic  48,513,073   47,852,833 
Diluted  48,513,073   48,390,582 

(in thousands, except share and per share data)
  December 31, 2024  December 31, 2023 
Current assets:      
Cash and cash equivalents $16,051  $34,050 
Short-term investments  43,249   40,312 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets  2,184   5,548 
License agreement receivable  753   2,463 
License agreement contract asset  9,509   19,363 
Restricted cash  435   380 
Total current assets  72,181   102,116 
Investments  15,846   23,594 
Deferred offering costs  417   175 
Restricted cash  109   163 
Operating lease right-of-use asset  2,090   2,364 
Total assets $90,643  $128,412 
Liabilities and stockholders’ equity      
Current liabilities:      
Accounts payable $4,569  $7,149 
Accrued expenses  3,793   7,495 
Deferred revenue, current portion  1,642   1,189 
Operating lease liability, current portion  407   340 
Warrant liabilities     130 
Convertible debt and derivative liability  13,688    
Total current liabilities  24,099   16,303 
Deferred revenue  1,294   2,727 
Warrant liabilities  7,998   21,680 
Convertible debt and derivative liability     12,159 
Operating lease liability  2,175   2,581 
Total liabilities  35,566   55,450 
Commitments and contingencies      
Stockholders’ equity:      
Preferred stock, $0.001 par value, authorized 5,000,000 shares as of December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023; 0 shares issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023      
Common stock, $0.001 par value, 150,000,000 shares authorized as of December 31, 2024 and 2023; 37,973,991 and 37,207,799 shares issued and outstanding as of December 31, 2024, and December 31, 2023, respectively  41   40 
Additional paid-in capital  431,571   428,169 
Accumulated deficit  (376,535)  (355,247)
Total stockholders’ equity  55,077   72,962 
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $90,643  $128,412 


What are the key financial results for SCYX in 2024?

SCYNEXIS reported $3.7M in revenue, $21.3M net loss ($0.44 per share), with $75.1M in cash and investments as of December 31, 2024.

When will SCYX's Phase 1 trial results for SCY-247 be available?

Results from the SCY-247 Phase 1 trial are expected in Q3 2025.

What is the cash runway projection for SCYNEXIS (SCYX)?

SCYNEXIS projects its current cash position of $75.1M will provide runway into Q3 2026.

When is SCYX expecting to restart the Phase 3 MARIO study?

SCYNEXIS anticipates restarting the Phase 3 MARIO study in Q2 2025, pending FDA's lifting of the clinical hold.

How much did SCYX receive in milestone payment from GSK in 2024?

SCYNEXIS received a $10 million milestone payment from GSK in 2024.


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