374Water Releases White Paper Detailing Potential for Innovative AirSCWO Technology to Address Lithium-ion Battery Waste
374Water Inc. (NASDAQ:SCWO) has released a white paper showcasing its AirSCWO technology's ability to destroy >99.999% of HQ-115, a PFAS additive used in Lithium-ion batteries (LiBs). This breakthrough addresses the environmental risks posed by LiB manufacturing and recycling waste. Key highlights include:
1. AirSCWO system effectively treats LiB waste, demonstrating potential for improving sustainability in the $91 billion global LiB industry.
2. The technology could prevent the release of toxic PFAS from over 20,000 kilotons of annual electric vehicle waste.
3. Traditional waste management methods are ineffective in removing fluorinated electrolytes, leading to environmental contamination.
4. 374Water's solution offers complete mineralization of electrolyte solvent waste streams without generating secondary pollutants.
5. The company is collaborating with leading LiB manufacturers and recyclers to address this growing environmental challenge.
374Water Inc. (NASDAQ:SCWO) ha pubblicato un documento che mette in evidenza la capacità della sua tecnologia AirSCWO di distruggere oltre il 99,999% di HQ-115, un additivo PFAS utilizzato nelle batterie agli ioni di litio (LiBs). Questa innovazione affronta i rischi ambientali derivanti dalla produzione e dal riciclo delle LiB. I punti salienti includono:
1. Il sistema AirSCWO tratta efficacemente i rifiuti delle LiB, dimostrando potenzialità per migliorare la sostenibilità nell'industria globale delle LiB del valore di 91 miliardi di dollari.
2. La tecnologia potrebbe prevenire il rilascio di PFAS tossici da oltre 20.000 chilotonnellate di rifiuti annuali dei veicoli elettrici.
3. I metodi tradizionali di gestione dei rifiuti non sono efficaci nell'eliminare gli elettroliti fluorurati, portando a contaminazione ambientale.
4. La soluzione di 374Water offre la completa mineralizzazione dei flussi di rifiuti di solventi elettrolitici senza generare inquinanti secondari.
5. L'azienda sta collaborando con i principali produttori e riciclatori di LiB per affrontare questa crescente sfida ambientale.
374Water Inc. (NASDAQ:SCWO) ha publicado un documento que muestra la capacidad de su tecnología AirSCWO para destruir más del 99.999% de HQ-115, un aditivo PFAS utilizado en baterías de iones de litio (LiBs). Este avance aborda los riesgos ambientales planteados por la producción y el reciclaje de LiBs. Los puntos clave incluyen:
1. El sistema AirSCWO trata eficazmente los desechos de LiB, demostrando potencial para mejorar la sostenibilidad en la industria global de LiB, que vale 91 mil millones de dólares.
2. La tecnología podría prevenir la liberación de PFAS tóxicos de más de 20.000 kilotoneladas de desechos anuales de vehículos eléctricos.
3. Los métodos tradicionales de gestión de desechos son ineficaces para eliminar electrolitos fluorados, lo que conduce a la contaminación ambiental.
4. La solución de 374Water ofrece la mineralización completa de los flujos de desechos de solventes electrolíticos sin generar contaminantes secundarios.
5. La empresa está colaborando con los principales fabricantes y recicladores de LiB para enfrentar este creciente desafío ambiental.
374Water Inc. (NASDAQ:SCWO)는 자사의 AirSCWO 기술이 리튬이온 배터리(LiBs)에서 사용되는 PFAS 첨가제인 HQ-115의 99.999% 이상을 파괴할 수 있음을 보여주는 백서를 발표했습니다. 이 혁신은 LiB 제조와 재활용 폐기물로 인한 환경 위험 문제를 해결합니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:
1. AirSCWO 시스템은 LiB 폐기물을 효과적으로 처리하여 910억 달러 규모의 글로벌 LiB 산업에서 지속 가능성을 높일 수 있는 잠재력을 보여줍니다.
2. 이 기술은 연간 20,000킬로톤 이상의 전기차 폐기물에서 유독한 PFAS의 방출을 예방할 수 있습니다.
3. 전통적인 폐기물 관리 방법은 플루오르화된 전해질을 제거하는 데 비효율적이며, 이로 인해 환경 오염이 발생합니다.
4. 374Water의 솔루션은 이차 오염 물질을 생성하지 않고 전해질 용매 폐기물 스트림의 완전한 미네랄화를 제공합니다.
5. 이 회사는 증가하는 환경 문제를 해결하기 위해 주요 LiB 제조업체 및 재활용업체와 협력하고 있습니다.
374Water Inc. (NASDAQ:SCWO) a publié un livre blanc mettant en avant la capacité de sa technologie AirSCWO à détruire plus de 99,999% de HQ-115, un additif PFAS utilisé dans les batteries lithium-ion (LiBs). Cette avancée répond aux risques environnementaux posés par la fabrication et le recyclage des LiB. Les points saillants comprennent :
1. Le système AirSCWO traite efficacement les déchets des LiB, démontrant un potentiel d'amélioration de la durabilité dans l'industrie mondiale des LiB d'une valeur de 91 milliards de dollars.
2. La technologie pourrait prévenir la libération de PFAS toxiques provenant de plus de 20 000 kilotonnes de déchets annuels de véhicules électriques.
3. Les méthodes traditionnelles de gestion des déchets sont inefficaces pour éliminer les électrolytes fluorés, entraînant une contamination de l'environnement.
4. La solution de 374Water offre une minéralisation complète des flux de déchets de solvants électrolytiques sans générer de polluants secondaires.
5. L'entreprise collabore avec des fabricants et des recycleurs de LiB de premier plan pour faire face à ce défi environnemental croissant.
374Water Inc. (NASDAQ:SCWO) hat ein Weißbuch veröffentlicht, das die Fähigkeit seiner Technologie AirSCWO zeigt, über 99,999% von HQ-115, einem PFAS-Zusatzstoff, der in Lithium-Ionen-Batterien (LiBs) verwendet wird, zu zerstören. Dieser Durchbruch begegnet den Umweltgefahren, die durch die Herstellung und das Recycling von LiBs entstehen. Die wichtigsten Punkte sind:
1. Das AirSCWO-System behandelt LiB-Abfälle effektiv und zeigt Potenzial zur Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeit in der 91 Milliarden Dollar schweren globalen LiB-Industrie.
2. Die Technologie könnte die Freisetzung von giftigen PFAS aus über 20.000 Kilotonnen von jährlichen Abfällen aus Elektrofahrzeugen verhindern.
3. Traditionelle Abfallmanagementmethoden sind ineffektiv beim Entfernen fluorierter Elektrolyte, was zu Umweltverschmutzung führt.
4. Die Lösung von 374Water bietet eine vollständige Mineralisierung von Elektrolytlösungsmittelabfallströmen, ohne sekundäre Schadstoffe zu erzeugen.
5. Das Unternehmen arbeitet mit führenden Herstellern und Recyclern von LiB zusammen, um diese wachsende Umweltproblematik anzugehen.
- AirSCWO technology demonstrated >99.999% destruction of HQ-115, a PFAS additive in Lithium-ion batteries
- Potential market opportunity in the $91 billion global Lithium-ion battery manufacturing and recycling industry
- AirSCWO system provides complete mineralization of electrolyte solvent waste streams without generating secondary pollutants
- Collaboration with leading LiB manufacturers and recyclers for early adoption of the technology
- Addresses a critical environmental challenge in the rapidly growing electric vehicle and sustainable energy sectors
- None.
374Water's AirSCWO technology demonstrates a significant breakthrough in addressing the environmental challenges posed by lithium-ion battery (LiB) manufacturing and recycling. The >99.999% destruction of HQ-115, a PFAS additive, is truly remarkable. This level of efficiency could revolutionize waste management in the LiB industry.
The potential impact is substantial, considering the projected growth of the electric vehicle market. With the US EPA predicting up to 67% of light-duty vehicle sales could be electric within a decade, the need for effective PFAS destruction in battery waste is critical. The AirSCWO system's ability to handle complex waste streams without generating secondary pollutants sets it apart from traditional methods.
However, scalability and cost-effectiveness will be important factors in widespread adoption. The technology's ability to process waste in under 30 seconds is promising, but we need to see how this translates to industrial-scale operations. If 374Water can demonstrate this efficiency at scale, it could position itself as a key player in the
The market opportunity for 374Water's AirSCWO technology in the LiB sector is substantial. With the global LiB manufacturing and recycling markets valued at over
Investors should note that 374Water (NASDAQ:SCWO) is positioning itself in a niche but rapidly expanding market. The projected increase in EV battery recycling from 250 kilotons in 2020 to 20,000 kilotons by 2040 represents a massive growth opportunity. If 374Water can capture even a small portion of this market, it could lead to substantial revenue growth.
However, it's important to consider that the company is still in the early stages of commercialization. While the technology shows promise, the path to widespread adoption and profitability may be challenging. Investors should monitor the company's progress in forming partnerships with leading LiB manufacturers and recyclers, as these relationships will be key to market penetration and revenue generation.
The efficacy of 374Water's AirSCWO technology in destroying HQ-115, a bis-FASI PFAS compound, is impressive from a chemical engineering perspective. Achieving a reduction from 1 billion ppt to as low as 34 ppt represents a destruction efficiency of over 99.999%. This level of performance surpasses many existing treatment methods for PFAS compounds.
The supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) process employed by AirSCWO is particularly noteworthy. By utilizing high temperature and pressure conditions, it creates an environment where organic compounds, including notoriously persistent PFAS, can be rapidly broken down. The ability to achieve this in under 30 seconds is a significant advantage over other treatment methods.
However, it's important to consider the energy requirements and operational costs of maintaining supercritical conditions. While the technology is promising, its commercial viability will depend on optimizing energy efficiency and demonstrating cost-effectiveness at scale. Additionally, the handling of high-pressure systems at industrial scales presents engineering challenges that will need to be addressed for widespread adoption.
If these challenges can be overcome, AirSCWO could indeed set new standards for waste management in the LiB industry, offering a solution that aligns with increasing environmental regulations and sustainability goals.
Results demonstrate that treatment with 374Water's AirSCWO technology achieved >
Battery manufacturing and recycling industries represent over
DURHAM, NC / ACCESSWIRE / July 31, 2024 / 374Water Inc. (NASDAQ:SCWO), a global leader in organic waste destruction technology for the municipal, federal, and industrial markets released a comprehensive white paper highlighting the Company's AirSCWO technology's ability to destroy >
While Lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) are used globally as a key component of clean and sustainable energy infrastructure, electrified transportation, medical devices, and consumer goods, their production and recycling processes produce toxic waste.
Existing LiB manufacturing and recycling waste management approaches have been shown to release persistent organic toxic pollutants, such as HQ-115, a bis-FASI PFAS, into the environment.
374Water demonstrated a new approach to treat HQ-115 wastewater using their AirSCWO system, which resulted in >
99.999% waste destruction.Once commercialized, the adoption of 374Water's AirSCWO system to destroy LiB waste could prevent the release of toxic PFAS "forever chemicals" from over 20,000 kilotons of electric vehicle waste produced per year.
Lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) are essential across various industries, including transportation, electronics, and solar power. For instance, the transportation sector's growing demand for high-performance LiBs is evident, with the US EPA predicting that electric vehicles could represent up to
LiB manufacturers incorporate fluorinated electrolytes, such as HQ-115, a bis-FASI PFAS, into the production process to enhance overall LiB product performance. It has been found that without targeted treatment of LiB manufacturing and recycling waste streams, additives such as HQ-115 are released into the environment, posing significant environmental and health risks. In fact, the global production and recycling of LiBs result in approximately 460,000 metric tons of waste, including over 19 million gallons of electrolyte solvents, including HQ-115, in the US alone.
The traditional methods used to treat LiB manufacturing and recycling waste streams - such as distillation, chemical treatment, incineration, adsorption, biological treatment, and advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) - are not designed to remove fluorinated electrolytes.This leads to the release of fluorinated electrolytes (PFAS), which are now being detected at high environmental concentrations proximal to manufacturers and recyclers. This poses risk as the ecotoxicity of these compounds are comparable to other PFAS that are now prohibited and highly regulated worldwide.
374Water believes its AirSCWO technology offers a more sustainable and efficient alternative to existing processing technology, as it provides complete mineralization (i.e. destruction) of electrolyte solvent waste streams with minimal environmental impact. In addition, 374Water's AirSCWO technology handles (i.e. destroys) complex waste streams effectively without generating secondary pollutants and prevents PFAS from re-entering the ecosystem through secondary liquid byproducts or emissions.
374Water's AirSCWO technology utilizes supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) to treat waste streams, heating and pressurizing them to conditions that rapidly destroy organic compounds, including PFAS. In this study, 374Water prepared synthetic waste streams containing industrially relevant concentrations of HQ-115, the bis-FASI PFAS commonly used in LiB manufacturing and recycling. 374Water then processed this waste stream through the AirSCWO system to destroy the organic waste in under 30 seconds.
374Water partnered with two nationally recognized and certified PFAS testing laboratories to evaluate the efficacy of the AirSCWO waste destruction process. Using mass spectroscopy, these national laboratories confirmed that 374Water's AirSCWO technology reduced HQ-115 concentrations by over
Market Opportunity
374Water believes its AirSCWO system presents a timely and scalable solution for addressing PFAS challenges for the rapidly growing LiB manufacturing and recycling markets. On a global level, the LiB manufacturing and recycling markets are valued at over
For perspective, according to a McKinsey & Company study, in 2020 the global supply for EV battery recycling alone was 250 kilotons, by 2040 that number is expected to increase by almost two orders of magnitude to about 20,000 kilotons per year. To prevent the release of harmful PFAS compounds into the environment, LiB manufacturing and recycling operations must incorporate wastewater treatment technologies capable of destroying PFAS and other organic contaminants.
Despite the critical need, little attention has been given to the fate of fluorinated electrolytes (PFAS), particularly the bis-FASI class, used in LiB manufacturing and recycling operations. Currently, no technology has been adopted at scale in the battery manufacturing or recycling industries to specifically target the elimination of these compounds in wastewater. 374Water's AirSCWO technology has been demonstrated to effectively destroy contaminants from LiB manufacturing and recycling wastes. 374Water is actively collaborating with leading LiB manufacturers and recyclers to take early action in tackling this critical and growing environmental challenge.
"This latest study once again highlights the effectiveness of our AirSCWO technology in tackling the pressing issue of PFAS contamination, this time in the rapidly growing Lithium-ion battery market which fuels many emerging sustainable technologies," said Chris Gannon, CEO of 374Water. "We believe the opportunity for appropriately managing harmful waste within these industries is significant and represents an important addition to complete the cycle of sustainability. AirSCWO achieved a remarkable reduction in harmful electrolyte waste, reinforcing our commitment to providing innovative, sustainable solutions across diverse sectors. We look forward to partnering with battery manufacturers and recyclers to establish new waste management standards and processes driven by environmental safety and efficiency in this important industrial subsector."
Download the full whitepaper here.
About 374Water
374Water Inc. (Nasdaq:SCWO) is a global cleantech company providing innovative solutions addressing wastewater treatment and waste management issues within the municipal, federal and industrial markets. 374Water's AirSCWO technology efficiently destroys a range of non-hazardous and hazardous organic wastes producing safe dischargeable water streams, safe mineral effluent, safe vent gas, and recoverable heat energy. 374Water's AirSCWO technology has the potential to assist its customers to meet discharge requirements, reduce or eliminate disposal costs, remove bottlenecks, and reduce litigation and other risks. 374Water continues to be a leader in innovative waste treatment solutions, dedicated to creating a greener future and eradicating harmful pollutants. Learn more by visiting www.374water.com and follow us on LinkedIn.
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Certain statements in this communication are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the "safe harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended. These statements relate to future events or our future financial performance, including statements relating to our ability to execute on our strategic plan and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance, or our achievements or those of our industry to be materially different from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words like "may," "will," "could," "would," "should," "expect," "plan," "anticipate," "intend," "believe," "estimate," "project," "consider," "predict," "potential," "feel," or other comparable terminology. The Company has based these forward-looking statements on its current expectations, assumptions, estimates, beliefs, and projections. While the Company believes these expectations, assumptions, estimates, and projections are reasonable, such forward-looking statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond the Company's control. These and other important factors, including those discussed under "Risk Factors" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, as well as the Company's subsequent filings with the SEC, may cause actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements herein are made only as of the date they were first issued, and unless otherwise required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.
Investor Contact:
Heather Crowell
Media Contacts:
Candace McPhillips
SOURCE: 374Water Inc.
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