Proximic by Comscore Releases Inaugural Report on the State of Privacy in Advertising for 2024, Highlighting Industry Shifts and Challenges

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Proximic by Comscore, a division of Comscore Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), has released its inaugural State of Privacy in Advertising Report for 2024. The report reveals significant impacts of data privacy laws on personalized advertising:

- 56% of respondents face limitations in audience targeting in regions with data privacy laws
- 40% report challenges related to audience data availability
- 64% rely on first-party and contextual data as their primary targeting approach
- 88% anticipate moderate to significant impact on personalized advertising delivery
- 61% expect audience targeting to be most affected by privacy laws

The report also highlights industry shifts towards AI-driven strategies, reduced reliance on cookies, and increased focus on privacy-resilient advertising solutions. Proximic by Comscore offers contextually powered targeting segments and ID-free Predictive Audiences to address these challenges.

Proximic di Comscore, una divisione di Comscore Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), ha pubblicato il suo primo Rapporto sullo Stato della Privacy nella Pubblicità per il 2024. Il rapporto rivela impatti significativi delle leggi sulla privacy dei dati sulla pubblicità personalizzata:

- Il 56% dei rispondenti affronta limitazioni nel targeting del pubblico nelle regioni con leggi sulla privacy dei dati
- Il 40% riporta difficoltà relative alla disponibilità dei dati del pubblico
- Il 64% si affida a dati di prima parte e contestuali come principale approccio al targeting
- L'88% prevede un impatto moderato o significativo sulla consegna della pubblicità personalizzata
- Il 61% si aspetta che il targeting del pubblico sia il più colpito dalle leggi sulla privacy

Il rapporto mette in evidenza anche i cambiamenti nel settore verso strategie guidate dall'AI, una ridotta dipendenza dai cookie e un maggiore focus su soluzioni pubblicitarie resilienti alla privacy. Proximic di Comscore offre segmenti di targeting potenziati contestualmente e Pubblico Predittivo senza ID per affrontare queste sfide.

Proximic de Comscore, una división de Comscore Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), ha publicado su Informe Inaugural sobre el Estado de la Privacidad en la Publicidad para 2024. El informe revela impactos significativos de las leyes de privacidad de datos en la publicidad personalizada:

- El 56% de los encuestados enfrenta limitaciones en la segmentación de audiencias en regiones con leyes de privacidad de datos
- El 40% informa desafíos relacionados con la disponibilidad de datos de la audiencia
- El 64% depende de datos de primera parte y contextuales como su principal enfoque de segmentación
- El 88% anticipa un impacto moderado a significativo en la entrega de publicidad personalizada
- El 61% espera que la segmentación de audiencia sea la más afectada por las leyes de privacidad

El informe también destaca los cambios en la industria hacia estrategias impulsadas por la IA, una reducción en la dependencia de cookies y un mayor enfoque en soluciones publicitarias resilientes a la privacidad. Proximic de Comscore ofrece segmentos de segmentación contextualizados y Audiencias Predictivas sin ID para abordar estos desafíos.

Comscore의 Proximic(주식 코드: SCOR)은 2024년을 위한 첫 번째 광고에서의 개인 정보 보호 상태 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 데이터 개인 정보 보호 법이 개인화된 광고에 미치는 중대한 영향을 보여줍니다:

- 응답자의 56%가 데이터 개인 정보 보호 법이 있는 지역에서 청중 타겟팅에 제한을 받고 있습니다
- 40%는 청중 데이터의 가용성과 관련된 어려움을 보고했습니다
- 64%가 첫 번째 데이터와 맥락 기반 데이터를 주요 타겟팅 접근 방식으로 의존하고 있습니다
- 88%가 개인화된 광고 전달에 대한 중간에서 큰 영향을 예상하고 있습니다
- 61%는 개인 정보 보호 법이 청중 타겟팅에 가장 큰 영향을 미칠 것으로 기대합니다

보고서는 또한 AI 기반 전략으로의 산업 변화, 쿠키 의존도의 감소 및 개인 정보 보호에 강한 광고 솔루션에 대한 증가된 초점을 강조하고 있습니다. Comscore의 Proximic은 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 맥락 기반 타겟팅 세그먼트와 ID 없는 예측 청중을 제공합니다.

Proximic de Comscore, une division de Comscore Inc. (NASDAQ : SCOR), a publié son rapport inaugural sur l'état de la confidentialité dans la publicité pour 2024. Le rapport révèle des impacts significatifs des lois sur la confidentialité des données sur la publicité personnalisée :

- 56 % des répondants rencontrent des limitations dans le ciblage d'audience dans les régions avec des lois sur la confidentialité des données
- 40 % signalent des défis liés à la disponibilité des données d'audience
- 64 % s'appuient sur des données de première partie et contextuelles comme principale approche de ciblage
- 88 % s'attendent à un impact modéré à significatif sur la livraison de la publicité personnalisée
- 61 % estiment que le ciblage d'audience sera le plus affecté par les lois sur la confidentialité

Le rapport met également en évidence les évolutions du secteur vers des stratégies basées sur l'IA, une dépendance réduite aux cookies et une attention accrue aux solutions publicitaires respectueuses de la vie privée. Proximic de Comscore propose des segments de ciblage contextualisés et des publics prédictifs sans ID pour relever ces défis.

Proximic von Comscore, einer Abteilung von Comscore Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), hat seinen ersten Bericht über den Stand der Privatsphäre in der Werbung für 2024 veröffentlicht. Der Bericht zeigt erhebliche Auswirkungen von Datenschutzgesetzen auf personalisierte Werbung:

- 56% der Befragten sehen sich in Regionen mit Datenschutzgesetzen Einschränkungen bei der Zielgruppenansprache gegenüber
- 40% berichten von Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit der Verfügbarkeit von Publikumdaten
- 64% verlassen sich auf First-Party- und kontextuelle Daten als ihren primären Ansatz zur Zielgruppenansprache
- 88% erwarten einen moderaten bis erheblichen Einfluss auf die Lieferung personalisierter Werbung
- 61% erwarten, dass die Zielgruppenansprache am stärksten von Datenschutzgesetzen betroffen sein wird

Der Bericht hebt auch Branchenänderungen hin zu KI-gesteuerten Strategien, einer verringerten Abhängigkeit von Cookies und einem zunehmenden Fokus auf datenschutzresistente Werbelösungen hervor. Proximic von Comscore bietet kontextuell unterstützte Zielgruppen-Segmente und ID-freie Vorhersage-Zielgruppen an, um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen.

  • Release of inaugural State of Privacy in Advertising Report, providing valuable industry insights
  • Proximic by Comscore offers privacy-resilient advertising solutions, including ID-free Predictive Audiences
  • 64% of respondents are adapting by using first-party and contextual data for targeting
  • Company is well-positioned to help partners adapt to privacy challenges with AI-driven solutions
  • 56% of respondents face limitations in audience targeting due to data privacy laws
  • 88% anticipate moderate to significant impact on personalized advertising delivery
  • 31% of respondents have experienced increased costs associated with data privacy compliance efforts
  • 43% are accelerating plans to reduce reliance on cookies, potentially disrupting existing advertising strategies

The report reveals significant shifts in the advertising landscape due to data privacy laws. 56% of respondents face limitations in audience targeting, while 40% experience challenges in audience data availability. This trend is pushing the industry towards first-party data and contextual targeting, with 64% adopting these as primary strategies.

The impact on personalized advertising is substantial, with 88% anticipating moderate to significant effects. This shift presents both challenges and opportunities for advertisers. While it may limit traditional targeting methods, it's driving innovation in AI-driven solutions and privacy-centric approaches. The industry is adapting, but with 31% facing increased compliance costs, it's clear that this transition isn't without its hurdles.

The report highlights a pivotal moment in ad tech evolution. With 61% expecting audience targeting to be most impacted, we're seeing a rapid shift towards alternative technologies. AI is emerging as a key player, with 63% anticipating its role in improving audience targeting while respecting privacy laws.

Notably, 43% are accelerating plans to reduce cookie reliance. This aligns with the industry's move towards cookieless solutions and contextual AI. Proximic's focus on ID-free Predictive Audiences is a prime example of this trend. These developments suggest a future where AI-driven contextual intelligence could become the new standard for effective, privacy-compliant targeting in digital advertising.

The fragmented nature of data privacy laws is creating significant compliance challenges. 38% of respondents struggle to keep up with new laws, while 34% face difficulties applying varying strategies across regions. This highlights the need for a more harmonized global approach to data privacy regulation.

The report also indicates that 31% are experiencing increased costs due to compliance efforts. This financial burden could potentially lead to market consolidation, favoring larger players with more resources to navigate the complex legal landscape. As the regulatory environment continues to evolve, companies will need to invest in robust compliance frameworks and possibly lobby for more standardized international privacy regulations to ease operational complexities.

Report shows that data privacy laws are significantly impacting personalized advertising, with audience targeting facing the most challenges, prompting shifts towards first-party data, AI-driven strategies, and reduced reliance on cookies

NEW YORK, Sept. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Proximic by Comscore, a division of Comscore Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) and a leading provider of audience and content targeting solutions for programmatic activation, today released its inaugural State of Privacy in Advertising Report. The comprehensive report compiles industry-wide survey research, delving into the current and anticipated impacts of rapidly evolving data privacy laws in the digital advertising landscape.

The report reveals that 56% of respondents already face limitations in audience targeting in regions where data privacy laws are in place, and that nearly 40% reported experiencing challenges related to audience data availability in impacted locations. In addition, first-party and contextual data are the cornerstone of audience targeting strategies in regions with recently enacted data privacy laws, with 64% of respondents relying on them as their primary approach.

“Our 2024 State of Privacy in Advertising report highlights both the challenges and opportunities that advertisers face as they navigate today’s privacy landscape,” said Rachel Gantz, Managing Director, Proximic by Comscore. “At Proximic by Comscore, we are committed to helping our partners adapt through privacy-centric, AI-driven solutions that deliver impactful targeting without relying on traditional identifiers.”

Key Highlights of the 2024 State of Privacy in Advertising Report

  • The impact of data privacy laws:
    • 88% of respondents indicated that they anticipate a moderate to significant impact on their ability to deliver personalized advertising in regions with data privacy laws in place, with 28% already significantly adjusting parts of their advertising strategy.
    • Due to the fragmented nature of today’s data privacy laws, 38% of respondents have had difficulty keeping up with the details and implications of each new law, and 34% have experienced challenges trying to apply differing ad strategies across regions with varying laws in place.
    • Just under one-third (31%) of respondents have experienced increased costs associated with data privacy compliance efforts.
  • Audience targeting is expected to face the greatest impact:
    • 61% of respondents expect audience targeting to bear the brunt of privacy law impacts, with 60% adjusting their targeting strategy to accommodate data privacy laws and 59% re-evaluating targeting datasets to comply with new laws.
  • Leveraging AI and strategic data partnerships:
    • Respondents reported they anticipate AI’s biggest role in maintaining effective targeted advertising while respecting data privacy laws to be improving audience targeting (63% of respondents), followed by improving campaign measurement capabilities (52% of respondents).
  • Privacy legislation accelerating shift away from cookie reliance:
    • 43% of respondents indicated that recent privacy legislation has accelerated their plans to reduce reliance on cookies.

Proximic by Comscore has long focused on providing privacy-resilient advertising solutions. It offers contextually powered targeting segments with a specific focus on ID-free Predictive Audiences. These highly predictive segments are built from Comscore’s massive consented panel data assets and Proximic’s AI contextual intelligence to enable reach against audience definitions such as purchase intent, interest, and personas without leveraging user identifiers.

About Proximic by Comscore

Proximic by Comscore, a division of Comscore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), is a leader in programmatic targeting. Powered by Comscore's trusted datasets and the industry's leading natural language processing contextual engine, Proximic by Comscore enables media buyers and sellers to maximize the scale and performance of their campaigns. Through their innovative suite of ID-based and ID-less audience and content targeting segments, Proximic by Comscore supports the evolution of the programmatic ecosystem, enabling clients and partners to continue executing impactful advertising strategies.

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What are the key findings of Proximic by Comscore's 2024 State of Privacy in Advertising Report?

The report reveals that 56% of respondents face limitations in audience targeting, 88% anticipate significant impact on personalized advertising, and 64% rely on first-party and contextual data for targeting in regions with data privacy laws. It also highlights shifts towards AI-driven strategies and reduced cookie reliance.

How are data privacy laws affecting audience targeting according to the Comscore (SCOR) report?

The report shows that 61% of respondents expect audience targeting to be most affected by privacy laws, with 60% adjusting their targeting strategies and 59% re-evaluating targeting datasets to comply with new laws.

What solutions does Proximic by Comscore (SCOR) offer to address privacy challenges in advertising?

Proximic by Comscore offers privacy-resilient advertising solutions, including contextually powered targeting segments and ID-free Predictive Audiences. These are built using Comscore's consented panel data and Proximic's AI contextual intelligence to enable targeting without user identifiers.

How are advertisers adapting to data privacy laws according to the 2024 Comscore (SCOR) report?

The report indicates that 64% of respondents are relying on first-party and contextual data as their primary targeting approach. Additionally, 43% are accelerating plans to reduce cookie reliance, and many are leveraging AI and strategic data partnerships to maintain effective targeted advertising.

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