Socket Mobile Launches XtremeScan XG640, a Rugged BYOD Scanner for Transportation & Logistics

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Socket Mobile (NASDAQ: SCKT) has launched the XtremeScan Mag XG640, a rugged scanning solution for the transportation and logistics sectors. This BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) scanner integrates with employees' phones using a magnetic attachment system, enhancing efficiency in mobile workforces. The XG640 is designed for the last-mile delivery market, which is expected to double by 2030, growing at 8.8% CAGR.

The XG640 offers a cost-effective solution for SMBs and independent drivers, allowing them to use personal mobile devices for both navigation and scanning. This approach can lead to significant cost savings for companies, especially smaller trucking firms. The scanner is available for pre-order at an MSRP of $899 and will start shipping in September.

Socket Mobile (NASDAQ: SCKT) ha lanciato il XtremeScan Mag XG640, una soluzione di scansione robusta per i settori dei trasporti e della logistica. Questo scanner BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) si integra con i telefoni dei dipendenti utilizzando un sistema di attacco magnetico, migliorando l'efficienza nelle forze lavoro mobili. L'XG640 è progettato per il mercato della consegna dell'ultimo miglio, che si prevede di raddoppiare entro il 2030, con una crescita dell'8,8% CAGR.

L'XG640 offre una soluzione economica per le piccole e medie imprese e i guidatori indipendenti, consentendo loro di utilizzare dispositivi mobili personali sia per la navigazione che per la scansione. Questo approccio può portare a significativi risparmi sui costi per le aziende, in particolare per le piccole aziende di autotrasporto. Lo scanner è disponibile per il pre-ordine a un prezzo al pubblico consigliato di $899 e inizierà a essere spedito a settembre.

Socket Mobile (NASDAQ: SCKT) ha lanzado el XtremeScan Mag XG640, una solución de escaneo robusta para los sectores de transporte y logística. Este escáner BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) se integra con los teléfonos de los empleados utilizando un sistema de sujeción magnética, mejorando la eficiencia en las fuerzas laborales móviles. El XG640 está diseñado para el mercado de entrega de última milla, que se espera que se duplique para 2030, creciendo a una tasa compuesta anual del 8,8%.

El XG640 ofrece una solución rentable para las pymes y conductores independientes, permitiéndoles utilizar dispositivos móviles personales tanto para la navegación como para el escaneo. Este enfoque puede llevar a ahorros significativos en costos para las empresas, especialmente para las pequeñas firmas de transporte. El escáner está disponible para pre-pedido a un precio al por menor sugerido de $899 y comenzará a enviarse en septiembre.

Socket Mobile (NASDAQ: SCKT)는 운송 및 물류 부문을 위한 견고한 스캔 솔루션인 XtremeScan Mag XG640을 출시했습니다. 이 BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) 스캐너는 직원의 전화기와 자기 부착 시스템으로 통합되어 모바일 근무 환경의 효율성을 높입니다. XG640은 2030년까지 두 배로 증가할 것으로 예상되는 마지막 마일 배송 시장을 위해 설계되었습니다. 연평균 성장률은 8.8%입니다.

XG640은 중소기업과 독립 드라이버를 위한 비용 효율적인 솔루션을 제공하며, 그들이 내비게이션과 스캔 모두에 개인 모바일 장치를 사용할 수 있게 합니다. 이 접근 방식은 특히 소규모 트럭 회사에 대해 상당한 비용 절감을 가져올 수 있습니다. 스캐너는 소비자 권장 가격 $899로 사전 주문이 가능하며 9월에 배송을 시작할 예정입니다.

Socket Mobile (NASDAQ: SCKT) a lancé le XtremeScan Mag XG640, une solution de numérisation robuste pour les secteurs du transport et de la logistique. Ce scanner BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) s'intègre aux téléphones des employés à l'aide d'un système de fixation magnétique, améliorant ainsi l'efficacité des forces de travail mobiles. Le XG640 est conçu pour le marché de la livraison du dernier kilomètre, qui devrait doubler d'ici 2030, avec une croissance de 8,8 % en taux de croissance annuel composé.

Le XG640 propose une solution économique pour les PME et les chauffeurs indépendants, leur permettant d'utiliser des appareils mobiles personnels à la fois pour la navigation et la numérisation. Cette approche peut entraîner des économies de coûts considérables pour les entreprises, notamment pour les petites sociétés de transport. Le scanner est disponible en précommande à un prix de détail suggéré de 899 $ et sera expédié en septembre.

Socket Mobile (NASDAQ: SCKT) hat den XtremeScan Mag XG640 eingeführt, eine robuste Scannlösung für die Transport- und Logistikbranche. Dieser BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Scanner lässt sich über ein magnetisches Befestigungssystem mit den Smartphones der Mitarbeiter integrieren, was die Effizienz in mobilen Arbeitskräften steigert. Der XG640 ist für den Markt der letzten Meile konzipiert, der bis 2030 voraussichtlich auf das Doppelte wachsen wird, mit einer jährlichen Wachstumsrate von 8,8%.

Der XG640 bietet eine kosteneffektive Lösung für KMUs und unabhängige Fahrer, die es ihnen ermöglicht, persönliche mobile Geräte sowohl für Navigation als auch für das Scannen zu verwenden. Dieser Ansatz kann zu erheblichen Kosteneinsparungen für Unternehmen führen, insbesondere für kleinere Speditionen. Der Scanner ist für eine empfohlene Einzelhandelspreis von $899 vorbestellbar und wird im September ausgeliefert.

  • Launch of XtremeScan Mag XG640, a rugged BYOD scanner for transportation and logistics
  • Targeting the last-mile delivery market, expected to double by 2030 (8.8% CAGR)
  • Cost-effective solution for SMBs and independent drivers
  • Potential for significant cost savings for companies by allowing use of personal mobile devices
  • Pre-order available with MSRP of $899, shipping in September
  • None.

Socket Mobile's launch of the XtremeScan Mag XG640 represents a strategic move in the rapidly growing last-mile delivery market. With the sector projected to double by 2030, this product addresses a important need for cost-effective, versatile scanning solutions, particularly for SMBs and independent drivers.

The XG640's BYOD approach is particularly noteworthy. By allowing drivers to use their own smartphones, Socket Mobile is tapping into a significant cost-saving opportunity for smaller logistics companies. This could potentially lower the barrier to entry for new players in the last-mile delivery space, possibly leading to increased competition and innovation in the sector.

However, the $899 price point may be a potential hurdle for widespread adoption, especially among smaller operators. The success of this product will likely depend on whether the long-term cost savings and efficiency gains outweigh the initial investment for budget-conscious companies.

From an investor perspective, Socket Mobile's focus on the $132 billion last-mile delivery market, growing at 8.8% CAGR, positions the company for potential growth. However, the real test will be in the product's market penetration and adoption rates in the coming months.

The XtremeScan Mag XG640 addresses a critical pain point in the transportation and logistics industry: the need for flexible, cost-effective scanning solutions that can keep pace with the rapidly evolving last-mile delivery landscape.

The device's magnetic attachment system is a clever innovation, allowing for seamless integration with various mobile devices. This flexibility could be a game-changer for companies with diverse fleets or those relying on gig economy drivers, as it eliminates the need for standardized, company-issued devices.

Moreover, the BYOD strategy aligns well with the industry trend towards more agile and adaptable operations. By reducing capital expenditures and simplifying device management, companies can allocate resources more efficiently, potentially improving their bottom line.

However, it's important to note that while BYOD offers benefits, it also presents challenges in terms of data security and device management. Companies adopting this solution will need to ensure robust security protocols and clear policies for using personal devices in professional settings.

Overall, if Socket Mobile can effectively address these concerns and demonstrate tangible efficiency gains, the XG640 could become a valuable tool in optimizing last-mile delivery operations, particularly for smaller players in the industry.

FREMONT, Calif., July 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Socket Mobile (NASDAQ: SCKT), a leading provider of data capture and delivery solutions designed to enhance workplace productivity, is excited to announce the launch of the XtremeScan Mag XG640, a rugged scanning solution designed to transform operations in the transportation and logistics sectors. The XG640 delivers exceptional scanning performance and easily integrates with the employee's phone (Bring Your Own Device - BYOD) using a secure magnetic attachment system, providing the optimal solution to enhance efficiency and convenience in mobile workforces.

Last-mile delivery is a $132B market, growing at 8.8% CAGR and expected to double in size by 2030. The XG640 is designed to meet the unique needs of SMBs and independent drivers within this growing market, offering a versatile, cost-effective scanning solution that drivers can use with their personal mobile devices. The XG640's innovative BYOD magnetic design, combined with the rugged durability of Socket Mobile's XtremeScan product line, makes it an ideal solution for modern delivery operations. It empowers drivers to utilize their smartphones for navigation and communication when driving and combined with the XG640 for efficient scanning during deliveries and operations.

"Traditional delivery operations often require separate devices for barcode scanning and communication, leading to inefficiencies," said Dave Holmes, Chief Business Officer at Socket Mobile. "The XG640 solves this by allowing users to keep using their own device, maintaining comfort and familiarity while adding high-performance barcode scanning for deliveries. It ensures easy attachment and detachment of the phone or tablet to the scanner, bringing the power of Socket Mobile's scanners to every mobile device in the market. By eliminating the need for separate devices, the XG640 provides an all-in-one, adaptable solution that seamlessly integrates with apps and enhances the user experience—ensuring smoother and more productive delivery operations."

The XtremeScan Mag XG640 enables a BYOD strategy that offers significant cost savings for transportation and logistics companies. The majority of trucking companies – more than 135,000 in the US — have less than 20 employees and rely heavily on independent drivers. Purchasing and maintaining expensive, single-use mobile computers can be impractical for these smaller companies. By allowing drivers to use their own mobile devices, the XG640 provides last-mile delivery companies with the opportunity to reduce capital expenditures, onboarding time and costs, and maintenance costs. For employees, the XG640 provides the convenience of using a familiar device for both work and personal use, allowing them to tailor their workflow to their needs. This practical approach results in thousands of dollars in savings while enhancing overall efficiency and user satisfaction.

Application developers who wish to integrate the XtremeScan Mag XG640 can do so through Socket Mobile's CaptureSDK. For app developers who have already integrated CaptureSDK, the XG640 is already natively supported.

The XtremeScan Mag XG640 is available for Pre-Order now through the Socket Mobile Website with an MSRP of $899 and will be shipping in September. App developers can request early samples here.

Media Contact: David Holmes,

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SOURCE Socket Mobile, Inc.


What is the XtremeScan Mag XG640 and when will it be available?

The XtremeScan Mag XG640 is a rugged BYOD scanner for transportation and logistics launched by Socket Mobile (SCKT). It's available for pre-order now and will start shipping in September 2024.

How much does the Socket Mobile XtremeScan Mag XG640 cost?

The Socket Mobile XtremeScan Mag XG640 has an MSRP of $899.

What market is Socket Mobile (SCKT) targeting with the XtremeScan Mag XG640?

Socket Mobile (SCKT) is targeting the last-mile delivery market with the XtremeScan Mag XG640. This market is expected to double by 2030, growing at an 8.8% CAGR.

How does the XtremeScan Mag XG640 integrate with mobile devices?

The XtremeScan Mag XG640 integrates with employees' phones using a secure magnetic attachment system, allowing for a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) approach.

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