The National News Desk: Sinclair Rebrands Daily Syndicated Newscasts

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Sinclair has rebranded its daily syndicated news program as The National News Desk. Launched in January 2021, the program provides national, regional, and local news coverage across more than 80 stations nationwide. The National News Desk offers morning, evening, late-evening, and weekend newscasts, aiming to deliver a comprehensive, unbiased look at significant news stories.

The program is available on Sinclair news websites,, and YouTube, all free of charge without subscription requirements. It's complemented by The National Weather Desk, launched in 2022, which focuses on weather-related news and forecasts. Scott Livingston, SVP of News, reported a continuing upward trend in viewership, with over 3.5 million weekly viewers across newscasts, indicating strong demand for comprehensive, commentary-free news coverage.

Sinclair ha riunito il marchio del suo programma di notizie sindacato quotidiano come The National News Desk. Lanciatod a gennaio 2021, il programma offre copertura di notizie nazionali, regionali e locali in oltre 80 stazioni in tutto il paese. The National News Desk propone notiziari mattutini, serali, notturni e nel fine settimana, con l'obiettivo di fornire uno sguardo completo e imparziale sulle notizie significative.

Il programma è disponibile su siti web di notizie di Sinclair, e YouTube, tutti gratuitamente e senza requisiti di abbonamento. Viene affiancato da The National Weather Desk, lanciato nel 2022, che si concentra su notizie e previsioni meteorologiche. Scott Livingston, SVP delle Notizie, ha riportato una tendenza in crescita continua negli ascolti, con oltre 3,5 milioni di telespettatori settimanali per i notiziari, indicando una forte domanda di una copertura delle notizie completa e senza commenti.

Sinclair ha cambiado de marca su programa diario de noticias sindicadas a The National News Desk. Lanzado en enero de 2021, el programa proporciona cobertura de noticias nacionales, regionales y locales a través de más de 80 estaciones en todo el país. The National News Desk ofrece noticiarios matutinos, vespertinos, nocturnos y de fin de semana, con el objetivo de brindar una mirada completa e imparcial a las noticias significativas.

El programa está disponible en los sitios web de noticias de Sinclair, y YouTube, todos de forma gratuita y sin requisitos de suscripción. Se complementa con The National Weather Desk, lanzado en 2022, que se centra en noticias y pronósticos relacionados con el clima. Scott Livingston, SVP de Noticias, reportó una tendencia al alza continua en la audiencia, con más de 3.5 millones de espectadores semanales en los noticiarios, lo que indica una fuerte demanda de cobertura de noticias integral y sin comentarios.

Sinclair는 일일 신디케이트 뉴스 프로그램을 The National News Desk리브랜딩했습니다. 2021년 1월에 시작된 이 프로그램은 80개 이상의 전국 방송국을 통해 국가적, 지역적, 그리고 로컬 뉴스 보도를 제공합니다. The National News Desk는 아침, 저녁, 늦은 저녁 및 주말 뉴스 방송을 제공하며, 중요한 뉴스 사건에 대한 종합적이고 편향 없는 시각을 전달하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 프로그램은 Sinclair 뉴스 웹사이트, 및 YouTube에서 모두 무료로 제공되며 구독 요구가 없습니다. 2022년에 시작된 The National Weather Desk와 함께 제공되며, 날씨 관련 뉴스와 예보에 초점을 맞춥니다. 뉴스 부사장인 Scott Livingston은 시청률의 지속적인 상승 추세를 보고했으며, 주간 350만 이상의 시청자가 뉴스 방송을 보고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 이는 종합적이고 논평 없는 뉴스 보도에 대한 강한 수요를 나타냅니다.

Sinclair a remanié son programme d'information syndiqué quotidien sous le nom de The National News Desk. Lancé en janvier 2021, le programme offre une couverture des actualités nationales, régionales et locales sur plus de 80 stations à l'échelle nationale. The National News Desk propose des bulletins d'information matinaux, en soirée, tardifs et le week-end, dans le but de fournir un aperçu complet et impartial des nouvelles importantes.

Le programme est disponible sur les sites de nouvelles de Sinclair, et YouTube, tous gratuitement et sans exigence d'abonnement. Il est complété par The National Weather Desk, lancé en 2022, qui se concentre sur les nouvelles et prévisions liées à la météo. Scott Livingston, SVP des nouvelles, a rapporté une tendance à la hausse continue de l'audience, avec plus de 3,5 millions de téléspectateurs par semaine pour les bulletin, ce qui indique une forte demande pour une couverture de nouvelles complète et sans commentaire.

Sinclair hat sein tägliches syndiziertes Nachrichtenprogramm als The National News Desk neu gebrandet. Das Programm wurde im Januar 2021 gestartet und bietet nationale, regionale und lokale Nachrichten in über 80 Sendern im ganzen Land. The National News Desk bietet Morgen-, Abend-, Spätabend- und Wochenendnachrichtensendungen, mit dem Ziel eine umfassende, unvoreingenommene Sicht auf bedeutende Nachrichten zu liefern.

Das Programm ist auf Sinclair-Nachrichtenseiten, und YouTube verfügbar, alles kostenlos und ohne Abonnementpflicht. Es wird ergänzt durch The National Weather Desk, das 2022 gestartet wurde und sich auf wetterbezogene Nachrichten und Vorhersagen konzentriert. Scott Livingston, SVP der Nachrichten, berichtete von einem fortdauernden Anstieg der Zuschauerzahlen, mit über 3,5 Millionen wöchentlichen Zuschauern bei den Nachrichtensendungen, was eine starke Nachfrage nach umfassender, kommentarfreier Berichterstattung anzeigt.

  • Rebranding may enhance brand recognition and viewer engagement
  • Broad distribution across 80+ stations nationwide
  • Multi-platform availability (TV, websites, YouTube) without subscription fees
  • Upward trend in viewership with over 3.5 million weekly viewers
  • Expansion of content with The National Weather Desk
  • None.

Providing National, Regional and Local Coverage on 80+ Local Stations

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Sinclair today announced its daily syndicated news program has been rebranded as The National News Desk.

Launched January 2021 (as The National Desk) The National News Desk provides viewers with national, regional and local news, drawing on the extensive resources of Sinclair’s local stations across the country. It provides viewers with a comprehensive, unbiased look at the most significant news stories of the day.

The National News Desk airs on more than 80 stations nationwide with morning, evening, late-evening, and weekend newscasts. The National News Desk also airs on all Sinclair news websites, and, which is available to all viewers, free of charge with no subscription, log in or authentication required. The National News Desk is also available live and on demand on YouTube.

The National News Desk is complemented by The National Weather Desk. Launched in 2022, The National Weather Desk offers viewers a daily, in-depth look at weather-related news, national forecasts, and local weather stories from Sinclair stations around the country.

“The rebranding to The National News Desk reflects our continued commitment to providing viewers with the most impactful news stories from across the country. Since our launch, we have seen a continuing upward trend in viewership, with more than 3.5 million weekly viewers aggregated across the newscasts, demonstrating that there is a strong demand for comprehensive, commentary-free news coverage,” said Scott Livingston, SVP, News. “We’re excited to continue expanding our reach and delivering high-quality journalism to our audiences.”

About Sinclair, Inc.

Sinclair, Inc., (Nasdaq: SBGI) is a diversified media company and leading provider of local news and sports. The Company owns, operates and/or provides services to 185 television stations in 86 markets affiliated with all the major broadcast networks and owns Tennis Channel and multicast networks Comet, CHARGE!, TBD., and The Nest. Sinclair’s content is delivered via multiple platforms, including over-the-air, multi-channel video program distributors, and the nation’s largest streaming aggregator of local news content, NewsON. The Company regularly uses its website as a key source of Company information which can be accessed at

Category: General

Jessica Bellucci,

Source: Sinclair, Inc.


What is the new name of Sinclair's daily syndicated news program?

Sinclair's daily syndicated news program has been rebranded as The National News Desk.

How many stations air The National News Desk (SBGI)?

The National News Desk airs on more than 80 stations nationwide.

When was The National News Desk (SBGI) originally launched?

The National News Desk was originally launched in January 2021 as The National Desk.

How many weekly viewers does The National News Desk (SBGI) have?

The National News Desk has over 3.5 million weekly viewers aggregated across its newscasts.

Where can viewers watch The National News Desk (SBGI) besides TV stations?

Viewers can watch The National News Desk on Sinclair news websites,, and YouTube, all free of charge.

Sinclair, Inc.


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