SAP Recognized as One of the World’s Most Sustainable Companies in 2024

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SAP has been recognized as one of the world's most sustainable companies in 2024, ranking 15th out of 500 companies in a study by TIME magazine and Statista. The study measures companies' performance against climate programs and emissions targets. SAP's commitment to sustainability is reflected in its comprehensive portfolio of cloud-based and AI-enabled sustainability solutions, helping customers across 26 industries become more sustainable.

SAP has received numerous sustainability accolades, including:

  • 48th position in Corporate Knights' Global 100 ranking
  • Top 5% in S&P Global's Corporate Sustainability Assessment
  • Gold medal from EcoVadis, ranking in the 94th percentile
  • Inclusion in the FTSE4Good Index Series
  • 3rd place in IDC Sustainability Index for Software Providers
  • AAA rating from MSCI ESG Research
  • Low-risk ESG rating from Sustainalytics

These recognitions underscore SAP's role as a leader in sustainable business practices and its commitment to achieving net-zero emissions across its entire value chain by 2030.

SAP è stata riconosciuta come una delle aziende più sostenibili al mondo nel 2024, piazzandosi al 15° posto su 500 aziende in uno studio condotto da TIME magazine e Statista. Lo studio misura le prestazioni delle aziende rispetto ai programmi climatici e agli obiettivi di emissione. L'impegno di SAP per la sostenibilità è riflesso nel suo complesso portafoglio di soluzioni sostenibili basate su cloud e abilitate dall'IA, che aiutano i clienti in 26 settori a diventare più sostenibili.

SAP ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti per la sostenibilità, tra cui:

  • 48° posto nella classifica Global 100 di Corporate Knights
  • Top 5% nella Corporate Sustainability Assessment di S&P Global
  • Medaglia d'oro da EcoVadis, piazzandosi nel 94° percentile
  • Inclusione nella serie FTSE4Good Index
  • 3° posto nell'IDC Sustainability Index per i fornitori di software
  • Valutazione AAA da MSCI ESG Research
  • Valutazione ESG a basso rischio da Sustainalytics

Questi riconoscimenti sottolineano il ruolo di SAP come leader nelle pratiche aziendali sostenibili e il suo impegno a raggiungere emissioni nette zero lungo l'intera catena del valore entro il 2030.

SAP ha sido reconocida como una de las empresas más sostenibles del mundo en 2024, ocupando el 15° lugar entre 500 empresas en un estudio de TIME magazine y Statista. El estudio mide el rendimiento de las empresas en relación con los programas climáticos y los objetivos de emisiones. El compromiso de SAP con la sostenibilidad se refleja en su completo portafolio de soluciones de sostenibilidad basadas en la nube y habilitadas por IA, ayudando a los clientes en 26 industrias a volverse más sostenibles.

SAP ha recibido numerosos reconocimientos en sostenibilidad, incluyendo:

  • 48° lugar en el ranking Global 100 de Corporate Knights
  • Top 5% en la Evaluación de Sostenibilidad Corporativa de S&P Global
  • Medalla de oro de EcoVadis, ocupando el percentil 94
  • Inclusión en la serie FTSE4Good Index
  • 3° lugar en el Índice de Sostenibilidad de IDC para proveedores de software
  • Calificación AAA de MSCI ESG Research
  • Calificación ESG de bajo riesgo de Sustainalytics

Estos reconocimientos subrayan el papel de SAP como líder en prácticas comerciales sostenibles y su compromiso de alcanzar emisiones netas cero en toda su cadena de valor para 2030.

SAP는 2024년 세계에서 가장 지속 가능한 기업 중 하나로 인정받아 TIME 매거진과 Statista의 조사에서 500개 기업 중 15위에 올랐습니다. 이 연구는 기업의 기후 프로그램 및 배출 목표에 대한 성과를 측정합니다. SAP의 지속 가능성에 대한 헌신은 클라우드 기반 및 AI 지원 지속 가능성 솔루션의 포괄적인 포트폴리오에 반영되어 있으며, 이를 통해 26개 산업의 고객이 더욱 지속 가능해질 수 있도록 돕고 있습니다.

SAP는 다음과 같은 수많은 지속 가능성 관련 상을 수상했습니다:

  • Corporate Knights의 Global 100 순위에서 48위
  • S&P Global의 기업 지속 가능성 평가에서 상위 5%
  • EcoVadis로부터 금메달 수상, 94번째 백분위 제공
  • FTSE4Good 지수 시리즈에 포함
  • 소프트웨어 공급자를 위한 IDC 지속 가능성 지수에서 3위
  • MSCI ESG 리서치로부터 AAA 등급
  • Sustainalytics의 저위험 ESG 등급

이러한 인정은 SAP가 지속 가능한 비즈니스 관행의 선두주자로서의 역할과 2030년까지 전체 가치 사슬에서 탄소 중립 달성을 위한 헌신을 강조합니다.

SAP a été reconnue comme l'une des entreprises les plus durables au monde en 2024, se classant 15e parmi 500 entreprises dans une étude de TIME magazine et Statista. L'étude mesure les performances des entreprises par rapport aux programmes climatiques et aux objectifs d'émissions. L'engagement de SAP envers la durabilité se reflète dans son portfolio complet de solutions de durabilité basées sur le cloud et propulsées par l'IA, aidant les clients à travers 26 secteurs à devenir plus durables.

SAP a reçu de nombreuses distinctions en matière de durabilité, notamment :

  • 48e place dans le classement Global 100 de Corporate Knights
  • Top 5 % dans l'évaluation de durabilité d'entreprise de S&P Global
  • Médaille d'or d'EcoVadis, se classant dans le 94e percentile
  • Inclusion dans la série FTSE4Good Index
  • 3e place dans l'IDC Sustainability Index pour les fournisseurs de logiciels
  • Note AAA de MSCI ESG Research
  • Note ESG à faible risque de Sustainalytics

Ces reconnaissances soulignent le rôle de SAP en tant que leader dans les pratiques commerciales durables et son engagement à atteindre des émissions nettes nulles dans l'ensemble de sa chaîne de valeur d'ici 2030.

SAP wurde 2024 als eines der nachhaltigsten Unternehmen der Welt anerkannt und belegt in einer Studie von TIME Magazine und Statista den 15. Platz unter 500 Unternehmen. Die Studie bewertet die Leistung der Unternehmen im Hinblick auf Klimaprogramme und Emissionsziele. Das Engagement von SAP für Nachhaltigkeit spiegelt sich in einem umfassenden Portfolio an cloudbasierten und KI-unterstützten Nachhaltigkeitslösungen wider, die Kunden aus 26 Branchen dabei helfen, nachhaltiger zu werden.

SAP hat zahlreiche Auszeichnungen für Nachhaltigkeit erhalten, darunter:

  • 48. Platz im Global 100 Ranking von Corporate Knights
  • Top 5 % in der Corporate Sustainability Assessment von S&P Global
  • Goldmedaille von EcoVadis, 94. Perzentil
  • Aufnahme in die FTSE4Good Index-Serie
  • 3. Platz im IDC Sustainability Index für Softwareanbieter
  • AAA-Bewertung von MSCI ESG Research
  • Niedrigrisiko-ESG-Bewertung von Sustainalytics

Diese Anerkennungen unterstreichen die Rolle von SAP als führendes Unternehmen in nachhaltigen Geschäftspraktiken und das Engagement, bis 2030 Netto-Null-Emissionen in der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette zu erreichen.

  • None.
  • None.

Feature by Monica Molesag

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 26, 2024 / SAP is one of the most sustainable companies on the planet in 2024, according to a recent study conducted by TIME magazine and data firm Statista. It ranks 15th out of 500 companies on the list, outperforming Cisco, Microsoft, and ServiceNow.

The 2024 sustainability study measures how organizations are tracking against climate programs, such as the 1.5°C Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) target or the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), and looks at scope 1 and 2 emissions and energy consumption, or proportion of renewable energy utilized in a company's operations.

For years, SAP has been putting sustainability at the very core of its vision and operations. Via a comprehensive portfolio of ERP-centric, cloud-based, and AI-enabled sustainability services and solutions, SAP helps customers across 26 industries become more sustainable. This is achieved by building long-term sustainability strategies around climate, resources, and people; powering businesses and their value chains with sustainable practices; and driving long-term business value. SAP is also committed to achieving net-zero emissions across its entire value chain by 2030 - 20 years earlier than originally planned.

"Together with our customers, which generate 87% of total global commerce, SAP has the unique opportunity to create a more sustainable world," Daniel Schmid, chief sustainability officer at SAP, said. "We are regularly recognized by world-renowned sustainability rating providers for the company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts and achievements. Our ranking in TIME magazine underscores SAP's role as a leader in sustainable business practices, setting a benchmark for others in the industry."

Check out the list below for the full collection of ratings, rankings and reports of SAP's sustainability performance globally.

Corporate Knights

In Corporate Knights' 20th annual ranking of the 100 most sustainable corporations worldwide in 2024, SAP secured the 48th position. This recognition is highly significant, as the Global 100 companies represent the upper 1% of firms globally in terms of sustainability performance. The ranking was formulated by the Toronto-based media, research, and financial information products firm, which analyzed more than 6,000 companies with revenues exceeding US$1 billion, using 25 key performance indicators.

Corporate Sustainability Assessment by S&P (Dow Jones Sustainability Indices)

Since its inception in 1999, the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) has been conducting an annual evaluation of companies' sustainability practices, covering over 7,000 firms worldwide. The CSA emphasizes sustainability criteria that is both industry specific and financially significant. In the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment, SAP secured a position within the top 5% of the software industry, scoring 71 out of a possible 100.


In the latest CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) assessment, SAP scored a B. This means that SAP was recognized by CDP as taking coordinated action on climate issues.


In the last sustainability assessment of EcoVadis in October 2023, SAP was again awarded a gold medal with a score of 70 of 100, ranking in the 94th percentile* of all assessed companies. With more than 100,000 rated companies, EcoVadis is one of the world's most trusted business sustainability rating providers. Its assessment covers a broad range of non-financial management systems, including environments, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement impacts.


Gartner, a trustworthy analyst firm, has published a new report titled "Sustainability Assessment: SAP®". Read more about Gartner's assessment of SAP's sustainability performance in this complimentary report offered to all Gartner readers.


Administered by the Financial Times Stock Exchange-Russell Group (FTSE), the FTSE4Good Index Series is designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong ESG practices. Transparent management and clearly defined ESG criteria make FTSE4Good indices suitable tools to be used by a wide variety of market participants when creating or assessing sustainable investment products.

As in previous years, SAP continues to be listed in the FTSE4Good indices based on assessment questions in areas such as environment, climate change, human rights, community and labor standards, tax transparency, and anti-corruption. Due to its good scoring, SAP remains a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series following the June 2024 review.


IDC Sustainablity Index for Software Providers reviews the ESG impacts of information and communication technology (ICT) players, focusing on three pillars: Technology as an Enabler, Vendor Performance, and Technology for Good. SAP was awarded 3rd place** in an assessment of 23 software vendors. This position highlights SAP's exceptional performance, especially in the Technology as an Enabler pillar, where SAP excels in monetization, sustainable features, ESG reporting, operational optimization, and advisory services. SAP's success is attributed to its commitment to sustainability, as well as to efficient internal product standards that prioritize cost and resource efficiency. Additionally, SAP has been named a leader among 18 vendors in the first-ever IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Carbon Accounting and Management Applications 2024 Vendor Assessment.


The Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) ESG Corporate Rating provides an assessment of companies' sustainability performance based on high-quality and in-depth research and up to 100 sector-specific rating criteria that are regularly reviewed and developed. With its B rating, SAP has been acknowledged with prime status and is among the top decile. The score was confirmed in January 2023. ISS ESG is expected to update its score in the summer of 2024.


MSCI ESG Research provides in-depth research, ratings, and analysis of the ESG-related business practices of thousands of companies worldwide. Its research is designed to provide critical insights that can help institutional investors identify risks and opportunities that traditional investment research may overlook. The MSCI ESG Ratings are also used in the construction of the MSCI ESG Indexes produced by MSCI, Inc. SAP upholds the highest rating of AAA*** and is an ESG leader in human capital development, corporate governance, privacy and data security, and clean tech as of the last assessment in May 2024.


SAP received a low-risk ESG Risk Rating of 10.9 from Sustainalytics, a leading provider of ESG research, ratings, and data. This rating reflects SAP's commitment to sustainability and its efforts to minimize the financial impact of environmental, social, and governance factors. Sustainalytics, founded in 1992 and now a Morningstar company, is a trusted source for institutional investors and companies seeking to understand and manage ESG risks.


TIME's assessment of the World's Most Sustainable Companies for 2024 recognized SAP for demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability. SAP was ranked the 15th most sustainable company worldwide. This reflects SAP's dedication to areas such as climate change, human rights, and anti-corruption and underscores SAP's role as a leader in sustainable business practice.

*SAP's score is higher than or equal to the score of 94% of all companies rated by EcoVadis.
**Doc #EUR147190121, May 2023
***Scale: AAA (leader) to CCC (laggard). The use by SAP SE of any MSCI ESG Research LLC or its affiliates (‘MSCI") data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation or promotion of SAP SE by MSCI. MSCI Services and Data are the property of MSCI or its information providers and are provided "as-is" and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI.

Copyright ©2022 Sustainalytics. All rights reserved. This article contains information developed by Sustainalytics ( Such information and data are proprietary of Sustainalytics and/or its third party suppliers (Third Party Data) and are provided for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement of any product or project, nor an investment advice and are not warranted to be complete, timely, accurate or suitable for a particular purpose. Their use is subject to conditions available at

® Gartner, Sustainability Assessment: SAP, 11 December 2023, Ed Anderson, Fabio Di Capua
GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.
Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

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What is SAP's ranking in TIME magazine's 2024 sustainability study?

SAP ranked 15th out of 500 companies in TIME magazine's 2024 sustainability study, conducted in collaboration with data firm Statista.

What is SAP's target for achieving net-zero emissions?

SAP is committed to achieving net-zero emissions across its entire value chain by 2030, which is 20 years earlier than originally planned.

How did SAP perform in the Corporate Knights' 2024 sustainability ranking?

SAP secured the 48th position in Corporate Knights' 20th annual ranking of the 100 most sustainable corporations worldwide in 2024.

What rating did SAP receive from MSCI ESG Research in 2024?

SAP received the highest rating of AAA from MSCI ESG Research as of the last assessment in May 2024.

How did SAP perform in the EcoVadis sustainability assessment?

In the October 2023 EcoVadis sustainability assessment, SAP was awarded a gold medal with a score of 70 out of 100, ranking in the 94th percentile of all assessed companies.

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