First HR AI Success Metrics Beyond "Saving Time" Emerge from Josh Bersin Company Analysis

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SAP's HR AI tools are delivering measurable benefits beyond simple time savings, according to a new Josh Bersin Company analysis. The study reveals significant improvements in workplace efficiency and employee experience:

  • 95% acceleration in employee search speeds through AI copilots
  • 25% boost in employee satisfaction with career opportunities
  • 30% improvement in skill-to-assignment alignment
  • 25% reduction in candidate selection bias
  • 25% increase in overall employee performance through AI-driven skill inference

The research demonstrates that AI implementation is creating 'superworkers' rather than replacing employees. For organizations with 10,000 employees, even a 0.25% productivity increase per employee results in 5.2 additional productive hours annually per person. The study highlights various AI applications, including informational search assistants, HR support, conversational AI for core transactions, and personalized career guidance.

Gli strumenti di intelligenza artificiale HR di SAP stanno offrendo benefici misurabili oltre al semplice risparmio di tempo, secondo una nuova analisi della Josh Bersin Company. Lo studio rivela miglioramenti significativi nell'efficienza lavorativa e nell'esperienza dei dipendenti:

  • 95% di accelerazione nei tempi di ricerca dei dipendenti grazie ai copiloti AI
  • 25% di aumento della soddisfazione dei dipendenti per le opportunità di carriera
  • 30% di miglioramento nell'allineamento delle competenze alle assegnazioni
  • 25% di riduzione del bias nella selezione dei candidati
  • 25% di incremento delle prestazioni complessive dei dipendenti attraverso l'inferenza delle competenze guidata dall'AI

La ricerca dimostra che l'implementazione dell'AI sta creando 'superlavoratori' piuttosto che sostituire i dipendenti. Per le organizzazioni con 10.000 dipendenti, anche un incremento della produttività dello 0,25% per dipendente si traduce in 5,2 ore lavorative produttive aggiuntive all'anno per persona. Lo studio evidenzia varie applicazioni dell'AI, tra cui assistenti per la ricerca informativa, supporto HR, intelligenza artificiale conversazionale per transazioni fondamentali e orientamento professionale personalizzato.

Las herramientas de IA de recursos humanos de SAP están proporcionando beneficios medibles más allá del simple ahorro de tiempo, según un nuevo análisis de la empresa Josh Bersin. El estudio revela mejoras significativas en la eficiencia laboral y en la experiencia de los empleados:

  • 95% de aceleración en la velocidad de búsqueda de empleados a través de copilotos de IA
  • 25% de aumento en la satisfacción de los empleados con las oportunidades de carrera
  • 30% de mejora en la alineación de habilidades con las asignaciones
  • 25% de reducción en el sesgo de selección de candidatos
  • 25% de incremento en el rendimiento general de los empleados a través de la inferencia de habilidades impulsada por IA

La investigación demuestra que la implementación de IA está creando 'supertrabajadores' en lugar de reemplazar a los empleados. Para organizaciones con 10,000 empleados, incluso un aumento del 0.25% en la productividad por empleado resulta en 5.2 horas productivas adicionales anualmente por persona. El estudio destaca varias aplicaciones de IA, incluyendo asistentes de búsqueda informativa, soporte de recursos humanos, IA conversacional para transacciones clave y orientación profesional personalizada.

SAP의 HR AI 도구는 단순한 시간 절약을 넘어 측정 가능한 이점을 제공하고 있다고 Josh Bersin Company의 새로운 분석 결과가 나타났습니다. 이 연구는 직장 효율성과 직원 경험에서의 상당한 개선을 보여줍니다:

  • AI 코파일럿을 통한 직원 검색 속도 95% 가속화
  • 경력 기회에 대한 직원 만족도 25% 증가
  • 역량과 업무 배치의 일치도 30% 개선
  • 후보자 선택 편향 25% 감소
  • AI 기반 기술 추론을 통한 전반적인 직원 성과 25% 증가

이 연구는 AI 구현이 직원을 대체하기보다는 '슈퍼워커'를 창출하고 있음을 보여줍니다. 10,000명의 직원이 있는 조직의 경우, 직원당 0.25%의 생산성 증가만으로도 연간 1인당 5.2시간의 추가 생산적 시간이 발생합니다. 이 연구는 정보 검색 보조 도구, HR 지원, 핵심 거래를 위한 대화형 AI, 개인화된 경력 안내 등 다양한 AI 응용 프로그램을 강조합니다.

Les outils d'IA RH de SAP offrent des avantages mesurables au-delà des simples économies de temps, selon une nouvelle analyse de la société Josh Bersin. L'étude révèle des améliorations significatives dans l'efficacité au travail et l'expérience des employés :

  • 95 % d'accélération des vitesses de recherche des employés grâce aux copilotes IA
  • 25 % d'augmentation de la satisfaction des employés concernant les opportunités de carrière
  • 30 % d'amélioration de l'alignement des compétences avec les missions
  • 25 % de réduction des biais de sélection des candidats
  • 25 % d'augmentation de la performance globale des employés grâce à l'inférence de compétences pilotée par l'IA

La recherche démontre que l'implémentation de l'IA crée des 'supertravailleurs' plutôt que de remplacer les employés. Pour les organisations comptant 10 000 employés, même une augmentation de productivité de 0,25 % par employé se traduit par 5,2 heures productives supplémentaires par an et par personne. L'étude met en avant diverses applications de l'IA, y compris des assistants de recherche d'informations, un soutien RH, de l'IA conversationnelle pour les transactions essentielles et un accompagnement professionnel personnalisé.

Die HR KI-Tools von SAP liefern messbare Vorteile, die über einfache Zeitersparnisse hinausgehen, so eine neue Analyse der Josh Bersin Company. Die Studie zeigt erhebliche Verbesserungen in der Effizienz am Arbeitsplatz und im Mitarbeitererlebnis:

  • 95% Beschleunigung der Mitarbeitersuche durch KI-Copiloten
  • 25% Steigerung der Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit mit Karrierechancen
  • 30% Verbesserung der Übereinstimmung von Fähigkeiten und Aufgaben
  • 25% Reduzierung von Auswahlverzerrungen bei Kandidaten
  • 25% Steigerung der Gesamtleistung der Mitarbeiter durch KI-gestützte Fähigkeitsinferenz

Die Forschung zeigt, dass die Implementierung von KI 'Superarbeiter' schafft, anstatt Mitarbeiter zu ersetzen. Für Organisationen mit 10.000 Mitarbeitern führt bereits eine Produktivitätssteigerung von 0,25% pro Mitarbeiter zu zusätzlichen 5,2 produktiven Stunden jährlich pro Person. Die Studie hebt verschiedene KI-Anwendungen hervor, darunter Informationssuchassistenten, HR-Unterstützung, konversationelle KI für zentrale Transaktionen und personalisierte Karriereberatung.

  • 95% improvement in employee search efficiency
  • 25% increase in employee performance metrics
  • 30% better skill-to-assignment matching
  • Measurable productivity gains: 5.2 hours/year per employee
  • 25% reduction in hiring bias
  • None.


The Josh Bersin Company's analysis of SAP's HR AI implementations provides concrete ROI metrics that strengthen SAP's positioning in the competitive enterprise AI market. The study reveals quantifiable benefits including 95% faster employee search speeds, 25% higher employee satisfaction with career opportunities, and 30% better skill-to-assignment alignment.

These metrics are particularly valuable as they shift the AI value proposition beyond vague promises of "transformation" to measurable business outcomes. For SAP investors, this third-party validation demonstrates that the company's AI investments are generating tangible returns for customers, potentially driving increased adoption and reducing competitive threats from newer AI-first platforms.

The financial implication is significant—the study notes that even a modest 0.25% productivity increase across a 10,000-employee organization translates to 5.2 additional productivity hours per employee annually. This productivity multiplier effect creates a compelling business case for SAP's enterprise customers to expand their AI investments, potentially accelerating the company's AI-related revenue streams.

Most importantly, the positioning of AI as creating "superworkers" rather than replacing employees addresses a key adoption barrier for many organizations concerned about workforce implications, potentially expanding SAP's addressable market for these solutions.

This research brings much-needed clarity to SAP's AI strategy in human capital management, an area where enterprise vendors face increasing pressure from specialized HR tech startups. The 95% acceleration in employee search and 25% reduction in selection bias suggest SAP has successfully integrated generative AI capabilities into workflow-specific applications—moving beyond generic AI assistants to deliver function-specific value.

The emphasis on "superworkers" indicates SAP is taking a productivity augmentation approach rather than cost-cutting through headcount reduction. This aligns with broader enterprise AI adoption patterns where the most successful implementations focus on augmenting human capabilities rather than replacement.

SAP's integration of conversational AI for HR transactions and performance-based skill inference shows sophisticated AI implementation across multiple touchpoints in the employee lifecycle. This comprehensive approach creates significant switching costs for customers who adopt these integrated solutions.

The Josh Bersin Company's validation is particularly valuable as it comes from a highly respected HR industry authority rather than SAP's internal claims. This third-party endorsement will likely accelerate customer adoption cycles by reducing perceived implementation risk, potentially strengthening SAP's competitive position against both legacy HR vendors and newer cloud-native competitors in the HR tech space.

  • Until now, CHROs have been told that AI is transformational, but without solid proof
  • That's finally changing, as Josh Bersin Company analysis of global SAP HR AI engagements reveals solid benefits
  • Analysis strengthens the case for AI not as a job destroyer, but as a catalyst for a new breed of highly effective and productive AI-powered "superworkers"

OAKLAND, Calif., March 7, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The Josh Bersin Company, the world's most trusted HR advisory firm, today unveils key insights into the real impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HR—going beyond the usual headlines focused solely on time-saving benefits.

We're proving that AI is all about boosting the productivity of people, not just thinning the ranks

Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis of global organizations using various AI and decision support tools from enterprise software leader SAP, the study confirms tangible AI-driven achievements—not just in efficiency but also in employee experience (EX), effectiveness, and overall productivity.

The new Josh Bersin Company study, Maximizing the Impact of AI in the Age of the Superworker, reveals tangible results, including:

  • AI copilots for HR inquiries accelerate employee search speeds by 95%
  • AI-driven career assistants boost employee satisfaction with career opportunities by 25%
  • AI-powered project and role matching improves skill-to-assignment alignment by 30% and reduces bias in candidate selection by 25%
  • Leveraging AI to infer employee skills from performance data results in 25% increase in overall employee performance

These figures add to the growing body of evidence highlighted in Josh Bersin Company's analysis earlier this year of a key trend: the emergence of the AI-empowered "superworker."

The research and advisory firm's most recent research reveals how SAP customers are evolving into superworkers, leveraging AI to enhance the quality of HR services. Crucially, none of the use cases achieved bottom-line gains through workforce reductions or replacing employees with AI—addressing the top concern among both the public and employees about AI in the workplace.

Maximizing the Impact of AI in the Age of the Superworker also outlines the key groups benefiting from AI. While employees and candidates see the most significant impact—given AI's high multiplier effect in this group on overall company outcomes—other beneficiaries include managers and leaders, HR professionals such as recruiters and HR operations, HRBPs (HR Business Partners), frontline HR staff handling frequent employee inquiries, and L&D specialists.

Maximizing the Impact of AI in the Age of the Superworker also highlights key benefits that companies aim to achieve by embedding AI into HR workflows, enabling organizations and employees to:

  • Streamline routine HR transactions and drive efficiency (e.g., processing leave requests, managing benefits enrollment, handling expense approvals).
  • Reduce time to hire and enhance the candidate experience
  • Improve the quality of hires
  • Boost talent mobility and retention.

The study highlights a wide range of AI-driven use cases seamlessly integrated into the flow of work, including:

  • Regular use of informational search assistants
  • Improved self-service efficiency through AI-powered HR support
  • Conversational AI for navigating and executing core HR transactions using Generative AI that translates employee aspirations into personalized goal-setting
  • Tailored guidance on essential skills for career growth
  • AI-driven skill inference and recommendations based on performance data
  • And more.

Kathi Enderes, global industry analyst and SVP Research, Josh Bersin Company, says:

"Our analysis of SAP AI tools like Joule at large global organizations shows AI isn't just about automation—it's about enabling every employee to become a superworker.

"Businesses are using next-gen AI not just to streamline work but to solve real challenges and drive better outcomes.

"Adopting AI-powered tools—from copilots to Talent Intelligence Hubs—proves that problem-solving AI is here, scalable, and making a real impact in mainstream enterprises.

"In tangible financial terms, for an organization with 10,000 employees, even a modest 0.25% increase in productivity per employee translates to 5.2 additional hours of productivity per year per person—a small individual gain that, when scaled across the workforce, can drive significant bottom-line impact."

Josh Bersin, global industry analyst and CEO of The Josh Bersin Company, says:

"As we move further into 2025, the momentum is undeniable—AI is actively elevating employee performance and productivity. Conversations with leading SAP customers reinforce how companies are now strategically leveraging AI to tackle real business challenges every day.

"I'm especially pleased that the data confirms what I've long believed: AI's business benefits extend far beyond efficiency and cost savings. It's fundamentally about enhancing the employee experience, driving better business outcomes, and dramatically improving workforce performance.

"And crucially, we're proving that AI is all about boosting the productivity of people, not just thinning the ranks."

The report is available to Josh Bersin Company corporate members and Galileo users, the AI-powered expert assistant for AI. For more information, email

About SAP
As a global leader in enterprise applications and business AI, SAP (NYSE: SAP) stands at the nexus of business and technology. For over 50 years, organizations have trusted SAP to bring out their best by uniting business-critical operations spanning finance, procurement, HR, supply chain, and customer experience. For more information, visit

About The Josh Bersin Company
The most trusted human capital advisors in the world. More than a million HR and business leaders rely on us to help them overcome their greatest people challenges.

Thanks to our understanding of workplace issues, informed by the largest, and most up-to-date data sets on workers and employees, we give leaders the confidence to make decisions in line with the latest thinking and evidence about work and the workplace. We're great listeners, too. There's no one like us, who understands this area so comprehensively and without bias.

Our offerings include the industry's leading AI-powered HR expert assistant, Galileo, fueled by 25 years of in-depth Josh Bersin Company research, case studies, benchmarks, and market information.

We help CHROs and CEOs be better at delivering their business goals. We do that by helping you to manage people better. We are enablers at our core. We provide strategic advice and counsel supported by in-depth research, thought leadership, and unrivaled professional development, community and networking opportunities.

We empower our clients to run their businesses better. And we empower the market by identifying results-driven practices that make work better for every person on the planet.

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SOURCE The Josh Bersin Company


What specific performance improvements has SAP's HR AI technology achieved?

SAP's HR AI tools achieved 95% faster employee search speeds, 25% higher employee satisfaction with career opportunities, 30% better skill-to-assignment alignment, and 25% reduction in candidate selection bias.

How does SAP's AI impact employee productivity in large organizations?

For organizations with 10,000 employees, SAP's AI tools generate 5.2 additional productive hours per employee annually through a 0.25% productivity increase.

What are the main AI-driven HR use cases implemented by SAP?

Key uses include informational search assistants, AI-powered HR support, conversational AI for core HR transactions, personalized goal-setting, and AI-driven skill inference based on performance data.

How does SAP's HR AI technology affect employee career development?

SAP's AI provides tailored guidance on essential skills for career growth, improves talent mobility, and increases employee satisfaction with career opportunities by 25%.
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