Countdown to Climate Week: Enabling Young Innovators in the Fight Against Air Pollution

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SAP is partnering with organizations like UNICEF to support young innovators in addressing climate change and air pollution. The company recognizes that over 1 billion children globally are at extremely high risk due to climate impacts. SAP's enterprise software expertise is being leveraged to help large companies drive sustainability across their value chains.

The PR highlights the story of Enkhuun Byambadorj, a young innovator from Mongolia who co-founded Breathe Mongolia at age 17. This organization uses technology to provide centralized air quality data for Mongolian communities, addressing the severe air pollution problem in the country.

As Climate Week approaches, SAP is collaborating with GenU, a UNICEF initiative, to represent the value of working with young innovators. The company is committed to supporting youth inclusion in innovation strategies and sustainability programs throughout the year.

SAP sta collaborando con organizzazioni come l'UNICEF per supportare i giovani innovatori nell'affrontare i cambiamenti climatici e l'inquinamento atmosferico. L'azienda riconosce che oltre 1 miliardo di bambini in tutto il mondo sono a rischio estremamente elevato a causa degli impatti climatici. L'expertise di SAP nel software aziendale viene utilizzata per aiutare grandi aziende a promuovere la sostenibilità lungo le loro catene di valore.

Il comunicato stampa mette in evidenza la storia di Enkhuun Byambadorj, un giovane innovatore della Mongolia che ha co-fondato Breathe Mongolia all'età di 17 anni. Questa organizzazione utilizza la tecnologia per fornire dati centralizzati sulla qualità dell'aria per le comunità mongole, affrontando il grave problema dell'inquinamento atmosferico nel paese.

Con l'approssimarsi della Settimana del Clima, SAP sta collaborando con GenU, un'iniziativa dell'UNICEF, per rappresentare il valore della collaborazione con giovani innovatori. L'azienda è impegnata a sostenere l'inclusione giovanile nelle strategie di innovazione e nei programmi di sostenibilità per tutto l'anno.

SAP se ha asociado con organizaciones como UNICEF para apoyar a los jóvenes innovadores en la lucha contra el cambio climático y la contaminación del aire. La empresa reconoce que más de 1 billón de niños en todo el mundo están en riesgo extremadamente alto debido a los impactos climáticos. La experiencia de SAP en software empresarial se está aprovechando para ayudar a grandes empresas a impulsar la sostenibilidad en sus cadenas de valor.

El comunicado destaca la historia de Enkhuun Byambadorj, un joven innovador de Mongolia que co-fundó Breathe Mongolia a la edad de 17 años. Esta organización utiliza la tecnología para proporcionar datos centralizados sobre la calidad del aire para las comunidades mongolas, abordando el grave problema de contaminación del aire en el país.

A medida que se acerca la Semana del Clima, SAP está colaborando con GenU, una iniciativa de UNICEF, para representar el valor de trabajar con jóvenes innovadores. La empresa está comprometida a apoyar la inclusión juvenil en las estrategias de innovación y en los programas de sostenibilidad durante todo el año.

SAP는 UNICEF와 같은 조직과 협력하여 젊은 혁신가들이 기후 변화와 공기 오염 문제를 해결하도록 지원하고 있습니다. 회사는 전 세계에 10억 명 이상의 아동이 기후 영향으로 인해 매우 높은 위험에 처해 있음을 인식하고 있습니다. SAP의 기업 소프트웨어 전문성을 활용하여 대기업들이 가치 사슬 전반에 걸쳐 지속 가능성을 촉진할 수 있도록 돕고 있습니다.

보도자료는 17세에 Breathe Mongolia를 공동 설립한 몽골의 젊은 혁신가 Enkhuun Byambadorj의 이야기를 강조합니다. 이 조직은 기술을 사용하여 몽골 지역 사회에 대한 집중된 공기 질 데이터를 제공하여 국가의 심각한 공기 오염 문제를 해결하고 있습니다.

기후 주간이 다가옴에 따라 SAP는 UNICEF의 이니셔티브인 GenU와 협력하여 젊은 혁신가들과의 협력의 가치를 나타내고 있습니다. 회사는 연중 지속 가능한 혁신 전략 및 프로그램에서 청년 참여를 지원하는 데 전념하고 있습니다.

SAP s'associe à des organisations telles que l'UNICEF pour soutenir les jeunes innovateurs dans l'éradication du changement climatique et de la pollution de l'air. L'entreprise reconnaît qu'au niveau mondial, plus d'1 milliard d'enfants sont à risque extrêmement élevé à cause des impacts climatiques. L'expertise de SAP en logiciels d'entreprise est mise à profit pour aider les grandes entreprises à promouvoir la durabilité dans l'ensemble de leurs chaînes de valeur.

Le communiqué met en lumière l'histoire de Enkhuun Byambadorj, un jeune innovateur mongol qui a cofondé Breathe Mongolia à l'âge de 17 ans. Cette organisation utilise la technologie pour fournir des données centralisées sur la qualité de l'air pour les communautés mongoles, répondant au grave problème de la pollution de l'air dans le pays.

À l'approche de la Semaine du Climat, SAP collabore avec GenU, une initiative de l'UNICEF, pour représenter l'importance de travailler avec de jeunes innovateurs. L'entreprise s'engage à soutenir l'inclusion des jeunes dans les stratégies d'innovation et les programmes de durabilité tout au long de l'année.

SAP arbeitet mit Organisationen wie UNICEF zusammen, um jungen Innovatoren zu helfen, den Klimawandel und die Luftverschmutzung anzugehen. Das Unternehmen erkennt an, dass weltweit über 1 Milliarde Kinder durch die Auswirkungen des Klimas extrem gefährdet sind. Die Expertise von SAP im Bereich Unternehmenssoftware wird genutzt, um großen Unternehmen zu helfen, Nachhaltigkeit entlang ihrer Wertschöpfungsketten voranzutreiben.

Die Pressemitteilung hebt die Geschichte von Enkhuun Byambadorj hervor, einem jungen Innovator aus der Mongolei, der im Alter von 17 Jahren Breathe Mongolia mitgegründet hat. Diese Organisation nutzt Technologie, um zentrale Daten zur Luftqualität für mongolische Gemeinschaften bereitzustellen und das ernste Luftverschmutzungsproblem im Land anzugehen.

Im Vorfeld der Klimawoche arbeitet SAP mit GenU, einer UNICEF-Initiative, zusammen, um den Wert der Zusammenarbeit mit jungen Innovatoren darzustellen. Das Unternehmen engagiert sich, die Einbeziehung junger Menschen in Innovationsstrategien und Nachhaltigkeitsprogramme während des gesamten Jahres zu unterstützen.

  • SAP is leveraging its enterprise software expertise to help large companies drive sustainability
  • Partnership with UNICEF and other organizations to support young climate innovators
  • Commitment to youth inclusion in innovation strategies and sustainability programs
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 12, 2024 / Young people from Manhattan to Mongolia are leveraging technology to address issues of climate change. Those most impacted are also the most incentivized to do something about it. Over 1 billion children - half of all children globally - are at an "extremely high risk" due to the impacts of climate change. Organizations that support young people, including UNICEF, are rallying their support around young innovators addressing the opportunities and the risks climate change poses for youth.

SAP is also committed to finding solutions to climate change and working across generations to make it happen. As the world's largest provider of enterprise application software, SAP plays a complementary role to organizations like UNICEF. With a unique ability to help the world's largest companies achieve more across their value chains and drive sustainability at their core, there is enormous potential to use SAP technology for good. Coupled with its technological expertise, there is also a long-standing commitment to accelerate solutions by connecting corporate financial and nonfinancial resources with the expertise of young innovators.

Air pollution is a complicating factor of climate change. On International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, the world looks at this issue that is not locked within borders, making it difficult to address. It warms the global climate, exacerbating natural disasters and risking the health of millions of underserved people living in vulnerable areas.

In Mongolia, air pollution is particularly problematic as the country deals with rapid urbanization and a harsh climate. The country has a strong reliance on burning coal because it is inexpensive and readily available. Coal represents 90% of the energy used and is a huge economic export, creating jobs and wealth in a high-need country. Even though coal was banned in Mongolia's capital city in 2019, coal use has led to enormous levels of smog and mounting health risks for thousands of citizens. In a country known as the "Land of the Eternal Blue Sky," local youth like Enkhuun Byambadorj are not willing to accept this reality.

Enkhuun was just 17 when she co-founded Breathe Mongolia, an organization leveraging data and technology as a differentiator in solving pollution. With family members affected, she had deeply personal reasons to create tangible action. She quickly understood the value of leveraging technology to scale solutions to the masses and built a centralized source of air quality data for Mongolian communities. "These are all tech-based tools that we use to reach more audiences and more people than we could otherwise," she said. Today, with information available in English and Mongolian, Breathe Mongolia has become a go-to source for air quality data in the region.

With Climate Week on the horizon, taking place during the annual UN General Assembly, SAP will step forward to represent the value of working with young innovators like Enkhuun with GenU. GenU was founded in 2018 as part of UNICEF aiming to equip youth with the necessary skills and resources to participate in key conversations around pressing global issues.

When given the opportunity, youth bring an impressive passion for creating impact, coupled with a digital-first mindset, that allows decision-makers to channel new solutions. Breathe Mongolia is one of the millions of impact organizations operating globally and putting people and planet first. SAP wants to ensure its success and that of the more than 10 million social enterprises operating globally, many led by young people. Together with leading youth social impact partners like Generation Unlimited, ChangemakerXchange, and We Are Family Foundation (WAFF), SAP is hoping to close the opportunity gap and ensure that youth have the resources they need to innovate and fulfill their potential. This commitment for youth inclusion extends beyond Climate Week and UNGA. Throughout the year, SAP and its leadership team lead by example, involving expert young leaders in the company's innovation strategy and sustainability programs, opening doors that provide them with a seat at the table.

Whether you are attending Climate Week or participating virtually from home, every sector and individual has a role to play to combat issues like climate change. To better understand the challenges that youth face and the potential to incorporate youth voices in challenging projects, leverage The Possibilists global study on young changemakers and WAFF's global study on intergenerational collaboration.

If you are a young climate innovator based in North America or Sub-Saharan Africa, we also encourage you to check out resource support through Changemakers for the Planet.

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What is SAP's role in addressing climate change and air pollution?

SAP is leveraging its enterprise software expertise to help large companies drive sustainability across their value chains. The company is also partnering with organizations like UNICEF to support young innovators in addressing climate change and air pollution.

How is SAP supporting young climate innovators?

SAP is collaborating with initiatives like GenU, ChangemakerXchange, and We Are Family Foundation to provide resources and opportunities for young innovators. The company is also involving expert young leaders in its innovation strategy and sustainability programs.

What is Breathe Mongolia and how does it relate to SAP's climate initiatives?

Breathe Mongolia is an organization founded by young innovator Enkhuun Byambadorj that provides centralized air quality data for Mongolian communities. It serves as an example of the type of youth-led initiatives that SAP is supporting in its efforts to address climate change and air pollution.

How is SAP participating in Climate Week 2024?

During Climate Week 2024, SAP will represent the value of working with young innovators through its partnership with GenU, a UNICEF initiative. This aligns with SAP's commitment to youth inclusion in addressing global challenges like climate change.



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