Sanmina Announces the Launch of 42Q Connected Manufacturing, Real-Time Visibility to Distributed Manufacturing Immediately Available

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42Q, a Sanmina division, has launched 42Q Connected Manufacturing, an innovative solution providing real-time visibility to distributed manufacturing. This cloud-based Manufacturing Execution System (MES) addresses manufacturing supply challenges by offering global visibility, optimization, and manufacturing supply insights. The solution integrates seamlessly with existing systems or can be deployed standalone in 4-12 weeks.

Key features include:

  • A unified data ecosystem consolidating product and operational supply data
  • Real-time analytics for immediate operational metrics and analysis
  • Enhanced quality monitoring for faster response to deviations

The solution is immediately available worldwide and has already been implemented by global leaders and Fortune 500 companies. It aims to improve decision-making quality and operational efficiency by providing real-time data and analytics across multiple factories, suppliers, and partners.

42Q, una divisione di Sanmina, ha lanciato 42Q Connected Manufacturing, una soluzione innovativa che fornisce visibilità in tempo reale alla produzione distribuita. Questo sistema di esecuzione della produzione (MES) basato su cloud affronta le sfide della supply chain offrendo visibilità globale, ottimizzazione e approfondimenti sulla supply chain produttiva. La soluzione si integra perfettamente con i sistemi esistenti o può essere implementata autonomamente in 4-12 settimane.

Le caratteristiche principali includono:

  • Un ecosistema dati unificato che consolida le informazioni sui prodotti e sulle operazioni
  • Analisi in tempo reale per metriche operative immediate e analisi
  • Monitoraggio della qualità avanzato per una risposta più rapida alle deviazioni

La soluzione è immediatamente disponibile a livello mondiale ed è già stata implementata da leader globali e aziende Fortune 500. Mira a migliorare la qualità delle decisioni e l'efficienza operativa fornendo dati e analisi in tempo reale su più fabbriche, fornitori e partner.

42Q, una división de Sanmina, ha lanzado 42Q Connected Manufacturing, una solución innovadora que proporciona visibilidad en tiempo real a la fabricación distribuida. Este sistema de ejecución de fabricación (MES) basado en la nube aborda los desafíos de la cadena de suministro al ofrecer visibilidad global, optimización y análisis de la cadena de suministro de manufactura. La solución se integra perfectamente con los sistemas existentes o puede desplegarse de manera independiente en un plazo de 4 a 12 semanas.

Las características clave incluyen:

  • Un ecosistema de datos unificado que consolida datos de productos y operativos
  • Analítica en tiempo real para métricas operativas inmediatas y análisis
  • Monitoreo de calidad mejorado para una respuesta más rápida a las desviaciones

La solución está disponible de inmediato a nivel mundial y ya ha sido implementada por líderes globales y empresas de Fortune 500. Su objetivo es mejorar la calidad de la toma de decisiones y la eficiencia operativa al proporcionar datos y análisis en tiempo real a través de múltiples fábricas, proveedores y socios.

42Q, 산미나의 부서, 가 42Q Connected Manufacturing을 출시했습니다. 이는 분산 제조에 대한 실시간 가시성을 제공하는 혁신적인 솔루션입니다. 이 클라우드 기반의 제조 실행 시스템(MES)은 글로벌 가시성, 최적화 및 제조 공급 통찰력을 제공하여 제조 공급 문제를 다룹니다. 이 솔루션은 기존 시스템과 원활하게 통합되거나 4-12주 내에 독립적으로 배포될 수 있습니다.

주요 기능에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 제품 및 운영 공급 데이터를 통합하는 통합 데이터 생태계
  • 즉각적인 운영 지표 및 분석을 위한 실시간 분석
  • 편차에 대한 더 빠른 대응을 위한 향상된 품질 모니터링

이 솔루션은 전 세계적으로 즉시 사용할 수 있으며 이미 글로벌 리더 및 포춘 500기업에 의해 구현되었습니다. 여러 공장, 공급업체, 파트너에 걸쳐 실시간 데이터 및 분석을 제공하여 의사 결정의 질과 운영 효율성을 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

42Q, une division de Sanmina, a lancé 42Q Connected Manufacturing, une solution innovante offrant une visibilité en temps réel à la fabrication distribuée. Ce système d'exécution de fabrication (MES) basé sur le cloud répond aux défis de la chaîne d'approvisionnement en offrant visibilité globale, optimisation et informations sur la chaîne d'approvisionnement de fabrication. La solution s'intègre parfaitement aux systèmes existants ou peut être déployée de manière autonome en 4 à 12 semaines.

Les principales caractéristiques comprennent:

  • Un écosystème de données unifié consolidant les données produits et opérationnelles
  • Analytique en temps réel pour des indicateurs opérationnels immédiats et des analyses
  • Surveillance de la qualité améliorée pour une réponse plus rapide aux écarts

La solution est immédiatement disponible dans le monde entier et a déjà été mise en œuvre par des leaders mondiaux et des entreprises du Fortune 500. Elle vise à améliorer la qualité de la prise de décision et l'efficacité opérationnelle en fournissant des données et des analyses en temps réel dans plusieurs usines, fournisseurs et partenaires.

42Q, eine Division von Sanmina, hat 42Q Connected Manufacturing eingeführt, eine innovative Lösung, die Echtzeit-Transparenz für die verteilte Fertigung bietet. Dieses cloudbasierte Fertigungssteuerungssystem (MES) begegnet Herausforderungen in der Lieferkette, indem es globale Sichtbarkeit, Optimierung und Einblicke in die Fertigungsversorgung bietet. Die Lösung lässt sich nahtlos in bestehende Systeme integrieren oder kann innerhalb von 4-12 Wochen eigenständig eingesetzt werden.

Wichtige Funktionen sind:

  • Ein einheitliches Datensystem, das Produkt- und Betriebsversorgungsdaten konsolidiert
  • Echtzeitanalysen für sofortige operative Kennzahlen und Analysen
  • Verbesserte Qualitätsüberwachung für schnellere Reaktionen auf Abweichungen

Die Lösung ist weltweit sofort verfügbar und wurde bereits von globalen Marktführern und Fortune 500-Unternehmen implementiert. Sie zielt darauf ab, die Qualität der Entscheidungsfindung und die betriebliche Effizienz zu verbessern, indem sie Echtzeitdaten und Analysen über mehrere Fabriken, Lieferanten und Partner bereitstellt.

  • Launch of 42Q Connected Manufacturing, providing real-time visibility to distributed manufacturing
  • Rapid deployment ranging from 4-12 weeks
  • Seamless integration with existing systems or standalone configuration
  • Already implemented by global leaders and Fortune 500 companies
  • None.


42Q Connected Manufacturing represents a significant leap in manufacturing execution systems, addressing critical pain points in supply chain visibility and real-time decision-making. The solution's ability to consolidate data from diverse sources into a unified ecosystem is particularly valuable in today's complex, globalized manufacturing landscape.

Key advantages include:

  • Rapid deployment (4-12 weeks) and seamless integration with existing systems
  • Real-time analytics for improved operational metrics and inventory management
  • Enhanced quality monitoring for faster response to deviations

For Sanmina, this launch could potentially boost its competitive position in the MES market. The endorsement from a Fortune 50 company adds credibility and may attract more high-profile clients. However, the impact on Sanmina's financials will depend on market adoption rates and the solution's ability to deliver tangible benefits to customers.

Investors should monitor customer acquisition, revenue growth from this new offering and any improvements in Sanmina's own manufacturing efficiency as potential indicators of success.

The launch of 42Q Connected Manufacturing aligns with the growing demand for Industry 4.0 solutions and could position Sanmina favorably in the rapidly evolving smart manufacturing market. Key market implications include:

  • Addressing a critical need for real-time visibility across distributed manufacturing networks
  • Potential for increased market share in the global MES market, projected to reach $23.7 billion by 2027
  • Opportunity to expand Sanmina's customer base beyond traditional electronics manufacturing services

The solution's focus on rapid deployment and integration with existing systems could be a significant differentiator, potentially lowering barriers to adoption for mid-sized manufacturers. However, Sanmina will face competition from established players in the industrial software space.

Investors should consider the potential for this product to drive higher-margin software and services revenue, complementing Sanmina's core manufacturing business. Long-term success will depend on continued innovation and the ability to demonstrate clear ROI for customers in various industries.

SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- 42Q, a Sanmina division, a leading provider of cloud-based Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), announces the launch and immediate availability of 42Q Connected Manufacturing. An innovative solution that addresses manufacturing supply challenges in real-time, providing global visibility, optimization and manufacturing supply insights.

"Working with our customers and manufacturing partners around the world, it became clear that the legacy approach to collecting and processing multiple data sets from different factories, suppliers, and partners, forced companies to make critical decisions from stale, inaccurate, or incomplete data," said Manesh Patel, Chief Operating Officer at 42Q. "42Q Connected Manufacturing solves those problems and dramatically improves the time and quality of decision making, delivering operational efficiency and effectiveness that historically have been unavailable."

With rapid deployment ranging from 4-12 weeks, 42Q Connected Manufacturing integrates seamlessly with existing systems or is offered in a stand-alone configuration. This cross-industry solution leverages real-time data, allowing manufacturers and OEMs to anticipate supply or quality challenges and respond with agility and accuracy.

Key features of 42Q Connected Manufacturing include:

  • Unified Data Ecosystem
    • Consolidation of product and operational supply data into a single manufacturing data lake.
    • Enabling faster planning and improved responsiveness to market and product changes.
  • Real-time Analytics
    • Real-time data provides immediate operational metrics and analysis.
    • Optimized shop floor inventory visibility, reduced downtime and improved time and quality of decision making.
  • Enhanced Quality Monitoring 
    • Real-time monitoring and analysis of processes and product quality.
    • Faster response to quality deviations, leading to reduced waste and improved product reliability.

42Q Connected Manufacturing is immediately available worldwide and has already been implemented by global leaders and Fortune 500 companies.

"42Q Connected Manufacturing has allowed us to consolidate data from our global fleet of suppliers and factories, creating a data pipeline into our manufacturing data lake for analysis at scale. This has allowed us to be faster and more effective in how we benchmark processes across sites, as well as act on and understand component quality changes happening in real-time."

Principal Program Manager, Fortune 50 company

About 42Q
42Q, a Sanmina division, delivers a full-featured, cloud-based MES solution developed by manufacturers for manufacturers. It has been proven as the simplest way to accelerate digital factory transformation. The solution can be deployed in a few weeks, significantly reducing risk and disruption. 42Q provides full product traceability, route enforcement, cycle time, asset performance, defect and repair loop, electronic work instructions, serialization, and more. 42Q's architecture is accessible, reliable, scalable, and secure. More information about the company is available at For more information about 42Q Connected Manufacturing, please visit

For media inquiries contact Gerard O'Neill +(353) 87 903 6426

About Sanmina Corporation
Sanmina Corporation (NASDAQ: SANM) is a Fortune 500 company and a leading integrated manufacturing solutions provider serving the fastest-growing segments of the global Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) market. Recognized as a technology leader, Sanmina provides end-to-end manufacturing solutions, delivering superior quality and support to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) primarily in the industrial, medical, defense and aerospace, automotive, communications networks, and cloud infrastructure markets. Sanmina has facilities strategically located in key regions throughout the world. More information about the company is available at

Sanmina Safe Harbor Statement
The foregoing, including the discussion regarding the Company's future prospects, contains certain forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, including uncertainties associated with economic conditions in the electronics industry, particularly in the principal industry sectors served by the Company, changes in customer requirements and in the volume of sales principal customers, the ability of Sanmina to effectively assimilate acquired businesses and achieve the anticipated benefits of its acquisitions, and competition and technological change. The Company's actual results of operations may differ significantly from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements as a result of these and other factors, including factors set forth in our Company's Annual and quarterly reports filed with the Securities Exchange Commission.

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What is 42Q Connected Manufacturing and when was it launched?

42Q Connected Manufacturing is a cloud-based Manufacturing Execution System (MES) launched by 42Q, a Sanmina division, on October 8, 2024. It provides real-time visibility to distributed manufacturing, addressing supply challenges and offering global visibility, optimization, and manufacturing supply insights.

How long does it take to deploy 42Q Connected Manufacturing?

42Q Connected Manufacturing can be rapidly deployed, with implementation times ranging from 4 to 12 weeks. It can be integrated seamlessly with existing systems or offered in a stand-alone configuration.

What are the key features of 42Q Connected Manufacturing?

Key features of 42Q Connected Manufacturing include: 1) A unified data ecosystem consolidating product and operational supply data, 2) Real-time analytics providing immediate operational metrics and analysis, and 3) Enhanced quality monitoring for faster response to quality deviations.

Has 42Q Connected Manufacturing been implemented by any companies yet?

Yes, 42Q Connected Manufacturing has already been implemented by global leaders and Fortune 500 companies. A Principal Program Manager from a Fortune 50 company has provided positive feedback on its implementation.

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