Vietnam Airlines chooses Sabre's Network Planning and Optimization technology to support global growth
Vietnam Airlines has selected Sabre 's (NASDAQ: SABR) Network Planning and Optimization technology to support its global expansion plans. The airline has recently expanded routes to the US, Germany, India, Italy, and the Philippines, with plans to explore new destinations across Europe, US, Canada, Australia, and Asia.
The carrier has chosen multiple Sabre tools including Fleet Manager for capacity optimization, Profit Manager for network profitability forecasting, Network Manager for hub and codeshare planning, and Schedule Manager for revenue-driven scheduling. Vietnam Airlines already utilizes Sabre's global travel marketplace for fare distribution.
Vietnam Airlines ha selezionato la tecnologia di Pianificazione e Ottimizzazione della Rete di Sabre (NASDAQ: SABR) per supportare i suoi piani di espansione globale. La compagnia aerea ha recentemente ampliato le rotte verso gli Stati Uniti, la Germania, l'India, l'Italia e le Filippine, con l'intenzione di esplorare nuove destinazioni in Europa, Stati Uniti, Canada, Australia e Asia.
Il vettore ha scelto diversi strumenti di Sabre tra cui Fleet Manager per l'ottimizzazione della capacità, Profit Manager per la previsione della redditività della rete, Network Manager per la pianificazione degli hub e dei codeshare, e Schedule Manager per la programmazione orientata al ricavo. Vietnam Airlines utilizza già il marketplace globale di viaggio di Sabre per la distribuzione delle tariffe.
Vietnam Airlines ha seleccionado la tecnología de Planificación y Optimización de Redes de Sabre (NASDAQ: SABR) para apoyar sus planes de expansión global. La aerolínea ha ampliado recientemente sus rutas hacia los EE. UU., Alemania, India, Italia y Filipinas, con planes de explorar nuevos destinos en Europa, EE. UU., Canadá, Australia y Asia.
La compañía ha elegido múltiples herramientas de Sabre, incluyendo Fleet Manager para la optimización de capacidad, Profit Manager para la previsión de rentabilidad de la red, Network Manager para la planificación de hubs y codeshare, y Schedule Manager para la programación basada en ingresos. Vietnam Airlines ya utiliza el mercado global de viajes de Sabre para la distribución de tarifas.
베트남 항공은 글로벌 확장 계획을 지원하기 위해 사브르(NASDAQ: SABR)의 네트워크 계획 및 최적화 기술을 선택했습니다. 이 항공사는 최근 미국, 독일, 인도, 이탈리아, 필리핀으로의 노선을 확장했으며, 유럽, 미국, 캐나다, 호주 및 아시아 전역의 새로운 목적지를 탐색할 계획입니다.
항공사는 용량 최적화를 위한 Fleet Manager, 네트워크 수익성 예측을 위한 Profit Manager, 허브 및 코드쉐어 계획을 위한 Network Manager, 수익 중심의 스케줄링을 위한 Schedule Manager 등 여러 사브르 도구를 선택했습니다. 베트남 항공은 이미 요금 분배를 위해 사브르의 글로벌 여행 마켓플레이스를 사용하고 있습니다.
Vietnam Airlines a sélectionné la technologie de Planification et d'Optimisation de Réseau de Sabre (NASDAQ: SABR) pour soutenir ses projets d'expansion mondiale. La compagnie aérienne a récemment élargi ses routes vers les États-Unis, l'Allemagne, l'Inde, l'Italie et les Philippines, avec des projets d'explorer de nouvelles destinations à travers l'Europe, les États-Unis, le Canada, l'Australie et l'Asie.
Le transporteur a choisi plusieurs outils de Sabre, notamment Fleet Manager pour l'optimisation de la capacité, Profit Manager pour la prévision de la rentabilité du réseau, Network Manager pour la planification des hubs et des codeshares, et Schedule Manager pour la planification axée sur les revenus. Vietnam Airlines utilise déjà le marché mondial des voyages de Sabre pour la distribution des tarifs.
Vietnam Airlines hat die Netzwerkplanungs- und Optimierungstechnologie von Sabre (NASDAQ: SABR) ausgewählt, um ihre globalen Expansionspläne zu unterstützen. Die Fluggesellschaft hat kürzlich ihre Routen in die USA, Deutschland, Indien, Italien und die Philippinen erweitert und plant, neue Ziele in Europa, den USA, Kanada, Australien und Asien zu erkunden.
Die Airline hat mehrere Sabre-Tools ausgewählt, darunter Fleet Manager zur Kapazitätsoptimierung, Profit Manager zur Prognose der Netzwerkprofitabilität, Network Manager für die Planung von Hubs und Codeshare sowie Schedule Manager für umsatzorientierte Planung. Vietnam Airlines nutzt bereits den globalen Reisemarkt von Sabre zur Tarifsverteilung.
- New partnership expands Sabre's market presence in Asia-Pacific region
- Multiple product adoption indicates strong client commitment
- Builds upon existing relationship with Vietnam Airlines through travel marketplace
- None.
With big plans for international expansion,
"As we prepare to expand our global network, having the right technology to guide smart, data-driven decisions is essential," said Mr. Nguyen Quang Trung, Director of Corporate Planning and Development at Vietnam Airlines. "Sabre's Network Planning and Optimization tools will help us pinpoint profitable routes, create optimized schedules, and stay agile in a dynamic environment – enabling us to deliver greater value for both our passengers and our business."
Vietnam Airlines has chosen Sabre's Fleet Manager to match capacity and aircraft type with demand, Profit Manager to accurately forecast and maximize network profitability, Network Manager to achieve hub optimization and enhanced codeshare planning, and Schedule Manager to deliver revenue-driven schedules across its network. The airline also already distributes its fares and offers through Sabre's global travel marketplace.
"We're excited to support Vietnam Airlines to enable their ambitious growth and operational success," said Rakesh Narayanan, Vice President, Regional General Manager,
About Sabre Corporation
Sabre Corporation is a software and technology company that takes on the biggest opportunities and solves the most complex challenges in travel. The Company connects travel suppliers and buyers around the globe and across the ecosystem through innovative products and next-generation technology solutions. Sabre harnesses speed, scale and insights to build tomorrow's technology today – empowering airlines, hoteliers, agencies and other partners to retail, distribute and fulfill travel worldwide. Headquartered in Southlake, Texas,
About Vietnam Airlines
Vietnam Airlines, a member of Skyteam Alliance, is the flag carrier of
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Cassidy Smith-Broyles
Elizabeth Hands
Brian Evans
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