Air India Express becomes 100th airline to choose Sabre's network planning software
Sabre (NASDAQ: SABR) has reached a significant milestone by signing its 100th Network Planning & Optimization deal with Air India Express. The airline will implement Sabre's Schedule Manager and Slot Manager solutions to optimize flight schedules and slot utilization.
Air India Express, a Tata Enterprise and Air India subsidiary, currently operates nearly 100 aircraft with 2800+ weekly departures across 200+ routes and 54 destinations in domestic, Asia Pacific, and Middle East markets. The implementation aims to maximize revenue and meet passenger demand through improved network planning.
The solutions will help Air India Express create and modify schedules based on market demand, operational constraints, and business goals, while efficiently managing slot requests and allocations. This partnership comes at a important time in India's aviation sector, which is experiencing significant growth with new carriers, airports, and infrastructure investments.
Sabre (NASDAQ: SABR) ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo firmando il suo 100° contratto di Pianificazione e Ottimizzazione della Rete con Air India Express. La compagnia aerea implementerà le soluzioni Schedule Manager e Slot Manager di Sabre per ottimizzare i programmi di volo e l'utilizzo degli slot.
Air India Express, una sussidiaria di Tata Enterprise e Air India, attualmente opera con quasi 100 aerei e oltre 2800 partenze settimanali su più di 200 rotte e 54 destinazioni nei mercati nazionali, Asia Pacifico e Medio Oriente. L'implementazione mira a massimizzare i ricavi e soddisfare la domanda dei passeggeri attraverso un miglioramento della pianificazione della rete.
Le soluzioni aiuteranno Air India Express a creare e modificare i programmi in base alla domanda di mercato, alle restrizioni operative e agli obiettivi aziendali, gestendo in modo efficiente le richieste e le allocazioni degli slot. Questa partnership arriva in un momento importante per il settore aviazione indiano, che sta vivendo una crescita significativa con nuovi vettori, aeroporti e investimenti infrastrutturali.
Sabre (NASDAQ: SABR) ha alcanzado un hito significativo al firmar su 100° acuerdo de Planificación y Optimización de Red con Air India Express. La aerolínea implementará las soluciones Schedule Manager y Slot Manager de Sabre para optimizar los horarios de vuelo y la utilización de slots.
Air India Express, una subsidiaria de Tata Enterprise y Air India, actualmente opera con casi 100 aviones y más de 2800 salidas semanales en más de 200 rutas y 54 destinos en los mercados nacionales, Asia-Pacífico y Medio Oriente. La implementación tiene como objetivo maximizar los ingresos y satisfacer la demanda de los pasajeros a través de una mejor planificación de la red.
Las soluciones ayudarán a Air India Express a crear y modificar horarios en función de la demanda del mercado, las restricciones operativas y los objetivos comerciales, gestionando de manera eficiente las solicitudes y asignaciones de slots. Esta asociación llega en un momento importante para el sector de la aviación en India, que está experimentando un crecimiento significativo con nuevos transportistas, aeropuertos e inversiones en infraestructura.
Sabre (NASDAQ: SABR)는 Air India Express와의 100번째 네트워크 계획 및 최적화 계약을 체결하여 중요한 이정표에 도달했습니다. 항공사는 Sabre의 Schedule Manager 및 Slot Manager 솔루션을 구현하여 비행 일정과 슬롯 활용도를 최적화할 것입니다.
Air India Express는 Tata Enterprise와 Air India의 자회사로 현재 거의 100대의 항공기를 운영하며 200개 이상의 노선과 54개 목적지에서 주간 2800회 이상의 출발을 하고 있습니다. 이번 구현은 네트워크 계획 개선을 통해 수익을 극대화하고 승객 수요를 충족하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
이 솔루션은 Air India Express가 시장 수요, 운영 제약 및 비즈니스 목표에 따라 일정을 생성하고 수정하며, 슬롯 요청 및 할당을 효율적으로 관리하는 데 도움을 줄 것입니다. 이 파트너십은 새로운 항공사, 공항 및 인프라 투자로 인한 인도의 항공 부문에서 중요한 시점에 이루어집니다.
Sabre (NASDAQ: SABR) a atteint un jalon significatif en signant son 100e contrat de Planification et d'Optimisation de Réseau avec Air India Express. La compagnie aérienne mettra en œuvre les solutions Schedule Manager et Slot Manager de Sabre pour optimiser les horaires de vol et l'utilisation des créneaux.
Air India Express, une filiale de Tata Enterprise et d'Air India, opère actuellement avec près de 100 avions et plus de 2800 départs hebdomadaires sur plus de 200 routes et 54 destinations dans les marchés nationaux, Asie-Pacifique et Moyen-Orient. L'implémentation vise à maximiser les revenus et à répondre à la demande des passagers grâce à une meilleure planification du réseau.
Les solutions aideront Air India Express à créer et modifier des horaires en fonction de la demande du marché, des contraintes opérationnelles et des objectifs commerciaux, tout en gérant efficacement les demandes et les allocations de créneaux. Ce partenariat intervient à un moment important pour le secteur aérien indien, qui connaît une croissance significative avec de nouveaux transporteurs, aéroports et investissements dans les infrastructures.
Sabre (NASDAQ: SABR) hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht, indem es seinen 100. Vertrag für Netzwerkplanung und -optimierung mit Air India Express unterzeichnet hat. Die Fluggesellschaft wird die Lösungen Schedule Manager und Slot Manager von Sabre implementieren, um Flugpläne und die Nutzung von Slots zu optimieren.
Air India Express, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Tata Enterprise und Air India, betreibt derzeit fast 100 Flugzeuge mit über 2800 wöchentlichen Abflügen auf mehr als 200 Routen und 54 Zielen in den nationalen Märkten, im asiatisch-pazifischen Raum und im Nahen Osten. Die Implementierung zielt darauf ab, die Einnahmen zu maximieren und die Passagiernachfrage durch verbesserte Netzwerkplanung zu erfüllen.
Die Lösungen werden Air India Express dabei helfen, Zeitpläne basierend auf der Marktnachfrage, betrieblichen Einschränkungen und Geschäftszielen zu erstellen und zu ändern, während die Slot-Anfragen und -Zuweisungen effizient verwaltet werden. Diese Partnerschaft kommt zu einem wichtigen Zeitpunkt im indischen Luftfahrtsektor, der ein signifikantes Wachstum mit neuen Fluggesellschaften, Flughäfen und Infrastrukturinvestitionen erlebt.
- Achieved 100th customer milestone for Network Planning & Optimization solutions
- Expanded market presence in high-growth Indian aviation market
- Strategic partnership with major airline operating 2800+ weekly flights
- None.
Milestone underscores Sabre's position as the leading provider of Network Planning & Optimization solutions for airlines of all sizes
Air India Express, a Tata Enterprise and a subsidiary of Air India, will be using Schedule Manager and Slot Manager from Sabre's Network Planning & Optimization suite to streamline flight schedules and optimize slot utilization to create plans that maximize revenue and passenger demand.
"A smart network planning strategy is vital for any airline no matter where they are in the world. But it's especially critical in
"We're thrilled to be such a milestone customer for Sabre's advanced network planning technology," said Dr. Ankur Garg, Chief Commercial Officer, Air India Express. "As we continue to rapidly grow our capacity, which is nearly 100 aircrafts today, expand our footprint, and enhance our services, we're confident Sabre's best-in-class solutions will play a crucial role in helping us to achieve our goals."
Sabre's Schedule Manager helps airlines create, modify, and publish optimal schedules based on market demand, operational constraints, and business goals, while Slot Manager allows carriers to seamlessly manage their slot requests and allocations. Together, these solutions will help Air India Express ensure they are flying the routes their passengers most want. The carrier currently flies 2800+ weekly departures across 200+ routes and 54 destinations, which include domestic,
About Sabre Corporation
Sabre Corporation is a leading technology company that takes on the biggest opportunities and solves the most complex challenges in travel. Sabre harnesses speed, scale and insights to build tomorrow's technology today – empowering airlines, hoteliers, agencies and other partners to retail, distribute and fulfill travel worldwide. Headquartered in Southlake, Texas,
About Air India Express
Air India Express, is A Tata Enterprise, and a subsidiary of Air India, operating over 400 daily flights, connecting 37 domestic and 16 international airports, with a fleet of 94 aircraft, comprising 62 Boeing 737s and 32 Airbus A320s. Air India Express invites guests with the proposition to 'Fly As You Are', using thoughtfully considered technology to enable flyers to personalise and take charge of their travel experience. The airline offers 'Gourmair' hot meals, comfortable seats, and a host of exclusive loyalty benefits with a sense of unique Indian warmth, and an award-winning digital experience on its mobile app and website, their travel experience. The airline offers 'Gourmair' hot meals, comfortable seats, and a host of exclusive loyalty benefits with a sense of unique Indian warmth, and an award-winning digital experience on its mobile app and websites.
Media Contacts:
Cassidy Smith-Broyles
Elizabeth Hands
Brian Evans
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SOURCE Sabre Corporation
What technology solutions did Air India Express acquire from Sabre (SABR)?
How many weekly departures and routes does Air India Express currently operate?
What milestone did Sabre (SABR) achieve with the Air India Express deal?