RTX receives U.S. Navy contract for ESSM Block 2 Missiles

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Raytheon, an RTX business, has secured a $525 million contract from the U.S. Navy to produce ESSM Block 2 missiles and spares for the U.S. and allied nations. The ESSM Block 2 is a short to medium-range, ship-launched, dual-mode guided missile with increased maneuverability and improved performance over its predecessor.

Key features of the ESSM Block 2 include:

  • Reduced dependence on shipboard illumination
  • Integration with various combat systems and launchers
  • Improved performance in stressing marine environments
  • Significant digital processing margin for future software improvements

The missile is managed by the NATO SEASPARROW Consortium, comprising 12 nations, and represents over 50 years of international military-industrial cooperation.

Raytheon, un'azienda di RTX, ha ottenuto un contratto da 525 milioni di dollari dalla Marina degli Stati Uniti per produrre missili ESSM Block 2 e pezzi di ricambio per gli Stati Uniti e le nazioni alleate. L'ESSM Block 2 è un missile guidato a doppia modalità, lanciato da nave, a corto e medio raggio, con aumentata manovrabilità e prestazioni migliorate rispetto al suo predecessore.

Le caratteristiche principali dell’ESSM Block 2 includono:

  • Ridotta dipendenza dall'illuminazione imbarcata
  • Integrazione con vari sistemi di combattimento e lanceatori
  • Prestazioni migliorate in ambienti marini difficili
  • Margine significativo di elaborazione digitale per futuri miglioramenti software

Il missile è gestito dal Consorzio NATO SEASPARROW, composto da 12 nazioni, e rappresenta oltre 50 anni di cooperazione militare-industriale internazionale.

Raytheon, una empresa de RTX, ha asegurado un contrato de 525 millones de dólares de la Marina de los EE. UU. para producir misiles ESSM Block 2 y repuestos para los EE. UU. y naciones aliadas. El ESSM Block 2 es un misil guiado de doble modo, lanzado desde barco, de corto a medio alcance, con mayor maniobrabilidad y rendimiento mejorado en comparación con su predecesor.

Las características clave del ESSM Block 2 incluyen:

  • Menor dependencia de la iluminación a bordo
  • Integración con varios sistemas de combate y lanzadores
  • Rendimiento mejorado en entornos marinos exigentes
  • Margen significativo de procesamiento digital para futuras mejoras de software

El misil es gestionado por el Consorcio NATO SEASPARROW, compuesto por 12 naciones, y representa más de 50 años de cooperación militar-industrial internacional.

레이시온(Raytheon), RTX의 자회사,가 미 해병대(U.S. Navy)로부터 5억 2천 5백만 달러 계약을 확보하여 ESSM Block 2 미사일과 예비 부품을 미국 및 동맹국을 위해 생산합니다. ESSM Block 2는 짧은 및 중간 거리의 선박 발사 이중 모드 유도 미사일로, 향상된 기동성과 성능 개선을 자랑합니다.

ESSM Block 2의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 선박 조명 의존도 감소
  • 다양한 전투 시스템 및 발사기와의 통합
  • 극한의 해양 환경에서 향상된 성능
  • 미래 소프트웨어 개선을 위한 상당한 디지털 처리 여유

이 미사일은 12개국으로 구성된 NATO SEASPARROW 컨소시엄에 의해 관리되며, 50년 이상의 국제 군사-산업 협력을 나타냅니다.

Raytheon, une entreprise de RTX, a obtenu un contrat de 525 millions de dollars de la Marine des États-Unis pour produire des missiles ESSM Block 2 et des pièces de rechange pour les États-Unis et les nations alliées. L'ESSM Block 2 est un missile guidé à double mode, lancé par navire, à courte et moyenne portée, avec une manœuvrabilité accrue et des performances améliorées par rapport à son prédécesseur.

Les principales caractéristiques de l'ESSM Block 2 comprennent :

  • Dépendance réduite à l'illumination embarquée
  • Intégration avec divers systèmes de combat et lanceurs
  • Performances améliorées dans des environnements marins difficiles
  • Marge de traitement numérique significative pour de futures améliorations logicielles

Le missile est géré par le Consortium NATO SEASPARROW, composé de 12 nations, et représente plus de 50 ans de coopération militaire et industrielle internationale.

Raytheon, ein Unternehmen von RTX, hat einen Vertrag über 525 Millionen Dollar von der US Navy erhalten, um ESSM Block 2 Raketen und Ersatzteile für die USA und verbündete Nationen herzustellen. Die ESSM Block 2 ist eine doppelt gesteuerte, von Schiffen gestartete Lenkwaffe mit erhöhter Manövrierfähigkeit und verbesserter Leistung gegenüber ihrem Vorgänger.

Zu den Hauptmerkmalen der ESSM Block 2 gehören:

  • Geringere Abhängigkeit von Schiffbeleuchtung
  • Integration mit verschiedenen Kampf- und Abschusseinrichtungen
  • Verbesserte Leistung in extremen marinen Umgebungen
  • Signifikanter digitaler Verarbeitungsmargen für zukünftige Softwareverbesserungen

Die Rakete wird vom NATO SEASPARROW Consortium verwaltet, das aus 12 Nationen besteht, und steht für über 50 Jahre internationale militärisch-industrielle Zusammenarbeit.

  • Secured a $525 million contract from the U.S. Navy
  • ESSM Block 2 offers improved performance and increased maneuverability
  • Reduced dependence on shipboard illumination enhances versatility
  • Integration with various combat systems and launchers increases adaptability
  • Significant digital processing margin allows for future software improvements
  • Cost savings and increased production capacity through common hardware and factory processes
  • None.


This $525 million contract for ESSM Block 2 missiles is a significant win for RTX, bolstering its naval defense portfolio. The deal highlights RTX's strong position in the evolving maritime security landscape, where ship self-defense systems are becoming increasingly crucial.

Key points to consider:

  • The contract's value represents about 0.33% of RTX's market cap, a modest but meaningful contribution to the company's revenue stream.
  • ESSM Block 2's enhanced capabilities, including improved maneuverability and reduced dependence on shipboard illumination, address evolving naval threats.
  • The involvement of 12 NATO nations in the consortium suggests potential for future international sales and long-term program stability.
  • RTX's strategy of using common hardware and processes across missile platforms could lead to improved profit margins and production efficiency.

While positive, investors should note that defense contracts can be subject to political and budgetary fluctuations. The long-term impact will depend on RTX's ability to secure follow-on orders and maintain its technological edge in this competitive sector.

The ESSM Block 2 represents a significant technological leap in naval defense systems. Its dual-mode guidance and increased digital processing margin are important advancements that address the rapidly evolving threat landscape at sea.

Key technological aspects:

  • The missile's ability to operate in "stressing marine environments" suggests improved performance against low-altitude, high-speed threats.
  • Reduced dependence on shipboard illumination enhances the missile's autonomy and potentially increases the number of simultaneous engagements a ship can conduct.
  • The "significant digital processing margin" indicates a future-proof design, allowing for software updates to counter new threats without hardware changes.

RTX's approach of leveraging learning from other active seeker systems like AMRAAM and Standard Missile 6 demonstrates a smart, cost-effective development strategy. This cross-platform synergy could accelerate future innovations and maintain RTX's competitive edge in naval defense systems.

Multi-mission weapon system will provide increased flexibility and capability for U.S. and allied navies

TUCSON, Ariz., Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon, an RTX (NYSE: RTX) business, has received a $525 million contract from the U.S. Navy to produce ESSM Block 2 missiles and spares for the U.S. and allied nations.

ESSM Block 2 is a short to medium-range, ship-launched, dual-mode, guided missile that has increased maneuverability and improved performance over its Block 1 predecessor.

"The role of self-ship and local area defense has become increasingly important, and ESSM Block 2 delivers critical capability in this mission," said Barbara Borgonovi, president of Naval Power at Raytheon. "By partnering with the U.S. Navy and allied navies, we're ensuring this versatile system is ready to support our fleets around the world."

The newest ESSM variant reduces dependence on shipboard illumination and is integrated on a wide variety of combat systems and launchers, delivering improved performance in stressing marine environments, and has significant digital processing margin to keep pace with evolving threats through software improvements.

Leveraging learning from other active seeker systems – such as AMRAAM and Standard Missile 6 – RTX is using common hardware and factory processes across multiple missile platforms to enable cost savings and increased production capacity. Additionally, the consortium continues to invest in test infrastructure and material to keep capacity ahead of demand and accelerate deliveries.

ESSM is managed by the NATO SEASPARROW Consortium composed of 12 nations: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Türkiye, and the United States. The consortium is NATO's largest and most successful cooperative weapons project and represents over 50 years of international military-industrial cooperation.

About Raytheon 
Raytheon, an RTX business, is a leading provider of defense solutions to help the U.S. government, our allies and partners defend their national sovereignty and ensure their security. For more than 100 years, Raytheon has developed new technologies and enhanced existing capabilities in integrated air and missile defense, smart weapons, missiles, advanced sensors and radars, interceptors, space-based systems, hypersonics and missile defense across land, air, sea and space.

About RTX 
With more than 185,000 global employees, RTX pushes the limits of technology and science to redefine how we connect and protect our world. Through industry-leading businesses – Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, and Raytheon – we are advancing aviation, engineering integrated defense systems, and developing next-generation technology solutions and manufacturing to help global customers address their most critical challenges. The company, with 2023 sales of $69 billion, is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.

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What is the value of the contract RTX received for ESSM Block 2 missiles?

RTX received a $525 million contract from the U.S. Navy to produce ESSM Block 2 missiles and spares for the U.S. and allied nations.

What are the key improvements of ESSM Block 2 over its predecessor?

ESSM Block 2 offers increased maneuverability, improved performance, reduced dependence on shipboard illumination, integration with various combat systems and launchers, and significant digital processing margin for future software improvements.

How many nations are part of the NATO SEASPARROW Consortium managing the ESSM?

The NATO SEASPARROW Consortium is composed of 12 nations: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Türkiye, and the United States.

What cost-saving measures is RTX implementing for ESSM Block 2 production?

RTX is using common hardware and factory processes across multiple missile platforms to enable cost savings and increased production capacity for ESSM Block 2 and other missile systems.

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