Avolon selects RTX's Pratt & Whitney GTF™ engines to power up to 160 Airbus A320neo family aircraft

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Avolon, a leading aircraft lessor, has selected Pratt & Whitney's GTF engines to power 80 Airbus A320neo family aircraft, with options for 80 more. This marks Avolon's first direct GTF engine order, expanding their GTF-powered fleet to 158 aircraft. The deal, announced at the Farnborough Air Show, is one of Pratt & Whitney's largest transactions with a lessor for GTF engines.

The GTF engines are praised for their unmatched fuel efficiency and lowest carbon emissions for single-aisle aircraft. Avolon's CEO, Andy Cronin, emphasized the importance of engine innovation in the industry's decarbonization efforts. This order positions Avolon to meet customer narrowbody requirements through 2030 and beyond, supporting the transition to more fuel-efficient technology.

Avolon, un importante lessor di aerei, ha scelto i motori GTF di Pratt & Whitney per alimentare 80 aerei della famiglia Airbus A320neo, con opzioni per altri 80. Questo rappresenta il primo ordine diretto di motori GTF da parte di Avolon, ampliando la loro flotta alimentata da GTF a 158 aerei. L'accordo, annunciato al Farnborough Air Show, è una delle transazioni più rilevanti di Pratt & Whitney con un lessor per i motori GTF.

I motori GTF sono apprezzati per la loro efficienza energetica senza pari e le minime emissioni di carbonio per gli aerei a fusoliera stretta. Il CEO di Avolon, Andy Cronin, ha sottolineato l'importanza dell'innovazione dei motori negli sforzi di decarbonizzazione del settore. Questo ordine colloca Avolon in una posizione favorevole per soddisfare le esigenze dei clienti in merito agli aerei a fusoliera stretta fino al 2030 e oltre, supportando la transizione verso tecnologie più efficienti dal punto di vista energetico.

Avolon, un arrendatario de aeronaves líder, ha seleccionado los motores GTF de Pratt & Whitney para impulsar 80 aeronaves de la familia Airbus A320neo, con opciones para otras 80. Este es el primer pedido directo de motores GTF de Avolon, ampliando su flota impulsada por GTF a 158 aeronaves. El acuerdo, anunciado en el Farnborough Air Show, es una de las transacciones más grandes de Pratt & Whitney con un arrendatario para motores GTF.

Los motores GTF son elogiados por su eficiencia de combustible inigualable y las más bajas emisiones de carbono para aeronaves de un solo pasillo. El CEO de Avolon, Andy Cronin, enfatizó la importancia de la innovación en los motores en los esfuerzos de descarbonización de la industria. Este pedido posiciona a Avolon para satisfacer los requisitos de aviones de pasillo estrecho de sus clientes hasta 2030 y más allá, apoyando la transición hacia tecnologías más eficientes en combustible.

Avolon은 주요 항공기 임대업체로서 프랫 앤 휘트니의 GTF 엔진을 선택하여 80대의 에어버스 A320neo 패밀리 항공기에 힘을 주고 있으며, 추가로 80대에 대한 옵션도 보유하고 있습니다. 이는 Avolon의 첫 직접 GTF 엔진 주문으로, GTF 엔진을 장착한 항공기 수를 158대로 확대합니다. 퍼넘버로 에어 쇼에서 발표된 이 거래는 GTF 엔진을 위한 임대업체와의 프랫 앤 휘트니의 가장 큰 거래 중 하나입니다.

GTF 엔진은 비교할 수 없는 연료 효율성과 단일 통로 항공기에 대한 가장 낮은 탄소 배출량으로 찬사를 받고 있습니다. Avolon의 CEO인 Andy Cronin은 업계의 탈탄소화 노력에서 엔진 혁신의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 이 주문은 Avolon이 2030년 이후 고객의 협소기 요구를 충족할 수 있도록 하여, 연료 효율이 높은 기술로의 전환을 지원합니다.

Avolon, un bailleur d'avions de premier plan, a sélectionné les moteurs GTF de Pratt & Whitney pour propulser 80 avions de la famille Airbus A320neo, avec des options pour 80 de plus. Il s'agit de la première commande directe de moteurs GTF d'Avolon, portant sa flotte propulsée par GTF à 158 avions. Cet accord, annoncé lors du Farnborough Air Show, est l'une des plus grandes transactions de Pratt & Whitney avec un bailleur pour des moteurs GTF.

Les moteurs GTF sont salués pour leur efficacité énergétique inégalée et leurs plus faibles émissions de carbone pour les avions à fuselage étroit. Le PDG d'Avolon, Andy Cronin, a souligné l'importance de l'innovation en matière de moteurs dans les efforts de décarbonisation de l'industrie. Cette commande place Avolon en position de répondre aux exigences de ses clients en matière de monocouloir jusqu'en 2030 et au-delà, soutenant la transition vers des technologies plus économes en carburant.

Avolon, ein führender Flugzeugvermieter, hat die GTF-Triebwerke von Pratt & Whitney ausgewählt, um 80 Flugzeuge der Airbus A320neo Familie zu betreiben, mit Optionen für 80 weitere. Dies ist Avolons erste direkte Bestellung von GTF-Triebwerken und erweitert ihre GTF-betriebene Flotte auf 158 Flugzeuge. Das Geschäft, das auf der Farnborough Air Show bekannt gegeben wurde, ist eine der größten Transaktionen von Pratt & Whitney mit einem Vermieter für GTF-Triebwerke.

Die GTF-Triebwerke werden für ihre unübertroffene Kraftstoffeffizienz und die niedrigsten Kohlenstoffemissionen für einstrahlige Flugzeuge gelobt. Avolons CEO, Andy Cronin, betonte die Bedeutung der Triebwerksinnovation in den Dekarbonisierungsbemühungen der Branche. Diese Bestellung positioniert Avolon, um die Anforderungen der Kunden an schmale Flugzeuge bis 2030 und darüber hinaus zu erfüllen und die Umstellung auf kraftstoffeffizientere Technologien zu unterstützen.

  • Avolon orders GTF engines for 80 Airbus A320neo family aircraft, with options for 80 more
  • Deal expands Avolon's GTF-powered fleet to 158 aircraft
  • GTF engines offer unmatched fuel efficiency and lowest carbon emissions for single-aisle aircraft
  • Order positions Avolon to meet customer narrowbody requirements through 2030 and beyond
  • None.

The decision by Avolon to select Pratt & Whitney's GTF engines for up to 160 Airbus A320neo family aircraft is a significant move within the aviation industry. This order not only underscores the reliability and efficiency of the GTF engine technology but also represents a substantial increase in Pratt & Whitney's market share among aircraft lessors. The GTF engines are known for offering superior fuel efficiency and lower carbon emissions, which align with the industry's push towards sustainability and decarbonization. This deal further solidifies Pratt & Whitney's position as a key player in the market for next-gen aircraft engines.

From an environmental perspective, Avolon's selection of GTF engines is a step forward in reducing the aviation industry's carbon footprint. GTF engines are renowned for their fuel efficiency and lower carbon emissions, which is important for airlines and lessors aiming to meet rigorous environmental standards and support global decarbonization goals. This order reflects a broader trend within the industry towards adopting greener technologies and it is likely to influence other lessors and airlines to consider similar upgrades.

Financially, this order represents a robust vote of confidence in Pratt & Whitney's GTF engine technology and is likely to have a positive impact on RTX's market performance. The scale of the order, involving up to 160 aircraft, is substantial and will likely contribute significantly to RTX's revenue streams over the coming years. This deal could also enhance Avolon's competitive position by enabling it to offer more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly aircraft to its airline customers, potentially leading to higher lease rates and better financial returns.

Agreement is aircraft lessor's first direct GTF engine order

LONDON, July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Farnborough Air Show - Pratt & Whitney, an RTX (NYSE: RTX) business, announced today that Avolon has selected GTF engines to power 80 Airbus A320neo family aircraft. The order means Avolon will have 158 GTF-powered aircraft in its delivered and committed fleet, with options for engines to power 80 additional aircraft.

This order represents one of Pratt & Whitney's largest transactions with a lessor for its GTF engines.

"We are building on our collaboration with Avolon, who remains at the forefront of the lessor community," said Rick Deurloo, president of Commercial Engines at Pratt & Whitney. "GTF engines will provide Avolon's customers with unmatched fuel efficiency and the lowest carbon emissions available for single aisle aircraft."

"These engines will power our large orderbook of A320neo family aircraft and put us in an excellent position to service our customers' narrowbody requirements out to 2030 and beyond," said Andy Cronin, chief executive officer at Avolon. "Engine innovation has been one of the key tools to lower emissions and support the industry's decarbonization journey. We value Pratt & Whitney's strong customer focus and are excited about leveraging their GTF engines to support the transition of our fleet to more fuel-efficient technology."

Avolon currently has a portfolio of 81 V2500-powered A320ceo family aircraft and 39 GTF-powered A320neo family aircraft in its delivered fleet.

About Pratt & Whitney
Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines and auxiliary power units. To learn more visit

About RTX
With more than 185,000 global employees, RTX pushes the limits of technology and science to redefine how we connect and protect our world. Through industry-leading businesses – Collins Aerospace, Pratt & Whitney, and Raytheon – we are advancing aviation, engineering integrated defense systems, and developing next-generation technology solutions and manufacturing to help global customers address their most critical challenges. The company, with 2023 sales of $69 billion, is headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.

About Avolon
Avolon is a leading global aviation finance company connecting capital with customers to drive the transformation of aviation and the economic and social benefits of global travel. We pride ourselves on our deep customer relationships, our collaborative team approach, and our fast execution. We invest with a long-term perspective, diversifying risk and managing capital efficiently to maintain our strong balance sheet. Working with 142 airlines in 63 countries, Avolon has an owned, managed, and committed fleet of 1,029 aircraft, as of 30 June 2024. 

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How many Airbus A320neo family aircraft will be powered by RTX's Pratt & Whitney GTF engines in Avolon's new order?

Avolon has selected GTF engines to power 80 Airbus A320neo family aircraft, with options for engines to power 80 additional aircraft.

What is the significance of this order for RTX's Pratt & Whitney?

This order represents one of Pratt & Whitney's largest transactions with a lessor for its GTF engines and marks Avolon's first direct GTF engine order.

What are the main benefits of the GTF engines for Avolon and its customers?

GTF engines provide unmatched fuel efficiency and the lowest carbon emissions available for single-aisle aircraft, supporting the industry's decarbonization efforts and offering more fuel-efficient technology.

How many GTF-powered aircraft will Avolon have in its fleet after this order?

After this order, Avolon will have 158 GTF-powered aircraft in its delivered and committed fleet, with options for engines to power 80 additional aircraft.

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