DAT experts headline the 2025 Mid-America Trucking Show
DAT Freight & Analytics will showcase its latest features and programs at the Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS) in Louisville, Kentucky. The company will demonstrate its DAT One load board and introduce new initiatives for owner-operators at Booth 37415 in the South Wing.
The event will feature various DAT services, including invoice factoring, insurance, fuel cards, and Trucker Tools digital load tracking, which DAT acquired in December 2024. DAT experts will conduct several seminars, including:
- Truckload market update at MATS Opening Breakfast (March 27, 8 a.m.)
- 'Starting Strong: How to Launch a Thriving Trucking Business' (March 28, 12:15 p.m.)
- 'Boosting Your Bottom Line: Profitability Strategies for Owner-Operators' (March 29, Noon)
DAT Freight & Analytics presenterà le sue ultime funzionalità e programmi al Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS) a Louisville, Kentucky. L'azienda dimostrerà la sua piattaforma di carico DAT One e introdurrà nuove iniziative per i proprietari-operatori allo Stand 37415 nel Wing Sud.
L'evento presenterà vari servizi DAT, tra cui il factoring delle fatture, assicurazioni, carte carburante e il tracciamento digitale dei carichi Trucker Tools, acquisito da DAT nel dicembre 2024. Gli esperti DAT condurranno diversi seminari, tra cui:
- Aggiornamento sul mercato del carico al Breakfast di Apertura MATS (27 marzo, 8 a.m.)
- 'Partire con il Piede Giusto: Come Avviare un'Attività di Trasporti di Successo' (28 marzo, 12:15 p.m.)
- 'Aumentare i Tuoi Profitti: Strategie di Redditività per Proprietari-Operatori' (29 marzo, mezzogiorno)
DAT Freight & Analytics presentará sus últimas características y programas en el Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS) en Louisville, Kentucky. La empresa demostrará su tablón de cargas DAT One e introducirá nuevas iniciativas para propietarios-operadores en el Stand 37415 en el Ala Sur.
El evento contará con varios servicios de DAT, incluyendo factoring de facturas, seguros, tarjetas de combustible y el seguimiento digital de cargas Trucker Tools, que DAT adquirió en diciembre de 2024. Los expertos de DAT llevarán a cabo varios seminarios, incluyendo:
- Actualización del mercado de carga en el Desayuno de Apertura de MATS (27 de marzo, 8 a.m.)
- 'Comenzar Fuerte: Cómo Lanzar un Negocio de Transporte Exitoso' (28 de marzo, 12:15 p.m.)
- 'Aumentando Tus Ganancias: Estrategias de Rentabilidad para Propietarios-Operadores' (29 de marzo, mediodía)
DAT Freight & Analytics는 켄터키주 루이빌에서 열리는 Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS)에서 최신 기능과 프로그램을 선보일 예정입니다. 이 회사는 DAT One 화물 보드를 시연하고, 남쪽 날개 37415번 부스에서 소유자-운전자를 위한 새로운 이니셔티브를 소개합니다.
이 행사에서는 송장 팩토링, 보험, 연료 카드 및 Trucker Tools 디지털 화물 추적 등 다양한 DAT 서비스를 제공할 예정입니다. DAT는 2024년 12월에 인수했습니다. DAT 전문가들이 여러 세미나를 진행할 예정입니다:
- MATS 개막 아침식사에서의 화물 시장 업데이트 (3월 27일, 오전 8시)
- '강하게 시작하기: 성공적인 운송 사업 시작하는 방법' (3월 28일, 오후 12:15)
- '수익 증대: 소유자-운전자를 위한 수익성 전략' (3월 29일, 정오)
DAT Freight & Analytics présentera ses dernières fonctionnalités et programmes lors du Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS) à Louisville, Kentucky. L'entreprise démontrera son tableau de chargement DAT One et introduira de nouvelles initiatives pour les propriétaires-exploitants au Stand 37415 dans l'Aile Sud.
L'événement mettra en avant divers services DAT, y compris le factoring des factures, les assurances, les cartes de carburant et le suivi numérique des chargements Trucker Tools, acquis par DAT en décembre 2024. Des experts de DAT animeront plusieurs séminaires, notamment :
- Mise à jour du marché du fret lors du petit-déjeuner d'ouverture de MATS (27 mars, 8 h)
- 'Commencer Fort : Comment Lancer une Entreprise de Transport Réussie' (28 mars, 12 h 15)
- 'Augmenter Vos Profits : Stratégies de Rentabilité pour Propriétaires-Exploitants' (29 mars, midi)
DAT Freight & Analytics wird seine neuesten Funktionen und Programme auf der Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS) in Louisville, Kentucky, präsentieren. Das Unternehmen wird sein DAT One Lastenboard demonstrieren und neue Initiativen für Eigentümer-Betreiber am Stand 37415 im Südflügel vorstellen.
Die Veranstaltung wird verschiedene DAT-Dienste umfassen, darunter Rechnungsfactoring, Versicherungen, Kraftstoffkarten und die digitale Lastenverfolgung Trucker Tools, die DAT im Dezember 2024 erworben hat. DAT-Experten werden mehrere Seminare durchführen, darunter:
- Marktupdate für Lkw-Ladungen beim MATS-Eröffnungsfrühstück (27. März, 8 Uhr)
- 'Stark starten: Wie man ein erfolgreiches Transportunternehmen gründet' (28. März, 12:15 Uhr)
- 'Ihre Gewinne steigern: Rentabilitätsstrategien für Eigentümer-Betreiber' (29. März, Mittag)
- Recent acquisition of Trucker Tools (Dec 2024) expanding digital tracking capabilities
- None.
“MATS is a great place to learn about trucking, and DAT will be there to help you get started,” said Christian Greiner, Senior Director of the Carrier Business at DAT. “Our booth is a resource center with experts who can answer your questions and show you how to make the most of the industry’s largest freight network.”
DAT at Booth 37415
Visit DAT at Booth 37415 in the South Wing to see the full range of DAT services, including invoice factoring, insurance, fuel cards and Trucker Tools digital load tracking. Trucker Tools was acquired by DAT in December 2024 and is the ultimate carrier sourcing and visibility platform.
DAT ProTalks at MATS
DAT experts will be front and center throughout MATS with seminars on how to anticipate changes in the market and position your business for growth:
- Thursday, March 27, 8 a.m.: DAT analyst Dean Croke will deliver the truckload market update at the MATS Opening Breakfast, South Wing, Room B103
- Friday, March 28, 12:15 p.m.: “Starting Strong: How to Launch a Thriving Trucking Business in Your First 90 Days.” ProTalks Theater, South Wing, Room B104
- Saturday, March 29, Noon: “Boosting Your Bottom Line: Profitability Strategies for Owner-Operators.” ProTalks Stage, East Hall
“Whether you’re just starting out or you come from generations of truckers, we’re here to help you manage uncertainty, shape your future, and maximize the value of your DAT subscription,” said Greiner. “We’re looking forward to seeing you at MATS.”
About DAT Freight & Analytics
DAT Freight & Analytics operates DAT One,
Founded in 1978, DAT is a business unit of Roper Technologies (Nasdaq: ROP), a constituent of the Nasdaq 100, S&P 500, and Fortune 1000. Headquartered in
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Georgia Jablon
Corporate Communications, DAT Freight & Analytics
Source: DAT Freight & Analytics
What services will DAT showcase at the 2025 Mid-America Trucking Show?
When and where are DAT's seminars scheduled at MATS 2025?
When did DAT acquire Trucker Tools?