Mercury NZ Selects Rimini Street to Provide Support and Monitoring Services for its SAP Systems

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Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI) announced that Mercury NZ has selected Rimini Support™ and Rimini Watch™ for SAP as part of its strategic move to achieve cost efficiencies and retain stability of its core IT systems. This decision comes after Mercury NZ's acquisition of the Trustpower retail business. Mercury NZ, a leading retailer of energy and telecommunications utility products in New Zealand, has been using SAP systems for nearly 20 years.

The partnership with Rimini Street has provided Mercury NZ with significant savings, allowing them to invest in platform modernization and innovation. Rimini Street's support has replaced SAP's Solution Manager, enabling Mercury NZ to monitor business processes, diagnose performance, and proactively mitigate issues. The company credits Rimini Street with providing peace of mind and assurance for their business continuity, praising the high-touch, responsive team of engineers who deliver outstanding support and collaborate with other vendors.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI) ha annunciato che Mercury NZ ha scelto Rimini Support™ e Rimini Watch™ per SAP come parte della sua mossa strategica per ottenere efficienze di costo e mantenere la stabilità dei suoi sistemi IT core. Questa decisione arriva dopo l'acquisizione da parte di Mercury NZ del business di vendita al dettaglio di Trustpower. Mercury NZ, un rivenditore leader di prodotti di energia e telecomunicazioni in Nuova Zelanda, utilizza sistemi SAP da quasi 20 anni.

La collaborazione con Rimini Street ha fornito a Mercury NZ risparmi significativi, permettendo loro di investire nella modernizzazione della piattaforma e nell'innovazione. Il supporto di Rimini Street ha sostituito il Solution Manager di SAP, consentendo a Mercury NZ di monitorare i processi aziendali, diagnosticare le prestazioni e mitigare proattivamente i problemi. L'azienda attribuisce a Rimini Street la fornitura di tranquillità e sicurezza per la continuità delle loro attività, elogiando il team di ingegneri altamente reattivo e affettuoso che offre un supporto eccezionale e collabora con altri fornitori.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI) anunció que Mercury NZ ha seleccionado Rimini Support™ y Rimini Watch™ para SAP como parte de su movimiento estratégico para lograr eficiencias de costo y mantener la estabilidad de sus sistemas informáticos centrales. Esta decisión se produce tras la adquisición por parte de Mercury NZ del negocio minorista de Trustpower. Mercury NZ, un destacado minorista de productos de servicios públicos de energía y telecomunicaciones en Nueva Zelanda, ha estado utilizando sistemas SAP durante casi 20 años.

La asociación con Rimini Street ha proporcionado a Mercury NZ ahorros significativos, permitiéndoles invertir en la modernización de la plataforma y la innovación. El soporte de Rimini Street ha reemplazado al Solution Manager de SAP, permitiendo a Mercury NZ monitorear procesos empresariales, diagnosticar el rendimiento y mitigar proactivamente problemas. La empresa atribuye a Rimini Street el haberles proporcionado tranquilidad y seguridad en la continuidad de su negocio, elogiando al equipo de ingenieros altamente receptivo que ofrece un apoyo excepcional y colabora con otros proveedores.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI)는 머큐리 NZ가 비용 효율성을 달성하고 핵심 IT 시스템의 안정성을 유지하기 위한 전략적 움직임의 일환으로 Rimini Support™ 및 Rimini Watch™ for SAP를 선택했다고 발표했습니다. 이 결정은 머큐리 NZ가 Trustpower 소매 사업을 인수한 후에 이루어졌습니다. 머큐리 NZ는 뉴질랜드에서 에너지 및 통신 유틸리티 제품의 선도적인 소매업체로, 거의 20년 동안 SAP 시스템을 사용해왔습니다.

Rimini Street와의 파트너십은 머큐리 NZ에 상당한 절감을 제공하여 플랫폼 현대화와 혁신에 투자할 수 있게 해주었습니다. Rimini Street의 지원은 SAP의 Solution Manager를 대체하였으며, 머큐리 NZ가 비즈니스 프로세스를 모니터링하고 성능을 진단하며 문제를 사전 대응적으로 완화할 수 있도록 하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 Rimini Street 덕분에 비즈니스 연속성에 대한 마음의 평화와 확신을 제공받았다고 언급하며, 뛰어난 지원을 제공하고 다른 공급업체와 협력하는 반응이 빠른 엔지니어 팀을 칭찬하고 있습니다.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI) a annoncé que Mercury NZ a sélectionné Rimini Support™ et Rimini Watch™ pour SAP dans le cadre de son mouvement stratégique visant à réaliser des économies de coûts et à maintenir la stabilité de ses systèmes informatiques principaux. Cette décision fait suite à l'acquisition par Mercury NZ de l'activité de vente au détail de Trustpower. Mercury NZ, un leader des produits de services publics d'énergie et de télécommunications en Nouvelle-Zélande, utilise des systèmes SAP depuis près de 20 ans.

Le partenariat avec Rimini Street a permis à Mercury NZ de réaliser des économies significatives, leur permettant d'investir dans la modernisation de la plateforme et l'innovation. Le soutien de Rimini Street a remplacé le Solution Manager de SAP, permettant à Mercury NZ de surveiller les processus métier, de diagnostiquer les performances et de prévenir proactivement les problèmes. L'entreprise attribue à Rimini Street la tranquillité d'esprit et l'assurance qu'elle procure pour la continuité de ses activités, louant l'équipe d'ingénieurs réactive et attentive qui offre un support exceptionnel et collabore avec d'autres fournisseurs.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI) hat bekannt gegeben, dass Mercury NZ Rimini Support™ und Rimini Watch™ für SAP im Rahmen eines strategischen Schrittes ausgewählt hat, um Kosteneffizienzen zu erzielen und die Stabilität seiner zentralen IT-Systeme zu gewährleisten. Diese Entscheidung fiel nach der Übernahme des Einzelhandelsgeschäfts von Trustpower durch Mercury NZ. Mercury NZ, ein führender Anbieter von Energie- und Telekommunikationsdienstleistungen in Neuseeland, nutzt seit fast 20 Jahren SAP-Systeme.

Die Partnerschaft mit Rimini Street hat Mercury NZ erhebliche Einsparungen ermöglicht, die es ihnen erlauben, in die Modernisierung und Innovation der Plattform zu investieren. Der Support von Rimini Street hat den Solution Manager von SAP ersetzt, sodass Mercury NZ Geschäftsprozesse überwachen, die Leistung diagnostizieren und proaktiv Probleme mildern kann. Das Unternehmen bedankt sich bei Rimini Street für die Sicherheit und Zuversicht, die sie für die Kontinuität ihres Geschäfts bieten, und lobt das engagierte, reaktionsschnelle Ingenieurteam, das herausragenden Support zu leisten und mit anderen Anbietern zusammenzuarbeiten vermag.

  • Mercury NZ achieved significant cost savings by switching to Rimini Street support
  • The company can reinvest savings into AI/ML innovations for growth
  • Rimini Street provides stability and peace of mind for Mercury NZ's mission-critical systems
  • Rimini Watch™ replaced SAP's Solution Manager, improving monitoring and issue mitigation
  • None.


Mercury NZ's decision to partner with Rimini Street for SAP support and monitoring services is a strategic move that offers both cost savings and operational stability. By opting for third-party support, Mercury NZ can maintain its existing SAP systems without the pressure to upgrade to S/4HANA, allowing them to redirect funds towards innovation and modernization initiatives. This approach aligns with a growing trend in the utilities sector, where companies are prioritizing composable ERP architectures and best-of-breed applications around their SAP core. The partnership provides Mercury NZ with expert support, proactive monitoring through Rimini Watch™ and the flexibility to evolve their IT landscape at their own pace. This strategy enables Mercury NZ to focus on customer-centric innovations while ensuring the reliability of their critical systems, potentially strengthening their competitive position in the New Zealand energy and telecommunications market.

Rimini Street's contract with Mercury NZ represents a positive development for the company's revenue stream and market penetration in the utilities sector. While specific financial terms aren't disclosed, such deals typically provide stable, recurring revenue for Rimini Street. The partnership with a market leader in renewable energy in New Zealand could serve as a reference case for other utilities considering similar cost-saving measures. For investors, this demonstrates Rimini Street's ability to capture high-profile clients in diverse geographic markets and industries. The emphasis on cost efficiency and operational stability in the client's decision-making process underscores the value proposition of Rimini Street's services, which could lead to increased demand, especially in economically uncertain times when companies are looking to optimize IT spending while maintaining system reliability.

New Zealand market leader in renewable energy achieves cost efficiency and operational stability with Rimini Support™ and Rimini Watch™ for SAP, reinvests the savings into AI/ML innovations for growth

LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a global provider of end-to-end enterprise software support, products and services, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle and SAP software, and an AWS partner, today announced that Mercury NZ has selected Rimini Support™ and Rimini Watch™ for SAP, as part of its strategic move to achieve cost efficiencies and retain stability of its core IT systems after its acquisition of the Trustpower retail business.

Mercury NZ Selects Rimini Street to Provide Support and Monitoring Services for its SAP Systems (Graphic: Business Wire)

Mercury NZ Selects Rimini Street to Provide Support and Monitoring Services for its SAP Systems (Graphic: Business Wire)

Having achieved significant savings, the renewable energy company is funding investment and continued modernization of its platforms to meet growing consumer demands.

“Mercury is constantly looking to innovate, to make sure we are offering products and services that our customers value in modernizing the way we operate,” said Tim Aynsley, Mercury NZ’s previous head of technology. “During this transition, Rimini Street has given us the stability to be future-ready and focus on innovation.”

Rimini Street Makes Mercury NZ’s Transition Away from SAP a Smooth, Stable Journey

Mercury NZ has been an SAP shop for nearly 20 years, leveraging its customized system for reporting, CRM, utility billing and more. Today, they run SAP ECC6 on HANA database, and SAP Industry Solutions Utilities (IS-U).

Prior to the acquisition of Trustpower, a decision that helped cement its status as a leading retailer of both energy and telecommunications utility products in New Zealand, Mercury NZ contemplated a migration to S/4HANA. However, Mercury did not progress with this due to the Trustpower acquisition and technology decisions made as a result.

“With Rimini Street, we were provided with a viable alternative to support our SAP systems, which has helped us to make savings in the way we operate,” said Aynsley.

“Many SAP Utilities customers have concluded that the investment needed to move to S/4HANA is better used to fund innovation around strategic initiatives,” said Coy Wright, vice president of Energy, Utilities & Mining at Rimini Street. “We’re seeing the utilities industry as a whole move toward composable ERP architectures using best-of-breed applications surrounding the SAP core and we’re proud to support our clients on their journey to deliver successful business outcomes.”

Mercury NZ Gains Peace of Mind and Business Momentum by Partnering with Rimini Street

Mercury NZ credits Rimini Street with providing peace of mind and assurance knowing its business continuity is in expert hands. With Rimini Support™ for SAP, the organization sees the impact of Rimini Street’s high-touch, highly responsive team of engineers who not only deliver outstanding support, but also collaborate with Mercury NZ’s other vendors to provide stability for their mission-critical system.

“We replaced SAP’s Solution Manager (SolMan) with Rimini Watch™. This allows us to monitor business processes, diagnose performance, and mitigate issues proactively,” said Anita Grenside, practice lead at Mercury NZ. “Our customers expect our services to be available when they need them, and so that's just logical from a competitive point of view that we can provide stable, resilient services.”

Aynsley adds, “Rimini Street is a capable partner that, in our experience, exceeds in delivering what they promise. They play a key role in keeping the services that we provide to our consumers as cost effective and innovative as possible.”

Learn more about Mercury NZ’s story of operational stability and transformation in partnership with Rimini Street here.

Explore the full Rimini Street portfolio of ultra-responsive, trusted and proven support, managed services, security, integration, observability, professional services and Rimini ONE™ end-to-end outsourcing solutions for SAP, Oracle and VMware. and many more applications to support competitive advantage, profitability and growth.

About Rimini Street, Inc.

Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a Russell 2000® Company, is a global provider of end-to-end enterprise software support, products and services, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle and SAP software and an AWS partner. The Company has operations globally and offers a comprehensive family of unified solutions to run, manage, support, customize, configure, connect, protect, monitor, and optimize enterprise application, database, and technology software, and enables clients to achieve better business outcomes, significantly reduce costs and reallocate resources for innovation. To date, over 5,600 Fortune 500, Fortune Global 100, midmarket, public sector, and other organizations from a broad range of industries have relied on Rimini Street as their trusted enterprise software solutions provider. To learn more, please visit, and connect with Rimini Street on X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. (IR-RMNI)

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements included in this communication are not historical facts but are forward-looking statements for purposes of the safe harbor provisions under The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements generally are accompanied by words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “currently,” “estimate,” “expect,” “future,” “intend,” “may,” “might,” “outlook,” “plan,” “possible,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “seem,” “seek,” “should,” “will,” “would” or other similar words, phrases or expressions. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding our expectations of future events, future opportunities, global expansion and other growth initiatives and our investments in such initiatives. These statements are based on various assumptions and on the current expectations of management and are not predictions of actual performance, nor are these statements of historical facts. These statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties regarding Rimini Street’s business, and actual results may differ materially. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, adverse developments in and costs associated with defending pending litigation or any new litigation, including the disposition of pending motions to appeal and any new claims; additional expenses to be incurred in order to comply with injunctions against certain of our business practices and the impact on future period revenue and costs; changes in the business environment in which Rimini Street operates, including the impact of any recessionary economic trends and changes in foreign exchange rates, as well as general financial, economic, regulatory and political conditions affecting the industry in which we operate and the industries in which our clients operate; the evolution of the enterprise software management and support landscape and our ability to attract and retain clients and further penetrate our client base; significant competition in the software support services industry; customer adoption of our expanded portfolio of products and services and products and services we expect to introduce; our ability to grow our revenue, manage our cost of revenue and accurately forecast revenue; the expected impact of recent and anticipated future reductions in our workforce and associated reorganization costs; estimates of our total addressable market and expectations of client savings relative to use of other providers; variability of timing in our sales cycle; risks relating to retention rates, including our ability to accurately predict retention rates; the loss of one or more members of our management team; our ability to attract and retain additional qualified personnel, including sales personnel, and retain key personnel; our business plan, our ability to grow in the future and our ability to achieve and maintain profitability; our plans to wind down the offering of services for Oracle PeopleSoft products; our need and ability to raise equity or debt financing on favorable terms and our ability to generate cash flows from operations to help fund increased investment in our growth initiatives; risks associated with global operations; our ability to prevent unauthorized access to our information technology systems and other cybersecurity threats, protect the confidential information of our employees and clients and comply with privacy regulations; our ability to maintain an effective system of internal control over financial reporting; our ability to maintain, protect and enhance our brand and intellectual property; changes in laws and regulations, including changes in tax laws or unfavorable outcomes of tax positions we take, or a failure by us to establish adequate tax reserves; the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters; our credit facility’s ongoing debt service obligations and financial and operational covenants on our business and related interest rate risk, including uncertainty from the transition to SOFR or other interest rate benchmarks; the sufficiency of our cash and cash equivalents to meet our liquidity requirements; the amount and timing of repurchases, if any, under our stock repurchase program and our ability to enhance stockholder value through such program; uncertainty as to the long-term value of Rimini Street’s equity securities; catastrophic events that disrupt our business or that of our clients; and those discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in Rimini Street’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed on July 31, 2024, and as updated from time to time by Rimini Street’s future Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K, and other filings by Rimini Street with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition, forward-looking statements provide Rimini Street’s expectations, plans or forecasts of future events and views as of the date of this communication. Rimini Street anticipates that subsequent events and developments will cause Rimini Street’s assessments to change. However, while Rimini Street may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, Rimini Street specifically disclaims any obligation to do so, except as required by law. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing Rimini Street’s assessments as of any date subsequent to the date of this communication.

Janet Ravin

VP, Global Communications

Rimini Street, Inc.

+1 702 285-3532

Source: Rimini Street, Inc.


Why did Mercury NZ choose Rimini Street for SAP support?

Mercury NZ selected Rimini Street to achieve cost efficiencies and retain stability of its core IT systems after acquiring Trustpower's retail business. This move allowed them to save money and reinvest in platform modernization and innovation.

What SAP systems does Mercury NZ use?

Mercury NZ runs SAP ECC6 on HANA database and SAP Industry Solutions Utilities (IS-U). They have been using customized SAP systems for reporting, CRM, utility billing, and more for nearly 20 years.

How has Rimini Street's support benefited Mercury NZ?

Rimini Street's support has provided Mercury NZ with significant cost savings, operational stability, and peace of mind. It has also allowed them to replace SAP's Solution Manager with Rimini Watch™, improving their ability to monitor business processes and mitigate issues proactively.

What is Rimini Street's stock symbol?

Rimini Street's stock symbol is RMNI, and it is listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange.

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Software - Application
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United States of America