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The RE/MAX National Housing Report for July 2024 reveals a 3.8% increase in home sales compared to June, while the median sales price dropped 1.2% to $425,000. Year-over-year, sales were up 6.7% and prices increased 3.7%. Inventory grew 1.8% from June and 36.7% year-over-year, despite a 9.4% decline in new listings from June.

Key highlights include:

  • Buyers paid 99% of asking price, down from 100% in June and July 2023
  • Days on market increased to 36 days, up 2 days from June and 5 days from July 2023
  • Months' supply of inventory rose to 2.2, up from 2.1 in June and 1.7 in July 2023

Amy Lessinger, President of RE/MAX, , noted the market's resilience and improved inventory levels, emphasizing the importance of trusted advisors for buyers and sellers navigating industry changes.

Il Rapporto Nazionale sulla Casa RE/MAX di luglio 2024 evidenzia un Aumento delle vendite di case del 3.8% rispetto a giugno, mentre il prezzo medio di vendita è sceso dell'1.2% a $425,000. Rispetto all'anno precedente, le vendite sono aumentate del 6.7% e i prezzi sono cresciuti del 3.7%. Il inventario è cresciuto dell'1.8% rispetto a giugno e del 36.7% anno su anno, nonostante una diminuzione del 9.4% nelle nuove inserzioni da giugno.

I punti salienti includono:

  • Gli acquirenti hanno pagato il 99% del prezzo richiesto, in calo dal 100% di giugno e luglio 2023
  • I giorni sul mercato sono aumentati a 36 giorni, in aumento di 2 giorni rispetto a giugno e di 5 giorni rispetto a luglio 2023
  • La disponibilità di inventario è salita a 2.2 mesi, in aumento da 2.1 a giugno e da 1.7 a luglio 2023

Amy Lessinger, Presidente di RE/MAX, ha sottolineato la resilienza del mercato e il miglioramento dei livelli di inventario, enfatizzando l'importanza di consulenti fidati per acquirenti e venditori che affrontano i cambiamenti del settore.

El Informe Nacional de Vivienda de RE/MAX para julio de 2024 revela un Aumento del 3.8% en las ventas de viviendas en comparación con junio, mientras que el precio de venta medio cayó un 1.2% a $425,000. En comparación con el año anterior, las ventas aumentaron un 6.7% y los precios incrementaron un 3.7%. El inventario creció un 1.8% con respecto a junio y un 36.7% en comparación interanual, a pesar de una disminución del 9.4% en nuevos listados desde junio.

Los puntos clave incluyen:

  • Los compradores pagaron el 99% del precio de oferta, un descenso del 100% en junio y julio de 2023
  • Los días en el mercado aumentaron a 36 días, un incremento de 2 días respecto a junio y de 5 días respecto a julio de 2023
  • El suministro de inventario subió a 2.2 meses, en aumento desde 2.1 en junio y 1.7 en julio de 2023

Amy Lessinger, Presidenta de RE/MAX, destacó la resiliencia del mercado y la mejora en los niveles de inventario, enfatizando la importancia de asesores de confianza para compradores y vendedores que navegan por los cambios en la industria.

2024년 7월 RE/MAX 전국 주택 보고서는 주택 판매가 3.8% 증가했음을 보여줍니다. 6월과 비교할 때, 중위 판매 가격이 1.2% 하락하여 $425,000이 되었습니다. 지난해 같은 기간에 비해 판매량은 6.7% 증가하였고 가격은 3.7% 상승하였습니다. 재고는 6월 대비 1.8% 증가하였으며, 연간 기준으로는 36.7% 증가했지만, 6월 신규 등록 건수는 9.4% 감소했습니다.

주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 구매자들은 요청 가격의 99%를 지불했으며, 이는 6월 및 2023년 7월의 100%에서 감소한 수치입니다.
  • 시장에 나와 있는 일수는 36일로 6월과 비교해 2일, 2023년 7월과 비교해 5일 증가했습니다.
  • 재고의 월 평균 공급량은 2.2개월로 6월의 2.1개월 및 2023년 7월의 1.7개월에서 증가했습니다.

RE/MAX의 회장인 에이미 레싱거는 시장의 회복력과 개선된 재고 수준을 언급하며, 산업 변동에 대응하는 구매자와 판매자를 위한 신뢰할 수 있는 상담자의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

Le Rapport National sur le Logement de RE/MAX pour juillet 2024 révèle une augmentation de 3,8% des ventes de maisons par rapport à juin, tandis que le prix médian de vente a chuté de 1,2% à 425 000 $. D'une année sur l'autre, les ventes ont augmenté de 6,7% et les prix ont augmenté de 3,7%. Les stocks ont augmenté de 1,8% par rapport à juin et de 36,7% d'une année sur l'autre, malgré une baisse de 9,4% des nouvelles inscriptions par rapport à juin.

Les faits saillants incluent :

  • Les acheteurs ont payé 99% du prix demandé, en baisse par rapport à 100% en juin et juillet 2023
  • Les jours sur le marché ont augmenté à 36 jours, soit 2 jours de plus qu'en juin et 5 jours de plus qu'en juillet 2023
  • Le stock de mois de biens a augmenté à 2,2, contre 2,1 en juin et 1,7 en juillet 2023

Amy Lessinger, Présidente de RE/MAX, a souligné la résilience du marché et l'amélioration des niveaux de stocks, en insistant sur l'importance des conseillers de confiance pour les acheteurs et les vendeurs qui naviguent dans les changements de l'industrie.

Der RE/MAX Nationale Wohnbericht für Juli 2024 zeigt einen Anstieg der Immobilienverkäufe um 3,8% im Vergleich zu Juni, während der Medianverkaufspreis um 1,2% auf 425.000 $ gesunken ist. Im Jahresvergleich stiegen die Verkäufe um 6,7% und die Preise erhöhten sich um 3,7%. Der Bestand wuchs um 1,8% im Vergleich zu Juni und um 36,7% im Jahresvergleich, trotz eines Rückgangs bei den neuen Angeboten um 9,4% seit Juni.

Wichtige Highlights sind:

  • Die Käufer zahlten 99% des angebotenen Preises, ein Rückgang von 100% im Juni und Juli 2023
  • Die Tage auf dem Markt erhöhten sich auf 36 Tage, was einem Anstieg von 2 Tagen gegenüber Juni und 5 Tagen gegenüber Juli 2023 entspricht
  • Der Monatsvorrat an Immobilien stieg auf 2,2, ein Anstieg von 2,1 im Juni und 1,7 im Juli 2023

Amy Lessinger, Präsidentin von RE/MAX, bemerkte die Widerstandsfähigkeit des Marktes und die verbesserten Bestandslevels und betonte die Bedeutung von vertrauenswürdigen Beratern für Käufer und Verkäufer, die sich durch die Veränderungen in der Branche navigieren.

  • None.
  • None.

Home Sales Rise 3.8% While Prices Dip, Inventory Grows

DENVER , Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- July home sales rebounded 3.8% from June while the median sales price dropped for the first time this year across the 51 metro areas surveyed. The median price of $425,000 was $5,000 – or 1.2% – lower than June's. Compared to one year ago, July home sales were up 6.7% and the median sales price increased 3.7%.

Inventory, meanwhile, was up 1.8% over June and 36.7% year over year. This happened despite a 9.4% decline in new listings from June, though new listings were up 7.1% from July 2023.

Summer buying patterns could have been the reason for an increase in some regional home sales. In Chicago, IL, home sales increased 3.9% from June – closely mirroring the national average. Mike Opyd, Senior Vice President with RE/MAX Premier in Chicago says July is historically a busy month, "July was a relatively busy month as people were trying to get into homes before August when the end of summer vacations take place and school starts. With rates trending downward over the last few months, July lined up nicely for buyers to take advantage, which led to a slight increase in sales."

Amy Lessinger, President of RE/MAX, LLC, said, "July's real estate activity is a promising sign of market resilience. Inventory bounced back after the historic lows of recent years, giving buyers far more options – even with the recent declines in new listings. As the industry prepares to adapt to several new changes in business practices, home buyers and sellers should look for a trusted advisor with the skills, knowledge and experience to guide them."

Other metrics of note:

  • Buyers paid 99% of the asking price in July, compared to 100% in June and July 2023.
  • Days on Market lengthened by two days over June to 36 days and was five days more than July 2023.
  • Months' supply of inventory was 2.2 in July, up from 2.1 in June and 1.7 in July 2023.

Highlights and local market results for July include:

New Listings 
In the 51 metro areas surveyed in July 2024, the number of newly listed homes was down 9.4% compared to June 2024, and up 7.1% compared to July 2023. The markets with the biggest decrease in year-over-year new listings percentage were Coeur d'Alene, ID at -7.9%, Cleveland, OH at -7.2%, and Houston, TX at -5.2%. The markets with the biggest year-over-year increase in new listings percentage were Providence, RI at +37.3%, Honolulu, HI at +25.2%, and Nashville, TN at +24.3%.

New Listings:
5 Markets with the Biggest YoY Increase


Jul 2024

Jul 2023

Year-over-Year % Change

Providence, RI



+37.3 %

Urban Honolulu, HI



+25.2 %

Nashville, TN



+24.3 %

Las Vegas, NV



+21.3 %

Baltimore, MD



+20.7 %

Closed Transactions 
Of the 51 metro areas surveyed in July 2024, the overall number of home sales was up 3.8% compared to June 2024, and up 6.7% compared to July 2023. There were only two markets with decreases in year-over-year sales percentages, they were Bozeman, MT at -14.5% and Raleigh, NC at -2.0%. The markets with the biggest increase in year-over-year sales percentage were Burlington, VT at +19.8%, Dover, DE at +18.8%, and Providence, RI at +18.7%.

Closed Transactions:
5 Markets with the Biggest YoY Increase


Jul 2024

Jul 2023

Year-over-Year % Change

Burlington, VT



+19.8 %

Dover, DE



+18.8 %

Providence, RI



+18.7 %

Trenton, NJ



+18.3 %

Birmingham, AL



+16.8 %

Median Sales Price – Median of 51 metro area prices
In July 2024, the median of all 51 metro area sales prices was $425,000, down 1.2% compared to June 2024, and up 3.7% from July 2023. The markets with the biggest year-over-year decrease in median sales price were Bozeman, MT at -8.6%, Dallas, TX at -2.2%, and Raleigh, NC at -1.3%. The markets with the biggest year-over-year increase in median sales price were Burlington, VT at +13.4%, Milwaukee, WI at +11.8%, and Providence, RI at +11.1%.

Median Sales Price:
5 Markets with the Biggest YoY Increase


Jul 2024

Jul 2023

Year-over-Year % Change

Burlington, VT



+13.4 %

Milwaukee, WI



+11.8 %

Providence, RI



+11.1 %

New York, NY



+10.4 %

Trenton, NJ



+10.4 %

Close-to-List Price Ratio – Average of 51 metro area prices
In July 2024, the average close-to-list price ratio of all 51 metro areas in the report was 99%, down compared to 100% in both June 2024 and July 2023. The close-to-list price ratio is calculated by the average value of the sales price divided by the list price for each transaction. When the number is above 100%, the home closed for more than the list price. If it's less than 100%, the home sold for less than the list price. The metro areas with the lowest close-to-list price ratio were Miami, FL at 94%, Coeur d'Alene, ID at 96%, followed by a tie between Tampa, FL and New Orleans, LA at 97%. The metro areas with the highest close-to-list price ratios were Hartford, CT at 106%, San Francisco, CA at 104%, followed by a tie between Manchester, NH and Trenton, NJ at 103%.

Close-to-List Price Ratio:
5 Markets with the Lowest Close-to-List Price Ratio


Jul 2024

Jul 2023

Year-over-Year Difference*

Miami, FL

94.4 %

95.1 %

-0.7 pp

Coeur d'Alene, ID

96.4 %

97.6 %

-1.2 pp

New Orleans, LA

96.9 %

97.0 %

0.0 pp

Tampa, FL

97.3 %

98.0 %

-0.7 pp

Orlando, FL

97.5 %

98.2 %

-0.7 pp

*Difference displayed as change in percentage points

Days on Market – Average of 51 metro areas
The average days on market for homes sold in July 2024 was 36, up two days compared to the average in June 2024, and up five days compared to July 2023. The metro areas with the lowest days on market were Baltimore, MD at 11, Washington D.C. at 13, and Philadelphia, PA at 14. The highest days on market averages were in Fayetteville, AR at 73, San Antonio, TX at 68, and Coeur d'Alene, ID at 64. Days on market is the number of days between when a home is first listed in an MLS and a sales contract is signed.

Days on Market:
5 Markets with the Highest Days on Market


Jul 2024

Jul 2023

Year-over-Year % Change

Fayetteville, AR



+8.1 %

San Antonio, TX



+26.0 %

Coeur d'Alene, ID



+9.0 %

Bozeman, MT



+39.5 %

Des Moines, IA



+21.3 %

Months' Supply of Inventory – Average of 51 metro areas
The number of homes for sale in July 2024 was up 1.8% from June 2024 and up 36.7% from July 2023. Based on the rate of home sales in July 2024, the months' supply of inventory was 2.2, up from 2.1 in June 2024, and up from 1.7 in July 2023. In July 2024, the markets with the lowest months' supply of inventory were a three-way tie between Hartford, CT, Manchester, NH, and Trenton, NJ at 0.9. The markets with the highest months' supply of inventory were San Antonio, TX at 5.1, Miami, FL at 5.0, and Bozeman, MT at 4.7.

Months' Supply of Inventory:
5 Markets with the Highest Months' Supply of Inventory


Jul 2024

Jul 2023

Year-over-Year % Change

San Antonio, TX



+44.4 %

Miami, FL



+78.0 %

Bozeman, MT



+39.9 %

Houston, TX



+41.8 %

New Orleans, LA



+32.3 %

About the RE/MAX Network
As one of the leading global real estate franchisors, RE/MAX, LLC is a subsidiary of RE/MAX Holdings (NYSE: RMAX) with more than 140,000 agents in nearly 9,000 offices and a presence in more than 110 countries and territories. Nobody in the world sells more real estate than RE/MAX, as measured by residential transaction sides. RE/MAX was founded in 1973 by Dave and Gail Liniger, with an innovative, entrepreneurial culture affording its agents and franchisees the flexibility to operate their businesses with great independence. RE/MAX agents have lived, worked and served in their local communities for decades, raising millions of dollars every year for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals® and other charities. To learn more about RE/MAX, to search home listings or find an agent in your community, please visit For the latest news about RE/MAX, please visit

Report Details
The RE/MAX National Housing Report is distributed monthly on or about the 15th. The Report is based on MLS data for the stated month in 51 metropolitan areas, includes single-family residential property types, and is not annualized. For maximum representation, most of the largest metro areas in the country are represented, and an attempt is made to include at least one metro area in almost every state. Metro areas are defined by the Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) established by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget.

Closed Transactions are the total number of closed residential transactions during the given month. Months Supply of Inventory is the total number of residential properties listed for sale at the end of the month (current inventory) divided by the number of sales contracts signed (pending listings) during the month. Where "pending" data is unavailable, an inferred pending status is calculated using closed transactions. Days on Market is the average number of days that pass from the time a property is listed until the property goes under contract. Median Sales Price for a metro area is the median sales price for closed transactions in that metro area. The nationwide Median Sales Price is calculated at the nationwide aggregate level using all sale prices from the included metro areas. The Close-to-List Price Ratio is the average value of the sales price divided by the list price for each closed transaction.

MLS data is provided by Seventy3, LLC, a RE/MAX Holdings company. While MLS data is believed to be reliable, it cannot be guaranteed. MLS data is constantly being updated, making any analysis a snapshot at a particular time. Every month, the previous period's data is updated to ensure accuracy over time. Raw data remains the intellectual property of each local MLS organization.

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What was the percentage increase in home sales for RE/MAX (RMAX) in July 2024 compared to June?

Home sales for RE/MAX (RMAX) increased by 3.8% in July 2024 compared to June.

How did the median sales price change for RE/MAX (RMAX) properties in July 2024?

The median sales price for RE/MAX (RMAX) properties dropped by 1.2% to $425,000 in July 2024 compared to June.

What was the year-over-year increase in inventory for RE/MAX (RMAX) in July 2024?

Inventory for RE/MAX (RMAX) increased by 36.7% year-over-year in July 2024.

How many days on average were RE/MAX (RMAX) properties on the market in July 2024?

RE/MAX (RMAX) properties were on the market for an average of 36 days in July 2024.

What was the months' supply of inventory for RE/MAX (RMAX) in July 2024?

The months' supply of inventory for RE/MAX (RMAX) was 2.2 in July 2024.



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