Eight Royal Families of Europe and Africa Collaborate to Bring New Online Video Game, TheRoyal.Land, to Market

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The RoyaLand Company (OTCQB: RLNDF) announced collaboration with eight royal families from Europe and Africa to develop TheRoyal.Land, an online royalty-themed game. The game, led by CEO Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, will feature an open-world environment where players can assume various roles like kings, knights, and artisans, earning points and virtual currency.

The game will incorporate historical authenticity while promoting environmental sustainability and egalitarian values. A beta version is expected by January 2025, with full commercialization by year-end. Revenue will come from player fees, in-game advertising, and virtual land sales. The company cites strong market potential, referencing Statista's projection of video game revenues reaching $475 billion in 2024.

La compagnia RoyaLand (OTCQB: RLNDF) ha annunciato una collaborazione con otto famiglie reali provenienti da Europa e Africa per sviluppare TheRoyal.Land, un gioco online a tema royalty. Il gioco, guidato dal CEO Principe Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, offrirà un ambiente open world dove i giocatori potranno assumere vari ruoli come re, cavalieri e artigiani, guadagnando punti e moneta virtuale.

Il gioco integrerà l'autenticità storica promuovendo al contempo la sostenibilità ambientale e valori egalitari. È prevista una versione beta entro gennaio 2025, con la commercializzazione completa entro la fine dell'anno. Le entrate deriveranno da fee dei giocatori, pubblicità in-game e vendite di terreno virtuale. L'azienda cita un forte potenziale di mercato, riferendosi alla proiezione di Statista secondo cui i ricavi dei videogiochi raggiungeranno i 475 miliardi di dollari nel 2024.

La empresa RoyaLand (OTCQB: RLNDF) anunció una colaboración con ocho familias reales de Europa y África para desarrollar TheRoyal.Land, un juego en línea temático de la realeza. El juego, liderado por el CEO Príncipe Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, contará con un entorno de mundo abierto donde los jugadores podrán asumir diversos roles como reyes, caballeros y artesanos, ganando puntos y moneda virtual.

El juego incorporará autenticidad histórica mientras promueve la sostenibilidad ambiental y valores igualitarios. Se espera que una versión beta esté lista para enero de 2025, con una comercialización completa para finales de año. Los ingresos provendrán de tarifas de jugadores, publicidad en el juego y ventas de terrenos virtuales. La empresa cita un fuerte potencial de mercado, haciendo referencia a la proyección de Statista que prevé que los ingresos de los videojuegos alcanzarán los 475 mil millones de dólares en 2024.

로얄랜드 회사 (OTCQB: RLNDF)는 유럽과 아프리카의 여덟 왕실 가문과 협력하여 TheRoyal.Land라는 온라인 왕족 테마 게임을 개발한다고 발표했습니다. 이 게임은 CEO인 에마누엘레 필리베르토 디 사보이 왕자가 이끌며, 플레이어가 왕, 기사, 장인과 같은 다양한 역할을 수행할 수 있는 오픈 월드 환경을 제공하여 포인트와 가상 화폐를 얻습니다.

이 게임은 역사적 진정성을 통합하면서 환경 지속 가능성과 평등 가치를 촉진할 것입니다. 베타 버전은 2025년 1월까지 출시될 예정이며, 연말까지 완전 상용화될 것입니다. 수익은 플레이어 요금, 게임 내 광고 및 가상 토지 판매에서 발생합니다. 이 회사는 Statista의 2024년 비디오 게임 수익이 4,750억 달러에 이를 것이라는 예측을 인용하며 강력한 시장 잠재력을 강조하고 있습니다.

La société RoyaLand (OTCQB: RLNDF) a annoncé une collaboration avec huit familles royales d'Europe et d'Afrique pour développer TheRoyal.Land, un jeu en ligne sur le thème de la royauté. Le jeu, dirigé par le PDG le Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, proposera un environnement en monde ouvert où les joueurs pourront assumer divers rôles tels que rois, chevaliers et artisans, gagnant des points et de la monnaie virtuelle.

Le jeu intégrera une authenticité historique tout en promouvant la durabilité environnementale et des valeurs égalitaires. Une version bêta est attendue d'ici janvier 2025, avec une commercialisation complète d'ici la fin de l'année. Les revenus proviendront des frais des joueurs, de la publicité dans le jeu et de la vente de terrains virtuels. L'entreprise cite un fort potentiel de marché, faisant référence à la projection de Statista selon laquelle les revenus des jeux vidéo atteindront 475 milliards de dollars en 2024.

Die RoyaLand Company (OTCQB: RLNDF) gab die Zusammenarbeit mit acht königlichen Familien aus Europa und Afrika bekannt, um TheRoyal.Land, ein Online-Spiel mit dem Thema Königshaus, zu entwickeln. Das Spiel, das von CEO Prinz Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia geleitet wird, wird eine Open-World-Umgebung bieten, in der die Spieler verschiedene Rollen wie Könige, Ritter und Handwerker übernehmen und Punkte sowie virtuelle Währung verdienen können.

Das Spiel wird historische Authentizität integrieren und gleichzeitig Umweltfreundlichkeit und egalitäre Werte fördern. Eine Beta-Version wird bis Januar 2025 erwartet, mit einer vollständigen Kommerzialisierung bis Ende des Jahres. Die Einnahmen werden aus Spielergebühren, Werbung im Spiel und dem Verkauf virtueller Grundstücke stammen. Das Unternehmen erwähnt das starke Marktpotential und verweist auf die Prognose von Statista, dass die Einnahmen aus Videospielen bis 2024 475 Milliarden Dollar erreichen werden.

  • Collaboration with eight prestigious royal families adds authenticity and market appeal
  • Multiple revenue streams planned: player fees, in-game advertising, and virtual land sales
  • Targeting growing gaming market projected to reach $475 billion in 2024
  • Beta launch scheduled for January 2025 with full commercialization by year-end
  • Product still in development phase with no current revenue
  • Entering highly competitive gaming market
  • Success dependent on unproven player adoption and engagement

Hamilton, Bermuda and Paris, France, Nov. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The RoyaLand Company Ltd. (OTCQB: RLNDF) (“RoyaLand” or the “Company”), a Bermuda holding company focused on creating an online and offline immersive, fantasy-based royalty-themed game experience, TheRoyal.Land, today said it believes the support and historical input being provided by eight of the world’s leading royal families has the potential to make the game “one of the most popular royalty-themed online experiences in the global game market.”

The RoyaLand founder and Chief Executive Officer, His Royal Highness (HRH) Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, said that the families, which hold legal, hereditary, or historically based claims to royal positions in Italy, Russia, Albania, France, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Lesotho, and Mecklenburg, “are lending their intimate personal knowledge of aristocratic lifestyles, customs, and experiences to help develop one of the most vibrant in-game recreations of royal societies ever.” Prince di Savoia, a former hedge fund manager, author, and philanthropist, as well as the grandson of the last King of Italy, added, “although TheRoyal.Land will be rich in fantasy, it will also be an interactive immersion into a once-upon-a-time world filled with all the characters who once populated royal kingdoms – kings, queens, knights, squires, artisans, soldiers, farmers, prisoners, and others.”

The game will allow players to select from these various roles, with each character offering specialized skills and attributes. Based upon the actions they take, the players can earn experience points allowing them to upgrade and improve these skills and attributes, as well as vie for the chance to earn in-game reward currency, build virtual land, and own their online assets. TheRoyal.Land will be set in an open-world environment, with individual kingdoms having their distinct game map. Each kingdom will have an arena, where all online activities take place.

Though steeped in medieval tradition, TheRoyal.Land will also embody a utopian ideal, said Prince di Savoia. “Our lands will be lush, vibrant and teeming with life. Buildings will be draped in greenery, integrating seamlessly with the environment. Energy will be harnessed from the sun, the wind, and the tides. Cities will be built not to dominate the landscape, but to complement it. Citizens of TheRoyal.Land will live in harmony with their environment and be stewards of their land. Society will be egalitarian, with a sense of community and cooperation emphasizing recycling, sustainability, and fairness for all.”

Prince di Savoia added, however, that The RoyaLand will be far more than entertainment. “It’s also a fascinating education, filled with historical and cultural insights that deepen our understanding of where we all came from. Players will not only enjoy the game but also enrich their knowledge of our collective history. That’s a combination we believe that’s never been conceived before.” Finally, stated Prince di Savoia, “The RoyaLand will integrate the game with both a mobile app and a website, creating an ecosystem designed to provide a unique digital brand experience and foster a growing community. Once complete, this ecosystem will be a dynamic platform that continually captivates the imagination and fosters a deep connection with the historical and contemporary world of royals.”

“Through an innovative blend of gaming, augmented reality, and community-driven content, The RoyaLand ecosystem will chart a new course in digital entertainment, where past and present merge in an interactive journey that awaits future explorers.”

Currently in the development stage, a beta version of TheRoyal.Land is expected to be available by January 2025, with a commercialized product available by the end of that year. Game revenue is expected to be derived from both player participation fees and the offering of in-game advertising and “virtual land” purchases to companies seeking exposure for their brands. RoyaLand plans to promote the game via such strategies as releasing video teaser trailers, developing YouTube sponsorships, and utilizing Twitter and Instagram advertising.

“We believe the time has never been better for royal-themed entertainment,” said Prince di Savoia. “As evidenced by the massive popularity of such royalty-themed TV series as Downton Abbey, The Crown, Bridgerton, Young Royals, and many others, there exists considerable consumer demand for this product sector. Plus, with Statista projecting that worldwide video game revenues are expected to reach $475 billion in 2024 and grow to over $690 billion by 20291, there is increasingly strong momentum to carry us forward. We are excited about the promising opportunities ahead of us.”


About The RoyaLand Company Ltd.

The RoyaLand Company Ltd. is a Bermuda holding company focused on creating an online and offline immersive, fantasy-based royalty-themed game called TheRoyal.Land. The Company is actively focused on developing what it believes to be a novel, interactive and immersive game based on a player-empowered design. This game is expected to feature proprietary digital avatars and provide opportunities to players to earn in-game reward currency, build virtual land, and own their online assets while enhancing all of these features with premium incremental in-game content.

TheRoyal.Land is being developed in collaboration with the Company’s founder and CEO Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia -- the grandson of the last King of Italy – as well as seven other royal families and families with legal, hereditary or historically based claims to royal positions in Russia, Albania, France, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Lesotho, and Mecklenburg, TheRoyal.Land is intended to integrate these families’ first-hand historical perspectives to deliver an authentic and unique past-meets-future entertainment experience. The RoyaLand Company Ltd. is a public reporting company with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and in November 2024 its shares began trading on the OTCQB exchange under the symbol RLNDF. See


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This press release contains forward-looking statements that are subject to various risks and uncertainties. In addition, our representatives or we may make forward-looking statements orally or in writing from time to time. We base these forward-looking statements on our expectations and projections about future events, which we derive from the available information. Such forward-looking statements relate to future events or our future performance, including our financial performance and projections, revenue and earnings growth, and business prospects and opportunities. You can identify forward-looking statements by those that are not historical facts, particularly those that use terminology such as “intends,” “may,” “should,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “contemplates,” “estimates,” “believes,” “plans,” “projected,” “predicts,” “potential,” or “hopes” or the negative of these or similar terms. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in these forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, there are a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements. You are urged to carefully review and consider any cautionary statements and other disclosures, including the statements made under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the offering statement filed with the SEC. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of the document in which they are contained, and Company does not undertake any duty to update any forward-looking statements except as may be required by law. 

Contact Information:

For Media and Investor Relations 
Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, CEO
The RoyaLand Company Ltd.

Skyline Corporate Communications Group, LLC
Scott Powell, President
1177 Avenue of the Americas, 5th Floor
New York, New York 10036
Office: (646) 893-5835


When will TheRoyal.Land game (RLNDF) launch its beta version?

TheRoyal.Land beta version is expected to launch in January 2025, with full commercialization planned by the end of 2025.

What are the revenue sources for TheRoyal.Land game (RLNDF)?

Revenue will come from player participation fees, in-game advertising, and virtual land purchases by companies seeking brand exposure.

How many royal families are collaborating on TheRoyal.Land game (RLNDF)?

Eight royal families from Italy, Russia, Albania, France, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Lesotho, and Mecklenburg are collaborating on the game development.

What roles can players choose in TheRoyal.Land game (RLNDF)?

Players can choose from various roles including kings, queens, knights, squires, artisans, soldiers, farmers, and prisoners, each with specialized skills and attributes.



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