Protiviti Named a CDP Gold Climate Change Consultancy Accredited Solutions Provider (ASP)

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Protiviti, a global consulting firm, has been named a CDP Gold Climate Change Consultancy Accredited Solutions Provider (ASP). This prestigious accreditation allows Protiviti to leverage benefits such as enhanced credibility, improved reporting quality, and access to expertise in assisting organizations to manage their environmental impacts.

As an ASP, Protiviti can offer strategic support and market differentiation to clients aiming to enhance their environmental performance and transparency. The firm's holistic approach integrates sustainability seamlessly into every aspect of an organization's operations and reporting, driving long-term success and positive impact.

Steve Wang, managing director and ESG audit services leader at Protiviti, expressed honor in collaborating with CDP and emphasized their commitment to helping organizations efficiently manage carbon emissions. Jackie Davis, CDP head of global accredited solutions providers, welcomed Protiviti's expertise to support companies in implementing leading actions to manage risks and reduce environmental impacts.

Protiviti, una società di consulenza globale, è stata nominata Provider di Soluzioni Accreditate per la consulenza sul cambiamento climatico (ASP) a Oro dalla CDP. Questa prestigiosa accreditazione consente a Protiviti di sfruttare vantaggi come una maggiore credibilità, una qualità di reporting migliorata e l'accesso a expertise per assistere le organizzazioni nella gestione dei loro impatti ambientali.

In qualità di ASP, Protiviti può offrire supporto strategico e differenziazione sul mercato ai clienti che mirano a migliorare le loro prestazioni ambientali e la trasparenza. L'approccio olistico dell'azienda integra la sostenibilità in modo fluido in ogni aspetto delle operazioni e del reporting di un'organizzazione, promuovendo il successo a lungo termine e un impatto positivo.

Steve Wang, direttore generale e leader dei servizi di audit ESG presso Protiviti, ha espresso onore nel collaborare con CDP e ha sottolineato il loro impegno nell'aiutare le organizzazioni a gestire efficientemente le emissioni di carbonio. Jackie Davis, responsabile CDP dei fornitori di soluzioni accreditate globali, ha accolto con favore l'expertise di Protiviti nel supportare le aziende nell'implementazione di azioni di punta per gestire i rischi e ridurre gli impatti ambientali.

Protiviti, una firma de consultoría global, ha sido nombrada Proveedor de Soluciones Acreditadas de Consultoría en Cambio Climático (ASP) de CDP en Oro. Esta prestigiosa acreditación permite a Protiviti aprovechar beneficios como una mayor credibilidad, una mejor calidad de informes y acceso a la experiencia para ayudar a las organizaciones a gestionar sus impactos ambientales.

Como ASP, Protiviti puede ofrecer apoyo estratégico y diferenciación en el mercado a los clientes que buscan mejorar su rendimiento ambiental y transparencia. El enfoque holístico de la firma integra la sostenibilidad sin problemas en todos los aspectos de las operaciones y los informes de una organización, impulsando el éxito a largo plazo y un impacto positivo.

Steve Wang, director general y líder de servicios de auditoría ESG en Protiviti, expresó su honor al colaborar con CDP y enfatizó su compromiso de ayudar a las organizaciones a gestionar de manera eficiente las emisiones de carbono. Jackie Davis, jefa de proveedores de soluciones acreditadas globales de CDP, dio la bienvenida a la experiencia de Protiviti para apoyar a las empresas en la implementación de acciones líderes para gestionar riesgos y reducir impactos ambientales.

Protiviti는 글로벌 컨설팅 회사로서 CDP 금 기후 변화 컨설팅 공인 솔루션 제공업체(ASP)로 선정되었습니다. 이 권위 있는 인가를 통해 Protiviti는 신뢰성 향상, 보고 품질 개선 및 조직의 환경 영향을 관리하는 데 도움을 주는 전문 지식 접근과 같은 이점을 활용할 수 있습니다.

ASP로서 Protiviti는 환경 성능과 투명성을 높이려는 고객에게 전략적 지원 및 시장 차별화를 제공할 수 있습니다. 회사의 포괄적인 접근 방식은 조직의 운영과 보고의 모든 측면에 지속 가능성을 매끄럽게 통합하여 장기적인 성공과 긍정적인 영향을 주도합니다.

Steve Wang, Protiviti의 총괄 이사 및 ESG 감사 서비스 리더는 CDP와의 협력에 대한 영광을 표하며 조직이 탄소 배출을 효율적으로 관리할 수 있도록 돕겠다는 헌신을 강조했습니다. CDP의 글로벌 공인 솔루션 제공업체 책임자인 Jackie Davis는 Protiviti의 전문성이 기업이 위험을 관리하고 환경 영향을 줄이는 데 필요한 주요 조치를 구현하는 데 도움을 주기를 환영했습니다.

Protiviti, une société de conseil mondiale, a été désignée Fournisseur de Solutions Accréditées en Conseil sur le Changement Climatique (ASP) en Or par la CDP. Cette accréditation prestigieuse permet à Protiviti de bénéficier d'avantages tels qu'une crédibilité accrue, une qualité de reporting améliorée et un accès à l'expertise pour aider les organisations à gérer leurs impacts environnementaux.

En tant qu'ASP, Protiviti peut offrir un soutien stratégique et une différenciation sur le marché aux clients souhaitant améliorer leur performance environnementale et leur transparence. L'approche holistique de l'entreprise intègre la durabilité de manière fluide dans tous les aspects des opérations et du reporting d'une organisation, favorisant le succès à long terme et un impact positif.

Steve Wang, directeur général et responsable des services d'audit ESG chez Protiviti, a exprimé son honneur de collaborer avec la CDP et a souligné leur engagement à aider les organisations à gérer efficacement les émissions de carbone. Jackie Davis, responsable CDP des fournisseurs de solutions accréditées au niveau mondial, a salué l'expertise de Protiviti pour soutenir les entreprises dans la mise en œuvre d'actions de premier plan pour gérer les risques et réduire les impacts environnementaux.

Protiviti, eine globale Unternehmensberatung, wurde als CDP Gold Climate Change Consultancy Accredited Solutions Provider (ASP) ausgezeichnet. Diese prestigeträchtige Akkreditierung ermöglicht es Protiviti, Vorteile wie erhöhte Glaubwürdigkeit, verbesserte Berichtsqualität und Zugang zu Fachwissen zu nutzen, um Organisationen bei der Verwaltung ihrer Umweltwirkungen zu unterstützen.

Als ASP kann Protiviti strategische Unterstützung und Marktunterscheidung für Kunden bieten, die ihre Umweltleistung und Transparenz verbessern möchten. Der ganzheitliche Ansatz des Unternehmens integriert Nachhaltigkeit nahtlos in jeden Aspekt der Operationen und Berichterstattung einer Organisation, was langfristigen Erfolg und positive Auswirkungen fördert.

Steve Wang, Geschäftsführer und Leiter der ESG-Prüfungsdienste bei Protiviti, äußerte die Ehre, mit CDP zusammenzuarbeiten, und betonte ihr Engagement, Organisationen bei der effizienten Verwaltung von Kohlenstoffemissionen zu unterstützen. Jackie Davis, Leiterin der globalen Anbieter von akkreditierten Lösungen bei CDP, begrüßte die Fachkompetenz von Protiviti, um Unternehmen bei der Umsetzung führender Maßnahmen zur Risikominderung und Verminderung der Umweltauswirkungen zu unterstützen.

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Protiviti's Collaboration Empowers Clients to Foster a Sustainable Future

MENLO PARK, Calif., Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Global consulting firm Protiviti announced it has been named a CDP Gold Climate Change Consultancy Accredited Solutions Provider (ASP). CDP is a not-for-profit charity that directs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts.

Protiviti's holistic approach integrates sustainability seamlessly into every aspect of an organization's operations and reporting, driving long-term success and positive impact. As an ASP, Protiviti can leverage benefits such as enhanced credibility, improved reporting quality, access to expertise, networking opportunities, strategic support, and market differentiation. These advantages add significant value to organizations aiming to enhance their environmental performance and transparency. Collectively, these benefits support organizations on their journey towards environmental leadership and a sustainable future.

"We are honored for Protiviti to collaborate with CDP and be recognized as a CDP Gold Climate Change Consultancy Accredited Solutions Provider," said Steve Wang, managing director and ESG audit services leader.  "This prestigious accreditation underscores our commitment and proficiency in assisting organizations to efficiently manage their carbon emissions. It also demonstrates our dedication towards fostering responsibility within ourselves and promoting the same to our clients, thereby contributing positively to our global environment." "The addition of Protiviti into our network of accredited solutions providers will bring highly valued expertise to the thousands of companies using CDP to disclose their environmental data and support them to implement leading actions to manage risks and reduce their impacts," said Jackie Davis, CDP head of global accredited solutions providers. We are confident that Protiviti's capabilities will be useful, and we are glad to accredit them as a valued, high-quality service provider."

About Protiviti
Protiviti  is a global consulting firm that delivers deep expertise, objective insights, a tailored approach and unparalleled collaboration to help leaders confidently face the future. Protiviti and its independent and locally owned member firms provide clients with consulting and managed solutions in finance, technology, operations, data, digital, legal, HR, risk and internal audit through a network of more than 90 offices in over 25 countries.

Named to the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list for the 10th consecutive year, Protiviti has served more than 80 percent of Fortune 100 and nearly 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies. The firm also works with government agencies and smaller, growing companies, including those looking to go public. Protiviti is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Half (NYSE: RHI).

About CDP
CDP is a global non-profit that runs the world's environmental disclosure system for companies, cities, states, and regions. Founded in 2000 and working with more than 590 investors with over $110 trillion in assets, CDP pioneered using capital markets and corporate procurement to motivate companies to disclose their environmental impacts, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard water resources and protect forests. Over 14,000 organizations around the world disclosed data through CDP in 2021, including more than 13,000 companies worth over 64% of global market capitalization, and over 1,100 cities, states, and regions. Fully TCFD aligned, CDP holds the largest environmental database in the world, and CDP scores are widely used to drive investment and procurement decisions towards a zero carbon, sustainable and resilient economy. CDP is a founding member of the Science Based Targets initiative, We Mean Business Coalition, The Investor Agenda, and the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative. Visit or follow us @CDP to find out more.


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What accreditation has Protiviti received from CDP?

Protiviti has been named a CDP Gold Climate Change Consultancy Accredited Solutions Provider (ASP).

How does Protiviti's accreditation benefit its clients?

The accreditation allows Protiviti to offer enhanced credibility, improved reporting quality, access to expertise, and strategic support to clients aiming to improve their environmental performance and transparency.

What is Protiviti's approach to sustainability consulting?

Protiviti takes a holistic approach, integrating sustainability seamlessly into every aspect of an organization's operations and reporting, driving long-term success and positive impact.

Who commented on Protiviti's accreditation from the company?

Steve Wang, managing director and ESG audit services leader at Protiviti, commented on the accreditation.

What did the CDP representative say about Protiviti's accreditation?

Jackie Davis, CDP head of global accredited solutions providers, welcomed Protiviti's expertise and expressed confidence in their capabilities to support companies in managing risks and reducing environmental impacts.

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