Protiviti Announces Winners of Inaugural Audit Innovator Award
Protiviti has announced the winners of its first-ever Audit Innovator Award at the IIA's Great Audit Minds 2025 conference in Kissimmee, FL. The awards program, supported by The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and AuditBoard, recognizes innovative approaches in audit processes.
Two categories were awarded: Audit Strategy and Transformation, won by DTCC's Internal Audit Department for their Digital Champion Leaderboard platform that uses gamification to promote innovative audit practices, and Enabling Technology, awarded to a major pet supplies e-commerce platform for their data-driven audit planning solution.
The program aims to inspire forward-thinking approaches and foster a collaborative community where internal audit professionals can navigate new risks and serve as strategic advisors. The 2025 Award season applications will launch in Q3 2025.
Protiviti ha annunciato i vincitori del suo primo Audit Innovator Award durante la conferenza Great Audit Minds 2025 dell'IIA a Kissimmee, FL. Il programma di premi, supportato dall'Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) e da AuditBoard, riconosce approcci innovativi nei processi di audit.
Due categorie sono state premiate: Strategia e Trasformazione dell'Audit, vinta dal Dipartimento di Audit Interno di DTCC per la loro piattaforma Digital Champion Leaderboard che utilizza la gamification per promuovere pratiche di audit innovative, e Tecnologia Abilitante, assegnata a una grande piattaforma di e-commerce di forniture per animali domestici per la loro soluzione di pianificazione dell'audit basata sui dati.
Il programma mira a ispirare approcci lungimiranti e a favorire una comunità collaborativa in cui i professionisti dell'audit interno possono affrontare nuovi rischi e fungere da consulenti strategici. La stagione di candidature per il premio 2025 sarà avviata nel terzo trimestre del 2025.
Protiviti ha anunciado a los ganadores de su primer Audit Innovator Award en la conferencia Great Audit Minds 2025 del IIA en Kissimmee, FL. El programa de premios, respaldado por el Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) y AuditBoard, reconoce enfoques innovadores en los procesos de auditoría.
Se otorgaron dos categorías: Estrategia y Transformación de Auditoría, ganada por el Departamento de Auditoría Interna de DTCC por su plataforma Digital Champion Leaderboard que utiliza la gamificación para promover prácticas de auditoría innovadoras, y Tecnología Habilitadora, otorgada a una importante plataforma de comercio electrónico de suministros para mascotas por su solución de planificación de auditoría basada en datos.
El programa tiene como objetivo inspirar enfoques visionarios y fomentar una comunidad colaborativa donde los profesionales de auditoría interna puedan navegar por nuevos riesgos y actuar como asesores estratégicos. La temporada de solicitudes para el premio 2025 se lanzará en el tercer trimestre de 2025.
Protiviti는 플로리다주 키시미에서 열린 IIA의 Great Audit Minds 2025 컨퍼런스에서 첫 번째 Audit Innovator Award 수상자를 발표했습니다. 이 상 프로그램은 내부 감사 협회(IIA)와 AuditBoard의 지원을 받아 감사 프로세스에서 혁신적인 접근 방식을 인정합니다.
두 가지 카테고리가 수여되었습니다: 감사 전략 및 변혁 부문은 DTCC의 내부 감사 부서가 게임화(gamification)를 활용하여 혁신적인 감사 관행을 촉진하는 Digital Champion Leaderboard 플랫폼으로 수상하였고, 기술 지원 부문은 데이터 기반 감사 계획 솔루션을 제공하는 주요 애완동물 용품 전자상거래 플랫폼에 수여되었습니다.
이 프로그램은 미래지향적인 접근 방식을 영감을 주고, 내부 감사 전문가들이 새로운 위험을 탐색하고 전략적 조언자로서 역할을 할 수 있는 협력적인 커뮤니티를 조성하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 2025년 상 시즌 신청은 2025년 3분기에 시작될 예정입니다.
Protiviti a annoncé les lauréats de son tout premier Audit Innovator Award lors de la conférence Great Audit Minds 2025 de l'IIA à Kissimmee, FL. Le programme de prix, soutenu par l'Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) et AuditBoard, reconnaît les approches innovantes dans les processus d'audit.
Deux catégories ont été récompensées : Stratégie et Transformation de l'Audit, remportée par le département d'audit interne de DTCC pour leur plateforme Digital Champion Leaderboard qui utilise la gamification pour promouvoir des pratiques d'audit innovantes, et Technologie Facilitante, décernée à une grande plateforme de commerce électronique de fournitures pour animaux de compagnie pour leur solution de planification d'audit basée sur les données.
Le programme vise à inspirer des approches tournées vers l'avenir et à favoriser une communauté collaborative où les professionnels de l'audit interne peuvent naviguer dans de nouveaux risques et agir en tant que conseillers stratégiques. La saison des candidatures pour le prix 2025 sera lancée au troisième trimestre 2025.
Protiviti hat die Gewinner des ersten Audit Innovator Award auf der Great Audit Minds 2025-Konferenz des IIA in Kissimmee, FL, bekannt gegeben. Das Preisausschreiben, unterstützt von dem Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) und AuditBoard, erkennt innovative Ansätze in den Auditprozessen an.
Es wurden zwei Kategorien ausgezeichnet: Auditstrategie und Transformation, gewonnen vom internen Auditbereich von DTCC für ihre Digital Champion Leaderboard-Plattform, die Gamification nutzt, um innovative Auditpraktiken zu fördern, und Ermöglichende Technologie, die einer großen E-Commerce-Plattform für Haustierbedarf für ihre datengestützte Auditplanungslösung verliehen wurde.
Das Programm zielt darauf ab, zukunftsorientierte Ansätze zu inspirieren und eine kooperative Gemeinschaft zu fördern, in der interne Auditprofis neue Risiken navigieren und als strategische Berater fungieren können. Die Bewerbungsphase für die Auszeichnungen 2025 wird im dritten Quartal 2025 starten.
- Recognition program establishes Protiviti as a thought leader in audit innovation
- Partnership with prominent industry organizations (IIA and AuditBoard) strengthens market position
- None.
Protiviti's Audit Innovator Award program, supported by The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and AuditBoard, aims to inspire and recognize forward-thinking approaches that enhance audit processes and drive meaningful change. The winners were announced at the IIA's Great Audit Minds 2025 conference, held from March 10-12, 2025, in
Andrew Struthers-Kennedy, Global Lead of Internal Audit Solutions at Protiviti, presented the awards during the conference. "We are thrilled to celebrate the achievements of these outstanding innovators that have demonstrated exceptional creativity and dedication to advancing the internal audit profession," said Struthers-Kennedy. "Their contributions are a testament to the power of innovation in driving business success and fostering a corporate culture of continuous improvement.
"In the pursuit of transformation, we believe any new perspective, adaptation, or evolution of an established practice can spark impactful change," Struthers-Kennedy said.
The winners of the 2024 Audit Innovator Award are recognized in two categories:
- Audit Strategy and Transformation: This category honors individuals or teams who have implemented bold strategies to elevate and transform audit processes and address emerging risks. The winner in this category is DTCC's Internal Audit Department, represented by Arpit Shah, DTCC's Head of Audit Analytics and Innovation Team and Beven Jacob, Executive Director, for inspiring a digital-first mindset with their Digital Champion Leaderboard. The Leaderboard platform uses gamification to incentivize digital-forward behaviors by encouraging audit staff to implement efficiencies, promote innovative audit practices through the usage of data analytics and emerging technologies, and focus on overall upskilling efforts. "It is an honor to be recognized with the Audit Strategy and Transformation award. This award is a testament to our team's dedication to excellence and our commitment to transforming and advancing audit processes," said Shah.
- Enabling Technology: This category celebrates those who have revolutionized the use of technology within internal audit. The winner in this category is a major pet supplies e-commerce platform represented by Alan Maran, Head of Internal Audit, and Wesley Raider, Associate Director. They were recognized for their groundbreaking solution, which revolutionizes internal audit by leveraging rich internal data and specialized tools to transform audit planning and testing. "This is an amazing accomplishment and recognition from our leading practices in the industry in the field of Internal Audit. To achieve this award, we embarked on a journey a few years back, with a strategic focus on data analytics that evolved into the adoption of emerging technologies to enhance our process efficiencies," said Maran.
Through these awards, Protiviti aims to foster an innovative and collaborative community where internal audit professionals can leverage new approaches to navigate new risks with confidence and be viewed as strategic advisors amid technological advancements and global challenges.
"This Award program emphasizes the critical role of creative problem-solving within Internal Audit. Those being recognized embody a strong commitment to innovation that serves as inspiration to their organizations and the entire profession," said Anthony Pugliese, President and CEO of the IIA. "The IIA is a very proud sponsor of this program, and we have all be highly energized in seeing the level of interest, engagement, and progress around innovation within the profession. It is an exciting time to be an internal auditor."
Visit to learn more about the 2024 Award winners. Sign up to join our innovation community and be in the know about the 2025 Award season application period, launching in Q3 2025.
About Protiviti
Protiviti ( is a global consulting firm that delivers deep expertise, objective insights, a tailored approach and unparalleled collaboration to help leaders confidently face the future. Protiviti and its independent and locally owned member firms provide clients with consulting and managed solutions in finance, technology, operations, data, digital, legal, HR, risk and internal audit through a network of more than 90 offices in over 25 countries.
Named to the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list for the 10th consecutive year, Protiviti has served more than 80 percent of Fortune 100 and nearly 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies. The firm also works with government agencies and smaller, growing companies, including those looking to go public. Protiviti is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Half (NYSE: RHI).
About The Institute of Internal Auditors and Internal Audit Profession
Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and advisory service designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management, and control processes.
The Institute of Internal Auditors (The IIA) is an international professional association that serves more than 260,000 global members and has awarded more than 200,000 Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) certifications worldwide. Established in 1941, The IIA is recognized throughout the world as the internal audit profession's leader in standards, certifications, education, research, and technical guidance. For more information, visit
About AuditBoard
AuditBoard is the leading cloud-based platform transforming audit, risk, compliance, and ESG management. More than
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