Only 15% of Organizations View Themselves as Change Agents, Study Finds
A comprehensive global study reveals that only 15% of organizations identify themselves as disruptive leaders, while 75% anticipate business model changes within three years. The second annual Global Board Governance Survey, conducted by Protiviti, BoardProspects, and Broadridge Financial Solutions, surveyed over 1,800 board members and executives in Q4 2024.
The study categorizes organizations into distinct groups: 34% are disruptive aspirants, 25% are both disruptors and at risk, 16% are agile followers, and 7% are slow to respond to disruption. Notably, 77% of disruptive leaders express confidence in handling disruptions, compared to only 28% of slow-responding organizations.
The survey also highlights the role of generative AI as a key indicator of disruption readiness, with 72% of disruptive leaders viewing it as an opportunity, while over 40% of disrupted organizations see it as a risk.
Uno studio globale completo rivela che solo il 15% delle organizzazioni si identificano come leader dirompenti, mentre il 75% prevede cambiamenti nel modello di business entro tre anni. Il secondo sondaggio annuale sulla governance del consiglio globale, condotto da Protiviti, BoardProspects e Broadridge Financial Solutions, ha intervistato oltre 1.800 membri del consiglio e dirigenti nel quarto trimestre del 2024.
Lo studio suddivide le organizzazioni in gruppi distinti: il 34% sono aspiranti dirompenti, il 25% sono sia dirompenti che a rischio, il 16% sono seguaci agili e il 7% sono lenti a rispondere alle interruzioni. È interessante notare che il 77% dei leader dirompenti esprimono fiducia nella gestione delle interruzioni, rispetto a solo il 28% delle organizzazioni che rispondono lentamente.
Il sondaggio evidenzia anche il ruolo dell'IA generativa come indicatore chiave della prontezza all'interruzione, con il 72% dei leader dirompenti che la vedono come un'opportunità, mentre oltre il 40% delle organizzazioni colpite la considerano un rischio.
Un estudio global integral revela que solo el 15% de las organizaciones se identifican como líderes disruptivos, mientras que el 75% anticipa cambios en el modelo de negocio en un plazo de tres años. La segunda encuesta anual sobre gobernanza de juntas globales, realizada por Protiviti, BoardProspects y Broadridge Financial Solutions, encuestó a más de 1,800 miembros de juntas y ejecutivos en el cuarto trimestre de 2024.
El estudio clasifica a las organizaciones en grupos distintos: el 34% son aspirantes disruptivos, el 25% son tanto disruptores como de riesgo, el 16% son seguidores ágiles, y el 7% son lentos para responder a la disrupción. Notablemente, el 77% de los líderes disruptivos expresan confianza en manejar las interrupciones, en comparación con solo el 28% de las organizaciones de respuesta lenta.
La encuesta también destaca el papel de la IA generativa como un indicador clave de preparación para la disrupción, con el 72% de los líderes disruptivos viéndola como una oportunidad, mientras que más de el 40% de las organizaciones afectadas la ven como un riesgo.
포괄적인 글로벌 연구에 따르면, 오직 15%의 조직만이 자신을 파괴적인 리더로 인식하고 있으며, 75%는 3년 이내에 비즈니스 모델 변화가 있을 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. Protiviti, BoardProspects, Broadridge Financial Solutions가 실시한 제2회 글로벌 이사회 거버넌스 설문조사는 2024년 4분기에 1,800명 이상의 이사회 구성원과 경영진을 조사했습니다.
이 연구는 조직을 다음과 같은 그룹으로 분류합니다: 34%는 파괴적인 열망자, 25%는 파괴자이자 위험에 처한 조직, 16%는 민첩한 추종자, 7%는 파괴에 느리게 반응하는 조직입니다. 특히, 77%의 파괴적인 리더가 파괴적 상황을 처리하는 데 자신감을 보이는 반면, 느리게 반응하는 조직은 단지 28%에 불과합니다.
설문조사는 또한 생성적 AI의 역할을 파괴 준비 상태의 주요 지표로 강조하며, 72%의 파괴적인 리더가 이를 기회로 보고 있는 반면, 40% 이상의 파괴된 조직은 이를 위험으로 인식하고 있습니다.
Une étude mondiale complète révèle que seulement 15% des organisations se considèrent comme des leaders disruptifs, tandis que 75% prévoient des changements de modèle commercial dans les trois ans. La deuxième enquête annuelle sur la gouvernance des conseils mondiaux, réalisée par Protiviti, BoardProspects et Broadridge Financial Solutions, a interrogé plus de 1 800 membres de conseils et dirigeants au quatrième trimestre 2024.
L'étude classe les organisations en groupes distincts : 34% sont des aspirants disruptifs, 25% sont à la fois des perturbateurs et à risque, 16% sont des suiveurs agiles, et 7% réagissent lentement aux perturbations. Notamment, 77% des leaders disruptifs expriment leur confiance dans la gestion des perturbations, contre seulement 28% des organisations réagissant lentement.
L'enquête met également en évidence le rôle de l'IA générative comme un indicateur clé de préparation à la disruption, avec 72% des leaders disruptifs la considérant comme une opportunité, tandis que plus de 40% des organisations perturbées la voient comme un risque.
Eine umfassende globale Studie zeigt, dass nur 15% der Organisationen sich als disruptive Führer identifizieren, während 75% Veränderungen des Geschäftsmodells innerhalb von drei Jahren erwarten. Die zweite jährliche Umfrage zur globalen Vorstandsgouvernanz, durchgeführt von Protiviti, BoardProspects und Broadridge Financial Solutions, befragte im vierten Quartal 2024 über 1.800 Vorstandsmitglieder und Führungskräfte.
Die Studie kategorisiert Organisationen in verschiedene Gruppen: 34% sind disruptive Aspiranten, 25% sind sowohl Disruptoren als auch gefährdet, 16% sind agile Nachfolger und 7% reagieren langsam auf Störungen. Bemerkenswert ist, dass 77% der disruptiven Führer Vertrauen in den Umgang mit Störungen haben, während nur 28% der langsam reagierenden Organisationen dies tun.
Die Umfrage hebt auch die Rolle der generativen KI als einen wichtigen Indikator für die Bereitschaft zur Störung hervor, wobei 72% der disruptiven Führer sie als Chance betrachten, während über 40% der betroffenen Organisationen sie als Risiko ansehen.
- Large-scale study with 1,800+ high-level respondents provides credible market insights
- 77% of disruptive leaders show high confidence in adaptation capabilities
- 72% of leading companies see generative AI as a business opportunity
- Only 15% of organizations identify as disruptive leaders
- 7% of companies are at high risk due to slow response to disruption
- 40% of organizations view AI as a threat rather than opportunity
Market factors such as technological advances, geopolitical shifts and more are accelerating the need for companies to prepare for corporate upheaval
That is among the major findings of the second annual Global Board Governance Survey conducted by Protiviti, BoardProspects and Broadridge Financial Solutions.
Other key survey findings include:
75% of companies believe business models will be changing within three years.
- A strong majority of companies do not see themselves as change agents — Just
15% put themselves in the disruptive leader category. Some (34% ) believe they are fairly disruptive and are making progress at becoming more disruptive (disruptive aspirants). Some (25% ) believe they are a disruptor but also are at risk of being disrupted. Others (16% ) believe they are at risk of being disrupted but can quickly pivot and adapt (agile followers). Still others (7% ) think they are at risk of being disrupted and slow to evaluate how to respond and react, and3% are not sure where their companies fall on this continuum. - Disruptors see the world differently and are better prepared to embrace change —
77% of disruptive leaders are confident or highly confident in their ability to recognize, adapt and respond timely to disruptions, versus28% of organizations that are slow to respond to disruption. - How companies view generative AI offers a litmus test of their propensity to disrupt —
72% of disruptive leaders view generative AI as providing a significant or moderate opportunity to be a disruptor, while more than40% of disrupted organizations view the technology as a risk to disrupt them.
"We have experienced more change in this decade than we have since the turn of the century with more on the horizon," said Joe Tarantino, president and CEO of Protiviti. "The key to managing the uncertainty of a disruptive global marketplace is being proactive in embracing change and seizing opportunities. It is all about having a mindset of anticipating, preparing, adapting and acting decisively."
"The findings of this year's Global Board Governance Survey reveal a stark reality: organizations that position themselves as disruptive leaders are significantly better equipped to harness emerging technologies and navigate change," said Mark Rogers, founder & CEO, BoardProspects. "This highlights the critical importance of boards fostering an innovative culture that embraces disruption rather than merely responding to it."
"These important findings affirm that today's most successful leaders are embracing digital disruption to ensure they deliver enduring value for their shareholders, customers and associates," said Doug DeSchutter, co-president, Investor Communications Solutions, Broadridge Financial Solutions.
Resources Available
The Global Board Governance Survey research report, "Disruptors See the World Differently," from Protiviti, Broadridge and BoardProspects, is available for complimentary download here. Protiviti's global webinar will be held on March 19, 2025, with a one-hour panel discussion on the survey's findings. Join us to learn more about the survey results and their implications. Attendance is free with registration here.
Survey Approach
Protiviti, Broadridge and BoardProspects conducted the online Global Board Governance Survey in the fourth quarter of 2024. The companies polled more than 1,800 (n=1,831) board members, CEOs and other C-suite executives. The responses of directors who serve on multiple boards reflect the largest company for which the director serves on the board.
About Protiviti
Protiviti ( is a global consulting firm that delivers deep expertise, objective insights, a tailored approach and unparalleled collaboration to help leaders confidently face the future. Protiviti and its independent and locally owned member firms provide clients with consulting and managed solutions in finance, technology, operations, data, digital, legal, HR, risk and internal audit through a network of more than 90 offices in over 25 countries.
Named to the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® list for the 10th consecutive year, Protiviti has served more than 80 percent of Fortune 100 and nearly 80 percent of Fortune 500 companies. The firm also works with government agencies and smaller, growing companies, including those looking to go public. Protiviti is a wholly owned subsidiary of Robert Half (NYSE: RHI).
About BoardProspects
BoardProspects is the premier board recruitment solution for public and private companies.
Founded in 2010, the innovative platform offers for-profit corporations of all sizes a cost-effective way to identify, assess, and recruit board members from a prestigious community of highly-regarded and credentialed board members, c-suite executives, and thought leaders. BoardProspects leverages technology to improve the board recruitment process for publicly traded and private corporations and provides the tools and features necessary to create a diverse and talented board succession pipeline.
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Broadridge Financial Solutions (NYSE: BR) is a global technology leader with the trusted expertise and transformative technology to help clients and the financial services industry operate, innovate, and grow. We power investing, governance, and communications for our clients – driving operational resiliency, elevating business performance, and transforming investor experiences.
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