Congratulations to Second Quarter Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest Winners

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Regions Bank has announced the second quarter winners of its 2024 Regions Riding Forward® Scholarship Contest. Four students will each receive an $8,000 scholarship for their designated accredited college. The contest, revamped in 2024, now runs quarterly, inviting high school and college students to submit video or written essays about someone in their community who has inspired them.

The second quarter winners are:

  • Erin Petersen from Bradenton, Fla.
  • Micah Wagner from Norcross, Ga.
  • Algieria Thomas from Miami, Fla.
  • Tyler Patterson from Columbus, Ga.

Each quarterly contest awards four scholarships: two for written essays and two for video essays. Students can submit entries in each quarterly contest. Over the past 12 years, the Regions Riding Forward Scholarship contest has awarded over $1.4 million to more than 400 students.

Regions Bank ha annunciato i vincitori del secondo trimestre del suo concorso di borse di studio Regions Riding Forward® 2024. Quattro studenti riceveranno ciascuno una borsa di studio di 8.000 dollari per il loro collegio accreditato designato. Il concorso, rinnovato nel 2024, si svolge ora trimestralmente, invitando studenti delle scuole superiori e universitari a presentare video o saggi scritti su qualcuno nella loro comunità che li ha ispirati.

I vincitori del secondo trimestre sono:

  • Erin Petersen da Bradenton, Fla.
  • Micah Wagner da Norcross, Ga.
  • Algieria Thomas da Miami, Fla.
  • Tyler Patterson da Columbus, Ga.

Ogni concorso trimestrale assegna quattro borse di studio: due per saggi scritti e due per saggi video. Gli studenti possono presentare candidature per ciascun concorso trimestrale. Negli ultimi 12 anni, il concorso di borse di studio Regions Riding Forward ha assegnato oltre 1,4 milioni di dollari a più di 400 studenti.

Regions Bank ha anunciado a los ganadores del segundo trimestre de su concurso de becas Regions Riding Forward® 2024. Cuatro estudiantes recibirán cada uno una beca de 8,000 dólares para su universidad acreditada designada. El concurso, renovado en 2024, ahora se lleva a cabo trimestralmente, invitando a estudiantes de secundaria y universidad a presentar ensayos escritos o videos sobre alguien en su comunidad que los haya inspirado.

Los ganadores del segundo trimestre son:

  • Erin Petersen de Bradenton, Fla.
  • Micah Wagner de Norcross, Ga.
  • Algieria Thomas de Miami, Fla.
  • Tyler Patterson de Columbus, Ga.

Cada concurso trimestral otorga cuatro becas: dos para ensayos escritos y dos para ensayos en video. Los estudiantes pueden presentar solicitudes en cada concurso trimestral. En los últimos 12 años, el concurso de becas Regions Riding Forward ha otorgado más de 1.4 millones de dólares a más de 400 estudiantes.

Regions Bank는 2024 Regions Riding Forward® 장학금 콘테스트의 두 번째 분기 수상자를 발표했습니다. 네 명의 학생이 각각 지정된 인증 대학을 위한 8,000달러 장학금을 받을 것입니다. 2024년에 개편된 이 콘테스트는 이제 분기별로 진행되며, 고등학교 및 대학생들이 자신의 지역 사회에서 자신에게 영감을 준 사람에 대한 비디오 또는 서면 에세이를 제출하도록 초대합니다.

두 번째 분기 수상자는:

  • Erin Petersen, 브래든턴, 플로리다
  • Micah Wagner, 노크로스, 조지아
  • Algieria Thomas, 마이애미, 플로리다
  • Tyler Patterson, 콜럼버스, 조지아

각 분기 콘테스트는 네 개의 장학금을 수여합니다: 서면 에세이용 두 개와 비디오 에세이용 두 개. 학생들은 각 분기 콘테스트에 응모할 수 있습니다. 지난 12년 동안 Regions Riding Forward 장학금 콘테스트는 400명 이상의 학생들에게 140만 달러 이상을 수여했습니다.

Regions Bank a annoncé les gagnants du deuxième trimestre de son concours de bourses Regions Riding Forward® 2024. Quatre étudiants recevront chacun une bourse de 8 000 dollars pour leur université accréditée désignée. Le concours, remanié en 2024, se déroule désormais trimestriellement et invite les élèves du secondaire et les étudiants à soumettre des essais vidéo ou écrits sur une personne de leur communauté qui les a inspirés.

Les gagnants du deuxième trimestre sont :

  • Erin Petersen de Bradenton, Floride
  • Micah Wagner de Norcross, Géorgie
  • Algieria Thomas de Miami, Floride
  • Tyler Patterson de Columbus, Géorgie

Chaque concours trimestriel attribue quatre bourses : deux pour les essais écrits et deux pour les essais vidéo. Les étudiants peuvent soumettre des candidatures pour chaque concours trimestriel. Au cours des 12 dernières années, le concours de bourses Regions Riding Forward a distribué plus de 1,4 million de dollars à plus de 400 étudiants.

Die Regions Bank hat die zweiten Quartalsgewinner ihres Regions Riding Forward® Stipendienwettbewerbs 2024 bekannt gegeben. Vier Studierende erhalten jeweils ein Stipendium in Höhe von 8.000 Dollar für ihr ausgewähltes akkreditiertes College. Der 2024 überarbeitete Wettbewerb findet nun vierteljährlich statt und lädt Schüler und Studenten ein, Video- oder schriftliche Essays über Personen in ihrer Gemeinde einzureichen, die sie inspiriert haben.

Die Zweitquartalsgewinner sind:

  • Erin Petersen aus Bradenton, Florida
  • Micah Wagner aus Norcross, Georgia
  • Algieria Thomas aus Miami, Florida
  • Tyler Patterson aus Columbus, Georgia

Jeder vierteljährliche Wettbewerb vergibt vier Stipendien: zwei für schriftliche Essays und zwei für Video-Essays. Studierende können in jedem vierteljährlichen Wettbewerb teilnehmen. In den letzten 12 Jahren hat der Regions Riding Forward Stipendienwettbewerb über 1,4 Millionen Dollar an mehr als 400 Studierende vergeben.

  • Regions Bank is providing $32,000 in scholarships to four students in Q2 2024
  • The scholarship contest now runs quarterly, increasing opportunities for students to apply
  • The contest has awarded over $1.4 million to more than 400 students over 12 years
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 15, 2024 / Regions Bank:
See four more recent winners.

Winners of the Regions Riding Forward® Scholarship Contest for 2024 (from left to right): Erin Petersen, Micah Wagner, Algieria Thomas and Tyler Patterson.

By Mel Campbell

Four students will soon enjoy some significant help in continuing their education.

Quarterly in 2024, Regions awards four winners of the Regions Riding Forward® Scholarship Contest. Each winner will each receive a check in the amount of $8,000 made out to their designated accredited college.

In 2024, Regions revamped the scholarship contest to provide more opportunities for students to apply. The contest invites eligible high school and college students to submit a video essay or traditional written essay on someone they know in their community who has inspired them and helped them build the confidence to achieve their goals.

  • The 2024 Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest consists of four (4) separate quarterly contests.

  • For each quarterly contest, eligible entries are grouped according to form of entry (written essay or video essay) and judged by a panel of independent, qualified judges.

  • A total of four (4) quarterly contest scholarship prizes will be awarded in each quarterly contest, consisting of two (2) prizes for the written essay group and two (2) quarterly contest prizes for the video essay group.

  • Regions will promote the scholarship contest throughout the year and students may submit an entry in each quarterly contest.

Second quarter winners and the individuals they highlighted in their award-winning submissions include (follow links to read/watch their submissions):

  • Erin Petersen, Bradenton, Fla., who detailed her mother's (Mignonette Peterson) story of coming to the U.S. from the Philippines and her perseverance and strength.

  • Micah Wagner, Norcross, Ga., who wrote of the influence his mother, Elizabeth Wagner, has had on him and how her advocacy for him has made a positive impression.

  • Algieria Thomas, Miami, Fla., who honored her mother, LaMekka Noble, and the inspiration story of her journey from homelessness to successful entrepreneur.

  • Tyler Patterson, Columbus, Ga., who was inspired by the example of Evon Black, the first African American woman to hold a student leadership role at Gallaudet University and tireless leader and advocate for the deaf community.

To learn more about the Riding Forward Scholarship, visit

See full contest rules for complete details, including eligibility and written essay and video essay requirements.

See first quarter winners and their submissions and their winning submissions on Doing More Today.

If you know of a young person - in college or headed that way - please share this information with them and with the guidance counselor at their school.

The Regions Riding Forward Scholarship contest has awarded over $1.4 million in educational assistance to more than 400 students over the past 12 years.

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Contact Info:

Spokesperson: Regions Bank

SOURCE: Regions Bank

View the original press release on


How much is the Regions Riding Forward Scholarship award for Q2 2024?

Each of the four winners of the Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest for Q2 2024 will receive $8,000 for their designated accredited college.

How often does the Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest run in 2024?

In 2024, the Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest runs quarterly, with four separate contests throughout the year.

How many scholarships does Regions Bank (RF) award in each quarterly contest?

Regions Bank awards a total of four scholarships in each quarterly contest: two for written essays and two for video essays.

Who are the Q2 2024 winners of the Regions Riding Forward Scholarship Contest?

The Q2 2024 winners are Erin Petersen from Bradenton, Fla., Micah Wagner from Norcross, Ga., Algieria Thomas from Miami, Fla., and Tyler Patterson from Columbus, Ga.

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