Reyna Silver And Reyna Gold Start Drilling at The Gryphon Summit Project

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Reyna Silver (TSXV:RSLV) and Reyna Gold (TSXV:REYG) have commenced drilling at the Gryphon Summit Project in Nevada, USA. The program targets the first-ever Carbonate Replacement Deposit (CRD) prospects within the recently consolidated 12,058-hectare Gold, Silver, and Critical Metals project. The companies are executing a 3,000-metre drilling program, focusing on three main target areas:

1. Union: Newly acquired patented claims allowing exploration of deeper sulfides.
2. 007 Zone: Reinterpretation of structures with 20-25 g/t Gold potential.
3. Sadler: Area with high-grade Copper (1% to 11.6%) and Silver (120 to 1322 g/t) in breccias and veins.

The project aims to identify oxidation levels, potentially mineralized structures, and fundamental ore-system exploration vectors. Reyna Silver and Reyna Gold are earning a 70% interest in the project from Golden Gryphon USA Inc.

Reyna Silver (TSXV:RSLV) e Reyna Gold (TSXV:REYG) hanno iniziato le operazioni di perforazione presso il progetto Gryphon Summit nel Nevada, USA. Il programma mira a esplorare le prime prospettive di Carbonate Replacement Deposit (CRD) all'interno del neosistemato progetto di 12.058 ettari dedicato a Oro, Argento e Metalli Critici. Le aziende stanno realizzando un programma di perforazione di 3.000 metri, focalizzandosi su tre principali aree target:

1. Union: Richieste di brevetto recentemente acquisite che consentono l'esplorazione di solfuri più profondi.
2. 007 Zone: Reinterpretazione delle strutture con un potenziale di 20-25 g/t di Oro.
3. Sadler: Area con Rame ad alta gradazione (dall'1% all'11,6%) e Argento (120 a 1322 g/t) in brecce e vene.

Il progetto mira a identificare i livelli di ossidazione, le strutture potenzialmente mineralizzate e i vettori fondamentali per l'esplorazione del sistema minerario. Reyna Silver e Reyna Gold stanno acquisendo il 70% di interesse nel progetto da Golden Gryphon USA Inc.

Reyna Silver (TSXV:RSLV) y Reyna Gold (TSXV:REYG) han comenzado a perforar en el proyecto Gryphon Summit en Nevada, EE. UU. El programa tiene como objetivo las primeras perspectivas de Carbonate Replacement Deposit (CRD) dentro del reciente consolidado proyecto de 12,058 hectáreas de Oro, Plata y Metales Críticos. Las empresas están llevando a cabo un programa de perforación de 3,000 metros, centrando su atención en tres áreas objetivo principales:

1. Union: Reclamaciones patentadas recién adquiridas que permiten la exploración de sulfuros más profundos.
2. Zona 007: Reinterpretación de estructuras con potencial de 20-25 g/t de Oro.
3. Sadler: Área con Cobre de alta ley (del 1% al 11.6%) y Plata (120 a 1322 g/t) en brechas y vetas.

El proyecto tiene como objetivo identificar niveles de oxidación, estructuras potencialmente mineralizadas y vectores fundamentales para la exploración de sistemas mineralógicos. Reyna Silver y Reyna Gold están adquiriendo un 70% de interés en el proyecto de Golden Gryphon USA Inc.

Reyna Silver (TSXV:RSLV)와 Reyna Gold (TSXV:REYG)가 미국 네바다에 있는 Gryphon Summit 프로젝트에서 드릴링을 시작했습니다. 이 프로그램은 최근 통합된 12,058헥타르의 금, 은, 및 주요 금속 프로젝트 내에서 처음으로 탄산염 대체 광상(CRD) 전망을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이들 회사는 3,000미터 드릴링 프로그램을 실행하고 있으며, 세 개의 주요 목표 지역에 집중하고 있습니다:

1. Union: 더 깊은 황화물 탐사를 허용하는 새로 인수한 특허 청구.
2. 007 Zone: 20-25 g/t 금 잠재력을 가진 구조의 재해석.
3. Sadler: 브레치아와 맥관에서 높은 품질의 구리(1%에서 11.6%)와 은(120에서 1322 g/t) 지역.

이 프로젝트는 산화 수준, 잠재적으로 광물화된 구조 및 기본 광산 탐사 벡터를 식별하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. Reyna Silver와 Reyna Gold는 Golden Gryphon USA Inc.로부터 프로젝트에 대한 70%의 지분을 취득하고 있습니다.

Reyna Silver (TSXV:RSLV) et Reyna Gold (TSXV:REYG) ont commencé les forages sur le projet Gryphon Summit au Nevada, États-Unis. Le programme vise les toutes premières perspectives de Carbonate Replacement Deposit (CRD) au sein d'un projet récemment consolidé de 12 058 hectares consacré à l'Or, l'Argent et les Métaux Stratégiques. Les entreprises réalisent un programme de forage de 3 000 mètres, en se concentrant sur trois zones cibles principales :

1. Union : Requêtes de brevet nouvellement acquises permettant l'exploration de sulfures plus profonds.
2. Zone 007 : Re-interprétation des structures avec un potentiel de 20-25 g/t d'Or.
3. Sadler : Zone avec du Cuivre de haute teneur (1% à 11,6%) et de l'Argent (120 à 1322 g/t) dans des brèches et des veines.

Le projet vise à identifier les niveaux d'oxydation, les structures potentiellement minéralisées et les vecteurs d'exploration fondamentaux du système de minerai. Reyna Silver et Reyna Gold acquièrent un intérêt de 70 % dans le projet de la part de Golden Gryphon USA Inc.

Reyna Silver (TSXV:RSLV) und Reyna Gold (TSXV:REYG) haben mit Bohrungen begonnen im Gryphon Summit Projekt in Nevada, USA. Das Programm zielt auf die ersten jemals identifizierten Carbonate Replacement Deposits (CRD) innerhalb des kürzlich konsolidierten 12.058 Hektar großen Gold-, Silber- und Kritische Metalle-Projekts ab. Die Unternehmen führen ein 3.000 Meter Bohrprogramm durch, das sich auf drei Hauptzielgebiete konzentriert:

1. Union: Neu erworbene patentierte Ansprüche, die die Erkundung tieferer Sulfide ermöglichen.
2. 007 Zone: Neuinterpretation von Strukturen mit einem Potenzial von 20-25 g/t Gold.
3. Sadler: Gebiet mit hochgradigem Kupfer (1% bis 11,6%) und Silber (120 bis 1322 g/t) in Breccien und Gängen.

Das Projekt hat das Ziel, Oxidationsgrade, potenziell mineralisierte Strukturen und grundlegende Erkundungsvektoren für das Erzkörpersystem zu identifizieren. Reyna Silver und Reyna Gold erwerben einen 70%igen Anteil an dem Projekt von Golden Gryphon USA Inc.

  • Commencement of 3,000-metre drilling program at Gryphon Summit Project
  • Exploration of first-ever Carbonate Replacement Deposit (CRD) targets
  • Recent consolidation of 12,058-hectare project area for Gold, Silver, and Critical Metals
  • Acquisition of patented claims allowing exploration of deeper sulfides at Union target
  • High-grade potential: 20-25 g/t Gold at 007 Zone, up to 11.6% Copper and 1322 g/t Silver at Sadler target
  • Drilling program subject to weather conditions
  • Companies still in the process of earning 70% interest in the project, not full ownership

VANCOUVER, BC AND HONG KONG, CHINA / ACCESSWIRE / September 5, 2024 / Reyna Silver Corp. (TSXV:RSLV)(OTCQX:RSNVF)(FRA:4ZC) ("Reyna Silver") and Reyna Gold (TSXV:REYG)(OTCQB:REYGF) ("Reyna Gold") are pleased to announce the drill is turning on the first ever Carbonate Replacement Deposit ("CRD") targets at the Gryphon Summit Project ("Gryphon"), the start of a 3,000 metre program, weather permitting, in Nevada, USA. Reyna Silver and Reyna Gold are earning into a 70% interest in the project from Golden Gryphon USA Inc. (See Press Release September 5, 2023). Targeting within the recently consolidated 12,058 hectare Gold, Silver and Critical Metals project (See Press release August 6, 2024) includes identifying the level of oxidation, major potentially mineralized structures and fundamental ore-system exploration vectors.

"It's awesome to have the drill turning at the first ever CRD target at Gryphon!" said Jorge Carrillo, Senior Project Geologist for Reyna Silver. "It's amazing to mature into a position of responsibility on a project of this magnitude alongside this exploration team's depth of experience in CRDs and major discoveries in district-scale plays. Seeing my mentors equally excited… we all can't wait to see what Gryphon has to offer!"

Click to listen to Project Geologist, Jorge Carrillo, on site at Gryphon.

The Main 2024 Program Target Areas (Figure 1):

  • Union: Reyna's recent acquisition of these patented claims makes drilling this CRD target possible for the first time. Historically, Silver, Lead, Zinc mineralization was mined to the base of oxidation, leaving the deeper sulfides untouched, and now the drill rig is turning in that direction (See Press Release August 6, 2024).

  • 007 Zone: Reyna Silver's technical team's reinterpretation of the structures bearing 20 to 25 g/t Gold generated a new target building upon previous explorers' most successful hole GG22-007, which cut 2.9 metres of 5.5 g/t Au (See Press Release from November 29, 2023).

  • Sadler: These patented claims and surrounding area contain numerous breccias and veins carrying high-grade Copper (1% to 11.6% Cu) and Silver (120 to 1322 g/t Ag). (See Press Release from November 29, 2023).

The technical team continues to work on refining and defining the numerous other targets within Gryphon.

Figure 1: Map of the 12,058-hectare Gryphon Project in Nevada, USA with claim boundaries delineated in dark grey. Patented claims blocks are delineated in red. Target Areas are highlighted in hot pink. Anomalous rock samples are shown in graduated sizes representing grade and colors differentiating the metals with yellow for Gold, burgundy for Copper, blue for Silver, green for Zinc and grey for Lead

For Further Information, Please Contact:

Michael Wood, CEO


Dr. Peter Megaw, Ph.D., C.P.G., the Company's Chief Exploration Advisor and Qualified Person, reviewed the technical aspects of the exploration projects described herein and is responsible for the design and conduct of the exploration program and the verification and quality assurance of analytical results. Dr. Megaw is not independent as he and/or companies with which he is affiliated hold Net Smelter Royalties on the Guigui and Batopilas Projects that predate Reyna Silver acquiring them.

About Reyna Silver Corp.

Reyna Silver is a growth-oriented junior exploration and development company. The Company focuses on exploring for high-grade, district-scale silver deposits in Mexico and the United States. In Nevada USA, the Company has an option to acquire 70% of the 12,058-hectare "Gryphon Summit Project" in a 50/50 partnership with Reyna Gold Corp. (TSXV:REYG). The Gryphon Project shows features indicating uniquely superimposed/overprinted Silver-Lead-Zinc-Copper Carbonate Replacement (CRD), Carlin Gold and Critical Metals mineralization. Also in Nevada, the Company is advancing its option to acquire 100% of the "Medicine Springs Project" where the Company is exploring a potentially significant Silver-Lead-Zinc-Copper CRD-skarn-Porphyry system. The Company's Mexican assets are 100% owned and include the "Guigui Project" and "Batopilas Project", both located in Chihuahua State. The Guigui Project covers the interpreted source area for the Santa Eulalia Carbonate Replacement Deposit District and Batopilas covers most of Mexico's historically highest-grade silver system.

About Reyna Gold Corp.

Reyna Gold is a gold exploration company focused on district-scale exploration. Reyna Gold has a portfolio of assets on the Mojave-Sonora Megashear and the Sierra Madre Gold in Mexico, and a joint option with Reyna Silver to acquire the 10,300-hectare combined Carlin-style and CRD Gryphon Summit Project in Eureka Co., Nevada, USA. Reyna Gold has an experienced management team with a proven track record of wealth creation through project discovery, advancement, and monetization.

Forward Looking Information

This release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Forward-looking statements may include, without limitation, statements relating to the Offering and the use of proceeds therefrom. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. All forward-looking statements in this press release are made as of the date of this press release. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to assumptions and risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in the Company's public securities filings with the Canadian securities commissions. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements. The Company expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

SOURCE: Reyna Gold Corp

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What is the size of the drilling program at Gryphon Summit Project for Reyna Gold (REYGF)?

Reyna Gold (REYGF) and Reyna Silver are conducting a 3,000-metre drilling program at the Gryphon Summit Project in Nevada, USA, weather permitting.

What are the main target areas for Reyna Gold's (REYGF) drilling at Gryphon Summit?

The main target areas for Reyna Gold's (REYGF) drilling at Gryphon Summit are Union, 007 Zone, and Sadler, focusing on Carbonate Replacement Deposit (CRD) prospects, gold structures, and high-grade copper and silver mineralization.

What is the total area of the Gryphon Summit Project that Reyna Gold (REYGF) is exploring?

Reyna Gold (REYGF) and Reyna Silver are exploring a recently consolidated 12,058-hectare Gold, Silver, and Critical Metals project at Gryphon Summit in Nevada, USA.

What percentage interest is Reyna Gold (REYGF) earning in the Gryphon Summit Project?

Reyna Gold (REYGF) and Reyna Silver are earning a 70% interest in the Gryphon Summit Project from Golden Gryphon USA Inc.



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