The 2024 Luxury Resale Report: The RealReal Reveals Top Brands and Trends Shaping the Market

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The RealReal, the world's largest online marketplace for authenticated, resale luxury goods, has released its seventh annual 2024 Luxury Resale Report. The report analyzes data from 37 million members, revealing key trends in luxury resale. Investment-worthy pieces like high-value fine jewelry and timeless handbags dominated, alongside trends influenced by TikTok and nostalgic TV shows.

Key findings include:

  • Top 10 most searched brands focus on universality
  • Fine jewelry saw the biggest growth, with sales up 22% YoY for pieces $5,000+
  • Handbags priced $1,000-3,000 experienced a 13% YoY buyer growth
  • Vintage brands went mainstream, with searches for Issey Miyake up 100% YoY
  • Street style shifted towards business attire, with suiting sales up 25%
  • 'New Americana' trend emerging, combining boho and utilitarian styles

The RealReal introduced a new 'As Is' condition category to meet customer demand for value-driven shopping.

The RealReal, il più grande mercato online al mondo per beni di lusso di seconda mano autenticati, ha pubblicato il suo settimo Rapporto annuale sul mercato del lusso per il 2024. Il rapporto analizza i dati di 37 milioni di membri, rivelando le principali tendenze nel settore della rivendita di lusso. I pezzi degni di investimento come gioielli di alta valore e borse senza tempo hanno dominato, insieme a tendenze influenzate da TikTok e programmi televisivi nostalgici.

I principali risultati includono:

  • Le 10 marche più ricercate si concentrano sull'universalità
  • I gioielli di alta gamma hanno visto la crescita più significativa, con vendite in aumento del 22% su base annua per i pezzi oltre i 5.000 dollari
  • Le borse con un prezzo compreso tra 1.000 e 3.000 dollari hanno registrato una crescita del 13% nell'anno per i compratori
  • Le marche vintage sono diventate popolari, con ricerche per Issey Miyake aumentate del 100% anno su anno
  • Lo street style si è spostato verso l'abbigliamento da lavoro, con un aumento del 25% nelle vendite di abiti
  • Sta emergendo una nuova tendenza 'New Americana', che combina stili boho e utilitari

The RealReal ha introdotto una nuova categoria di condizione 'As Is' per soddisfare la domanda dei clienti per acquisti orientati al valore.

The RealReal, el mercado online más grande del mundo para bienes de lujo de reventa autenticados, ha lanzado su séptimo Informe anual sobre la reventa de lujo 2024. El informe analiza datos de 37 millones de miembros, revelando las principales tendencias en la reventa de lujo. Las piezas dignas de inversión como las joyas finas de alto valor y los bolsos atemporales dominaron, junto con tendencias influenciadas por TikTok y programas de televisión nostálgicos.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Las 10 marcas más buscadas se enfocan en la universalidad
  • Las joyas finas vieron el mayor crecimiento, con ventas de un 22% interanual para piezas de más de $5,000
  • Los bolsos con un precio de entre $1,000 y $3,000 experimentaron un crecimiento del 13% interanual en compradores
  • Las marcas vintage se volvieron populares, con búsquedas de Issey Miyake aumentando un 100% interanual
  • El estilo callejero se ha desplazado hacia la vestimenta de negocios, con ventas de trajes aumentando un 25%
  • Está emergiendo la tendencia 'New Americana', que combina estilos boho y utilitarios

The RealReal introdujo una nueva categoría de condición 'As Is' para satisfacer la demanda de los clientes por compras con enfoque en el valor.

The RealReal은 인증된 중고 명품의 세계 최대 온라인 마켓플레이스로, 2024년 럭셔리 리세일 보고서 제7판을 발표했습니다. 이 보고서는 3,700만 회원의 데이터를 분석하여 럭셔리 리세일의 주요 트렌드를 밝혔습니다. 투자 가치가 있는 고급 보석과 시대를 초월한 핸드백 같은 제품이 주를 이루었으며, TikTok 및 향수를 불러일으키는 TV 프로그램의 영향을 받은 트렌드도 포함되어 있습니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 가장 많이 검색된 10대 브랜드는 보편성을 중시합니다
  • 고급 보석은 가장 큰 증가세를 보였으며, $5,000 이상의 제품이 연간 22% 증가했습니다
  • $1,000에서 $3,000 사이의 핸드백은 연간 13%의 구매자 증가를 경험했습니다
  • 빈티지 브랜드가 주류로 부상했으며, Issey Miyake에 대한 검색량이 연간 100% 증가했습니다
  • 스트리트 스타일이 비즈니스 복장으로 전환되었으며, 정장 판매가 25% 증가했습니다
  • 부호와 실용적 스타일을 결합한 '뉴 아메리카나' 트렌드가 나타났습니다

The RealReal은 고객의 가치 중심 쇼핑 요구를 충족하기 위해 새로운 'As Is' 상태 카테고리를 도입했습니다.

The RealReal, le plus grand marché en ligne au monde pour les biens de luxe de seconde main authentifiés, a publié son septième Rapport annuel sur la revente de luxe pour 2024. Ce rapport analyse les données de 37 millions de membres, révélant les principales tendances du marché de la revente de luxe. Les pièces dignes d'investissement telles que les bijoux de grande valeur et les sacs à main intemporels ont dominé, aux côtés de tendances influencées par TikTok et des émissions de télévision nostalgiques.

Les résultats clés incluent :

  • Les 10 marques les plus recherchées se concentrent sur l'universalité
  • Les bijoux fins ont connu la plus forte croissance, avec une augmentation des ventes de 22 % d'une année sur l'autre pour les pièces à plus de 5 000 $
  • Les sacs à main au prix de 1 000 à 3 000 $ ont connu une croissance de 13 % des acheteurs d'une année sur l'autre
  • Les marques vintage sont devenues grand public, avec des recherches pour Issey Miyake augmentant de 100 % d'une année sur l'autre
  • Le style urbain s'est tourné vers les tenues de bureau, les ventes de costumes augmentant de 25 %
  • Une nouvelle tendance 'New Americana' émerge, alliant styles boho et utilitaires

The RealReal a introduit une nouvelle catégorie d'état 'As Is' pour répondre à la demande des clients pour un shopping axé sur la valeur.

The RealReal, der größte Online-Marktplatz der Welt für authentische, wiederverkaufte Luxusgüter, hat seinen siebten Jahresbericht zur Luxus-Wiederverwertung für 2024 veröffentlicht. Der Bericht analysiert Daten von 37 Millionen Mitgliedern und zeigt wichtige Trends im Bereich des Luxus-Wiederverkaufs auf. Investitionswürdige Stücke wie hochpreisiger Schmuck und zeitlose Handtaschen dominierten, neben Trends, die von TikTok und nostalgischen TV-Shows beeinflusst wurden.

Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:

  • Die 10 meistgesuchten Marken legen den Fokus auf Universalität
  • Schmuck erlebte das größte Wachstum, mit einem Umsatzanstieg von 22% im Jahresvergleich für Stücke über 5.000 $
  • Handtaschen im Preissegment von 1.000 bis 3.000 $ verzeichneten ein Käuferwachstum von 13% im Jahresvergleich
  • Vintage-Marken wurden Mainstream, die Suchanfragen nach Issey Miyake stiegen um 100% im Jahresvergleich
  • Der Streetstyle hat sich in Richtung Business-Bekleidung verschoben, mit einem Anstieg der Anzugverkäufe um 25%
  • Der 'New Americana'-Trend entsteht, der Boho- und utilitaristische Stile kombiniert

The RealReal hat eine neue Kategorie 'As Is' eingeführt, um der Kundennachfrage nach wertorientiertem Shopping gerecht zu werden.

  • Fine jewelry sales increased 22% YoY for pieces $5,000+ by luxury brands
  • Handbags priced $1,000-3,000 saw a 13% YoY growth in buyers
  • Vintage brand sales surged, with Issey Miyake searches up 100% YoY and Vivienne Westwood sales up 35% YoY
  • Suiting sales increased by 25% YoY, indicating a shift towards business attire
  • Introduction of 'As Is' condition category to meet customer demand for value-driven shopping
  • Sales for classic streetwear brands and pieces (Supreme, Off-White, Nike Jordans) decreased by 25-35% YoY


The RealReal's 2024 Luxury Resale Report reveals significant shifts in consumer behavior and market trends. Key findings include a 22% YoY growth in fine jewelry sales over $5,000, indicating a trend towards high-value, investment-worthy pieces. This suggests consumers are prioritizing long-term value in uncertain economic times.

The report also highlights a 13% YoY increase in buyer growth for handbags priced between $1,000 and $3,000. This trend towards more attainable luxury items could indicate a broadening of the luxury market, potentially increasing overall market size and competition among brands.

The surge in vintage and formerly niche brands going mainstream presents both opportunities and challenges for established luxury brands. They may need to adapt their strategies to maintain market share and appeal to evolving consumer preferences.

The report's findings have significant implications for luxury brands and retailers. The shift towards investment pieces and attainable luxury suggests a potential for increased sales volume in mid-range luxury items, which could boost revenues for companies operating in this space.

The rise of vintage and niche brands going mainstream could pressure established luxury houses to innovate and possibly lead to increased M&A activity as larger companies seek to acquire trending smaller brands. The 25% increase in suiting sales, contrasted with the 25-35% decrease in streetwear brands, indicates a market shift that could impact the financial performance of companies heavily invested in streetwear.

Investors should closely monitor how luxury companies adapt their strategies to these evolving consumer preferences, as it could significantly impact their financial performance and stock valuations.

The report underscores the growing influence of technology on luxury fashion trends. TikTok's role in shaping consumer preferences highlights the importance of social media platforms in driving demand. This trend suggests that luxury brands need to invest heavily in their digital presence and social media strategies to remain competitive.

The introduction of the 'As Is' category on The RealReal's platform is a tech-driven solution to sustainability concerns. This move could potentially increase the platform's user base and transaction volume, as it caters to value-conscious consumers. It also demonstrates how e-commerce platforms can leverage technology to address environmental concerns while meeting consumer demands.

The data-driven approach to identifying trends, as evidenced by the report's use of search and sales data, underscores the importance of advanced analytics in the luxury resale market. Companies that can effectively harness and interpret such data may gain a significant competitive advantage.

 Consumers Take the Lead, Redefining Trends and Investing in Lasting Value

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The RealReal – the world’s largest online marketplace for authenticated, resale luxury goods — today released its seventh annual 2024 Luxury Resale Report. This comprehensive report uses 13 years of data to examine the current state of luxury resale, delves into the shopping and consignment behaviors of The RealReal’s more than 37 million members, and spotlights key trends shaping demand and resale value for luxury’s most sought-after brands and items.

Investment-worthy pieces such as high-value fine jewelry and timeless handbags dominated, alongside trends ignited by TikTok and the revival of nostalgic TV shows in the cultural spotlight.

“Fashion is undergoing a seismic shift. Trends less frequently flow from the top (runways), and are now emerging from the ground up through things like TikTok, television shows, and everyday street style,” says The RealReal’s President & Chief Operating Officer, Rati Sahi Levesque. “This unprecedented collision of fashion and culture is empowering consumers to shape trends themselves, driving demand for unique, high-value items that reflect their personal style. They’re looking to invest in quality more, especially during a time of economic insecurity…It’s no longer about what’s new being what’s next—it’s about what’s going to last. More than ever, shoppers are curating their wardrobes with a focus on distinctiveness and enduring value.”

Key themes explored in this year’s report include:

Top 10 Most Searched Brands Have Something in Common - Universality

  • Bags men want to carry (men’s bag searches +900% YoY), styles that appeal to Gen Z & Boomers alike, and more, are paying off big for the top 10.
  • Prada is Gen Z’s most searched brand and snags the #3 spot on the list.
  • Chanel & Gucci handbags are the #1 & #2 most searched items; brands snag spots 2 & 4 on the list.

Buyers Went Big (and Maximalist) with Fine Jewelry

  • Fine jewelry saw the biggest growth of any category; amidst economic uncertainty, consumers gravitated toward these pieces, with guaranteed ROIs and staying power.
  • Sales +22% YoY for pieces $5,000+ by Van Cleef & Arpels, Tiffany & Co., & Cartier.

And Sought Out (More) Attainable Handbags

  • Handbags priced $1,000-3,000 saw the biggest spike in buyer growth, +13% YoY.
  • Buyers focused on good investments; average resale value for The Row Margaux +44% YoY, Loewe Puzzle average selling price is at an all-time high (+40% since 2020)

Vintage Went Mainstream

  • Formerly niche brands like Issey Miyake (searches +100% YoY) and Vivienne Westwood (sales +35% YoY), once reserved for the in-the-know crowd, have surged into the mainstream.
  • And a new guard, for those looking to be early adopters, emerged; collective sales of Claude Montana, Courrèges & Romeo Gigli +59% YoY.
  • Throwback TV drove strong demand for Gen Z, making muses out of Carrie Bradshaw and Carmela Soprano.

Street Went C-Suite

  • YoY Sales were down 25-35% for classic streetwear brands and pieces — Supreme, Off-White, Nike Jordans — yet jumped by 25% for suiting.
  • YoY Vintage sales from brands known for their business-esque attire soared: Donna Karan +216%, Gianfranco Ferré +270%, St. John +163%.

We’re Predicting 2025’s ‘Mob Wife’...

  • Combining boho and utilitarian styles — YoY searches for vintage Diesel +917%, Levi’s +69%, Chloe culottes +113%, Dôen dresses +50%, fringe leather +68% — ‘New Americana’ is likely to dominate culture.

Meeting Customers Where They Are… We Debuted a New Condition Category

  • 73% of TRR shoppers say ‘value’ is the #1 reason they shop the site.
  • ‘As Is,’ our newest, most accessible, and well-loved condition category, keeps more luxury items out of landfills and gives shoppers something to make totally their own.

To view The RealReal’s full 2024 Luxury Resale Report, visit

To download imagery from the report, courtesy of The RealReal, click here.

About The RealReal Inc.
The RealReal is the world’s largest online marketplace for authenticated, resale luxury goods, with more than 37 million members. With a rigorous authentication process overseen by experts, The RealReal provides a safe and reliable platform for consumers to buy and sell their luxury items. We have hundreds of in-house gemologists, horologists and brand authenticators who inspect thousands of items each day. As a sustainable company, we give new life to pieces by thousands of brands across numerous categories—including women’s and men’s fashion, fine jewelry and watches, art and home—in support of the circular economy. We make selling effortless with free virtual appointments, in-home pickup, drop-off and direct shipping. We do all of the work for consignors, including authenticating, using AI and machine learning to determine optimal pricing, photographing and listing their items, as well as handling shipping and customer service.

Press Contact:
Mallory Johnston
Head of PR


What were the top trends in The RealReal's 2024 Luxury Resale Report for REAL stock?

The top trends included investment-worthy pieces like high-value fine jewelry and timeless handbags, vintage brands going mainstream, a shift from streetwear to business attire, and the emergence of a 'New Americana' style combining boho and utilitarian elements.

How did fine jewelry sales perform in The RealReal's 2024 report for REAL stock?

Fine jewelry saw the biggest growth of any category, with sales increasing 22% YoY for pieces priced $5,000 and above from brands like Van Cleef & Arpels, Tiffany & Co., and Cartier.

What new condition category did The RealReal (REAL) introduce in 2024?

The RealReal introduced the 'As Is' condition category to meet customer demand for value-driven shopping and to keep more luxury items out of landfills.

How did handbag sales perform in The RealReal's 2024 report for REAL stock?

Handbags priced between $1,000-3,000 saw the biggest spike in buyer growth, increasing 13% YoY. The average resale value for The Row Margaux increased 44% YoY, and the Loewe Puzzle's average selling price reached an all-time high, up 40% since 2020.



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