Vast Announces the Haven-1 Lab, the First Commercial Microgravity Research, Manufacturing, and Development Platform

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Vast, a space habitation technology company, has announced the Haven-1 Lab, the world's first commercial microgravity research, development, and manufacturing platform on a space station. Set to launch no earlier than the second half of 2025, the Haven-1 Lab will provide a hub for companies, governments, and other entities to collaborate on science, research, and in-space manufacturing.

The lab features 10 Middeck Locker Equivalent payload slots, each with a capacity of 30 kg and 100 W of continuous power. Vast has partnered with Redwire and Yuri as inaugural payload partners, leveraging their expertise in microgravity research and biotech development. The Haven-1 Lab aims to bridge the gap between the International Space Station's eventual retirement and the new era of commercial space stations.

Vast, un'azienda specializzata in tecnologie di abitazione spaziale, ha annunciato il Haven-1 Lab, la prima piattaforma commerciale di ricerca, sviluppo e produzione in microgravità al mondo, situata su una stazione spaziale. Il lancio è previsto non prima della seconda metà del 2025 e l'Haven-1 Lab offrirà un centro per aziende, governi e altre entità per collaborare su scienza, ricerca e produzione nello spazio.

Il laboratorio dispone di 10 slot per carichi equivalenti ai Middeck Locker, ciascuno con una capacità di 30 kg e 100 W di potenza continua. Vast ha collaborato con Redwire e Yuri come partner iniziali per i carichi, sfruttando la loro esperienza nella ricerca in microgravità e nello sviluppo biotecnologico. L'Haven-1 Lab ha l'obiettivo di colmare il divario tra il prevedibile ritiro della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale e la nuova era delle stazioni spaziali commerciali.

Vast, una empresa especializada en tecnologías de habitabilidad espacial, ha anunciado el Haven-1 Lab, la primera plataforma comercial de investigación, desarrollo y fabricación en microgravedad del mundo, ubicada en una estación espacial. Se espera que el lanzamiento ocurra a más tardar en la segunda mitad de 2025, y el Haven-1 Lab proporcionará un centro para que empresas, gobiernos y otras entidades colaboren en ciencia, investigación y fabricación en el espacio.

El laboratorio cuenta con 10 espacios equivalentes a Middeck Locker para cargas, cada uno con una capacidad de 30 kg y 100 W de potencia continua. Vast se ha asociado con Redwire y Yuri como socios iniciales para las cargas, aprovechando su experiencia en investigación en microgravedad y desarrollo biotecnológico. El Haven-1 Lab tiene como objetivo cerrar la brecha entre el eventual retiro de la Estación Espacial Internacional y la nueva era de estaciones espaciales comerciales.

우주 주거 기술 회사인 Vast는 세계 최초의 상업용 미세 중력 연구, 개발 및 제조 플랫폼인 Haven-1 Lab을 발표했습니다. 2025년 하반기 이전에 발사될 예정인 Haven-1 Lab은 회사, 정부 및 기타 기관들이 과학, 연구 및 우주 동안의 제조에 협력할 수 있는 허브를 제공할 것입니다.

이 실험실은 각각 30kg의 용량과 100W의 지속 전력을 갖춘 10개의 미드덱 락커 동등 화물 슬롯을 갖추고 있습니다. Vast는 미세 중력 연구 및 생명공학 개발에 대한 전문 지식을 활용하여 RedwireYuri와 초기 화물 파트너로 협력했습니다. Haven-1 Lab은 국제우주정거장의 궁극적인 은퇴와 상업 우주정거장의 새로운 시대 사이의 간극을 메우는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Vast, une entreprise spécialisée dans les technologies d'habitation spatiale, a annoncé le Haven-1 Lab, la première plateforme commerciale de recherche, développement et fabrication en microgravité au monde, située sur une station spatiale. Le lancement est prévu au plus tôt dans la seconde moitié de 2025, et le Haven-1 Lab offrira un centre pour permettre aux entreprises, gouvernements et autres entités de collaborer sur la science, la recherche et la fabrication dans l'espace.

Le laboratoire dispose de 10 emplacements de charge équivalents à des placards de ponts intermédiaires, chacun ayant une capacité de 30 kg et une puissance continue de 100 W. Vast s'est associé à Redwire et Yuri comme partenaires initiaux pour les charges, tirant parti de leur expertise en recherche en microgravité et en développement biotechnologique. Le Haven-1 Lab vise à combler le fossé entre la retraite éventuelle de la Station Spatiale Internationale et la nouvelle ère des stations spatiales commerciales.

Vast, ein Unternehmen für Raumfahrttechnologie, hat das Haven-1 Lab angekündigt, die weltweit erste kommerzielle Plattform für Forschungs-, Entwicklungs- und Herstellungsaktivitäten in Mikrogravitation auf einer Raumstation. Der Start ist nicht vor der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 2025 geplant, und das Haven-1 Lab wird ein Zentrum für Unternehmen, Regierungen und andere Einrichtungen bieten, um in den Bereichen Wissenschaft, Forschung und Herstellung im Weltraum zusammenzuarbeiten.

Das Labor bietet 10 Middeck Locker Equivalente Ladeplätze, die jeweils eine Kapazität von 30 kg und 100 W kontinuierlicher Leistung haben. Vast hat sich mit Redwire und Yuri als ersten Partnern für die Ladungen zusammengetan und deren Expertise in der Mikrogravitationsforschung und Biotechnologieentwicklung genutzt. Das Haven-1 Lab zielt darauf ab, die Lücke zwischen der voraussichtlichen Stilllegung der Internationalen Raumstation und der neuen Ära der kommerziellen Raumstationen zu schließen.

  • Launch of Haven-1 Lab, the first commercial microgravity research platform, scheduled for 2025
  • Partnerships with industry leaders Redwire and Yuri for payload development
  • 10 Middeck Locker Equivalent payload slots with 30 kg capacity and 100 W power each
  • Opportunity for various industries to conduct research and manufacturing in microgravity
  • Starlink laser links providing Gigabit/s speed, low latency connectivity for payload operations
  • None.

Vast's announcement of the Haven-1 Lab marks a significant milestone in the commercialization of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) activities. This development is particularly noteworthy as it positions Vast as a potential successor to the International Space Station (ISS), which is slated for retirement in 2030.

The Haven-1 Lab's planned launch in the second half of 2025 is strategically timed to provide continuity in microgravity research and manufacturing capabilities. This proactive approach could give Vast a competitive edge in the emerging commercial space station market.

Partnerships with established players like Redwire and Yuri lend credibility to Vast's endeavor. Redwire's extensive experience in space biotechnology and Yuri's focus on biotech innovations in microgravity environments could accelerate the lab's scientific output and commercial viability.

However, investors should consider several factors:

  • The space industry is highly competitive and capital-intensive. Vast will need to secure substantial funding to bring the Haven-1 Lab to fruition.
  • Regulatory hurdles and potential delays in launch schedules are common risks in the space sector.
  • The success of the Haven-1 Lab will largely depend on its ability to attract a diverse range of clients and generate sustainable revenue streams.

While the Haven-1 Lab represents a promising opportunity in the growing space economy, its long-term success will hinge on Vast's execution and ability to navigate the complex landscape of commercial space operations.

The Haven-1 Lab's focus on microgravity research in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals could potentially revolutionize drug development and biomedical research. The unique environment of microgravity allows for novel approaches to protein crystallization, cell culture and tissue engineering that are not possible on Earth.

Redwire's BioFabrication Facility, which has already demonstrated the ability to print human tissue in space, could see accelerated development on the Haven-1 platform. This technology has far-reaching implications for regenerative medicine and organ transplantation.

Similarly, Yuri's advanced space microscopy capabilities could lead to breakthroughs in understanding cellular behavior in microgravity, potentially uncovering new therapeutic targets or drug delivery mechanisms.

The pharmaceutical industry stands to benefit significantly from this platform. Redwire's PIL-BOX experiments have shown that microgravity can enhance drug crystallization, potentially leading to more effective medications with fewer side effects.

However, it's important to note that:

  • The translation of microgravity research to Earth-based applications can be challenging and time-consuming.
  • The payload capacity (30 kg per slot) may restrict certain types of experiments.
  • The cost of conducting research in space remains high, which could limit participation to well-funded entities.

Despite these challenges, the Haven-1 Lab represents a significant step forward in space-based biotechnology research, with the potential to accelerate drug discovery and development processes in ways not possible on Earth.

The Haven-1 Lab represents a significant step towards the commercialization of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) activities. This move by Vast is strategically timed to capitalize on the impending retirement of the ISS, potentially capturing a substantial share of the emerging commercial space station market.

Key economic considerations include:

  • Market Potential: The global space economy is projected to reach $1 trillion by 2040, with commercial space stations playing a important role.
  • Revenue Streams: Vast's business model likely includes leasing payload space, providing research services and potentially manufacturing high-value products in microgravity.
  • Cost Efficiency: By leveraging SpaceX's Starlink for communications and Dragon spacecraft for sample return, Vast is optimizing operational costs.
  • Competitive Landscape: While Vast is positioning itself as an early mover, it faces competition from other private companies and national space agencies.

The partnership strategy with Redwire and Yuri is particularly astute, as it provides Vast with immediate credibility and a potential customer base. This could accelerate the lab's path to profitability.

However, investors should be aware of the high capital requirements and long development cycles typical in the space industry. The success of Haven-1 Lab will depend on Vast's ability to:

  • Secure long-term contracts with research institutions and commercial entities
  • Navigate complex regulatory environments
  • Manage the high costs associated with space operations
  • Demonstrate a clear path to profitability

While the potential returns are significant, the risks inherent in space ventures remain substantial. Investors should carefully consider Vast's financial stability, technical expertise and long-term strategy before making investment decisions.

Pioneering Space Station Company, Vast, Introduces Experienced Inaugural Lab Partners — Redwire and Yuri — Signaling its Commitment to Comprehensive Payload Opportunities Across Industries and Disciplines

LONG BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Vast, the pioneering space habitation technology company, whose goal is to build the successor to the International Space Station (ISS), today announced the revolutionary Haven-1 Lab, scheduled to be the world’s first microgravity research, development, and manufacturing platform on a commercial space station. The Haven-1 Lab, set to launch no earlier than the second half of 2025 on Haven-1, will be a hub for companies, governments, and other entities to collaborate on science, research, and in-space manufacturing.

Redwire logo (Graphic: Business Wire)

Redwire logo (Graphic: Business Wire)

“The ISS may be on its way to be retired in 2030, but the institutional knowledge deserves a new platform for future microgravity research and manufacturing innovation. Our Haven-1 Lab is designed to provide that bridge well before the eventual retirement of ISS. This ensures that as we begin a new era of commercial space stations we can continue and expand upon vital international and commercial science and research in low Earth orbit (LEO),” said Vast CEO, Max Haot.

As low Earth orbit’s premier hub for commercial endeavors in microgravity, Vast’s Haven-1 Lab will allow partners to offer onboard facilities for research and development in healthcare and pharmaceuticals, advanced material manufacturing, biotechnology, scientific experiments, and more. The Haven-1 Lab features 10 Middeck Locker Equivalent payload slots, each roughly the size of a microwave. Each payload slot can weigh up to 30 kg (66 lbs), is provided with 100 W of continuous power, and has access to an Ethernet data connection. Payloads will be operated by the astronaut crew on Haven-1, as well as commanded and monitored by ground operators via Starlink laser links, providing Gigabit/s speed, low latency connectivity. Partners will have the opportunity to return products and samples from space via a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft.

In tandem with Vast’s announcement of its Haven-1 Lab, the company also announced Redwire and Yuri as its inaugural partners, representing some of the foremost experts in the development of microgravity payloads.

Haot added, “Microgravity experts and industry leaders like Redwire and Yuri need a consistent platform in space for conducting research and expanding cross-sector advancements with the inherent advantages of a crewed environment. We are proud to provide the foundation for that work and honored that they have entrusted us with their proven technology.”

Redwire is the global leader in microgravity research and development technologies, specializing in space biotechnology and pharmaceutical development, spanning more than three decades of human spaceflight heritage. Redwire owns nine payloads and facilities currently installed on the ISS including Redwire’s BioFabrication Facility, which successfully printed the first ever human meniscus and first live human heart tissue in space. Additionally, Redwire has developed a first-of-its-kind pharmaceutical drug development platform—Pharmaceutical In-space Laboratory – Bio-crystal Optimization Xperiments (PIL-BOX)—which has flown three flight missions to and from the ISS, demonstrating how microgravity can lead to innovations in drug development.

"Redwire is excited to be a key payload partner for Vast’s Haven-1 Lab as we continue to accelerate momentum in creating a new and dynamic economy in low Earth orbit. Haven-1 is the first private sector platform that Redwire hardware will launch with, extending the legacy of the ISS into a new era of commercial platforms,” said Mike Gold, Chief Growth Officer at Redwire.

Yuri, Vast’s second inaugural payload partner, is renowned for its pioneering efforts in leveraging microgravity to develop groundbreaking biotech products, cures, and medical solutions. This partnership with Vast will enable Yuri to expand its innovative payload opportunities to the global institutional and commercial research community. By utilizing the on-orbit version of ScienceTaxi, Yuri will unlock new scientific discoveries through its superior technical capabilities, such as advanced space microscopy. This initiative will harness the potential of LEO for commercial biotech advancements.

Co-Founder and CEO Maria Birlem emphasized the significance of this collaboration, stating, “Now is the time to showcase marked driven commercial collaboration in LEO. As a European partner, we see a tremendous opportunity to significantly increase European utilization of LEO, particularly with Haven-1, due to its simplified access to microgravity for non-US stakeholders. Haven-1 is set to be the first Post-ISS scenario, and the entire world stands to benefit.”

In addition to these inaugural partnerships, Vast is pursuing payload partnerships in a variety of cutting-edge industries, including semiconductor and advanced material manufacturing, edge computing, and machine learning.

Furthering the company’s commitment to foster increased innovation in the payload space, Vast is also offering a unique payload end-user program so that individuals and companies of any size or capacity can join forces with established payload partners to access space in a low-cost manner, conduct independent or joint experiments in microgravity environments, and tap into unlimited opportunities for collaborative growth.

If you would like to become a payload partner or payload end user, please visit


Redwire Corporation (NYSE:RDW) is a global space infrastructure and innovation company enabling civil, commercial, and national security programs. Redwire’s proven and reliable capabilities include avionics, sensors, power solutions, critical structures, mechanisms, radio frequency systems, platforms, missions, and microgravity payloads. Redwire combines decades of flight heritage and proven experience with an agile and innovative culture. Redwire’s approximately 700 employees working from 14 facilities located throughout the United States and Europe are committed to building a bold future in space for humanity, pushing the envelope of discovery and science while creating a better world on Earth. For more information, please visit


Yuri is a space biotech company providing a wide range of space life science infrastructure & payload services and uses the microgravity environment of space to develop and manufacture superior biotech products. Since 2019, Yuri develops 3D printed modular bioreactors and incubators for cell cultures, protein crystals or plants, launching them to the ISS and beyond for scientists & commercial customers around the world. With over 150 labs launched in the company history, Yuri is a key stakeholder in the microgravity life science payload market. For more information, visit


Vast is a pioneer in space habitation technologies focused on expanding humanity across the solar system. Founded in 2021, the company is building Haven-1, the world’s first private space station slated to launch no earlier than August 2025. Vast is developing their future Haven space station to serve NASA’s Commercial LEO Destinations (CLD) program. Vast’s long-term goal is to build low-cost artificial gravity crewed stations so people can live and work in space for long periods without the adverse effects of zero gravity. For more information, please visit


Redwire Corporation


The Advanced Space Experiment Processor 4 (ADSEP4), developed by Redwire Corporation, is a fully automated, multi-use single middeck locker processing facility used to conduct a variety of life and physical science research and small-batch biotechnology production in microgravity. The ADSEP4 facility can host up to four sample processing cassettes for pharmaceutical research and manufacturing. These cassettes, called Pharmaceutical In-space Laboratory – Bio-crystal Optimization Xperiments (PIL-BOXs), are launched in the SpaceX Dragon to the Haven-1 space station, where the Vast astronaut crew installs them into ADSEP4. In addition to pharmaceuticals, samples such as stem cells, bacteria, colloids, and many others also can be processed in ADSEP4.



ScienceTaxi, designed & manufactured by Yuri, is a groundbreaking life science incubator facility that will enable a wide range of experiments to be conducted in the Haven-1 Lab. The incubator features temperature control, full automation, and real-time data collection, as well as a centrifuge that allows for experiments to be conducted under different gravity conditions, including Earth, Moon, and Mars gravity. ScienceTaxi can accommodate up to 38 experiment units, known as ScienceShells, and will provide scientists with a powerful tool for studying the effects of microgravity on various biological systems. The ScienceShells are highly modular due to its 3D printing manufacturing process. Each ScienceShell can be provided with a microfluidic system and a phase contrast microscope!

Eva Behrend, Vast

VP, Communications

Tere Riley, Redwire

Director, Marketing and Communications

Felix Steiner, Yuri

Head of Business Development – New Space

Source: Vast


When is Vast's Haven-1 Lab scheduled to launch?

Vast's Haven-1 Lab is scheduled to launch no earlier than the second half of 2025.

What are the payload capabilities of the Haven-1 Lab?

The Haven-1 Lab features 10 Middeck Locker Equivalent payload slots, each with a capacity of 30 kg (66 lbs) and 100 W of continuous power.

Who are Vast's inaugural payload partners for the Haven-1 Lab?

Vast has announced Redwire (RDW) and Yuri as its inaugural payload partners for the Haven-1 Lab.

What industries can benefit from Vast's Haven-1 Lab?

The Haven-1 Lab can benefit industries such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, advanced material manufacturing, biotechnology, and scientific research.

How will payloads on Haven-1 Lab be operated and monitored?

Payloads will be operated by the astronaut crew on Haven-1 and can be commanded and monitored by ground operators via Starlink laser links.

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