Redfin Survey: 38% of People Who Already Voted Say Housing Affordability Impacted Their Presidential Pick
Redfin's recent survey reveals that 38% of early voters considered housing affordability in their presidential choice. Harris voters (43%) were more likely than Trump voters (29%) to factor housing affordability into their decision. The economy (63%), inflation (59%), and protecting democracy (56%) were the top three concerns among early voters.
Regarding mortgage rates, 32% of respondents believe rates will decrease under Trump, while 23% expect rates to fall under Harris. Conversely, 32% anticipate rates rising under Harris, compared to 28% under Trump. For local races, 40% of early voters considered housing affordability, ranking fourth after crime and safety (50%), economy (46%), and inflation (41%).
Un recente sondaggio di Redfin rivela che il 38% degli elettori anticipati ha considerato l'accessibilità abitativa nella loro scelta presidenziale. Gli elettori di Harris (43%) erano più inclini rispetto a quelli di Trump (29%) a tenere conto dell'accessibilità abitativa nella loro decisione. Le preoccupazioni principali tra gli elettori anticipati erano l'economia (63%), l'inflazione (59%) e la protezione della democrazia (56%).
Per quanto riguarda i tassi di interesse sui mutui, il 32% degli intervistati ritiene che i tassi diminuiranno sotto Trump, mentre il 23% si aspetta una caduta dei tassi sotto Harris. Al contrario, il 32% prevede un aumento dei tassi sotto Harris, rispetto al 28% sotto Trump. Per le elezioni locali, il 40% degli elettori anticipati ha considerato l'accessibilità abitativa, posizionandosi al quarto posto dopo criminalità e sicurezza (50%), economia (46%) e inflazione (41%).
Una encuesta reciente de Redfin revela que el 38% de los votantes anticipados consideraron la asequibilidad de la vivienda en su elección presidencial. Los votantes de Harris (43%) eran más propensos que los votantes de Trump (29%) a tener en cuenta la asequibilidad de la vivienda en su decisión. Las tres principales preocupaciones entre los votantes anticipados fueron la economía (63%), la inflación (59%) y la protección de la democracia (56%).
En lo que respecta a las tasas hipotecarias, el 32% de los encuestados cree que las tasas disminuirán bajo Trump, mientras que el 23% espera que caigan bajo Harris. Por el contrario, el 32% anticipa un aumento de las tasas bajo Harris, en comparación con el 28% bajo Trump. En las elecciones locales, el 40% de los votantes anticipados consideraron la asequibilidad de la vivienda, ocupando el cuarto lugar después del crimen y la seguridad (50%), la economía (46%) y la inflación (41%).
레드핀의 최근 설문 조사에 따르면, 조기 투표자의 38%가 대통령 선택에서 주택의 적정 가격을 고려했습니다. 해리스 지지자(43%)가 트럼프 지지자(29%)보다 주택의 적정 가격을 결정에 반영할 가능성이 더 높았습니다. 조기 투표자들 사이에서 경제(63%), 인플레이션(59%), 민주주의 보호(56%)가 가장 큰 우려 사항으로 나타났습니다.
주택 담보 대출 금리에 관해서는, 응답자의 32%가 트럼프 정부 하에서 금리가 하락할 것으로 예상하고, 23%가 해리스 정부 하에서 금리가 하락할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다. 반대로, 32%는 해리스 하에서 금리가 상승할 것으로 예상하는 반면, 트럼프 하에서는 28%가 그렇게 예상합니다. 지역 선거에서는, 조기 투표자의 40%가 주택의 적정 가격을 고려했으며, 범죄와 안전(50%), 경제(46%), 인플레이션(41%) 다음으로 네 번째에 해당합니다.
Une récente enquête de Redfin révèle que 38% des électeurs anticipés ont pris en compte l'accessibilité au logement dans leur choix présidentiel. Les électeurs de Harris (43%) étaient plus susceptibles que les électeurs de Trump (29%) de fixer l'accessibilité au logement dans leur décision. Les trois principales préoccupations parmi les électeurs anticipés étaient l'économie (63%), l'inflation (59%) et la protection de la démocratie (56%).
Concernant les taux d'intérêt des prêts hypothécaires, 32% des répondants estiment que les taux vont diminuer sous Trump, tandis que 23% s'attendent à une baisse des taux sous Harris. Inversement, 32% anticipent une hausse des taux sous Harris, contre 28% sous Trump. Pour les élections locales, 40% des électeurs anticipés ont pris en compte l'accessibilité au logement, se classant au quatrième rang derrière la criminalité et la sécurité (50%), l'économie (46%) et l'inflation (41%).
Eine aktuelle Umfrage von Redfin zeigt, dass 38% der Frühwähler die Erschwinglichkeit von Wohnraum bei ihrer Präsidentenwahl berücksichtigt haben. Die Wähler von Harris (43%) waren eher bereit, die Erschwinglichkeit von Wohnraum in ihre Entscheidung einfließen zu lassen als die Wähler von Trump (29%). Die drei wichtigsten Anliegen unter den Frühwählern waren die Wirtschaft (63%), die Inflation (59%) und der Schutz der Demokratie (56%).
Hinsichtlich der Hypothekenzinsen glauben 32% der Befragten, dass die Zinsen unter Trump sinken werden, während 23% erwarten, dass sie unter Harris fallen. Umgekehrt erwarten 32% einen Anstieg der Zinsen unter Harris, gegenüber 28% unter Trump. Bei den lokalen Wahlen berücksichtigten 40% der Frühwähler die Erschwinglichkeit von Wohnraum und belegten damit den vierten Platz nach Kriminalität und Sicherheit (50%), Wirtschaft (46%) und Inflation (41%).
- None.
- None.
Roughly one-third of respondents think mortgage rates will fall if Trump is elected. About one-quarter think rates will fall if Harris is elected.

(Graphic: Business Wire)
The findings in this report are from a Redfin-commissioned survey conducted by Ipsos on Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 2024. The nationally representative survey was fielded to 1,002
Kamala Harris voters were much more likely than Donald Trump voters to say housing affordability factored into their decision:
Overall, people who already voted, regardless of who they voted for, were less likely to factor housing affordability into their presidential decision than most other issues Redfin asked about. Eleven of the 14 issues listed in the survey were more likely than housing affordability to impact votes.
The leading concern for early voters was the economy (
The only issues less likely to impact early voters’ presidential pick than housing affordability were climate change (
While voters who have already cast their ballot were more likely to cite issues other than housing affordability, it’s still an important factor for many voters. It has become much more difficult to afford to buy or rent a home since the pandemic-driven moving boom, which drove up housing costs. It’s worth noting that homes in traditionally blue parts of the country are typically quite expensive, which is likely one reason Harris voters were more likely to say housing affordability impacted their vote than Trump voters.
For Local Races, About
Housing affordability ranks higher when it comes to voting for local elected officials than for president.
Two in five (
Crime and safety was the most important consideration, with
Moving on to local ballot measures,
The economy was the most important issue in regards to local ballot measures/proposals/initiatives, with nearly half (
Roughly One-Third of
Nearly one-third (
Many people are torn; one-quarter of respondents (
Mortgage rates are primarily influenced by economic conditions and the Federal Reserve, which is politically independent, though Congress and the president of
Mortgage rates rose to
To view the full report, including charts and methodology, please visit:
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Source: Redfin
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