Half of All Home Listings Have Gone Extra Stale, Unsold After 60 Days on Market

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Redfin reports that 48% of U.S. home listings in August had been on the market for at least 60 days, up from 43.2% a year ago. This marks the highest share for any August since 2019 and the fifth consecutive month of annual increases in long-standing listings. Nearly 70% of homes have been on the market for at least 30 days, up from 63.9% last year.

The typical U.S. home was listed for 37 days before going under contract in August, six days longer than a year earlier. However, market speeds vary significantly across the country. Seattle homes sold fastest at 12 days, while West Palm Beach, FL had the slowest sales at 79 days. Florida metros generally experienced slower sales due to increased housing supply and leveling off of inbound migration.

Redfin riporta che il 48% degli annunci immobiliari negli Stati Uniti ad agosto erano sul mercato da almeno 60 giorni, in aumento rispetto al 43,2% dell'anno precedente. Questo segna la quota più alta per qualsiasi agosto dal 2019 e il quinto mese consecutivo di aumenti annuali per quanto riguarda gli annunci prolungati. Quasi il 70% delle case sono state in vendita per almeno 30 giorni, rispetto al 63,9% dell'anno scorso.

La tipica casa statunitense è stata messa in vendita per 37 giorni prima di andare sotto contratto ad agosto, sei giorni in più rispetto a un anno fa. Tuttavia, i tempi di mercato variano significativamente in tutto il paese. Le case di Seattle sono state vendute più rapidamente, in 12 giorni, mentre West Palm Beach, FL ha registrato le vendite più lente, in 79 giorni. Le città della Florida hanno generalmente sperimentato vendite più lente a causa dell'aumento dell'offerta di case e dell'assestamento della migrazione in entrata.

Redfin informa que el 48% de las propiedades en EE. UU. que estaban en el mercado en agosto habían estado disponibles durante al menos 60 días, un aumento con respecto al 43.2% del año pasado. Esto representa la mayor proporción de cualquier agosto desde 2019 y el quinto mes consecutivo de aumentos anuales en listados de larga duración. Casi el 70% de las casas han estado en el mercado durante al menos 30 días, frente al 63.9% del año anterior.

La casa típica en EE. UU. estuvo en el mercado durante 37 días antes de recibir una oferta en agosto, seis días más que el año anterior. Sin embargo, la rapidez del mercado varía significativamente en todo el país. Las casas en Seattle se vendieron más rápido, en 12 días, mientras que West Palm Beach, FL tuvo las ventas más lentas, en 79 días. Las áreas metropolitanas de Florida generalmente experimentaron ventas más lentas debido al aumento en la oferta de viviendas y la estabilización de la migración interna.

Redfin에 따르면, 8월에 미국의 주택 목록의 48%가 최소 60일 이상 시장에 나와 있었으며, 이는 작년의 43.2%에서 증가한 수치입니다. 이는 2019년 이후로 8월에 가장 높은 비율이며, 기한이 긴 목록에서 5개월 연속으로 연간 증가를 기록한 것입니다. 거의 70%의 주택이 최소 30일 이상 시장에 나와 있었으며, 이는 작년의 63.9%에서 증가한 것입니다.

전형적인 미국 주택은 8월에 계약되기 전까지 평균 37일 동안 목록에 올라 있었으며, 이는 지난해보다 6일 긴 것입니다. 그러나 시장의 속도는 지역마다 크게 다릅니다. 시애틀의 주택은 12일 만에 가장 빨리 판매되었고, 웨스트 팜 비치, FL는 79일로 가장 느린 판매 속도를 보였습니다. 플로리다 지역은 주택 공급 증가와 외부 이민의 안정으로 인해 일반적으로 판매 속도가 느렸습니다.

Redfin rapporte que 48% des annonces immobilières aux États-Unis en août étaient sur le marché depuis au moins 60 jours, en hausse par rapport à 43,2% l'année précédente. Cela représente la plus grande part pour un mois d'août depuis 2019 et le cinquième mois consécutif d'augmentations annuelles des annonces à long terme. Près de 70% des maisons sont sur le marché depuis au moins 30 jours, contre 63,9% l'année dernière.

Une maison typique aux États-Unis a été mise en vente pendant 37 jours avant de conclure un contrat en août, soit six jours de plus que l'année précédente. Cependant, les vitesses du marché varient considérablement à travers le pays. Les maisons de Seattle se sont vendues le plus rapidement en 12 jours, tandis que West Palm Beach, FL a enregistré les ventes les plus lentes avec 79 jours. Les métropoles de Floride ont généralement connu des ventes plus lentes en raison de l'augmentation de l'offre de logements et de la stabilisation de l'immigration.

Redfin berichtet, dass 48 % der Immobilienangebote in den USA im August seit mindestens 60 Tagen auf dem Markt waren, ein Anstieg von 43,2 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Dies ist der höchste Anteil für einen August seit 2019 und der fünfte aufeinanderfolgende Monat mit jährlichen Zuwächsen bei langanhaltenden Angeboten. Fast 70 % der Häuser waren mindestens 30 Tage lang auf dem Markt, im Vergleich zu 63,9 % im Vorjahr.

Das typische Haus in den USA wurde im August 37 Tage lang gelistet, bevor es unter Vertrag ging, was sechs Tage länger ist als im Vorjahr. Die Markttempo variieren jedoch erheblich im ganzen Land. Seattle hatte die schnellsten Verkäufe mit 12 Tagen, während West Palm Beach, FL die langsamsten Verkäufe mit 79 Tagen hatte. Die Metropolregionen in Florida verzeichneten im Allgemeinen langsamere Verkäufe aufgrund des erhöhten Wohnungsangebots und der Stabilisierung der Zuwanderung.

  • Seattle homes sold fastest among major metros, with a median of 12 days on market
  • Recent Federal Reserve interest rate cut may boost buyer confidence
  • 48% of U.S. home listings in August remained unsold after 60 days, up from 43.2% last year
  • 68.5% of homes on the market sat for at least 30 days, highest share for any August since 2019
  • Typical U.S. home took 37 days to sell, 6 days longer than last year
  • Home sales dropped to the lowest level since the start of the pandemic
  • Florida metros experiencing significantly slower sales, with homes taking up to 79 days to sell


The housing market is showing clear signs of cooling, with 48% of U.S. listings lingering for 60+ days, up from 43.2% last year. This trend, coupled with home sales dropping to pandemic-era lows, indicates a significant shift in market dynamics.

Key factors contributing to this slowdown include:

  • Persistently high mortgage rates deterring buyers
  • Seasonal trends as we enter the slower fall market
  • Regional variations, with Florida markets particularly sluggish

The median days on market increasing to 37 nationally (up 6 days YoY) further underscores this trend. However, stark regional differences exist, with Seattle homes selling in just 12 days compared to 79 days in West Palm Beach.

For investors, this market shift presents both challenges and opportunities. The slower market may lead to price adjustments, potentially creating buying opportunities in overheated markets. However, it also signals caution for those looking to flip properties quickly or expecting rapid appreciation.

The increasing share of stale listings points to a fundamental mismatch between seller expectations and buyer capacity in the current economic climate. With 68.5% of homes sitting for at least 30 days, we're seeing a return to pre-pandemic market conditions.

This shift is likely driven by:

  • Affordability constraints due to high home prices and interest rates
  • Reduced buyer urgency as inventory grows
  • Sellers still anchored to peak pandemic prices

The regional disparities, particularly the slowdown in Florida markets, highlight the importance of local market knowledge. The extended days on market in Florida (65-79 days) suggest potential oversupply issues, possibly due to overbuilding during the pandemic migration boom.

For the broader market, this trend could lead to increased price negotiations and a more balanced market. Investors should be prepared for longer holding periods and adjust their strategies accordingly, especially in markets showing signs of oversupply.

Redfin reports 48% of all homes for sale in August had been on the market for at least 60 days, up from 43% a year ago

SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- (NASDAQ: RDFN) — Nearly half (48%) of all U.S. listings have lingered on the market for at least 60 days, the highest share for any August since 2019, according to a new report from Redfin (, the technology-powered real estate brokerage. That share was up from 43.2% a year ago and marked the fifth straight month in which the share of homes sitting for at least 60 days posted an annual increase.

The sluggish summer market continued to drag its heels in August, with home sales dropping to the lowest level since the start of the pandemic.

“We usually see home sales pick up when mortgage rates fall, but this year we are seeing the opposite—sales are dropping and homes are sitting longer on the market,” said Redfin Senior Economist Sheharyar Bokhari. “Last week’s big interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve will give buyers a boost in confidence, but it remains to be seen whether sales will speed up in any meaningful way as we move into the slower Fall season.”

Nearly 70% of homes are sitting for at least a month

Nearly seven out of every 10 homes (68.5%) on the market last month had been sitting for at least 30 days, up from 63.9% a year ago.

It was the sixth consecutive month that the share of month-old listings increased and the highest share for any August since before the pandemic in 2019.

“For a home to sell fast, or with multiple bids, it needs to be immaculately presented and have a unique design, or additional features like a pool,” said Andrew Vallejo, a Redfin Premier agent in Austin, TX. “I had a home receive multiple offers about a month ago—a rarity for us at the moment. It sold quickly and for $25,000 over list price because of how pretty it was—everything was perfectly painted, clean and manicured.”

Homes sell in less than two weeks in Seattle, compared to more than nine weeks in several Florida metros

Another way to examine the speed of the market is by looking at the median number of days it takes for homes to find a buyer.

"Anyone who has been paying attention to the housing market over the past few years knows that desirable homes sell right away. That's been true ever since the overall market slowed down after mortgage rates shot up a couple years ago,” said Redfin Chief Economist Daryl Fairweather. “Now if a home is still on the market after a few weeks, buyers assume there's something wrong with it. That's why it's so important to price your home to move quickly. Buyers see the days on market, and when it starts to tick up, it's like a scarlet letter."

The typical U.S. home was listed for 37 days before going under contract in August—six days longer than a year earlier. But the results were wildly different depending on where you were in the country.

The typical Seattle home was snatched up in 12 days in August, the quickest result of the 50 most-populous metros that Redfin analyzed, but still four days slower than a year earlier.

Indianapolis (16 days), Warren, MI (17 days), San Jose, CA (18 days) and Oakland, CA (20 days) rounded out the top five major metros where homes sold the fastest.

Major Metros With Fastest Sales


Median Days On Market (Aug 2024)

Year-Over-Year Difference

Seattle, WA


+4 days

Indianapolis, IN


+4 days

Warren, MI


+2 days

San Jose, CA


+5 days

Oakland, CA


+6 days

Detroit, MI


+3 days

Boston, MA


+1 day

St. Louis, MO


+7 days

Cleveland, OH


+4 days

Newark, NJ


-1 day

At the other end of the spectrum, homes in West Palm Beach, FL spent a median 79 days on the market before finding a buyer, 18 days longer than a year earlier. West Palm Beach was one of four major Florida metros where it took at least nine weeks to find a buyer—along with Fort Lauderdale (75 days), Jacksonville (65 days) and Miami (65 days).

Major Metros With Slowest Sales


Median Days On Market (Aug 2024)

Year-Over-Year Difference

West Palm Beach, FL


+18 days

Fort Lauderdale, FL


+23 days

Jacksonville, FL


+23 days

Austin, TX


+11 days

Miami, FL


+11 days

San Antonio, TX


+12 days

Phoenix, AZ


+14 days

Nashville, TN


+8 days

Pittsburgh, PA


+1 day

Chicago, IL


No change

One reason homes are selling slower in Florida is the spike in new homes built over the past few years to meet the demand of people moving to the state during the pandemic. Now that inbound migration has leveled off, homes are sitting longer—with rising insurance and HOA costs also putting a dent in buyer demand.

To view the full report, including charts, additional metro-level data and methodology, please visit:

About Redfin

Redfin ( is a technology-powered real estate company. We help people find a place to live with brokerage, rentals, lending, title insurance, and renovations services. We run the country's #1 real estate brokerage site. Our customers can save thousands in fees while working with a top agent. Our home-buying customers see homes first with on-demand tours, and our lending and title services help them close quickly. Customers selling a home can have our renovations crew fix it up to sell for top dollar. Our rentals business empowers millions nationwide to find apartments and houses for rent. Since launching in 2006, we've saved customers more than $1.6 billion in commissions. We serve more than 100 markets across the U.S. and Canada and employ over 4,000 people.

Redfin’s subsidiaries and affiliated brands include: Bay Equity Home Loans®, Rent.™, Apartment Guide®, Title Forward® and WalkScore®.

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Redfin Journalist Services:

Ally Forsell, 206-588-6863

Source: Redfin


What percentage of U.S. home listings in August 2024 were on the market for at least 60 days according to Redfin (RDFN)?

According to Redfin (RDFN), 48% of U.S. home listings in August 2024 had been on the market for at least 60 days.

How many days did it take for the typical U.S. home to go under contract in August 2024?

The typical U.S. home was listed for 37 days before going under contract in August 2024, which is six days longer than a year earlier.

Which major metro area had the fastest home sales in August 2024 according to Redfin (RDFN)?

According to Redfin (RDFN), Seattle had the fastest home sales among major metros in August 2024, with homes selling in a median of 12 days.

Which Florida metro had the slowest home sales in August 2024 as reported by Redfin (RDFN)?

Redfin (RDFN) reported that West Palm Beach, FL had the slowest home sales among major metros in August 2024, with homes taking a median of 79 days to sell.

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