SensiML Expands Platform Support to Include the RISC-V Architecture

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SensiML , a subsidiary of QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), has announced the integration of RISC-V processor support within its AI development tool suite. This addition offers developers increased flexibility in building intelligent, resource-constrained edge devices with AI/ML sensor data processing. The open-source nature of RISC-V aligns with SensiML's commitment to transparent and accessible solutions for the IoT market.

Developers can now use SensiML's open-source Piccolo AI AutoML tool to create ultra-efficient machine learning models tailored to specific applications using fully open-source hardware and software. This combination unlocks RISC-V's advantages in cost, customization, and scalability. According to Omdia's forecast, RISC-V processors are expected to grow from under 1% market share in 2020 to nearly 25% of global processors sold by 2030.

SensiML, una filiale di QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), ha annunciato l'integrazione del supporto per i processori RISC-V all'interno della sua suite di strumenti per lo sviluppo AI. Questa aggiunta offre agli sviluppatori maggiore flessibilità nella creazione di dispositivi edge intelligenti e a risorse limitate con elaborazione dei dati dei sensori AI/ML. La natura open-source di RISC-V si allinea con l'impegno di SensiML per soluzioni trasparenti e accessibili per il mercato IoT.

Ora gli sviluppatori possono utilizzare lo strumento AI AutoML Piccolo open-source di SensiML per creare modelli di machine learning ultra-efficienti, personalizzati per applicazioni specifiche, utilizzando hardware e software completamente open-source. Questa combinazione sblocca i vantaggi di RISC-V in termini di costo, personalizzazione e scalabilità. Secondo le previsioni di Omdia, si prevede che la quota di mercato dei processori RISC-V crescerà da meno dell'1% nel 2020 a quasi il 25% dei processori globali venduti entro il 2030.

SensiML, una subsidiaria de QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), ha anunciado la integración del soporte para procesadores RISC-V en su suite de herramientas de desarrollo de IA. Esta adición ofrece a los desarrolladores una mayor flexibilidad para construir dispositivos edge inteligentes y con recursos limitados, procesando datos de sensores AI/ML. La naturaleza de código abierto de RISC-V se alinea con el compromiso de SensiML hacia soluciones transparentes y accesibles para el mercado de IoT.

Los desarrolladores ahora pueden usar la herramienta AI AutoML Piccolo de SensiML, de código abierto, para crear modelos de aprendizaje automático ultraeficientes adaptados a aplicaciones específicas, utilizando hardware y software completamente de código abierto. Esta combinación desbloquea las ventajas de RISC-V en términos de costo, personalización y escalabilidad. Según las previsiones de Omdia, se espera que la participación de mercado de los procesadores RISC-V crezca de menos del 1% en 2020 a casi el 25% de los procesadores globales vendidos para 2030.

SensiML은 QuickLogic(NASDAQ: QUIK)의 자회사로서 AI 개발 도구 구 Suite에 RISC-V 프로세서 지원을 통합한다고 발표했습니다. 이 추가 기능은 개발자들에게 AI/ML 센서 데이터 처리를 통해 자원이 제한된 지능형 엣지 장치를 구축하는 데 큰 유연성을 제공합니다. RISC-V의 오픈소스 특성은 IoT 시장을 위한 투명하고 접근 가능한 솔루션에 대한 SensiML의 약속과 일치합니다.

개발자들은 이제 SensiML의 오픈소스 Piccolo AI AutoML 도구를 사용하여 완전히 오픈소스 하드웨어와 소프트웨어를 활용해 특정 애플리케이션에 맞춘 초효율적인 머신러닝 모델을 만들 수 있습니다. 이러한 조합은 비용, 맞춤화 및 확장성 측면에서 RISC-V의 이점을 열어줍니다. Omdia의 예측에 따르면, RISC-V 프로세서는 2020년 1% 미만의 시장 점유율에서 2030년까지 전 세계 판매 프로세서의 거의 25%로 성장할 것으로 예상됩니다.

SensiML, une filiale de QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), a annoncé l'intégration du support des processeurs RISC-V dans sa suite d'outils de développement AI. Cet ajout offre aux développeurs une flexibilité accrue pour construire des appareils edge intelligents, limités en ressources, avec un traitement des données des capteurs AI/ML. La nature open-source de RISC-V s'aligne sur l'engagement de SensiML en faveur de solutions transparentes et accessibles pour le marché de l'IoT.

Les développeurs peuvent désormais utiliser l'outil open-source Piccolo AI AutoML de SensiML pour créer des modèles d'apprentissage automatique ultra-efficaces adaptés à des applications spécifiques, en utilisant du matériel et des logiciels entièrement open-source. Cette combinaison débloque les avantages de RISC-V en termes de coûts, de personnalisation et de scalabilité. Selon les prévisions d'Omdia, la part de marché des processeurs RISC-V devrait passer de moins de 1 % en 2020 à près de 25 % des processeurs mondiaux vendus d'ici 2030.

SensiML, eine Tochtergesellschaft von QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), hat die Integration von RISC-V-Prozessorunterstützung in ihr KI-Entwicklungstool-Paket angekündigt. Diese Ergänzung bietet Entwicklern mehr Flexibilität beim Bau intelligenter, ressourcensparender Edge-Geräte mit AI/ML-Sensordatenverarbeitung. Die Open-Source-Natur von RISC-V steht im Einklang mit SensiMLs Engagement für transparente und zugängliche Lösungen für den IoT-Markt.

Entwickler können nun SensiMLs Open-Source-Piccolo AI AutoML-Tool verwenden, um ultra-effiziente Maschinenlernmodelle zu erstellen, die auf spezifische Anwendungen zugeschnitten sind und vollständig auf Open-Source-Hardware und -Software basieren. Diese Kombination erschließt die Vorteile von RISC-V in Bezug auf Kosten, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Skalierbarkeit. Laut Omdias Prognose wird der Marktanteil von RISC-V-Prozessoren von unter 1 % im Jahr 2020 bis 2030 auf fast 25 % der weltweit verkauften Prozessoren steigen.

  • Integration of RISC-V processor support expands hardware choices for IoT developers
  • Alignment with open-source architecture enhances flexibility and customization options
  • Potential for cost-effective solutions in IoT edge devices
  • RISC-V processors expected to grow to 25% market share by 2030, indicating future relevance
  • None.


The integration of RISC-V support into SensiML's AI development tools is a significant move that could reshape the IoT edge AI landscape. This expansion allows developers to leverage the open-source RISC-V architecture alongside SensiML's Piccolo AI AutoML tool, potentially accelerating innovation in resource-constrained edge devices.

The synergy between RISC-V's open hardware and SensiML's open-source software tools creates a fully transparent ecosystem for edge AI development. This could lead to more cost-effective, customizable and scalable solutions in the IoT market. The projected growth of RISC-V processors to 25% market share by 2030 suggests this move aligns well with industry trends.

However, the immediate impact on QuickLogic's financials may be While this expansion enhances SensiML's competitive position, it will likely take time to translate into significant revenue growth. Investors should monitor adoption rates and any partnerships or design wins resulting from this expanded support.

  • Increasing Flexibility with Open Hardware and AI Tools for IoT Edge AI Development

PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SensiML™ Corporation, a leader in AI software for IoT and a subsidiary of QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), today announced the integration of RISC-V® processor support* within its comprehensive AI development tool suite. This addition offers developers unmatched flexibility in building intelligent, resource-constrained edge devices with AI/ML sensor data processing.

The open-source nature of the RISC-V architecture aligns with SensiML's commitment to transparent, accessible, and customizable solutions for the IoT market. With RISC-V support, developers can now use SensiML's open-source Piccolo AI™ AutoML tool to create ultra-efficient machine learning models tailored to specific applications using fully open-source hardware and software.

Expanding Hardware Choices for IoT Innovators

RISC-V's open-source processor design and SensiML's open-source Piccolo AI toolchain empower developers to design and deploy edge AI solutions with complete control over their product architecture. This combination also unlocks RISC-V's unique advantages in cost, customization, and scalability. According to a recent market forecast from Omdia, RISC-V processors are poised for significant growth, ramping from just under 1% market share in 2020 to nearly 25% of global processors sold by 2030.

"By supporting RISC-V, we're giving our customers more choice and flexibility in implementing AI on IoT edge devices," said Chris Rogers, CEO of SensiML. "As the only fully open-source AutoML development tool for edge AI, Piccolo AI allows developers to harness the full potential of RISC-V and other architectures to build high-performance, resource-efficient solutions for their specific needs."

Open-Source Synergy for Edge AI Development

RISC-V's open architecture and collaborative hardware innovation align well with SensiML's vision for open collaboration in AI software tools for IoT edge devices. RISC-V provides a cost-effective foundation for processor cores, while SensiML's Piccolo AI offers a transparent AutoML workflow for developing machine learning models at the edge. Together, they create a powerful, end-to-end platform for unique and optimized IoT products.

With RISC-V support, SensiML takes another step toward democratizing AI for IoT developers. The RISC-V instruction set architecture (ISA) is freely available to anyone seeking to use, implement, or modify it, and supports customization for applications that demand highly optimized SoCs as often required in remote edge sensing devices. This addition offers unprecedented flexibility and transparency, allowing developers to build IoT products on their terms.

About SensiML
SensiML, a subsidiary of QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), offers cutting-edge software that enables ultra-low-power IoT endpoints to implement AI and transform raw sensor data into meaningful insights directly on the device. The company's flagship solution, the SensiML Analytics Toolkit, provides an end-to-end development platform spanning data collection, labeling, algorithm and firmware auto-generation, and testing. The SensiML Toolkit supports a growing list of hardware, including RISC-V, 8/16/32-bit MCUs, Arm® Cortex®-M class and higher microcontroller cores, Intel® x86 processors, and heterogeneous core AI/ML optimized SoCs. For more information, visit

*RISC-V is a trademark of RISC-V International. This press release references the open-source RISC-V architecture solely to inform about SensiML's tool compatibility with the architecture, and does not reflect an endorsement by RISC-V of SensiML's tools or products.

SensiML and logo are trademarks of SensiML. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders and should be treated as such.


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What new processor architecture has SensiML added support for in its AI development tools?

SensiML has added support for the RISC-V processor architecture in its AI development tool suite.

How does the addition of RISC-V support benefit developers using SensiML's tools?

The addition of RISC-V support offers developers more flexibility in building intelligent, resource-constrained edge devices with AI/ML sensor data processing, allowing for cost-effective, customizable, and scalable solutions.

What is the projected market growth for RISC-V processors according to Omdia's forecast?

According to Omdia's forecast, RISC-V processors are expected to grow from under 1% market share in 2020 to nearly 25% of global processors sold by 2030.

How does SensiML's Piccolo AI tool work with RISC-V architecture?

SensiML's open-source Piccolo AI AutoML tool allows developers to create ultra-efficient machine learning models tailored to specific applications using fully open-source hardware and software, including RISC-V architecture.

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