SensiML and Efabless Partner to Drive Open-Source Edge AI Innovation

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SensiML, a subsidiary of QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), has partnered with Efabless to revolutionize IoT development. This collaboration aims to simplify and accelerate the creation of optimized, application-specific AI at the edge using fully open-source hardware and software. The partnership addresses two key challenges:

1. Sourcing low-cost, power-efficient silicon tailored for specific IoT edge products
2. Implementing accurate sensor AI inference models for resource-constrained devices

The joint solution combines Efabless's custom SoC development platform with SensiML's AutoML software, enabling developers to create sophisticated edge AI solutions more efficiently. The partnership leverages open-source technologies, including RISC-V processor cores and SensiML's Piccolo AI™ AutoML toolchain. A live demo showcasing a power-optimized keyword recognition system will be presented at Embedded World USA in Austin, TX.

SensiML, una filiale di QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), ha stretto una partnership con Efabless per rivoluzionare lo sviluppo dell'IoT. Questa collaborazione mira a semplificare e accelerare la creazione di AI ottimizzate e specifiche per applicazioni, ai margini, utilizzando hardware e software completamente open source. L'accordo affronta due sfide chiave:

1. Procurare silicio a basso costo e ad alta efficienza energetica, studiato per specifici prodotti IoT edge
2. Implementare modelli di inferenza AI basati su sensori accurati per dispositivi a risorse limitate

La soluzione congiunta combina la piattaforma di sviluppo SoC personalizzata di Efabless con il software AutoML di SensiML, consentendo agli sviluppatori di creare soluzioni AI edge sofisticate in modo più efficiente. La partnership sfrutta tecnologie open source, tra cui i core di processore RISC-V e la toolchain AutoML Piccolo AI™ di SensiML. Una dimostrazione dal vivo che presenta un sistema di riconoscimento di parole chiave ottimizzato per il consumo energetico sarà presentata a Embedded World USA ad Austin, TX.

SensiML, una subsidiaria de QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), se ha asociado con Efabless para revolucionar el desarrollo de IoT. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo simplificar y acelerar la creación de IA optimizada y específica para aplicaciones en el borde, utilizando hardware y software completamente de código abierto. La asociación aborda dos desafíos clave:

1. Suministrar silicio de bajo costo y eficiente en energía, adaptado a productos específicos de IoT en el borde
2. Implementar modelos de inferencia de IA de sensores precisos para dispositivos con recursos limitados

La solución conjunta combina la plataforma de desarrollo de SoC personalizada de Efabless con el software AutoML de SensiML, permitiendo a los desarrolladores crear soluciones de IA en el borde de manera más eficiente. La asociación aprovecha tecnologías de código abierto, incluidos los núcleos de procesador RISC-V y la herramienta de AutoML Piccolo AI™ de SensiML. Una demostración en vivo que muestra un sistema de reconocimiento de palabras clave optimizado para el consumo energético se presentará en Embedded World USA en Austin, TX.

SensiML은 QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK)의 자회사로, Efabless와 협력하여 IoT 개발을 혁신하고 있습니다. 이 협력은 완전히 오픈 소스 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어를 사용하여 엣지에서 애플리케이션에 최적화된 AI의 생성을 단순화하고 가속화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 파트너십은 두 가지 주요 도전 과제를 해결합니다:

1. 특정 IoT 엣지 제품에 맞춤화된 저비용의 에너지 효율적인 실리콘 소싱
2. 자원이 제한된 장치를 위한 정확한 센서 AI 추론 모델 구현

공동 솔루션은 Efabless의 맞춤형 SoC 개발 플랫폼과 SensiML의 AutoML 소프트웨어를 결합하여 개발자들이 더욱 효율적으로 정교한 엣지 AI 솔루션을 만들 수 있도록 합니다. 이 파트너십은 RISC-V 프로세서 코어 및 SensiML의 Piccolo AI™ AutoML 툴체인과 같은 오픈 소스 기술을 활용하고 있습니다. 에너지 최적화된 키워드 인식 시스템을 선보이는 라이브 데모가 Embedded World USA에서 텍사스 오스틴에서 진행될 예정입니다.

SensiML, une filiale de QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), s'est associée à Efabless pour révolutionner le développement de l'IoT. Cette collaboration vise à simplifier et accélérer la création d'IA optimisées et spécifiques à des applications à la périphérie, en utilisant un matériel et un logiciel entièrement open source. Ce partenariat aborde deux défis clés :

1. L'approvisionnement en silicium à faible coût et économe en énergie, adapté à des produits IoT spécifiques pour le edge
2. La mise en œuvre de modèles d'inférence AI de capteurs précis pour des dispositifs à ressources limitées

La solution conjointe combine la plateforme de développement SoC personnalisée d'Efabless avec le logiciel AutoML de SensiML, permettant aux développeurs de créer des solutions d'IA edge sophistiquées plus efficacement. Le partenariat exploite des technologies open source, y compris les cœurs de processeur RISC-V et la chaîne d'outils AutoML Piccolo AI™ de SensiML. Une démonstration en direct présentant un système de reconnaissance de mots-clés optimisé pour la consommation d'énergie sera présentée à Embedded World USA à Austin, TX.

SensiML, eine Tochtergesellschaft von QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), hat sich mit Efabless zusammengetan, um die Entwicklung des IoT zu revolutionieren. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Erstellung von optimierter, anwendungsspezifischer KI am Edge mithilfe von vollständig Open-Source-Hardware und -Software zu vereinfachen und zu beschleunigen. Die Partnerschaft adressiert zwei zentrale Herausforderungen:

1. Beschaffung von kostengünstigem, energieeffizientem Silizium, das auf spezifische IoT-Edge-Produkte abgestimmt ist
2. Implementierung genauer Sensor-AI-Inferenzmodelle für ressourcenbeschränkte Geräte

Die gemeinsame Lösung kombiniert die benutzerdefinierte SoC-Entwicklungsplattform von Efabless mit der AutoML-Software von SensiML, wodurch Entwickler effizienter komplexe Edge-AI-Lösungen erstellen können. Die Partnerschaft nutzt Open-Source-Technologien, einschließlich RISC-V-Prozessoren und SensiMLs Piccolo AI™-AutoML-Toolchain. Eine Live-Demo zur Präsentation eines energieoptimierten Sprachenerkennungssystems wird auf der Embedded World USA in Austin, TX, vorgestellt.

  • Partnership aims to reduce complexity and cost of designing both hardware and AI models for edge IoT applications
  • Enables development of custom hardware solutions up to 10x more energy-efficient than off-the-shelf alternatives
  • Provides a seamless hardware-software development workflow built on open-source technologies
  • Allows engineers to develop AI workload and custom SoC in unison, optimizing intelligent IoT devices
  • None.


This partnership between SensiML and Efabless is a significant development in the IoT and edge AI space. It addresses two major challenges: custom silicon design and efficient AI model implementation for resource-constrained devices. By combining Efabless's chipIgnite program for custom SoC development with SensiML's AutoML software, they're enabling a new class of IoT innovators to create highly optimized, application-specific AI solutions at the edge.

The potential impact is substantial:

  • Reduced barriers to entry for custom silicon design
  • Improved energy efficiency (up to 10x better than off-the-shelf alternatives)
  • Faster time-to-market for IoT products
  • Enhanced capabilities for edge devices with tailored hardware and AI

For QuickLogic (QUIK), this partnership could drive increased adoption of SensiML's tools and potentially lead to new revenue streams from custom silicon designs. However, the open-source nature of the solution may limit immediate financial gains.

This partnership positions QuickLogic and its subsidiary SensiML at the forefront of a growing trend in IoT and edge AI development. The global edge AI market is projected to reach $38.9 billion by 2027, with a CAGR of 18.8%. By lowering barriers to entry for custom silicon and AI implementation, this collaboration could accelerate market growth and capture a significant share.

Key market implications:

  • Expansion of the addressable market for edge AI solutions
  • Potential disruption of traditional semiconductor supply chains
  • Increased competition for established chip designers and AI platform providers
  • Acceleration of IoT innovation across various industries

While the immediate financial impact on QuickLogic may be , this move strengthens its long-term positioning in the rapidly evolving edge AI ecosystem. Investors should monitor adoption rates and any resulting shifts in QuickLogic's revenue model.

  • Empowering IoT innovators to build custom smart sensing SoCs at negligible upfront cost
  • Utilizes fully open-source hardware and software to optimize edge AI applications

PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SensiML™ Corporation, a leader in AI software for IoT and a subsidiary of QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), today announced a strategic partnership with Efabless, a pioneer in custom semiconductor SoC development. This collaboration addresses a key challenge in IoT development: the high cost and complexity of building optimized, application-specific AI at the edge. Together, SensiML and Efabless aim to simplify and accelerate this process by delivering fully open-source, customizable solutions designed to unlock the potential of intelligent IoT devices.

With a shared vision for transparency and open-source innovation, SensiML and Efabless are addressing two of the most complex challenges in IoT development:

  • Sourcing silicon optimized to suit the unique requirements of a particular IoT edge product at low cost and power while providing the right mix of on-board peripherals and processing to meet the specific use case
  • Implementing responsive and accurate sensor AI inference models capable of running entirely within these resource-constrained edge devices

This partnership makes developing advanced AI-driven solutions accessible by reducing the complexity and cost of designing both hardware and AI models for edge IoT applications.

"We're excited to be collaborating with Efabless to offer a comprehensive development pathway for intelligent edge devices," said Chris Rogers, CEO of SensiML. "By combining our strengths, our combined open-source solution will allow engineers to develop their AI workload and custom SoC in unison, empowering them to innovate and optimize intelligent IoT devices well beyond what is possible with stock hardware and general-purpose AI frameworks."

Complementary Expertise for Next-Gen IoT Solutions

Efabless's pioneering approach to custom SoC development enables companies that once found designing silicon too expensive or complex to build application-specific hardware in mere months through the chipIgnite program. Meanwhile, SensiML's AutoML software provides embedded developers with the tools to rapidly build efficient AI models, even without extensive data science expertise. Together, the partnership opens doors to sophisticated edge AI solutions that were previously out of reach for many developers.

"Our partnership with SensiML brings the power of custom silicon within reach for developers working on cutting-edge machine learning applications," said Mohamed Kassem, CTO of Efabless. "By combining Efabless' accessible chip design platform with SensiML's advanced AI tools, innovators can develop custom hardware solutions up to 10x more energy-efficient than off-the-shelf alternatives."

A Comprehensive, Open-Source Workflow for Edge AI Development

This partnership enables a seamless hardware-software development workflow built fully on open-source technologies suitable for sensor data analytics at the IoT edge. Developers can leverage Efabless's open-source RISC-V processor core, a variety of open-source IP hardware libraries (I/O, memory, communications, and DSP/ML accelerators), and SensiML's open-source Piccolo AI™ AutoML toolchain to transform raw sensor data into highly efficient, on-device inference models.

Live Demo at Embedded World USA

Attendees at Embedded World USA in Austin, TX this week can see this collaboration in action. SensiML and Efabless will showcase a live demo of a power-optimized keyword recognition system, which highlights the efficiency of SensiML's voice recognition models running on Efabless custom silicon.

For more information about the SensiML and Efabless partnership, visit Efabless at booth 2535 at Embedded World USA or inquire further at

About Efabless
Efabless offers a platform applying open source and community models to enable a global community of chip experts and non-experts to collaboratively design, share, prototype and commercialize special purpose chips. Over the past three years, 1,400 designs and six hundred tapeouts have been executed on Efabless. The company's customers include startups, Fortune 500 companies, universities, and research institutions around the world. For more information, please visit

About SensiML
SensiML, a subsidiary of QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), offers cutting-edge software that enables ultra-low power IoT endpoints that implement AI to transform raw sensor data into meaningful insight at the device itself. The company's flagship solution, the SensiML Analytics Toolkit, provides an end-to-end development platform spanning data collection, labeling, algorithm and firmware auto-generation, and testing. The SensiML Toolkit supports a growing list of hardware including 8/16/32-bit MCUs from Microchip®, Arm® Cortex®-M class and higher microcontroller cores, Intel® x86 instruction set processors, and heterogeneous core AI/ML optimized SoCs. For more information, visit

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What is the purpose of the partnership between SensiML and Efabless for QUIK stock?

The partnership aims to simplify and accelerate the development of optimized, application-specific AI at the edge for IoT devices, potentially driving innovation and growth for QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK), SensiML's parent company.

How does the SensiML and Efabless partnership benefit IoT developers?

It enables developers to create custom silicon and efficient AI models for edge devices more easily and cost-effectively, using open-source hardware and software solutions.

What will SensiML and Efabless showcase at Embedded World USA in October 2024?

They will demonstrate a live power-optimized keyword recognition system, highlighting the efficiency of SensiML's voice recognition models running on Efabless custom silicon.

How does the SensiML and Efabless solution improve energy efficiency for IoT devices?

The partnership enables the development of custom hardware solutions that can be up to 10 times more energy-efficient than off-the-shelf alternatives, according to Efabless CTO Mohamed Kassem.

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