QuickLogic Delivers eFPGA IP Targeting TSMC N12e™ Process in Record Time

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QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK) has successfully delivered embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP for TSMC's N12e 12nm process to a large multi-national customer in record time—within three months from finalizing specifications to IP completion. This achievement follows a contract secured in March 2024. The IP is designed for a new ultra-low-power SoC targeting commercial and industrial IoT markets, enabling fast adaptation to evolving AI algorithms while offering significant power and throughput advantages over traditional software solutions.

QuickLogic's CEO, Brian Faith, emphasized the company's commitment to accelerating development schedules, attributing their success to decades of experience and their proprietary Australis IP Generator. The delivered IP is now available for further customization, allowing QuickLogic to meet diverse customer requirements across various industries and adapt to specific needs in a short timeframe.

QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK) ha consegnato con successo un IP FPGA embedded (eFPGA) per il processo N12e 12nm di TSMC a un grande cliente multinazionale in tempi record—entro tre mesi dalla finalizzazione delle specifiche alla conclusione dell’IP. Questo traguardo segue un contratto assicurato a marzo 2024. L'IP è progettato per un nuovo SoC ultra-basso consumo destinato ai mercati IoT commerciali e industriali, consentendo un rapido adattamento agli algoritmi AI in evoluzione, offrendo al contempo vantaggi significativi in termini di potenza e throughput rispetto alle tradizionali soluzioni software.

Il CEO di QuickLogic, Brian Faith, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nell'accelerare i programmi di sviluppo, attribuendo il loro successo a decenni di esperienza e al loro generatore di IP proprietario Australis IP Generator. L'IP consegnato è ora disponibile per ulteriori personalizzazioni, consentendo a QuickLogic di soddisfare diverse esigenze dei clienti in vari settori e di adattarsi a bisogni specifici in un breve lasso di tempo.

QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK) ha entregado con éxito un IP FPGA embebido (eFPGA) para el proceso N12e de 12 nm de TSMC a un gran cliente multinacional en un tiempo récord—dentro de los tres meses desde la finalización de las especificaciones hasta la finalización del IP. Este logro sigue a un contrato asegurado en marzo de 2024. El IP está diseñado para un nuevo SoC de ultra-bajo consumo dirigido a los mercados IoT comerciales e industriales, lo que permite una rápida adaptación a los algoritmos de inteligencia artificial en evolución, al tiempo que ofrece ventajas significativas en consumo de energía y rendimiento en comparación con las soluciones de software tradicionales.

El CEO de QuickLogic, Brian Faith, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa de acelerar los plazos de desarrollo, atribuyendo su éxito a décadas de experiencia y a su generador de IP propietario Australis IP Generator. El IP entregado ahora está disponible para personalización adicional, lo que permite a QuickLogic satisfacer diversas demandas de los clientes en varias industrias y adaptarse a necesidades específicas en un corto período de tiempo.

QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK)는 TSMC의 N12e 12nm 공정에 대한 내장형 FPGA(eFPGA) IP를 대규모 다국적 고객에게 기록적인 시간 내에 성공적으로 제공했습니다. 이는 사양을 최종 확정한 뒤 IP 완성까지 단 3개월 만에 이루어진 일입니다. 이 성과는 2024년 3월에 체결된 계약에 따른 것입니다. 이 IP는 상업 및 산업 IoT 시장을 목표로 하는 새로운 초저전력 SoC를 위해 설계되었으며, 기존의 소프트웨어 솔루션에 비해 상당한 전력 및 처리 성능 이점을 제공하면서 진화하는 AI 알고리즘에 빠르게 적응할 수 있게 합니다.

QuickLogic의 CEO인 브라이언 페이스(Brian Faith)는 개발 일정을 가속화하겠다는 회사의 의지를 강조하며, 이들의 성공이 수십 년의 경험과 독점적인 Australis IP Generator 덕분이라고 언급했습니다. 전달된 IP는 이제 추가적인 맞춤 설정이 가능하여, QuickLogic이 다양한 산업에서 고객의 다양한 요구 사항을 충족하고 특정 요구에 신속하게 적응할 수 있게 합니다.

QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK) a réussi à livrer un IP FPGA embarqué (eFPGA) pour le processus N12e 12 nm de TSMC à un grand client multinational dans un temps record - en trois mois depuis la finalisation des spécifications jusqu'à l'achèvement de l'IP. Ce succès fait suite à un contrat obtenu en mars 2024. L'IP est conçu pour un nouveau SoC ultra-basse consommation visant les marchés IoT commercial et industriel, permettant une adaptation rapide aux algorithmes d'IA en évolution et offrant d'importants avantages en matière de puissance et de débit par rapport aux solutions logicielles traditionnelles.

Le PDG de QuickLogic, Brian Faith, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à accélérer les calendriers de développement, attribuant leur succès à des décennies d'expérience et à leur générateur d'IP propriétaire Australis IP Generator. L'IP livré est maintenant disponible pour une personnalisation supplémentaire, permettant à QuickLogic de répondre à des besoins divers de clients dans différentes industries et de s'adapter à des exigences spécifiques dans des délais courts.

QuickLogic (NASDAQ: QUIK) hat erfolgreich ein Embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP für den N12e 12nm Prozess von TSMC an einen großen multinationalen Kunden in Rekordzeit geliefert—innerhalb von drei Monaten vom Abschluss der Spezifikationen bis zur IP-Vollendung. Dieser Erfolg folgt einem im März 2024 gesicherten Vertrag. Das IP ist für ein neues ultra-niedrigstverbrauchendes SoC, das auf kommerzielle und industrielle IoT-Märkte abzielt, konzipiert und ermöglicht eine schnelle Anpassung an sich entwickelnde KI-Algorithmen und bietet gleichzeitig erhebliche Vorteile in Bezug auf Energieverbrauch und Durchsatz im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Softwarelösungen.

QuickLogics CEO, Brian Faith, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens zur Beschleunigung von Entwicklungszeitplänen und schrieb ihren Erfolg jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung sowie ihrem proprietären Australis IP Generator zu. Das gelieferte IP ist jetzt für weitere Anpassungen verfügbar, wodurch QuickLogic in der Lage ist, verschiedene Kundenanforderungen in verschiedenen Branchen zu erfüllen und sich in kurzer Zeit an spezifische Bedürfnisse anzupassen.

  • Delivered eFPGA IP for TSMC's N12e 12nm process in record time (3 months)
  • Secured contract with a large multi-national customer
  • IP designed for ultra-low-power SoC targeting commercial and industrial IoT markets
  • Enables fast adaptation to evolving AI algorithms
  • Offers significant power and throughput advantages over traditional software solutions
  • Demonstrates ability to meet demanding timelines
  • IP available for further customization to meet diverse customer requirements
  • None.


QuickLogic's rapid delivery of eFPGA IP for TSMC's N12e process is a significant achievement in the semiconductor industry. The three-month turnaround from specification to completion demonstrates exceptional efficiency, potentially giving QuickLogic a competitive edge in the eFPGA market. This speed-to-market capability could attract more customers, especially those with tight development schedules.

The focus on ultra-low-power SoCs for IoT applications aligns well with current market trends. The ability to adapt to evolving AI algorithms while maintaining power efficiency is important for edge computing devices. This could position QuickLogic favorably in the growing IoT and edge AI markets.

However, investors should note that while this achievement is impressive, its impact on QuickLogic's financials remains to be seen. The company's ability to convert this technical success into revenue growth and market share expansion will be key factors to watch in the coming quarters.

QuickLogic's success in delivering eFPGA IP for TSMC's N12e process could have positive implications for the company's market position. The semiconductor IP market is projected to grow significantly, with eFPGA technology playing an increasingly important role in flexible chip design.

The company's ability to customize IP rapidly could be a key differentiator in attracting large multinational clients, potentially leading to more high-value contracts. This agility in IP development might also allow QuickLogic to tap into emerging markets and applications more quickly than competitors.

However, investors should consider that QuickLogic is a small-cap company ($109.6 million market cap) in a highly competitive field. While this achievement is promising, it's important to monitor whether it translates into sustained revenue growth and improved market share. The company's future success will depend on its ability to consistently deliver innovative solutions and expand its customer base in the IoT and AI markets.

SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- QuickLogic Corporation (NASDAQ: QUIK), a leading developer of embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP and User Tools, ruggedized FPGAs, and Endpoint AI/ML solutions, today announced the successful delivery of eFPGA IP for TSMC's N12e 12nm process to a large multi-national customer, achieving delivery in record time—within three months from finalizing specifications to IP completion. This follows the announcement in March of this year, when QuickLogic secured the contract and began working closely with the customer to define the bespoke eFPGA IP that meets their specific requirements.

This swift execution highlights QuickLogic's ability to meet demanding timelines and provides confidence in its capacity to deliver tailored eFPGA IP solutions across various applications. The IP delivered for this contract is designed for a new ultra-low-power SoC targeting commercial and industrial IoT markets. With QuickLogic's eFPGA technology, the solution enables fast adaptation to evolving AI algorithms while delivering significant power and throughput advantages over traditional software solutions.

"Our commitment to accelerating development schedules is evident in this latest achievement," said Brian Faith, QuickLogic CEO. "The combination of our decades of experience and our proprietary Australis IP Generator allows us to deliver custom IP solutions rapidly, targeting any foundry or fabrication node."

The delivered IP is now available for further customization, ensuring that QuickLogic can meet a broad spectrum of customer requirements in various industries, with the flexibility to adapt to specific needs in a short timeframe.

About QuickLogic

QuickLogic Corporation (NASDAQ: QUIK) is a fabless semiconductor company that develops innovative embedded FPGA (eFPGA) IP, discrete FPGAs, and FPGA SoCs for a variety of industrial, aerospace and defense, edge and endpoint AI, consumer, and computing applications. Our wholly-owned subsidiary, SensiML Corporation, completes the end-to-end solution portfolio with AI / ML software that accelerates AI at the edge/endpoint. For more information, visit

QuickLogic and logo are registered trademarks of QuickLogic. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders and should be treated as such.


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What is the significance of QuickLogic's eFPGA IP delivery for TSMC's N12e process?

QuickLogic's delivery of eFPGA IP for TSMC's N12e 12nm process in record time (3 months) demonstrates their ability to meet demanding timelines and provide tailored eFPGA IP solutions for various applications, including ultra-low-power SoCs for IoT markets.

How does QuickLogic's eFPGA technology benefit the new SoC for IoT markets?

QuickLogic's eFPGA technology enables fast adaptation to evolving AI algorithms while delivering significant power and throughput advantages over traditional software solutions, making it ideal for commercial and industrial IoT applications.

What tool does QuickLogic use to generate custom IP solutions quickly?

QuickLogic uses its proprietary Australis IP Generator, combined with decades of experience, to rapidly deliver custom IP solutions targeting any foundry or fabrication node.

When did QuickLogic (QUIK) secure the contract for this eFPGA IP delivery?

QuickLogic secured the contract in March 2024, as mentioned in the press release.

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