Quanterix Presents Data Demonstrating Successful Multi-Marker Approach for Alzheimer’s Disease Detection that is More Effective than Standalone Plasma p-Tau 217

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Quanterix (NASDAQ: QTRX) presented new data at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) demonstrating a novel multi-marker approach for Alzheimer's disease (AD) detection. This approach significantly reduces the intermediate zone of a two-cutoff p-Tau 217 test while maintaining high accuracy above 90%. The multi-marker method combines p-Tau 217 with other AD-associated plasma biomarkers, including amyloid β 42, amyloid β 40, GFAP, and NfL, in an algorithm that provides a single risk score.

Key findings include:

  • Reduced intermediate zone from 31.2% to 10.5% compared to p-Tau 217 alone
  • Accurate amyloid classifications for 151 of 228 previously uncertain results
  • Potential to provide diagnostic certainty for more patients

Quanterix plans to launch a multi-marker laboratory developed test later this year through its LucentAD product line.

Quanterix (NASDAQ: QTRX) ha presentato nuovi dati alla Conferenza Internazionale dell'Associazione Alzheimer (AAIC), dimostrando un approccio multi-marcatore innovativo per la rilevazione della malattia di Alzheimer (AD). Questo approccio riduce significativamente la zona intermedia di un test a due limiti p-Tau 217 mantenendo un'accuratezza elevata superiore al 90%. Il metodo multi-marcatore combina p-Tau 217 con altri biomarcatori plasmatici associati all'AD, tra cui amiloide β 42, amiloide β 40, GFAP e NfL, in un algoritmo che fornisce un singolo punteggio di rischio.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Riduzione della zona intermedia dal 31,2% al 10,5% rispetto al solo p-Tau 217
  • Classificazioni di amiloide accurate per 151 dei 228 risultati precedentemente incerti
  • Potenziale per fornire certezza diagnostica per più pazienti

Quanterix prevede di lanciare un test multi-marcatore sviluppato in laboratorio entro la fine dell'anno attraverso la sua linea di prodotti LucentAD.

Quanterix (NASDAQ: QTRX) presentó nuevos datos en la Conferencia Internacional de la Asociación de Alzheimer (AAIC) que demuestran un enfoque de múltiples marcadores para la detección de la enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA). Este enfoque reduce significativamente la zona intermedia de una prueba p-Tau 217 de dos cortes, manteniendo una alta precisión superior al 90%. El método de múltiples marcadores combina p-Tau 217 con otros biomarcadores plasmáticos asociados a la EA, incluyendo amiloide β 42, amiloide β 40, GFAP y NfL, en un algoritmo que proporciona una única puntuación de riesgo.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Reducción de la zona intermedia del 31.2% al 10.5% en comparación con p-Tau 217 solo
  • Clasificaciones de amiloide precisas para 151 de 228 resultados anteriormente inciertos
  • Potencial para proporcionar certeza diagnóstica para más pacientes

Quanterix planea lanzar una prueba de laboratorio de múltiples marcadores más adelante este año a través de su línea de productos LucentAD.

Quanterix (NASDAQ: QTRX)는 알츠하이머 협회 국제 회의(AAIC)에서 알츠하이머 병(AD) 탐지를 위한 다중 마커 접근법에 대한 새로운 데이터를 발표했습니다. 이 접근법은 높은 정확도 90% 이상을 유지하면서 p-Tau 217 테스트의 중간 영역을 유의미하게 줄입니다. 다중 마커 방법은 p-Tau 217을 아밀로이드 β 42, 아밀로이드 β 40, GFAP 및 NfL을 포함한 AD 관련 혈장 바이오마커와 조합하여 단일 위험 점수를 제공하는 알고리즘을 만듭니다.

주요 발견사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • p-Tau 217 단독 테스트에 비해 중간 영역이 31.2%에서 10.5%로 감소
  • 228개의 이전 불확실한 결과 중 151개의 아밀로이드 정확한 분류
  • 더 많은 환자에게 진단 확실성을 제공할 수 있는 잠재력

Quanterix는 올해 말에 LucentAD 제품 라인을 통해 다중 마커 실험실 개발 테스트를 출시할 계획입니다.

Quanterix (NASDAQ: QTRX) a présenté de nouvelles données lors de la Conférence Internationale de l'Association Alzheimer (AAIC) montrant une approche multi-marqueurs novatrice pour la détection de la maladie d'Alzheimer (AD). Cette approche réduit considérablement la zone intermédiaire d'un test p-Tau 217 à deux seuils tout en maintenant une haute précision supérieure à 90%. La méthode multi-marqueurs combine p-Tau 217 avec d'autres biomarqueurs plasmatiques associés à l'AD, y compris l'amyloïde β 42, l'amyloïde β 40, GFAP et NfL, dans un algorithme qui fournit un score de risque unique.

Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • Réduction de la zone intermédiaire de 31,2% à 10,5% par rapport au p-Tau 217 seul
  • Classifications d'amyloïde précises pour 151 des 228 résultats auparavant incertains
  • Potentiel à offrir une certitude diagnostique à un plus grand nombre de patients

Quanterix prévoit de lancer un test multi-marqueurs développé en laboratoire plus tard cette année à travers sa ligne de produits LucentAD.

Quanterix (NASDAQ: QTRX) hat auf der Internationalen Alzheimer-Konferenz (AAIC) neue Daten präsentiert, die einen Multi-Marker-Ansatz zur Erkennung von Alzheimer-Krankheit (AD) demonstrieren. Dieser Ansatz reduziert signifikant die Zwischenzone eines Zwei-Schnittpunkten p-Tau 217 Tests und hält eine hohe Genauigkeit von über 90% aufrecht. Die Multi-Marker-Methode kombiniert p-Tau 217 mit anderen AD-assoziierten Plasma-Biomarkern, einschließlich Amyloid β 42, Amyloid β 40, GFAP und NfL, in einem Algorithmus, der einen einzelnen Risikoscore bereitstellt.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse umfassen:

  • Reduzierung der Zwischenzone von 31,2% auf 10,5% im Vergleich zu p-Tau 217 allein
  • Genauige Amyloid-Klassifikationen für 151 von 228 zuvor unklaren Ergebnissen
  • Potenzial, diagnostische Sicherheit für mehr Patienten zu bieten

Quanterix plant, noch in diesem Jahr einen im Labor entwickelten Multi-Marker-Test über seine Produktlinie LucentAD einzuführen.

  • New multi-marker approach reduces uncertain results in Alzheimer's disease detection
  • Maintains high accuracy above 90% while reducing intermediate zone 3-fold
  • Potential to provide diagnostic certainty for more patients undergoing AD evaluation
  • Plans to launch multi-marker laboratory developed test later this year
  • None.

Quanterix's presentation at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) marks a significant advancement in Alzheimer's disease (AD) detection. The company's novel multi-marker approach, combining p-Tau 217 with other AD-relevant biomarkers, addresses a critical challenge in AD diagnostics: reducing inconclusive results while maintaining high accuracy.

Key findings include:

  • The multi-marker approach reduced the intermediate zone (inconclusive results) from 31.2% to 10.5%, a 3-fold improvement.
  • This method provided accurate amyloid classifications for 151 out of 228 previously uncertain results.
  • The overall accuracy remained above 90%.

This development is particularly noteworthy as it aligns with recent Alzheimer's Association criteria for plasma p-Tau 217 tests. By reducing inconclusive results, this approach could significantly improve the efficiency of AD diagnostics, potentially leading to earlier and more accurate diagnoses.

The implications of this research extend beyond just improving diagnostic accuracy. It paves the way for more personalized treatment approaches, especially considering that approximately 30% of Alzheimer's patients have non-AD pathologies. This multi-marker strategy could be instrumental in differentiating between AD and other neurodegenerative diseases, important for tailoring appropriate treatments.

Quanterix's plan to launch a multi-marker laboratory developed test later this year through its LucentAD product line signifies a rapid translation of research into clinical practice. This move could potentially accelerate the adoption of blood-based testing for AD in clinical settings, offering a less invasive and more accessible diagnostic tool compared to current methods.

Quanterix's (NASDAQ: QTRX) announcement of its multi-marker approach for Alzheimer's disease detection represents a potentially significant market opportunity. The Alzheimer's diagnostics market is projected to grow substantially in the coming years, driven by an aging population and increasing focus on early detection and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.

Key financial implications include:

  • Potential for increased market share: By offering a more accurate and comprehensive testing solution, Quanterix could capture a larger portion of the AD diagnostics market.
  • Revenue growth prospects: The planned launch of a multi-marker laboratory developed test later this year could drive near-term revenue growth for the company's LucentAD product line.
  • Competitive advantage: This innovative approach could differentiate Quanterix from competitors, potentially leading to premium pricing and higher profit margins.
  • Research and development (R&D) investment: The company's continued investment in further studies suggests ongoing R&D expenses, which could impact short-term profitability but potentially lead to long-term gains.

Investors should note that while this development is promising, the translation of scientific advancements into commercial success is not guaranteed. Factors such as regulatory approval, reimbursement policies and market adoption will play important roles in determining the financial impact of this innovation.

Furthermore, the broader context of Quanterix's financial health, including its cash position, burn rate and overall product pipeline, should be considered when evaluating the company's investment potential. The success of this multi-marker approach could potentially catalyze partnerships or collaborations with pharmaceutical companies developing AD treatments, opening up additional revenue streams.

Quanterix's multi-marker approach for Alzheimer's disease (AD) detection showcases the power of advanced biomarker detection technologies in revolutionizing medical diagnostics. The company's Simoa technology, which underpins this breakthrough, demonstrates the critical role of ultrasensitive detection methods in pushing the boundaries of what's possible in blood-based testing.

Key technological aspects to consider:

  • Sensitivity: The digital p-Tau 217 assay, powered by Simoa technology, has shown remarkable sensitivity, providing readable results for all samples tested in over 2,000 cases.
  • Multi-marker integration: The ability to combine multiple biomarkers (p-Tau 217, amyloid β 42, amyloid β 40, GFAP and NfL) into a single algorithm showcases advanced data integration and analysis capabilities.
  • Scalability: The potential to expand this approach to other neurodegenerative diseases suggests a scalable technological platform.

The development of this multi-marker approach represents a convergence of several cutting-edge technologies, including ultrasensitive biomarker detection, advanced algorithms for data interpretation and possibly machine learning techniques for optimizing the multi-marker algorithm.

From a broader perspective, this advancement aligns with the trend towards precision medicine, where diagnostic tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated and tailored to individual patient profiles. It also highlights the growing importance of blood-based biomarker testing in neurology, potentially reducing the need for more invasive or expensive diagnostic procedures.

As Quanterix moves towards commercializing this technology, key considerations will include the scalability of their production processes, quality control measures for ensuring consistent results across different laboratory settings and the potential for integrating this technology with other diagnostic tools and electronic health record systems.

Quanterix improves on its best-in-class p-Tau 217 standalone test with new multi-marker approach reducing the number of patients receiving uncertain results

BILLERICA, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Quanterix Corporation (NASDAQ: QTRX), a company fueling scientific discovery through ultrasensitive biomarker detection, today presented new data at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC), supporting a novel multi-marker approach to test for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). For the first time, new data show that applying a combination of AD-relevant biomarkers with p-Tau 217 significantly reduces the intermediate zone of a two-cutoff p-Tau 217 test, while preserving high accuracy above 90%.

Recent Alzheimer’s Association criteria for diagnosing Alzheimer’s recommends that plasma p-Tau 217 tests be designed with two cutoffs to confidently differentiate between patients with or without AD pathology. This two-cutoff approach maximizes the accuracy of a p-Tau 217 test but leaves a zone of intermediate risk between the two cutoffs representing inconclusive borderline amyloid status. It is desirable to reduce this intermediate region while preserving a test’s accuracy to reduce the number of patients receiving inconclusive results.

Quanterix investigated whether interrogating intermediate samples with a panel of additional Alzheimer’s-associated plasma biomarkers, including combinations of amyloid β 42, amyloid β 40, GFAP, and NfL, together with p-Tau 217 in an algorithm that provides a single risk score, would improve the amyloid classification of uncertain results compared to a stand-alone p-Tau 217 test. The research found that this multi-marker approach enabled accurate amyloid classifications for 151 of 228 previously uncertain results across a large, high-diversity cohort of symptomatic individuals, reducing the intermediate zone 3-fold from 31.2% to 10.5% compared to p-Tau 217 alone. This finding highlights a potential key benefit of a multi-marker approach to blood-based Alzheimer’s testing, which is to provide diagnostic certainty for a significantly greater number of patients undergoing evaluation for AD.

“Quanterix’s Simoa technology is an exceptionally sensitive platform, which when combined with our digital p-Tau 217 assay, has provided a result for all samples tested,” said Masoud Toloue, CEO of Quanterix. “In over 2,000 samples tested, our LucentAD p-Tau 217 assay has yet to encounter a single result that is unreadable and combines this sensitivity with an overall accuracy above 90%. With these novel multi-marker results, we are leveraging the best of our p-Tau 217 test along with other AD-relevant biomarkers. We believe that a multi-marker approach is the next phase in the evolution of blood-based testing, not only for identifying and staging Alzheimer’s pathology, but also for informing important differential treatment pathways that include non-Alzheimer’s neurodegenerative diseases. The latter is an important consideration given approximately 30% of Alzheimer’s patients have pathologies other than AD.”

Quanterix is currently investing in further studies to evaluate multi-marker testing and expects to launch a multi-marker laboratory developed test later this year through its LucentAD product line. LucentAD consists of a menu of laboratory developed tests run under CLIA and focused on applications supporting Alzheimer’s diagnosis and treatment.

This work is being presented in a virtual poster entitled, “Multi-Marker Approach to Reducing the Intermediate Range of a High Accuracy 2-Cutoff Plasma p-Tau 217 Test for Amyloid Detection,” poster 95706, throughout AAIC. Quanterix will be at AAIC (7/28 – 8/1) at booth #730. Interested parties can schedule time to meet with Quanterix team members onsite using the event website: (

To learn more about Lucent Diagnostics, visit:

For more information about Quanterix’s work in neurology, visit:

About Quanterix
From discovery to diagnostics, Quanterix’s ultrasensitive biomarker detection is fueling breakthroughs only made possible through its unparalleled sensitivity and flexibility. The Company’s Simoa® technology has delivered the gold standard for earlier biomarker detection in blood, serum or plasma, with the ability to quantify proteins that are far lower than the Limit of Quantification (LoQ) of conventional analog methods. Its industry-leading precision instruments, digital immunoassay technology and CLIA-certified Accelerator laboratory have supported research that advances disease understanding and management in neurology, oncology, immunology, cardiology and infectious disease. Quanterix has been a trusted partner of the scientific community for nearly two decades, powering research published in more than 2,900 peer-reviewed journals. Find additional information about the Billerica, Massachusetts-based company at or follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.


PAN Communications

Maya Nimnicht

(510) 334-6273

Investor Relations:

Francis Pruell, Quanterix

(508) 789-1725

Source: Quanterix Corporation


What is Quanterix's new approach for Alzheimer's disease detection?

Quanterix has developed a multi-marker approach that combines p-Tau 217 with other Alzheimer's-associated plasma biomarkers (amyloid β 42, amyloid β 40, GFAP, and NfL) in an algorithm to provide a single risk score for Alzheimer's disease detection.

How does the multi-marker approach improve Alzheimer's detection compared to p-Tau 217 alone?

The multi-marker approach reduces the intermediate zone of uncertain results from 31.2% to 10.5% compared to p-Tau 217 alone, while maintaining high accuracy above 90%. It provided accurate amyloid classifications for 151 of 228 previously uncertain results.

When does Quanterix (QTRX) plan to launch its multi-marker test for Alzheimer's?

Quanterix plans to launch a multi-marker laboratory developed test later this year through its LucentAD product line.

What is the potential benefit of Quanterix's multi-marker approach for Alzheimer's testing?

The multi-marker approach has the potential to provide diagnostic certainty for a significantly greater number of patients undergoing evaluation for Alzheimer's disease, reducing the number of inconclusive results.

Quanterix Corporation


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