Turning Plastic Into Progress: World Cleanup Day With QVC & Plastic Bank

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QVC has announced a partnership with Plastic Bank to support the collection and recycling of plastic from the environment. The initiative aims to gather 50 tons of plastic year-round and recycle it into Social Plastic® recycled feedstock for consumer goods products and packaging. This effort is part of Qurate Retail Group's commitment to ending poverty and stopping plastic pollution.

The partnership will help reduce reliance on virgin plastics and decrease greenhouse gas emissions associated with manufacturing. By turning plastic into currency, the initiative empowers the collection and exchange of discarded plastic. QVC believes that collaboration with Plastic Bank and other partners can create a more sustainable future for everyone.

QVC ha annunciato una partnership con Plastic Bank per sostenere la raccolta e il riciclaggio della plastica dall'ambiente. L'iniziativa mira a raccogliere 50 tonnellate di plastica tutto l'anno e riciclarla in Social Plastic® come materia prima riciclata per prodotti di consumo e imballaggi. Questo sforzo fa parte l'impegno di Qurate Retail Group per porre fine alla povertà e fermare l'inquinamento da plastica.

La partnership contribuirà a ridurre la dipendenza dalla plastica vergine e a diminuire le emissioni di gas serra associate alla produzione. Trasformando la plastica in moneta, l'iniziativa promuove la raccolta e lo scambio di plastica scartata. QVC crede che la collaborazione con Plastic Bank e altri partner possa creare un futuro più sostenibile per tutti.

QVC ha anunciado una asociación con Plastic Bank para apoyar la recolección y el reciclaje de plástico del medio ambiente. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo recoger 50 toneladas de plástico durante todo el año y reciclarlo en Social Plastic® como materia prima reciclada para productos de consumo y envases. Este esfuerzo forma parte del compromiso de Qurate Retail Group para poner fin a la pobreza y detener la contaminación por plástico.

La asociación ayudará a reducir la dependencia de plásticos vírgenes y a disminuir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero asociadas con la fabricación. Al convertir el plástico en moneda, la iniciativa permite la recolección e intercambio de plástico desechado. QVC cree que la colaboración con Plastic Bank y otros socios puede crear un futuro más sostenible para todos.

QVC는 Plastic Bank와 파트너십을 체결하여 환경에서 플라스틱 수거 및 재활용을 지원한다고 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 연중 50톤의 플라스틱을 수거하는 것을 목표로 하며, 이를 소비재 및 포장용 Social Plastic® 재활용 원료로 재활용할 예정입니다. 이 노력은 Qurate Retail Group의 약속의 일환으로, 빈곤을 끝내고 플라스틱 오염을 막기 위한 것입니다.

이 파트너십은 virgin 플라스틱 의존도를 줄이고 제조와 관련된 온실가스 배출을 감소시키는 데 도움을 줄 것입니다. 플라스틱을 화폐로 전환함으로써, 이 이니셔티브는 버려진 플라스틱의 수거와 교환을 촉진합니다. QVC는 Plastic Bank 및 기타 파트너들과의 협력이 모두를 위한 보다 지속 가능한 미래를 만들 수 있다고 믿고 있습니다.

QVC a annoncé un partenariat avec Plastic Bank pour soutenir la collecte et le recyclage du plastique de l'environnement. L'initiative vise à rassembler 50 tonnes de plastique tout au long de l'année et à le recycler en matière première recyclée Social Plastic® pour des produits de consommation et des emballages. Cet effort fait partie de l'engagement de Qurate Retail Group pour mettre fin à la pauvreté et lutter contre la pollution plastique.

Ce partenariat aidera à réduire la dépendance aux plastiques vierges et à diminuer les émissions de gaz à effet de serre associées à la fabrication. En transformant le plastique en monnaie, l'initiative favorise la collecte et l'échange de plastique jeté. QVC croit que la collaboration avec Plastic Bank et d'autres partenaires peut créer un avenir plus durable pour tous.

QVC hat eine Partnerschaft mit Plastic Bank angekündigt, um die Sammlung und das Recycling von Plastik aus der Umwelt zu unterstützen. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, 50 Tonnen Plastik ganzjährig zu sammeln und in Social Plastic® recycelte Rohstoffe für Konsumgüter und Verpackungen umzuwandeln. Dieser Aufwand ist Teil des Engagements der Qurate Retail Group, Armut zu beenden und Plastikverschmutzung zu stoppen.

Die Partnerschaft wird dazu beitragen, die Abhängigkeit von neuem Plastik zu verringern und die mit der Herstellung verbundenen Treibhausgasemissionen zu senken. Durch die Umwandlung von Plastik in Währung wird die Sammlung und der Austausch von weggeworfenem Plastik gefördert. QVC ist der Ansicht, dass eine Zusammenarbeit mit Plastic Bank und anderen Partnern eine nachhaltigere Zukunft für alle schaffen kann.

  • Partnership with Plastic Bank to collect and recycle 50 tons of plastic annually
  • Potential reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from manufacturing
  • Initiative may help reduce reliance on virgin plastics
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 4, 2024 / QVC is thrilled to announce our exciting partnership with Plastic Bank to support the collection and recycling of plastic from the environment!

At Qurate Retail Group, we're committed to making a positive impact on the world by ending poverty and stopping plastic pollution. Through this partnership with Plastic Bank, we aim to gather 50 tons of plastic year-round and recycle it into Social Plastic® recycled feedstock that is reprocessed and reintegrated into products and packaging for consumer goods. This will help reduce the reliance on virgin plastics and greatly decrease greenhouse gas emissions associated with manufacturing.

By turning plastic into currency, we're empowering the collection and exchange of discarded plastic. We believe that by working together with Plastic Bank and other partners, we can create a brighter and more sustainable future for everyone.

Learn more about Plastic Bank here:

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Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Qurate Retail Group

SOURCE: Qurate Retail Group

View the original press release on


What is the goal of QVC's partnership with Plastic Bank for QRTEA stock?

The partnership aims to collect and recycle 50 tons of plastic annually, turning it into Social Plastic® recycled feedstock for consumer goods products and packaging, potentially reducing reliance on virgin plastics and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

How does the QVC and Plastic Bank partnership impact QRTEA's sustainability efforts?

The partnership aligns with Qurate Retail Group's commitment to ending poverty and stopping plastic pollution, demonstrating the company's focus on environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

What is Social Plastic® and how does it relate to QRTEA's initiative?

Social Plastic® is recycled feedstock created from collected plastic waste. QRTEA's initiative with Plastic Bank aims to recycle collected plastic into this feedstock, which can be reprocessed and reintegrated into products and packaging for consumer goods.

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