Quhuo's Homestay Sector Announces Strategic Upgrade: Launches New Booking Platform and Six Functional Room Types

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Quhuo (NASDAQ: QH) has announced a strategic upgrade for its homestay division, Chengtu Home. The company has launched a new booking platform and introduced six functional room types to enhance its service offerings. Key highlights include:

1. The booking platform will be rolled out in three phases, starting with 2,000 proprietary homestays across 51 Chinese cities.
2. Six specialized room types: Chengnuan Care Room, Chengyu E-sports Room, Chengxiao Business Travel Room, Chengle Family Room, Chengyi Cinema Room, and Chengyue Elegant Retreat Room.
3. Each room type is designed to meet specific user needs, from medical support to gaming and family-friendly accommodations.
4. The upgrade marks Chengtu's transition from a homestay management service provider to a creator of specialized homestay products.

This strategic move aims to offer users a broader range of high-quality accommodation choices and solidify Chengtu's position as a market leader in the homestay industry.

Quhuo (NASDAQ: QH) ha annunciato un aggiornamento strategico per la sua divisione di homestay, Chengtu Home. L'azienda ha lanciato una nuova piattaforma di prenotazione e introdotto sei tipologie di camere funzionali per migliorare le sue offerte di servizi. Punti salienti includono:

1. La piattaforma di prenotazione sarà lanciata in tre fasi, partendo da 2.000 homestay proprietari in 51 città cinesi.
2. Sei tipologie di camere specializzate: Camera Chengnuan Care, Camera Chengyu E-sports, Camera Chengxiao Business Travel, Camera Chengle Family, Camera Chengyi Cinema e Camera Chengyue Elegant Retreat.
3. Ogni tipo di camera è progettato per soddisfare esigenze specifiche degli utenti, dal supporto medico a sistemazioni per famiglie e giochi.
4. L'aggiornamento segna la transizione di Chengtu da fornitore di servizi di gestione homestay a creatore di prodotti homestay specializzati.

Questa mossa strategica mira a offrire agli utenti una gamma più ampia di scelte di alloggio di alta qualità e a consolidare la posizione di Chengtu come leader di mercato nell'industria degli homestay.

Quhuo (NASDAQ: QH) ha anunciado una actualización estratégica para su división de homestay, Chengtu Home. La empresa ha lanzado una nueva plataforma de reservas e introducido seis tipos de habitaciones funcionales para mejorar su oferta de servicios. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

1. La plataforma de reservas se implementará en tres fases, comenzando con 2,000 homestays propios en 51 ciudades chinas.
2. Seis tipos de habitaciones especializadas: Habitación Chengnuan Care, Habitación Chengyu E-sports, Habitación Chengxiao Business Travel, Habitación Chengle Family, Habitación Chengyi Cinema y Habitación Chengyue Elegant Retreat.
3. Cada tipo de habitación está diseñado para satisfacer necesidades específicas de los usuarios, desde soporte médico hasta alojamiento familiar y de juegos.
4. La actualización marca la transición de Chengtu de proveedor de servicios de gestión de homestay a creador de productos de homestay especializados.

Este movimiento estratégico tiene como objetivo ofrecer a los usuarios una gama más amplia de opciones de alojamiento de alta calidad y consolidar la posición de Chengtu como líder del mercado en la industria de homestays.

Quhuo (NASDAQ: QH)가 자사 홈스테이 부서인 청두 홈에 대한 전략적 업그레이드를 발표했습니다. 회사는 새로운 예약 플랫폼을 출시하고 서비스 제공을 강화하기 위해 여섯 가지 유형의 기능성 방을 도입했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 예약 플랫폼은 3단계로 출시될 예정이며, 51개 중국 도시에서 2,000개의 고유한 홈스테이로 시작합니다.
2. 여섯 가지 전문 방 유형: 청누안 케어룸, 청위 E스포츠룸, 청샤오 비즈니스 여행룸, 청러 가족룸, 청이 영화관룸, 청위 엘리건트 리트리트룸.
3. 각 방 유형은 의료 지원부터 게임, 가족 친화적인 숙소까지 특정 사용자 요구에 맞추어 설계되었습니다.
4. 이번 업그레이드는 청두가 홈스테이 관리 서비스 제공업체에서 전문 홈스테이 제품 창작자로 전환하는 계기가 됩니다.

이 전략적 움직임은 사용자에게 고품질 숙소 선택지를 더 넓게 제공하고 청두가 홈스테이 산업의 시장 선두주자로서의 입지를 확고히 할 것을 목표로 합니다.

Quhuo (NASDAQ: QH) a annoncé une mise à niveau stratégique pour sa division de homestay, Chengtu Home. L'entreprise a lancé une nouvelle plateforme de réservation et introduit six types de chambres fonctionnelles pour améliorer son offre de services. Les points clés comprennent :

1. La plateforme de réservation sera déployée en trois phases, à partir de 2 000 homestays propriétaires dans 51 villes chinoises.
2. Six types de chambres spécialisées : Chambre Chengnuan Care, Chambre Chengyu E-sports, Chambre Chengxiao Business Travel, Chambre Chengle Family, Chambre Chengyi Cinema et Chambre Chengyue Elegant Retreat.
3. Chaque type de chambre est conçu pour répondre à des besoins spécifiques des utilisateurs, allant du soutien médical à des hébergements adaptés aux familles et aux jeux.
4. Cette mise à niveau marque la transition de Chengtu d'un fournisseur de services de gestion de homestay à un créateur de produits de homestay spécialisés.

Ce mouvement stratégique vise à offrir aux utilisateurs un plus large éventail de choix d'hébergement de haute qualité et à affirmer la position de Chengtu en tant que leader du marché dans l'industrie du homestay.

Quhuo (NASDAQ: QH) hat ein strategisches Upgrade für seine Homestay-Abteilung, Chengtu Home, angekündigt. Das Unternehmen hat eine neue Buchungsplattform gestartet und sechs funktionale Zimmertypen eingeführt, um sein Serviceangebot zu verbessern. Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:

1. Die Buchungsplattform wird in drei Phasen eingeführt, beginnend mit 2.000 eigenen Homestays in 51 chinesischen Städten.
2. Sechs spezialisierte Zimmertypen: Chengnuan Care Room, Chengyu E-sports Room, Chengxiao Business Travel Room, Chengle Family Room, Chengyi Cinema Room und Chengyue Elegant Retreat Room.
3. Jeder Zimmertyp ist darauf ausgelegt, spezifische Benutzerbedürfnisse zu erfüllen, von medizinischer Unterstützung bis hin zu Unterkünften für Familien und Spiele.
4. Das Upgrade markiert den Übergang von Chengtu von einem Anbieter von Homestay-Verwaltungsdienstleistungen zu einem Schöpfer von spezialisierten Homestay-Produkten.

Diese strategische Maßnahme zielt darauf ab, den Benutzern eine breitere Palette hochwertiger Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten anzubieten und die Position von Chengtu als Marktführer in der Homestay-Branche zu festigen.

  • Launch of a new booking platform with 2,000 proprietary homestays across 51 Chinese cities
  • Introduction of six specialized functional room types to meet diverse customer needs
  • Transition from homestay management service provider to creator of specialized homestay products
  • Increased autonomy and potential for more efficient management and optimized profits
  • Expansion of product line and enhanced competitive edge in the homestay market
  • None.

BEIJING, Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Quhuo Limited (NASDAQ: QH) ("Quhuo" or the "Company"), a leading gig economy platform focusing on local life services in China, has announced the launch of a new booking platform with six functional room types through its homestay division, Chengtu Home ("Chengtu"). This development is designed to offer users a broader range of high-quality accommodation choices, representing a significant advancement in Chengtu's service capabilities.

In September 2024, Chengtu launched its booking platform following successful internal testing. This milestone marks the brand's progress in independent operations and private user management. Since its inception, Chengtu has focused on building a comprehensive homestay platform, refining its supply chain while promoting industry standards. With this new platform, Chengtu seeks to empower partners, grow customer resources, and deliver more value to both hosts and guests.

Chengtu's booking platform will roll out in three phases, gradually expanding its reach. The first phase is complete, with 2,000 proprietary homestays across 51 cities in China. Next, the platform will focus on improving private user operations and creating a membership system for hosts and guests. Eventually, Chengtu plans to open the platform to more domestic homestay operators, offering full operational support. This phased approach will help Chengtu boost efficiency and drive the homestay industry towards greater standardization and scalability.

Chengtu has introduced six functional room types to meet the diverse needs of its users: the Chengnuan Care Room, Chengyu E-sports Room, Chengxiao Business Travel Room, Chengle Family Room, Chengyi Cinema Room, and Chengyue Elegant Retreat Room. These names combine the brand's identity and functionality ("Cheng" means orange in Chinese, symbolizing warmth and vitality). Each room type showcases its unique features and target audience while capturing the essence of the brand.

Chengtu's room types stand out from the market with their specialized, customized design. For example, the Care Room, located near hospitals and equipped with medical support features, provides a warm and supportive environment for families needing care. The E-sports Room, equipped with high-performance gear and themed decor, creates an immersive space for gamers. The Business Travel Room provides high-speed internet and a dedicated workspace to boost productivity for business travelers. The Family Room features child-friendly entertainment and enhanced safety measures, ensuring peace of mind for families on vacation. The Cinema Room offers theater-quality projection for a private viewing experience, while the Elegant Retreat Room offers premium bedding and a serene environment for the ultimate comfort and relaxation.

The first batch of functional rooms was successfully piloted in Tianjin and will be gradually rolled out nationwide. This launch expands Chengtu's product line and underscores its competitive edge in the homestay market. With deep insights into customer needs, Chengtu has enhanced personalized service, delivering a more tailored and refined experience for its guests.

With the launch of its new platform and products, Chengtu is steadily transitioning from a homestay management service provider to a creator of specialized homestay products. This strategic upgrade gives Chengtu greater autonomy, enabling more efficient management and optimizing profits. From the consumer's perspective, Chengtu's ability to directly offer its own products increases service variety, meets diverse needs, and elevates the overall user experience. Looking ahead, Chengtu will continue innovating, refining its services, and diversifying its products to advance the homestay industry toward greater standardization, personalization, and variety, further solidifying its position as a market leader.

Tong Ji, the General Manager of Chengtu, said: "The launch of our new booking platform and six functional room types is not just a service upgrade but also represents a proactive exploration of the future direction of the homestay industry. We will keep driving the industry's healthy growth through innovation and enhanced services, offering users a better, more refined experience."

Leslie Yu, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Quhuo, highlighted: "This business upgrade reflects Chengtu's focus on putting people and family first. Through continuous innovation and optimization, Chengtu will unlock new opportunities in China's homestay market and guide the industry toward greater standardization and distinction."

About Quhuo Limited

Quhuo Limited (NASDAQ: QH) ("Quhuo" or the "Company") is a leading gig economy platform focusing on local life services in China. Leveraging Quhuo+, its proprietary technology infrastructure, Quhuo is dedicated to empowering and linking workers and local life service providers and providing end-to-end operation solutions for the life service market. The Company currently provides multiple industry-tailored operational solutions, primarily including on-demand delivery solutions, mobility service solutions, housekeeping and accommodation solutions, and other services, meeting the living needs of hundreds of millions of families in the communities.

With the vision of promoting employment, stabilizing income and empowering entrepreneurship, Quhuo explores multiple scenarios to promote employment of workers, provides, among others, safety and security and vocational training to protect workers, and helps workers plan their career development paths to realize their self-worth.

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This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical or current fact included in this press release are forward-looking statements, including but not limited to statements regarding Quhuo's business development, financial outlook, beliefs and expectations. Forward-looking statements include statements containing words such as "expect," "anticipate," "believe," "project," "will"and similar expressions intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on Quhuo's current expectations and involve risks and uncertainties. Quhuo's actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of these risks and uncertainties, which include, without limitation, risks and uncertainties related to Quhuo's abilities to (1) manage its growth and expand its operations, (2) address any or all of the risks and challenges in the future in light of its limited operating history and evolving business portfolios, (3) remain in its competitive position in the on-demand food delivery market or further diversify its solution offerings and customer portfolio, (4) maintain relationships with major customers and to find replacement customers on commercially desirable terms or in a timely manner or at all, (5) maintain relationships with existing industry customers or attract new customers, (6) attract, retain and manage workers on its platform, and (7) maintain its market shares in relation to competitors in existing markets and its success in expansion into new markets, as well as the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on Quhuo's business and industry. Other risks and uncertainties are included under the caption "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including, without limitation, the final prospectus related to the IPO filed with the SEC on July 10, 2020 and the Company's latest annual report on Form 20-F. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and Quhuo undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof.

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SOURCE Quhuo Limited


What new features has Quhuo (QH) introduced for its homestay division?

Quhuo (QH) has introduced a new booking platform and six functional room types for its homestay division, Chengtu Home. The booking platform will be rolled out in three phases, starting with 2,000 proprietary homestays across 51 Chinese cities.

What are the six functional room types launched by Quhuo's Chengtu Home?

The six functional room types launched by Chengtu Home are: Chengnuan Care Room, Chengyu E-sports Room, Chengxiao Business Travel Room, Chengle Family Room, Chengyi Cinema Room, and Chengyue Elegant Retreat Room. Each type is designed to meet specific user needs.

How does the new booking platform benefit Quhuo (QH)?

The new booking platform marks Chengtu's progress in independent operations and private user management. It allows Quhuo to empower partners, grow customer resources, and deliver more value to both hosts and guests, potentially leading to improved efficiency and profitability.

When did Quhuo (QH) launch its new homestay booking platform?

According to the press release, Quhuo (QH) launched its new homestay booking platform through Chengtu Home in September 2024, following successful internal testing.

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