Pyxis Tankers Announces Date for the Release of the Fourth Quarter & Year Ended 2024 Results
Pyxis Tankers (NASDAQ: PXS), a maritime transportation company specializing in refined petroleum products and dry bulk commodities, has scheduled the release of its unaudited financial results for Q4 and full-year 2024. The results will be published after the New York market closes on Thursday, March 13.
The company will make available a presentation of the Q4 and year-end 2024 financial results on its website in the Investor Relations section under Presentations.
Pyxis Tankers (NASDAQ: PXS), una compagnia di trasporti marittimi specializzata in prodotti petroliferi raffinati e merci secche, ha programmato la pubblicazione dei suoi risultati finanziari non verificati per il quarto trimestre e l'anno intero 2024. I risultati saranno resi noti dopo la chiusura del mercato di New York il giovedì 13 marzo.
La compagnia renderà disponibile una presentazione dei risultati finanziari del quarto trimestre e di fine anno 2024 sul suo sito web nella sezione Relazioni con gli Investitori sotto Presentazioni.
Pyxis Tankers (NASDAQ: PXS), una empresa de transporte marítimo especializada en productos petroleros refinados y mercancías a granel seco, ha programado la publicación de sus resultados financieros no auditados para el cuarto trimestre y el año completo 2024. Los resultados se publicarán después del cierre del mercado de Nueva York el jueves 13 de marzo.
La empresa pondrá a disposición una presentación de los resultados financieros del cuarto trimestre y del año 2024 en su sitio web en la sección de Relaciones con Inversores bajo Presentaciones.
Pyxis Tankers (NASDAQ: PXS), 정제된 석유 제품 및 건화물 상품을 전문으로 하는 해상 운송 회사가 2024년 4분기 및 연간 감사되지 않은 재무 결과 발표 일정을 잡았습니다. 결과는 3월 13일 목요일 뉴욕 시장이 마감된 후 발표될 예정입니다.
회사는 웹사이트의 투자자 관계 섹션의 프레젠테이션 아래에서 4분기 및 연말 2024 재무 결과 발표 자료를 제공할 것입니다.
Pyxis Tankers (NASDAQ: PXS), une entreprise de transport maritime spécialisée dans les produits pétroliers raffinés et les marchandises sèches, a prévu la publication de ses résultats financiers non audités pour le quatrième trimestre et l'année complète 2024. Les résultats seront publiés après la clôture du marché de New York le jeudi 13 mars.
L'entreprise mettra à disposition une présentation des résultats financiers du quatrième trimestre et de l'année 2024 sur son site Web dans la section Relations Investisseurs sous Présentations.
Pyxis Tankers (NASDAQ: PXS), ein maritimes Transportunternehmen, das sich auf raffinierte Erdölprodukte und trockene Massengüter spezialisiert hat, hat die Veröffentlichung seiner unauditierten finanziellen Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das Gesamtjahr 2024 geplant. Die Ergebnisse werden nach Börsenschluss in New York am Donnerstag, den 13. März veröffentlicht.
Das Unternehmen wird eine Präsentation der finanziellen Ergebnisse des vierten Quartals und des Jahres 2024 auf seiner Website im Bereich Investor Relations unter Präsentationen zur Verfügung stellen.
- None.
- None.
Maroussi, Greece, March 11, 2025 – Pyxis Tankers Inc. (NASDAQ Cap Mkts: PXS), an international shipping company with a focus on the seaborne transportation of refined petroleum products and dry bulk commodities, today announced the following:
We will issue our unaudited results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2024, after the market closes in New York on Thursday, March 13.
A presentation of the fourth quarter and year-end 2024 financial results will be available on the Pyxis Tanker’s website, under the Presentations section of its Investor Relations page.
About Pyxis Tankers Inc.
The Company currently owns a modern fleet of six mid-sized eco-vessels, which are engaged in the seaborne transportation of a broad range of refined petroleum products and dry bulk commodities and consists of three MR product tankers, one Kamsarmax bulk carrier and controlling interests in two dry bulk joint ventures of a sister-ship Kamsarmax and an Ultramax. The Company is positioned to opportunistically expand and maximize its fleet of eco-efficient vessels due to significant capital resources, competitive cost structure, strong customer relationships and an experienced management team whose interests are aligned with those of its shareholders.
Pyxis Tankers Inc.
59 K. Karamanli Street
Maroussi, 15125 Greece
Visit our website at
Company Contact
Henry Williams
Chief Financial Officer
Tel: +30 (210) 638 0200 / +1 (516) 455-0106
Source: Pyxis Tankers Inc.